For Jack
Foreword xix
Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxiii
About the Author xxv
Part I: General Production Overview 1
Chapter 1 Game Production Overview 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Production Cycle 4
1.3 Pre-production 5
Game Concept 6
Game Requirements 7
Game Plan 8
Pre-Production Checklist 9
1.4 Production 9
Plan Implementation 10
Tracking Progress 11
Task Completion 11
Production Checklist 12
1.5 Testing 12
Plan Validation 13
Code Release 13
Testing Checklist 14
1.6 Post-Production 14
Learn from Experience 14
Archive Plan 15
Post-Production Checklist 15
1.7 Chapter Summary 15
Chapter 2 Roles on the Team 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Production 18
Executive Producer 19
Producer 19
Associate Producer 21
Background and Training 21
2.3 Art 23
Art Director 24
Lead Artist 24
Concept Artist 24
World Builder or Level Designer 24
Asset Artist 25
Animator 25
Technical Artist 25
Marketing Artist 25
Background and Training 25
2.4 Engineering 26
Technical Director 27
Lead Engineer 27
Engineer 27
Background and Training 28
2.5 Design 30
Creative Director 30
Lead Designer 31
Designer 31
Writer 32
Background and Training 32
2.6 Quality Assurance Testing 34
Lead QA Tester 34
QA Tester 35
Background and Training 35
2.7 Team Organization 35
2.8 Corporate 37
Marketing and Public Relations 37
Creative Services 38
Sales 38
2.9 Chapter Summary 38
Chapter 3 Project Management Methods 41
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Pros and Cons 42
3.3 Personal Software Process (PSP) 44
3.4 Scrum 47
3.5 Project Management Institute (PMI) 52
3.6 Chapter Summary 57
Part II: Business Information 59
Chapter 4 Legal Information 61
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Intellectual Property Rights 62
Copyrights 63
Trademarks 63
Trade Secrets 64
Patents 65
4.3 Legal Agreements 65
Employee/Consultant Agreements 65
Work for Hire 66
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) 67
Development Contracts 67
End User License Agreements (EULA) 68
4.4 Licenses 68
4.5 Chapter Summary 71
Chapter 5 Developer and Publisher Relationships 73
5.1 Introduction 73
5.2 Pitching a Game to a Publisher 73
5.3 Managing the Developer-Publisher Relationship 77
Independent Developer 82
Publisher-Owned Developer 87
5.4 Third-Party Game Approvals 90
5.5 Chapter Summary 90
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