In This Chapter
• Introduction
Defining Closing Kits
Creating Closing Kits
Organizing Content Effectively
Finalizing Closing Kits
Closing Kit Checklist
25.1 I
uring post-production, one important task is to organize all the game’s
source assets and code into a closing kit and archive it for future ref-
erence. The archives are necessary if there is a need to re-master the
game, create a patch or content update, port the game to another platform, lo-
calize it into another language, develop a sequel, or any other type of content
that will require the game’s original source assets, code, and tools. The publish-
ers may send closing kits to distributors who will develop localized versions of
the game for distribution in other countries.
Chapter 25Chapter 25
There are three basic types of closing kits: a full closing kit, a localization kit, and
a translation kit. Each of these kits serves a different purpose, but if there is time
to create only one kit, then the full closing kit is the best choice.
A full closing kit is comprised of all the uncompressed source assets (includ-
ing art, code, and sound), full documentation (including design, technical, and
packaging), proprietary tools used in the production pipeline, and gold masters
(including all localized versions) of the shipped game. If the full kit contains all
the necessary items, someone outside of the development team should be able
to re-build a full and playable version of the game from scratch.
A subset of the full closing kit is the localization kit. The localization kit or-
ganizes all the assets that are necessary to create localized versions of the game
in a central location. If the game code is localization-friendly (see Chapter 21,
“Localizations,” for more information), it is usually not required for the localiza-
tion kit to include source code and a full set of uncompressed assets. This kit
is smaller than the full closing kit and is sent to localization vendors who can
translate, integrate, and test localized versions of the game without help from
the development team.
If an external localization vendor is working on language versions that will
ship with the primary version of the game, it will be necessary to create a local-
ization kit before the game is code released. This is not the most ideal situation,
as the kit will contain assets that are not final and could change drastically during
the remaining production schedule. In this situation, the localization team will
need to stay in close communication with the primary production team in order
to remain up to date about any changes in the game.
A subset of the localization kit is the translation kit. This kit contains only
the text (and sometimes art assets) that need to be translated. Actual localized
versions cannot be created from this kit. This is an ideal kit to send to translators
because it is much smaller and less complex than a full closing kit. Essentially,
the translator is only receiving text files that need to be translated. The translator
can update the text files with the appropriate language, and send the files back to
the development team or localization vendor, who will then integrate the assets
and create localized versions.
Closing kits are created after the game is code released so that the developers
can include all the final assets and source code. The contents of a closing kit
include assets, documentation, tools, and code. If patches or additional content
are created after the game ships, an addendum to the original closing kit is cre-
ated and both kits are archived together.
Include all of the game’s text, art, and audio assets in the closing kit. All of the
original source files for these assets are also necessary, so that changes can be
easily made to any of the in-game assets. This is especially important when cre-
ating localized versions, because translations will be integrated in most a large
amount of text, VO, and art assets. The final in-game assets are also necessary, as
it is useful to compare them with any new assets created from the source files.
Text Assets
Include the following text assets in the closing kit:
In-game text assets in all languages
Help files and readme files
Installer strings
Error messages
Voiceover Assets
Include the following voiceover assets in the closing kit:
Uncompressed audio files (all languages)
Voiceover and cinematic scripts
Casting notes
Voiceover technical specifications
Master voiceover spreadsheet
Art Assets
The following art assets should be included in the closing kit:
Final art assets
Source files for all art assets (including logos)
Cinematic Assets
Include all the cinematic assets, including all source files:
Final in-game cinematics
Video codecs and movie players
Uncompressed cinematics
Cinematic source files
Separate and uncompressed audio tracks for music, voiceover, and sound
Localization Assets
If the game has been localized, include all the localized assets, including:
Translated text
Translated voiceover files (compressed and uncompressed versions)
Localization glossaries
Packaging Assets
Include the layout and source assets for the box, manual, and other paper parts,
Box layout (and all source files)
Manual layout (and all source files)
Uncompressed screenshots used in packaging
Tools refer to plug-ins for third-party software or any proprietary tools that are
needed to create the final in-game assets. For example, a specific plug-in used
to compress the textures for the character models should be included. If specific
commercial software is needed to create any of the game assets, the informa-
tion and the correct version must be noted. For example, the game may require
a specific version of Maya to create the levels, and if this version is not used,
the developer won’t be able to convert the Maya files into useable game assets.
Some of the tool types to include are:
Plug-ins that augment third-party software
Proprietary tools created by the developer
Localization tools used to integrate translations
Game Code
The source code is a very important component of the closing kit. If the source
code is missing, it will not be possible to create patches, content updates, or
ports of the game. Include the following code assets in the closing kit:
Gold masters—masters are needed for all versions of the game
Source code—include documentation on how to compile the game
Tools source code—there may be a need later on to modify the tools used
on the game, either for a sequel or a new project
Documentation refers to any documentation generated during game produc-
tion. This includes all design documents, technical documents, tools documents,
and general game information. The documentation area is critical because it
provides all the necessary information for how to use the closing kit and details
where all the assets are located. At the root of the first disc, include a table of
contents that details everything in the closing kit. The contents should include
descriptions of the main folder and sub-folders.
Game Documentation
Game documentation is useful to include for anyone creating new content or
ports of the game. Some types of documentation to include are:
Core design documents
Flow chart describing the UI
Cheats and walkthroughs
Test plans
Technical Guidelines
Technical guidelines provide information on how to integrate the assets, convert
assets to the game-specific file formats, and hardware/software specifications.
These technical guidelines should be clearly written and geared toward someone
who was not on the original development team. The types of technical guidelines
to include are:
Production pipeline overview—this details how to covert the source files
into the format used by the game
Instructions for making builds—this details how to set up the develop-
ment environment and the process for compiling the build
Software requirements—this is a list of any commercial or proprietary
software that is required to set up a working production pipeline
Hardware requirements—a list of the necessary hardware needed for de-
velopment, including console development kits and information on the SDK
used to compile the game
Instructions for proprietary tools—this includes how to install and use
the tools (if any tutorials were created, include those as well)
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