Finding Mrs. Fields

Not being much of a sweets eater, I wasn’t familiar with Mrs. Fields’s cookies or anyone else’s for that matter. Finding Mrs. Fields and her cookies was an unexpected discovery in my quest for the best service providers.

I was asked to speak at a breakfast meeting of a local business association. As we were finalizing the details of my engagement, my contact told me how excited they were to have me speaking to their group (always a good thing to hear!). Then, he said how much they had been “knocked out” by the previous month’s speaker. (This is not the best thing to hear—you generally prefer to follow someone who was less than a “knockout.”)

I learned that the previous speaker was Debbi Fields Rose. My client raved about how powerful her message was. He enthusiastically described the Mrs. Fields story and the impact it had on the attendees at the session. I paid close attention to what I was hearing and started to ask around and see what the fuss was about. I found out it was about a lot.

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