During the game requirements phase, the lead engineer is evaluating the tech-
nology needs of the project. Decisions must be made on what game engine, art
tools, scripting tools, AI systems, physics systems, and other technical elements
are needed to provide the desired game functionality. The technology used will
depend on the schedule, the resources, the desired features, and the quality of
these features. For example, if the main goal of the game is to have cutting-edge
graphics, the lead engineer will spend some time evaluating what graphics tech-
nology is necessary.
The lead engineer must also research how this technology will be obtained:
will it be coded by in-house engineers, or will an existing software package be
licensed and modified for use in the game? There are pros and cons of each
choice, and larger games will probably use a combination of in-house technology
and licensed technology.
The benefits of creating the technology in-house are that it is owned by the
studio and, therefore, has no licensing fee; in-house experts are readily available
to bug-fix and add feature enhancements; and the technology can be specifically
tailored to the game. One con is that the engineers have to spend valuable de-
velopment time re-inventing the wheel for basic technical functionality (such as
physics, AI, and animation), meaning that they have less time to focus on game-
specific functionality. Also, using a team of in-house engineers to code basic
functionality, such as a physics system, might be more expensive in the long run
instead of licensing a middleware solution, such as Havok.
The main benefit of licensing an existing technology is that it provides a
basic framework for common technologies, meaning the engineers can focus on
game-specific functionality. The drawbacks can be costs (especially if the bud-
get is small), limited technical support from the vendor, and the need to alter
the code to fit the game’s functionality. However, these drawbacks might be
worth the trouble if licensing saves time and/or money during the development
After the lead engineer has researched the available technologies, he will
make a recommendation to the producer. The producer can use this informa-
tion when creating the budget and schedule and will work closely with the lead
engineer to determine the best technology solutions for the game.
In addition to evaluating which technologies will be used for the game, the lead
engineer will work with the other leads to define the production pipeline. The
production pipeline refers to the series of steps that are needed to get code and