Employees with Values are Self-Policing

One of my best friends is a very successful high-school basketball coach here in Memphis. He may even be the best in Memphis history, winning five state championships during his career. His teams have been nationally ranked for four years in a row by USA Today. He teaches values, teamwork, respect, and fair play to his players. He is well respected by his players’ parents, his peers, and the community. His players reflect his values, and they play like he coaches . . . with respect and dedication to their craft. They play hard, play clean, and win.

There is another high-school coach here in town whose team plays my friend’s team every year. His players are always more athletic and always bigger. They are loud, tough, and known for hard-hitting and somewhat dirty play. They consistently beat most everybody in town . . . except one team. They go to the state tournament and never win. My friend’s team does.

The other coach’s team reflects the values of the coach. He is loud and crude, and he has been disciplined for inappropriate behavior both on and off the court. He does not command much respect, and, accordingly, neither do his players.

What I find interesting about this situation is that, in asking my friend about his players, he explained that they attract players who are like them. They actually “police” themselves and mold the younger players into the type of players they are. When asked whether they would accept thugs and dirty players, my friend quickly said, “No way; they won’t stand for that.”

The coach’s values attract a certain type of player, and the players’ values attract like players. The same is true in business. The leader’s values attract a certain type of leader; their values attract a certain type of employee. Those employees then attract a certain type of customer.

Peel back the layers of the onion, get to the core, and watch the law of attraction work. You’ll be amazed.

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