
Writing and editing this book could not have been possible without a lot of comments, critique, contributions, and support from the cloud security research and practitioner communities. We would also like to thank Ben Rearick, Chris Katsaropoulos, and the Elsevier/Syngress editorial team for making sure that the publication stays in shape and on time.

We are indebted to Aloysius Cheang for penning the foreword in this book, and the book chapter authors and expert reviewers for selflessly contributing their wealth of experience and expertise that surpasses what a single author can offer.

We would like to thank our colleagues for their support and encouragement, and many of whose research results appear in this book.

 University of Waikato: Professor Geoff Holmes, Associate Professor Stephen Joe, Professor Ian Witten and Bill Rogers at the Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences in the University of Waikato, and Mark Will, Baden Delamore and Alan Tan at the Cyber Security Researchers of Waikato (CROW);

 University of South Australia: Professor Andy Koronios, Dr Ben Martini, Nurul Hidayah Ab Rahman, Quang Do, Nina Juliadotter, and Chaz Vidal; and

 Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Asia Pacific Region: staff and volunteer leadership.

Most importantly, we thank our families (Ryan: wife, Denise, and daughter, Angela; Raymond: wife, Jin Nie, and kids, Julian and Elissa) for their love and unwavering support.

Ryan Ko; Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

18 February 2015

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