Chapter 11

Keeping users empowered in a cloudy Internet of Things

Stefanie Gerdesa; Carsten Bormanna; Olaf Bergmanna    a Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany


The Internet of Things includes Smart Objects, small devices with limited abilities, typically made to fulfill a single simple task. They have limited system resources, such as processing power, memory, non-volatile storage, and transmission capacity, are frequently powered from primary batteries, and often lack user interfaces and displays. These devices benefit from being associated with less-constrained devices, in particular for user interactions, as well as for defining their purpose in life in the first place, which includes setting policies relevant to security and privacy. Smart objects will be ubiquitous and attain significant insight into and control over many aspects of everyday life, which makes users expect a very high level of security and privacy of them and of the less-constrained devices controlling them. Cloud-based systems will be hard pressed to fulfill these expectations on their own: The human will need to stay in the loop at least for policy setting.


Internet of Things

constrained devices

authenticated authorization

light-weight security

1 Introduction

In the beginning of electronic data processing, the abilities of devices were very limited: They could only fulfill a single task at a time. Since these early days, the capabilities of the devices increased rapidly, which eventually led to Gordon Moore’s observation that “the complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year,” a rate which he expected to remain constant for at least 10 years (“Moore’s Law,” Moore, 1965). This prediction turned out to be more or less accurate since. As expected, the processing power increased while the size of the devices shrunk.

Nowadays more and more small devices with limited capabilities are being developed, such as temperature regulating devices, weather stations, or intelligent light switches. Interestingly, these devices often can again fulfill only single simple tasks. As they have limited processing capabilities, but are able to interact with their environment, they are also called “smart objects.” They are developed to be integrated into the environment of their users with the purpose to, unseen and autonomously, make life easier for their users. To achieve that, smart objects are interconnected using Internet protocols, thus forming an Internet of Things. Thereby, “things” can interact with each other and their users and support a whole new range of applications. These devices need to be small and cost efficient to fulfill their purpose and thus are influenced by Moore’s Law in a different way: Instead of increasing their processing abilities, further development is focused on making them cheaper and smaller.

These constrained devices are expected to be integrated in all aspects of every day life and thus will be entrusted with vast amounts of personal data. Without appropriate security, attackers might gain control over things relevant to our lives.

Owners of smart objects want to keep control over their data and devices. An important part of empowering owners is to make sure that they are in control of the authorization policies that define how an entity is allowed to access their data.

Since the devices can be connected to the Internet, storing authorization policies in the cloud is an evident solution. Cloud-based approaches pose attractions such as limited initial investment, sustained operation (outsourcing of maintenance), pretty web-based user interfaces, and the promise of easy and seamless integration.

However, the benefit of the cloud has limitations where access control is concerned (Bormann et al., 2014): Since cloud devices are not under the owner’s direct control, a successful attack on the cloud might yield control over the access to users’ data when the users cannot keep some security functions under tight reins.

This chapter discusses the functions that enable the establishment, and evolution over time, of security relationships between constrained devices. We examine alternatives for the allocation of these functions to local vs. cloud-based systems, with the objective of ensuring that the devices’ owners have the option to maintain exclusive control over the access to their data.

2 Problem space assumptions

Smart objects have limited system resources such as processing power, memory, non-volatile storage, and transmission capacity. They are frequently powered from primary batteries and often lack user interfaces and displays. Due to these limitations, security mechanisms common in the Internet are not easily applicable. Cryptographic mechanisms are time and energy consuming and smart objects cannot store a large number of keys for secure data communication. Establishing security relationships is especially challenging: How can two devices that do not previously know each other establish a secure connection? How can a smart object determine if and how it is allowed to interact with another device and which data may be disclosed?

Owners will want to keep control over their data and decide about access authorizations. This is not easily achieved for small devices that do not even provide a keyboard or display and are so limited in terms of processing power and storage space that they are hardly able to enforce the owner’s security policies. Some of the security-related tasks will need to be delegated to less-constrained devices which thus help with the authentication and authorization of peers.

In this chapter, we assume a web-of-things approach to communication: constrained devices operate like clients accessing and servers offering web resources (Bormann et al., 2012). Our communication scenario can then be summarized with these simple statements: A client (C) wants to access an item of interest, a resource (R) on a resource server (RS). C and RS may both be smart objects and thus have limited abilities. A priori, C and RS do not necessarily know each other and have no security relationship.

