Brian Matsumoto (

Carol F. Roullard (

Project Editor: Maggie Yates

Copyeditor: Maggie Yates

Layout: Jan Martí, Command Z

Cover Design: Helmut Kraus,

Printer: Sheridan Books, Inc

Printed in the USA

ISBN 978-1-937538-49-1

1st Edition 2014

© 2014 by Brian Matsumoto, Carol F. Roullard

Rocky Nook Inc.

802 East Cota St., 3rd Floor

Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Matsumoto, Brian.

The Sony a7 and a7R: the unofficial quintessential guide / by Brian Matsumoto, Carol F. Roullard. -- 1st edition.

pages cm

ISBN 978-1-937538-49-1 (softcover : alk. paper)

1. Sony digital cameras. 2. Photography--Digital techniques. I. Roullard, Carol F. II. Title.

TR263.S66M37 2014



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