
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 4

5G networks, 83


  • absolute positioning systems, 162
  • access and mobility management function, 22
  • Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC), 196
  • Adaptive Multiplexer for Haptic–Audio–Visual (ADMUX), 145
  • agricultural applications, 84
  • Air-to-Ground (A2G), 42
  • airborne base stations, 42
  • application
    • -Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), 67
    • function, 22
    • Layer Protocol for Haptic Networking (ALPHAN), 143, 176
    • programming interface, 22
  • Arduino, 67
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), 6, 178, 216
  • Audio Video Bridging (AVB), 17
  • authentication server function, 22
  • availability, 1


  • Base Station (BS), 212
  • Bidirectional Transport Protocol (BTP), 149
  • binary integer programming, 213
  • bursty, 210


  • client–server architecture, 79
  • closed-loop feedback, 9
  • cloud, 83
  • cloudlet, 86
  • communication, 7
  • compliance, 130
  • confidentiality, 221
  • connectivity, 83
  • Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), 70
  • containers, 70
  • content delivery network, 28
  • control plane, 26
    • entities, 15
    • protocol (CPP), 183
  • controlled mobility, 157
  • controller node, 14
  • cooperative automated driving, 19
  • Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), 42
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), 7


  • data
    • network, 22
    • plane, 26
    • radio bearers, 23
  • Decision Tree (DT), 218
  • deep learning, 30
  • Degree of Freedom (DoF), 176
  • devices, 83
  • direct control, 100
  • distributed denial of service, 221
  • Docker, 70
  • downlink, 213


  • Edge Computing (EC), 70, 85, 86
  • Efficient Transport Protocol (ETP), 148
  • embedded device, 71
  • End-to-End delay (E2E), 173
  • environment, 100
  • Ethernet, 83


  • feedback, 7
  • Fiber Optics, 4
  • Fiber-Wireless (FiWi), 174, 214
  • Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), 67
  • Fifth Generation (5G), 4
  • fog computing, 85
  • force tracking, 104


  • gateway node, 14, 70
  • Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), 39
  • ground station, 42


  • haptic
    • communication, 6
    • interface, 100
    • over Internet Protocol (HoIP), 146, 183
  • hardware platform, 70
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC), 38
  • human
    • haptic receptors, 128
    • operator, 100
  • human–machine interaction, 6
  • human–system interface, 14
  • Hybrid Automatic Repeated Request (HARQ), 177


  • impedances, 103
  • inertial measurement unit, 162
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT), 3, 37
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 83
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics
    • Engineers (IEEE), 4
    • IEEE 1918.1 Standard, 5
  • Inter-Packet Gap (IPG), 149, 215
  • Interactive Real-Time Protocol (IRTP), 146, 175
  • interarrival time, 149
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 1
  • Internet of
    • Drones, 18
    • Everything (IoE), 65, 80
    • Skills, 6
    • Things (IoT), 1, 7, 65, 66
  • Internet Service Provider, 4
  • Interoperable Telesurgical Protocol (ITP), 176
  • interpersonal communication, 18


  • jitter, 117
  • Just Noticeable Difference (JND), 176


  • K-factor, 42
  • kinesthetic, 95
  • Kth-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), 218
  • Kubernetes, 70


  • lightweight protocols, 71
  • Line of Sight (LoS), 196
  • Linear Time Invariant (LTI), 112
  • live haptic-enabled broadcast, 19
  • Local Area Network (LAN), 184
  • low
    • Earth Orbit (LEO), 39
    • latency, 95
  • LTE-M, 83


  • machine learning, 11
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M), 66
  • master, 100
    • controller, 102
    • domain, 5
  • mean opinion score, 28
  • mechanoreceptors, 128
  • Medium Access Control (MAC), 196, 210
  • Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), 39
  • millimeter-Waves (mmWave), 40
  • mobile cellular infrastructure, 159
  • Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), 27, 86, 177
  • model-mediated system, 31
  • multi-tier architecture, 87
  • multicast, 147


  • NB-IoT, 83
  • network
    • controller, 14
    • domain, 5
    • Function Virtualizing (NFV), 24
    • resource function, 22
    • Simulator-2 (NS2), 175
    • Simulator-3 (NS3), 192
    • slice selection function, 22
    • slicing, 23
  • networked robotics, 155
  • New Radio (NR), 21
  • next generation node B, 22
  • Non-Access Stratum (NAS), 183
  • Non-Line of Sight (NLoS), 196
  • Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), 37


  • open
    • -loop feedback, 9
    • system interconnection, 69
  • OpenFlow, 27
  • orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, 210


  • Packet Gateway (PGW)/Service Gateway (SGW), 194
  • Packetized Elementary Streams (PES), 177
  • passivity, 111
  • payload, 72
  • Perception-based Adaptive Haptic Communication Protocol (PAHCP), 144, 176
  • physical world, 7
  • piezoresistive, 131
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS), 83
  • point cloud method, 131
  • policy control function, 22
  • Probability Density Function (PDF), 42
  • Protocol Data Units (PDU), 190
  • publisher, 73


  • Q-learning, 217
  • Quality of Experience (QoE), 5
  • Quality of Service (QoS) flow identifier, 23


  • Radio
    • Access Network (RAN), 22, 174
    • Frequency Identification (RFID), 67
    • Resource Allocation (R-RA), 37
  • random forest, 218
  • Real-Time
    • Application Level Protocol for Distributed Interactive Media (RTP/I), 145
    • Network Protocol (RTNP), 149
    • Protocol (RTP), 147
  • reliability, 1
  • reliable communication network, 95
  • Resource Blocks (RB), 213
  • robotics, 1
  • Root-Mean-Square (RMS), 42
  • Round Trip Time (RTT), 177


  • scalability, 87
  • Service
    • -Based Architecture (SBA), 21
    • Data Unit (SDU), 190
    • Level Agreement (SLA), 24
  • Session
    • Initiation Protocol (SIP), 175
    • Management Function (SMF), 22
  • Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR), 193
  • Single Point Of Failure (SPOF), 221
  • skill delivery, 5
  • slave, 100
    • domain, 5
  • smart computing, 1, 7
  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN), 26, 177
  • sparse code multiple access, 213
  • stability, 103
  • Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), 148, 215
  • Supermedia Transport for teleoperations over Overlay Networks (STRON), 175
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM), 218
  • Synchronization Signal Block (SSB), 189
  • Synchronous Collaboration Transport Protocol (SCTP), 144, 175


  • tactile, 95
    • devices, 14
    • service manager, 15
  • taxel, 131
  • telerobotics, 16
  • telesurgery, 16
  • terahertz (THz) communications, 40
  • time-sensitive networking, 17
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 175
  • transparency, 103
  • transport layer protocols, 146
  • two-port, 103


  • unicast, 147
  • unified data management, 22
  • unilateral, 100
  • Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), 41
  • uplink, 213
  • User
    • Centered Design (UCD), 4
    • Datagram Protocol (UDP), 175, 215
    • Equipment (UE), 22
    • Plane Entities (UPEs), 15
    • Plane Function (UPF), 22


  • Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X), 20
  • Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), 20
  • virtual reality, 17
  • virtualization, 86
  • Visible Light Communication (VLC), 38

W, Z

  • WiFi, 8
  • Wireless
    • Local Area Networks (WLANs), 8
    • Tactile Internet (WTI), 38
  • Wireless Networked Robots (WNR), 155
    • architecture in Tactile Internet (TI), 165
    • interfaces in Tactile Internet (TI), 168
    • Key Performance Indicator (KPI), 164
    • traffic, 161
  • Zigbee, 8, 68
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