The owners of the devices want to be able to define authorization policies for their data on the devices. Only authorized users must be able to access. Configuring authorization policies must be simple for the owners. Once configured, the devices must interact with as little user interaction as possible. Day-to-day communication between the devices cannot require the presence of the owners, not even the presence of a specific device the owners would need to carry with them at all times.

2.1 Physical limitations of smart objects

Although smart, the devices considered here are still objects, i.e., physical entities with a clear function, unlike general-purpose computers such as laptops or smartphones. Their capabilities and user interfaces therefore are specifically tailored to their particular purpose, resulting in low cost and potentially small physical dimensions. To cover the needs of a specific user, a large number of smart objects may need to be deployed, leading to severe constraints on the cost of each one of them.

Tight cost constraints cause manufacturers of smart objects to restrict the hardware components on a device to the bare minimum that is needed to fulfill the desired functionality. These so-called constrained devices have significantly less processing power and storage than a common smartphone or modern notebook computer, and often lack a full-fledged user interface. While the limited processor speed just slows down program execution, the restricted memory sizes seriously affect the system design. For example, a basic Texas Instruments CC2538 chip is equipped with 128 KiB flash memory and 16 KiB RAM (Texas Instruments, Inc., 2013; this chip is one of the more modern ones available for Internet-connected smart objects). A simple UDP-based example application1 built for this platform requires around 13,600 bytes of RAM, leaving less than 2800 bytes for security-related data. The security library tinydtls2 needs around 1900 bytes in its smallest reasonable configuration for Contiki, not including any keying material. As the library requires another 750 bytes buffer space when public key cryptography using elliptic curves is enabled only 150 bytes—roughly the equivalent of two public keys—RAM are left.

Energy may be a limiting factor as well, especially when the device is powered from a primary battery, limiting the average power available over, say, a two-year battery lifetime to the order of hundreds of microwatts. Margi et al. (2010) show for a common embedded development board with an MSP430 microcontroller and a CC2420 radio transceiver that the transmission of a 12 byte block over a wireless interface costs more than 10 times the energy of encrypting it. This makes network operations one of the most energy-consuming tasks for smart objects besides calculations and powering dynamic memory. Power can also be saved by slowing down the system clock rate, and taking parts or the entire device into sleep mode for most of the time. Both methods lead to increased communication latency and thus reaction times.

The latter must be taken into consideration specifically for network protocols as it affects the time required for state convergence, i.e., the delay until all communication partners have received all the data needed. For security, this is particularly challenging as the receiver of a message must be able to tell whether or not it is fresh to prevent replay of intercepted messages. A common notion of elapsed time hence is crucial for the communicating parties but not all embedded devices are equipped with a sufficiently accurate battery-buffered real-time clock. In this case, sender and receiver must be able to synchronize their clocks over the network.

Besides these constraints on system resources, smart objects often have limited means of direct interaction with human users. Their user interfaces usually differ significantly from the displays and (virtual) keyboards or pointing devices we are familiar with from our mobile phones or laptop computers. For instance, a temperature sensor might have not more than a small LED light to indicate its operational status. The number of states that can be visualized in this way are very limited: on/off to indicate whether or not the device is active, and possibly flashing to signal that it is trying to establish a network connection. Actuators such as light switches or electronic locks may be restricted to a simple button to toggle their state, sometimes without any state indicator on the device itself.

2.2 Security objectives

An essential mechanism for enabling users to keep control over their data is authorization. This term refers to the process of giving permissions to an entity, such as a person, a device, or a piece of software. Authorization mechanisms enable users to decide who is authorized to access their data/devices, and how (e.g., read it, change it). For enforcing the authorization, it must be possible to distinguish authorized from unauthorized users. This is achieved by using an authentication mechanism.

Authentication is the process of validating that an entity actually has certain attributes it claims to have. In the physical world, examples for an attribute of a person are her name, her age, or her membership in an organization. Authentication attributes may be suitable to uniquely identify an individual entity, but this is not necessarily the case. To be authorized to buy a beer one only needs to be of age, an attribute shared with many other people. Users opening a bank account need to be uniquely identifiable as they are held responsible for it.

Authentication and authorization are closely related. The authorization mechanism must use the attributes provided by the authentication mechanism to determine whether a person is authorized: The authorization information that needs to be applied must be obtainable making use of the authentication attributes. We use the term Authenticated Authorization to refer to a synthesis of mechanisms for authentication and authorization. If one of the mechanisms or the interaction between them fails, the security they aim to provide is no longer assured.

