The Law of Attraction and Customer Service

Science has proven that everything is energy. Everything. The law of attraction involves the understanding of energy and the role it plays in our lives. Energy is what we are . . . we are not made of energy, we are energy. This is fact, not theory. There is no room for misunderstanding this; physicists have shown this for years.

When we begin to understand this more clearly, we can better determine how things around us happen. The understanding that energy attracts similar energy explains everything from how we can be thinking of someone and then that person calls us to how we can continuously become that which we constantly think about.

It can also explain how some companies attract kind people.

Suspend your skepticism and disbelief for a moment, and accept the theory of the law of attraction. Accept the fact that energy attracts like energy. Since we are energy ourselves, we will conclude that we will attract “us.” Upbeat “us” will attract other upbeat people. Likewise, negative “us” will attract negative people. Take a moment and reflect on your moods and actions over the course of time and see this for yourself. Did you ever have someone on your mind, and then he or she called you, or you ran into that person mysteriously? This is not a coincidence, but the law of attraction. Thoughts are energy, and what you think, you will attract. It works all the time.

What you think of, you will attract. The law of attraction makes that promise. Think success, and you will succeed. Think of the reasons why you will fail, and you will fail. The same is true for virtually any endeavor you decide to undertake. You can actually attract your result.

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