
Modifying Page Layout

The appearance of the fields in a page layout is controlled by the Page Layout option for the object.

Click Setup to return to the Setup menu, and then Create Objects to bring up a list of objects.

Click the Location link to bring up the attributes for the object.

The Edit link for the Location object lets you edit the attributes for the object itself.

At the top of the page you can see links for different attribute sections.

Let your mouse hover on the Page Layouts link to bring up the Page Layout section at the top of the page, and then click the Edit link for the page layout to bring up the page shown in figure that follows.

Page Layouts

A default page layout includes a number of sections, including a section for detail page buttons, a section for related lists, which you will learn about in the next chapter, and a section for system information, as well as a section with two columns for fields in the object.

One page layout represents the detail page and edit page of an object, but that some elements only appear in one context. For example, related lists, custom links, and formula fields only show up on detail pages, not edit pages.

The Edit Page Layout page allows you to change the layout of the View, Edit and Detail pages for an object. You can see that there are different sections of the page shown, including the Button Section, the main section, labeled Information, and later sections to hold system information, custom links and related lists. You can add more sections to the page with the Create New Section button, but you will only need to move fields, buttons, and lists around on the current page layout.

You can also see that some of the basic attributes of the fields, such as whether they are required or read-only, are indicated on the fields by icons that are described in the legend to the right of the page layout.

Your first task is to rearrange the fields in the main Information section.

Figure 30. A page layout

Grab the Location Map URL field by clicking the field and holding down the left mouse button. Drag the field to the right-hand column and release the mouse button, causing the field to appear just below the Owner field, the only field in the right column.

Drag the State/Province field to the right column, next to the City field, and drag the Postal Code field to the right of the Country field.

You’ve improved the look of the main section, but you will probably want to take out some of the related lists that don’t make a lot of sense for this page, Open Activities and Activity History.

Grab the Open Activities related list and drag it to the box just below the icon legend on the right as shown in the figure below. Release the mouse to place the list in this box.

The box that just received the related list allows you to view any fields, related lists or s-controls that are associated with this object. If you want to place any of these onto the page, grab them from this box and drag them to the desired section of the form.

Figure 31. Dragging a field in a page layout

Drag the Activity History related list to the lower box.

Your final beautification task is to eliminate some of the pushbuttons on the standard page. You may have noticed when you looked at the detail record that there was a button showing that was probably were not necessary – the Clone button, which makes a copy of the current Location record.

The Force Platform development environment automatically puts a standard set of buttons to implement built-in functionality on every new page. You can eliminate this and other buttons if you do not need the functionality they deliver.

In the page layout editor, double click on the Detail Page Buttons section to bring up the page shown below.

This page shows the default buttons used for a standard detail page. You can eliminate the display of any of the buttons by deselecting the checkbox for the button.

Figure 32. Detail Page Button assignment

Deselect the checkbox for the Delete and Sharing buttons.

Since you will only be using a small set of locations that will not change very often, and you do not want a location to disappear by accident, eliminate the display of the Delete button.

Additionally, you will want to share the records in the Location object with all users, so there is no need to have the Share button visible. The Share button is only visible if the security settings for the record allow it to be shared, as you will learn in Chapter 7: Protecting Your Data.

Click OK in the Detail Page Buttons page, and OK in the reminder dialog.

Click the Edit link for the Information section. In the dialog that appears, change the Tab Order from Top-Down to Left-Right.

Click OK to return to the Page Layout editor.

Once you return to the Page Layout editor, click Save to save the new page layout.

Click the Locations tab and then the Location record you just created to display your new page, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 33. The new page layout for the Location record

This new page is more appropriate for the purposes of this application, so you can leave it just as it is.

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