Authenticated authorization is needed to achieve multiple security objectives. Security objectives specify how data need to be protected. The importance of a security objective depends on the use case where the mechanism is applied.

To illustrate the security objectives, we introduce the following use case: John has developed insulin-dependent diabetes and therefore has to check periodically the amount of blood glucose and administer a related charge of insulin whenever the glucose concentration exceeds a certain level. The insulin pump used for this can be placed on John’s body and controlled electronically. (Those devices are quite common today, cf. Zisser, 2010; Horsley, 2011.)

John’s latest acquisition is an automated blood glucose meter that can act autonomously and communicate its measurements to the insulin pump to relieve the device owner from manual checking of the sugar level, calculation of the correct insulin dose, and triggering the actual injection.3 Both devices use wireless communication to avoid cables hanging around the user’s body and to eliminate feedback loops between the glucose meter and the insulin injection.

Moreover, John wants to be able to monitor his health status and possibly change the device configuration from his smartphone or laptop computer whenever he likes to, and grant a medical practitioner access to his devices during consultation. Changing pricks and injection needles should be as easy as possible. For current systems where the sensor pads and infusion pumps are replaced, removal of old devices from John’s personal network, and integration of the exchange units should work without complex manual reconfiguration.

This scenario opens up a full range of important security-related questions as John not only wants his insulin-level to be properly controlled but also keep sensitive information hidden from others.

Measurements and control data should be kept confidential. For example, the blood sugar values must be accessible only by entities that John has authorized, such as his insulin pump, monitoring applications, and possibly John’s physician.

The data that is interchanged between the devices also must be integrity protected, i.e., they can only be manipulated by authorized entities. The autonomic insulin pump needs to make sure that the blood sugar values it uses to determine the amount of needed insulin stem from an authorized source, e.g., from John’s blood sugar measurement device or a replacement device that is used instead.

In some cases, it is important that the entity which is responsible for an action can be identified. The respective security objective is called accountability. If it is also necessary to prove this to a third party, non-repudiation is needed. For example, if the insulin pump is underdosing the insulin resulting in medical problems for John, it might be necessary to find out (and prove) who is responsible for this. Accountability and non-repudiation require the authentication mechanism to uniquely identify an entity.

Another security objective that needs to be considered is availability: Authorized entities must not be kept from accessing data. For example, the insulin pump must be able to access the measured values of the blood sugar measurement device to determine the amount of needed insulin. Thus, the availability of this data must be ensured.

2.3 Authentication-related tasks

To meet the security objectives, various tasks must be performed by different actors. As an example for authentication in the physical world, imagine buying an alcoholic drink: Here, the law mandates the seller to ask the customer to prove that she has the required age. The customer hence presents her identity card to the seller who needs to check the listed birth date and if the photo on the card matches the person in front of him. Moreover, it is in the responsibility of the seller to verify that the shown document is a proper identity card issued by the government.

This brief example illustrates the three important properties that an authentication token such as the identity card or an entrance ticket must provide:

1. The attribute(s) needed for the authentication purpose: This could be the age as in the previous example, or just the fact that a guest holds an entrance ticket. The only requirement on the attribute set is that it has to be meaningful for the purpose of the authentication and that the issuing party and the party that uses the authentication token for authentication have some common understanding of the meaning of the token. If the authentication is conducted for authorization, the attributes are required to determine the respective permissions.

2. A verifier: This is something to make the attributes attachable to the bearer such as the photo that is printed on the identity card.

3. An endorsement: The evidence that the issuer of the authentication token has validated the attributes listed therein and that the attached verifier is correct. For example, an identity card might have a stamp or holographical picture as endorsement. The essential feature is that only the government agency that has issued the card can generate this stamp or holography.

With this terminology, the steps performed by the seller and customer can be generalized as the following authentication-related tasks:

(1) Attribute binding: The attribute intended to be verifiable must be bound to a verifier, e.g., a cryptographic credential. To achieve this, an attribute binding authority checks if an entity actually has the attributes it claims to have and then binds it to a verifier. The authority must provide some kind of endorsement information which enables other entities to validate the binding.

(2) Verifier validation: The entity that wants to authenticate an entity checks the attribute-verifier-binding using the endorsement of the attribute binding authority.

