Wealthy Takeaways

• Wealthy freelancers are able to land more and better clients with less effort by using a simplified yet very effective model called the Master Marketing Formula.
• Think of the Master Marketing Formula as a funnel with five specific stages: finding high-probability prospects, generating leads, getting opportunities, closing the sale, and nurturing “not today” prospects. Your job is to continually move prospects down the funnel.
• The best prospect list is the one you assemble on your own. Focus on the job titles of people who tend to hire freelancers in your field or who, with the right message, would consider doing so. And limit your search to organizations and industries where you would have the highest probability of success.
• A lead becomes an opportunity when you get a chance to present your services, discuss a project, or quote a job. You get opportunities by following up with leads, which in turn enables you to be sure there’s a good fit between their needs and your services.
• Besides providing you with a simple and proven client-attracting system, the Master Marketing Formula can also act as a troubleshooting guide. By compartmentalizing each step in the process of getting clients, it enables you to more easily identify the root of the problem should you find yourself in a rut.

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