Designing Security


This chapter began with a brief discussion of why security is so central to the well-being of your application. As the remainder of the chapter has demonstrated, you have an extremely flexible security model for components and data on the Force Platform.

The flexibility you have with component permissions and record sharing can deliver a sophisticated implementation scheme, but arriving at the proper definition of that scheme is, in most cases, non-trivial. You should create a robust security plan, which takes into account the eventual uses of your applications and data, as part of your design process. Although you can change the security implementation in your Force Platform org at any time, you should start to plan security as part of your initial design process. Creating a comprehensive sharing plan can help to reduce development overhead and implementation time, as well as eliminating the need for sharing recalculations.

Although this chapter has not included hands-on exercises, you can use the information from this chapter to design and implement a security scheme that is reflective of the needs and requirements of your own organization.

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