(3) Authentication: The verifier is used for authenticating an entity or the source of a data item.

2.4 Authorization-related tasks

The process of not selling alcoholic drinks to minors is the implementation of a specific policy. The government has set this policy as well as the rules to enforce it: A customer is authorized to buy a beer if she has a certain age. Sellers must therefore validate the customer’s age by inspecting the identity card and make sure that the card holder is the same person that is about to buy the drink.

The latter is the aspect of authentication that has been discussed in Section 2.3. Defining and enforcing the policy requires the following authorization-related tasks:

(4) Configuration of authorization information: The authorization authority must configure the information that governs authorization. This can be achieved by uploading the access rules defined by the owner of a device to an authorization server in a network. For the liquor store example, configuration of authorization information is the enactment and publication of the law that prohibits selling alcohol to people below a certain age.

(5) Obtaining authorization information: Authorization information must be made available to the entity which enforces the authorization. A device may need to retrieve authorization information from the authorization server before it can validate incoming requests. Shop owners must keep track of legislation activities that may effect their business, and instruct their employees to enforce applicable laws.

(6) Authorization validation: The authorization of an entity with certain attributes must be checked by mapping the attributes (which must be validated by authentication) to the authorization information.

(7) Authorization enforcement: According to the result of the authorization validation the access to a resource is granted or denied.

2.5 Implications of device constraints for authenticated authorization

In our medical device use case, some of the tasks for authentication and authorization must be fulfilled by the constrained devices, i.e., the blood glucose meter and the insulin pump. One of the most obvious limitations is the basic user interface exposed by these devices: For instance, the glucose meter might have only a power button and a status LED.

For complex interactions between a human and the device, more powerful user interfaces are necessary. In previous decades, this was accomplished using a wired point-to-point connection between a computer and the device’s serial port or USB interface. Security in this case was achieved by physically restricting the access to the device or at least the respective socket. For smart objects, this is different by design as they use Internet protocols and thus communicate over a—potentially public—data network where it may traverse several insecure network segments, especially when transmitting data over the air through wireless links.

When applied properly, cryptography can be used to secure the communication of smart objects. Because of the devices’ constraints, care must be taken which cryptographic primitives are actually used. Otherwise, the overhead from employing security measures might outweigh the gains from using smart objects.

For constrained devices, the selection of a viable security mechanism needs to consider power consumption, code size, and memory footprint. All three have in common that resources must be set aside that will no longer be available for the actual application.

Memory constraints make it difficult to store the authentication keys of all potential communication partners on a device. Instead, the device must obtain the keying material on demand. Although this could in theory be done using public key cryptography and certificates that bind the public keys to certain attributes, the need to parse large data structures and to store root certificates locally to enable validation of entire certificate chains makes this approach less viable in practice.

In addition to the scarce memory for storing large numbers of keys or root certificates, more energy is consumed by a node when additional messages for certificate validation have to be transmitted. The code size will increase due to the need to parse complex data structures. Depending on the capabilities of the device, the energy expended in such a validation may be significant.

As an alternative to public key cryptography, mechanisms using symmetric keys offer an option for scalable lightweight security. While public key cryptography works with pairs of asymmetric keys where one part can (and must) be disclosed, a symmetric key represents a secret that is shared only between communication parties. The immediate benefit of using symmetric keys is the smaller code size for cryptographic operations, less memory required for key storage, and smaller messages. However, as symmetric keys are shared between the communicating peers, care must be taken to avoid disclosure to non-authorized parties.

When applied to the diabetes use case, these observations imply that only the glucose meter and the insulin pump should know the key that is used to secure their communication. As their user interfaces are too restricted to enter a shared secret manually, the devices must obtain the secret on demand over a secure channel. This process may be facilitated by a less-constrained device that is under the user’s control, e.g., a personal smartphone.

3 Delegated authenticated authorization

Because of the limitations described in the previous section, achieving security objectives on constrained devices is not easy to accomplish, especially without the need for the user to conduct complicated tasks.

To save system resources, constrained devices should perform as little tasks as possible. To achieve this, parts of the authentication and authorization can be delegated to less-constrained devices which may or may not be cloud services. However, some tasks must be performed by the constrained devices themselves to achieve the desired security objectives.

To better understand which tasks a device needs to perform, we introduce the concept of actors. An actor is a logical functional entity which performs a number of tasks. Several actors may share a device or even a piece of software.

