important to keep the team informed of the game’s vision, especially when this
vision changes. A shared vision means the team understands the overall goals of
the game, what the game’s major features are, how the storyline and characters
fit, and who the target audience is. For the team to best understand these things,
the producer needs to inform the team when critical decisions are made and the
reasoning behind these decisions. Knowing this information helps them to adjust
their work so that it fits within the new vision of the game.
Strong, clear, and open communication is key to establishing a shared vision
with the team. A simple way to do this during pre-production is to post the ini-
tial game concept and vision on the website. Continue building on this concept
with design documents and prototypes so the team can participate in the game’s
evolution from concept to gold master.
During production, set aside time during the weekly team meetings to demo
the latest version of the game. Point out what new elements were added to the
game since last week and call out who contributed these elements to the game. As
the game gets more stable, set aside times for the team to play test the game and
participate in multiplayer sessions. Additionally, publicly post key information
about the game in the team rooms. This information should include concept art,
mission summaries, control schemes, and anything else that helps communicate
what the game is.
Team Survey
If the development team seems to be suffering from low morale, the producer’s
job is to find out why and remedy the situation as quickly as possible. However,
if the whole team seems to be unmotivated, discovering the cause of it is more
difficult as you must figure out why a group of people is dissatisfied, instead of
just an individual.
One way to do this determination is to conduct an anonymous team survey.
The survey asks questions about how well people understand the project’s goals,
how well they understand their deadlines, and how confident they are in the
project’s success. Also, ask questions about how to improve communication,
what issues are of concern, and what elements of the game are most exciting
to them. It is useful if you set up a numerical rating system for the answers, as
this system makes it easier to collate the information and prioritize what areas
people are most dissatisfied with. On free-form questions, ask things like “What
are the top three things that excite you about this game?” or “What are the three
things you are most concerned about on this game” so that people can provide
specifics on each answer. This allows you to collate the responses and see what
specifics are mentioned most frequently.
An anonymous survey is effective in uncovering unidentified problems.
People are more honest with their opinions if they don’t have to worry about