The Quest Continues

Although we are now near the end of this book, it is certainly not the end of my journey. My quest for the best in customer service is ongoing. What I learned from observing and studying the companies chronicled in this book has taught me what to look for in excellence in service.

I often find myself in the discussion of “process versus people” when it comes to customer service. They are both important, but not equally. No process is effective with the wrong people, but the right people will find a way to make things work. In the end, I have found that people are more important than process. The companies that I have presented are by no means perfect. I am not pretending that all of their employees are euphoric in their work or that they have figured out the magic formula for success in business. Each has its own share of internal problems that simply come as a result of doing business. But I did not expect to find perfection when I began my quest. What I did find, however, was a relentless pursuit of goals based upon values. What I found—and now firmly believe—is that a constant focus on values results in a different employee and customer experience. While not perfect, that experience is kind, dignified, and thoughtful. Most important, it is unique and sets companies apart from others.

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