Numbers and Symbols
@applewatchcenter, 81
3d facial recognition, 16
, 117
ad campaigns, Apple
“Crazy Ones” campaign, 24
“Shot on iPhone” campaign, 125, 138, 146
“Think Different” campaign, 24, 111
Adobe, 24
Airplane Mode (band), 110, 111–117
Aldridge, Morgan, 72
Alex’s Apple Orchard, 94–95
All About Apple Museum, 104
Allen, Devin, 8
Allen, Gary, 3, 8–9
Allen, Jim, 9
Amazon, 111
Androids, 198
App Accelerator, 207
Apple I, 94, 95, 104
origins, 74
Apple II, 104
Apple II Festival (France), 177
community of users, 174, 177
cost, 172
culture, 178
design of, 74
discontinuation, 172
graphics, 172
KansasFest, 74, 173, 177–184
origins, 74
phasing out of, 179
popularity, 172
Prague Apple Museum, in, 87 (
see also
Apple Museum, Prague)
retrobrighting, 180
software for, 172
SolderFest, 183
Apple IIe, 74
Apple II Festival (France), 177
Apple collectors.
collectors, Apple;
specific collectors and
Apple Dual disk, 76
Apple Lisa 1, 74, 87
Apple Lisa 2, 87
Apple logo.
logo, Apple
Appleman, 119–122
Apple Museum, Genoa, Italy, 86
Apple Museum, Maine, 86, 94–95
Apple Museum, Prague, 86, 87, 95
Apple Museum, Savona, Italy, 104
Apple Powerbook 100, 76
Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.), 178
Apple Stores
Australia, 9
Beijing, 8
branding (
campers in front of, 3–5, 7, 11–14
Chicago, 16
China, 9, 189
Fifth Avenue, NY, 3
first, 3
Ginza district, Tokyo, 189
Istanbul, 8
Japan, 189
line longevity, 4
London, 8
Magnificent Mile store, 16
marketing strategy regarding, 4
McClean, Virginia, 3
Netherlands, the, 9
Palo Alto, 9
Paris, 8
popularity, 3–5, 7, 16
robot marketing stunt (Lucy Kelly telepresence), 11–12
Singapore, 5
success of, 3
Sydney, Australia, 5, 11
Tokyo, 3, 8
Turkey, 9
United Kingdom, 9
Apple TV, 104
Apple Watches, 58, 190, 198, 204
bands for, 79, 81
release, 79
AppleWords, 174
AppleWorks 5.1, 174
Apple Worldwide Developers Conferences, 98
couch to 5K, 114
iPhone filters, 124
Vesper, 114
Atari, 104
Atomic 212, 11–12
Aurum Edition, 202–204
Bacon, Kevin, 30
Baker, Sean, 153–154
Barroso, Helmut, 81
Bates, Mason, 48, 49
BBC, 150
Best Buy, 98
Birth of Type
, 24
Black Pixel, 114
Bojar, Gabor, 25
bokeh, 125
Bombing Brain Interactive, 114
Boyle, Danny, 45
Bradshaw, Carrie, 98
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