
Uploading a package

To install your package in another organization, you must first upload the package, which makes the package available to others. An overview of the process is shown below.

Figure 233. Uploading a package

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Click Upload in the Package detail page.

Ooops, the upload attempt was unsuccessful for the reason shown below. If you read Chapter 10: Apex, you should be aware of the requirement to supply test methods for at least 75% of your code, along with other restrictions. There are triggers on the Job Application object, which is included in this package, so you will have to include the test class that exercises those triggers. The test class is called testTriggers.

Figure 234. A failed attempt at uploading a package

Add the testTriggers class to the package.

Click Upload again, which takes you to the page shown below.

Figure 235. Defining your package

Enter Position Package as the name for the package and give the package a description.

Enter a password for the package.

You do not have to add any additional feature or object requirements to your package. You can see that there is a requirement for record types to exist for the Position__c object, a requirement that came with that object. Since this object requires record types, this package can only be installed in an organization with a license type that allows for this option. Click Continue.

The upload for your package begins. Once the upload completes, the email address associated with the organization will receive notification that the upload has been completed successfully. You can refresh the package page to the page shown partially in the following figure.

Figure 236. Recapping the contents of a package

This page gives a recap of the contents of the package. You also have the option to change the security on the package, such as altering, removing or adding a password. This page also allows you to deprecate the package. Once you take this action, no one will be allowed to download the package; however, users who have already downloaded the package will be allowed to install it.

In addition, when the package upload completes, an email is sent to the address of the organization. This email includes the URL that can be used to install the package in a new organization—which you will test right now.

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