Actors that are involved in the authenticated authorization belong to one of three levels: constrained, less-constrained, or principal level. Note that an actor might be assigned to a level exhibiting more constraints than its actual realization may later have; the model is designed to allow the device implementing the actor to have those constraints, not to require them.

3.1 Constrained level

Actors on the constrained level may have only very limited system resources. They should be required to perform as little tasks as possible but must perform some security-related tasks to ensure the security of the data.

The constrained level comprises the Resource Server (RS) and the client (C). RS hosts a piece of information, a web resource (R). C requests access to R (Figure 1), e.g., to read a value stored in R or to write a new value into R. C and RS want to communicate directly with each other and thus need means for secure communication.

Figure 1 Constrained level.

C and RS must perform the following tasks to enforce the security policies of their owners:

 Authentication of received information: A device that receives a message has to authenticate its source.

 Validation and enforcement of authorization as configured by the owner: A device in possession of the owner’s data has to enforce the owner’s authorization policies. Specifically, received information is only acted upon after validating that the message is authorized, that its contents was protected as required, and that any response can be properly protected.

3.2 Principal level

Actors on the principal level are the owners of the constrained level actors described above. They represent individuals or companies located in the physical world that own the devices and/or the data on them. The client owner (CO) is in charge of C and decides if RS is an authorized source for R. The resource owner (RO) owns RS and defines access policies for R. An actual device might host several RS’ from different resource owners. Figure 2 depicts the relationship between the constrained level actors and their principal.

Figure 2 Constrained and principal levels.

Actors on the principal level must perform the following task:

 Configuration of authorization policies for their respective constrained level actors. This includes the authorization to perform tasks on the less-constrained level for them.

3.3 Less-constrained level

To reduce the requirements on the actors of the constrained level, they can delegate some security-related tasks to less-constrained devices, the Authorization Managers. These act as a link between the constrained level actors and their respective principals. In particular, less-constrained actors can obtain security policies from the principals, interprete them to generate simplified rules, bind them to a verifier, and provide them to the constrained level actors. Less-constrained devices may be able to use more elaborate user interfaces toward their principals than devices at the constrained level.

The relationship between the actors on all three levels is depicted in Figure 3. The Client Authorization Manager (CAM) is controlled by CO and acts as a less-constrained level actor for C, the Server Authorization Manager (SAM) poses as the link between RS and RO.

Figure 3 Architecture overview.

The tasks of the less-constrained level actors are the following:

 Obtain the authorization information provided by the principal.

 Potentially simplify it for use by the constrained level.

 Identify the authorization information that applies for the current request.

 Bind the authorization information to a verifier and thereby endorse that the entity in possession of the verifier is authorized as stated in the authorization information.

 Provide the verifier to the constrained devices.

3.4 Authorization to authorize: choosing the authorization managers

The model described above requires the Authorization Managers to be available whenever a client initiates communication with an unknown RS. This limits the choice of devices that can be used as less-constrained level actors.

An evident solution for this problem is to outsource the tasks CAM and SAM are performing to a service in the cloud which is always available and can be used by C and RS as long as those can connect to the Internet.

Users have only limited control over servers in the cloud. These are run by enterprises that pursue their own interests which may conflict with the user’s wishes (Chen et al., 2010). In particular, users do not control the access to data on cloud servers if they completely rely on the cloud providers for the protection of the data. Without precaution, access to data in the cloud is granted as the cloud provider sees fit. This is exacerbated by legal uncertainties and anomalies some jurisdictions exhibit with respect to the protection of data held in the cloud (Kerr and Nojeim, 2012; Mather et al., 2009, p. 33).

3.4.1 Estimating the amount of control

To deal with the potential insecurity of Authorization Managers it must be possible for users, i.e., the data owners, to limit the permissions these servers are allowed to grant: Their ability to grant permissions should depend on the amount of control the user has over the server. To estimate this amount of control, several factors have to be considered:

 Administration: Administrators may have permissions to access data directly or to install software that can be used to access data. If people other than the user control the server, the user loses control over the data stored there. To estimate the level of control, the user must know who controls the server and therefore has superuser permissions.

 Software security: Compromised software and security flaws may result in unauthorized access to data. Which amount of security is possible for the software on the device? What is the likelihood that the software is compromised?

