Choosing a Life of Kindness

My father could have had success in law; could have made a lot of money; could have taught his son to fish and play ball; could have driven his daughter on her first date; could have driven on the family vacations that he loved. He could have enjoyed movies and TV; could have enjoyed sporting events with wide fields and great views; could have enjoyed watching the sun set.

But he couldn’t do any of those things, due to his injury. He also could have complained, moaned, and lived a life of anger and resentment. He could have come home every day and talked about his lousy job and how tired he was after standing on his feet all day. He could have complained about how he was selling the furniture that he had dreamed his family would someday have for the new homes he dreamed he would someday own.

Instead, he chose of life of kindness—a choice he made—and he made people feel good to be around him. I still recall, beginning as a young boy and all through adulthood, how I actually felt better when people were around my parents, receiving their kindness and giving it back. How it felt good to see the kind way they treated each other. How I could sense this feeling, and feel better in their presence. To this day, at their gravesides, I still experience this feeling.

As the rest of this chapter will show, I have a reason for sharing this story with you.

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