 Physical access: Devices often can be easily compromised by accessing their hardware. Therefore, users lose control over their data if others are able to physically access the servers.

Considering this, users have a high degree of control over servers which are stationary in the users’ homes and are run by the users themselves, at least if the user is careful with the software installed on the servers and updates it regularly. Smartphones are more difficult to control; Users often do not have root access on them, and as users carry their smartphones around with them, they are more prone to unauthorized physical access. Servers in the cloud are even less controllable by the users: They are at least to some extent run by the cloud provider who also has physical access to the devices.

The more control the owner has over the server and the less likely the server is compromised the more abilities for granting permissions can be given to the server. To account for the varying levels of control a user may have over the servers, multiple Authorization Managers with different permissions to grant access can be used.

3.4.2 Delegated key management

To prevent the Authorization Managers from abusing their power, organizational regulations are not sufficient. To safeguard the owners’ control over their data, a technical solution must be used. A basic design principle for cryptographic mechanisms that continues to be valid today is Kerckhoffs’s principle. It states that the security of a cryptographic mechanism must only depend on the confidentiality of the key (Kerckhoffs, 1883, p. 12). As long as the cryptographic mechanism is not broken, owners can therefore control the access to their data by a careful usage of encryption and safeguarding the respective keying material.

Each Authorization Manager shares a separate key with its respective constrained device. To restrict the authorization to authorize, the respective permissions are bound to the key. Because of the low storage capabilities of constrained devices, only a small number of keys can be held simultaneously. Therefore, the number of less-constrained devices that can act as an Authorization Manager for a single constrained device must be restricted.

The Authorization Managers and their keys can be put into a hierarchical order. On the lowest level, CAM and SAM can only grant very basic access permissions. We call the corresponding key External Key (EK), the SAM in possession of an EK External Server Authorization Manager (ESAM) and the corresponding CAM External Client Authorization Manager (ECAM). With an EK, no new permissions can be configured but the freshness of existing permissions can be validated and mapped to an access request. ECAM and ESAM must only be able to grant permissions they have themselves and they are not able to assign new Authorization Managers to a constrained device.

The Owner Key (OK) has all permissions EK has. Moreover, with an OK new access permissions can be created. Additionally, a device in possession of that key can assign a new Authorization Manager to their constrained device. These Authorization Managers are called Owner Client Authorization Manager (OCAM) and Owner Server Authorization Manager (OSAM), respectively.

Figure 4 depicts the relationship between the actors and the keys they are sharing.

Figure 4 Key Management with External Authorization Managers.

As described above, the owner has different amounts of control over different types of devices. Therefore, the OK should be stored on a device the owner has a high amount of control over, e.g., a server in the user’s home. Servers in the cloud should not know the OK. For more flexibility, the OK can be encrypted and stored in the cloud. The owner downloads the encrypted key to a more controllable device such as a smartphone when needed and decrypts it using a passphrase. The EK can be given to devices the owner has only very little control over, such as servers in the cloud. Thus, cloud servers can make simple authorization decisions on their own without further user interaction.

3.4.3 Implementation

The two types of keys described above are used in different ways. The OK is the only key that needs to be preconfigured on the device. The owner configures sets of access permissions that an Authorization Manager is allowed to grant. The EK is generated and added to the access permissions. To ensure the confidentiality of the EK, it is encrypted making use of the OK. The owner endorses the binding of these permission sets to the EK using the OK, thus creating an Authorization Granting Ticket (AGT) (see Figure 5). This enables the constrained device to validate if the Authorization Manager is allowed to grant the permission. The owner must transmit the EK securely to the respective ECAM or ESAM.

Figure 5 Authorization granting ticket.

The AGT is encrypted and transmitted securely to the respective External Authorization Manager (EAM), i.e., ECAM or ESAM. The EAM can grant access to the respective constrained device within the limits of these permissions. The owner can create various different AGTs for an EAM. Moreover, AGTs for other devices can be stored in the cloud and downloaded when needed. Only the entity that has the EK specified in the AGT is able to grant the associated permissions.

If C wants to communicate with RS, it will ask its ECAM for permission. Likewise, RS will ask its ESAM if the access request is to be granted. ECAM and ESAM can grant access as long as the requested permissions are covered by one of the AGTs. ECAM and ESAM negotiate a verifier that will be used as a shared secret by C and RS and validate their permissions. ECAM and ESAM each encrypt the verifier using their respective EK, add some freshness information, and endorse the resulting Authorization Ticket with the EK. After that, they send the ticket to their constrained device. It can confirm that the owner authorized the authorization using the OK that is attached to the access permissions. The freshness of the information is validated using the EK. The structure of the Authorization Ticket is depicted in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Authorization ticket.

If more sensitive data is involved, data owners might not want servers in the cloud to make authorization decisions. To keep the control over their data and devices, owners can use a more controllable device to provide these permissions, e.g., the owner’s smartphone that is present at the time of the access. To achieve this, the sensitive permissions can also be stored in the cloud, but the respective EK is not made available to the cloud servers. Instead, the key is additionally stored in the cloud after being encrypted. The EK and associated permissions can be downloaded to the smartphone when needed. The owner types a passphrase to unlock the EK which is then used to provide endorsement information for the set of permissions.

4 Usage example

This section describes how the approach described above works by means of a usage scenario.

Eric has bought a new smart sports watch to improve his training. It has an application that helps him keep track of his workout routine and is able to show various information measured by sensors such as the heart rate, the mileage, number of steps, and so on. He meets his friend Carol on the street who has smart running shoes. They contain sensors that can measure details about her training such as the number of steps she makes and her speed. Both the watch and the sensor controller in the shoes are constrained devices. Eric and Carol are curious if Eric’s watch works with Carol’s shoes.

Eric’s watch has a display but only very limited means for interaction. Carol’s shoes do not have any user interfaces or control buttons. Eric uses his smartphone to contact the cloud server where he earlier stored access permissions for his watch and downloads the permissions and the respective encrypted EK. Carol already has preconfigured access permissions on her smartphone and can use them to grant Eric’s watch access to her shoes. Eric and Carol let their smartphones use near field communication (NFC) to negotiate the verifier for the communication between the constrained devices. Both friends type in their respective passphrase to unlock their EK, thus enabling their smartphones to bind the verifier to the permissions. The resulting Authorization Tickets are transmitted to the constrained devices, thus enabling them to validate each other’s authorization and to securely communicate with each other.

The important characteristic of this exchange is that the authorization is done by the smartphones and cannot be performed by the cloud server. Although both the EK and the permissions are stored in the cloud, the cloud server cannot use them without the knowledge of the passphrase. The smartphones can only use preconfigured permissions and only after their owners provided the passphrase to decrypt the EK. Thus, the authorization to authorize is granted depending on the level of control the user has over that device.

5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have discussed the security implications of interconnecting smart objects to participate in the Internet of Things and demonstrated how these devices can be associated with less-constrained devices to fulfill the security requirements.

We explained the dependencies between authentication and authorization which motivates the need for a carefully modeled composition of mechanisms that we call authenticated authorization.

Because of their limitations concerning storage space, network communication, processing power and energy consumption, constrained devices benefit from offloading complex tasks to less-constrained devices. However, when delegating tasks to other entities, care must be taken not to violate the application’s security objectives. To precisely investigate the impact of delegating tasks related to authentication and authorization, we have developed a model that describes the actors and tasks for performing authenticated authorization for constrained devices.

To allow for dynamic interaction of constrained devices, the usage of cloud services is beneficial. They provide a vast amount of system resources and global accessibility. By delegating security-related tasks to external servers, constrained device owners risk losing the control over their data and devices. We suggested that the level of control a user has over a device can be estimated, thus providing means to calculate the risk that the data can be accessed without the user’s consent.

To mitigate the risk induced by the lack of control, the ability of cloud servers to grant access authorizations needs to be restricted. Most importantly, external servers must not be enabled to generate valid authorization tickets without the owner’s consent or to obtain the secrets used for authentication and authorization. We introduced a mechanism for granting a limited authorization to authorize to a server and to securely store authorization information on an untrusted device.

The resulting security model considers the limitations of constrained devices by outsourcing the more complex security tasks to less-constrained devices. Thus, the constrained devices only need to deal with simple security tasks such as validating an endorsement of the owner. Moreover, only a single key, the owner key, must be permanently stored on the constrained device. All other keys can be obtained during operation. This approach enables the owners of constrained devices to keep the control over their devices and data while still providing an easy to use mechanism for a dynamic authenticated authorization for constrained devices.


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1 Using the Contiki operating system:


3 An example for such a combined system is discussed in O’Grady et al. (2012).

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