Secret 1: Master the Mental Game
Pete Savage
As a freelancer, on those days when life is filled with roses and sunshine, it’s easy to stay confident and upbeat. It’s when the storms roll in—and they will roll in—that your mental toughness will be put to the test.
Some freelancing storms you’re sure to go through (if you haven’t already) might look like this:
• That long and lucrative streak of work, the one that seemed as though it would just never end … ends.
• That favorite client of yours who thinks you’re the best thing since TiVo suddenly begins to send less and less work your way.
• Your bank account takes a nosedive.
• Your friends or, much worse, your spouse begins looking at you with unmasked nervousness, as if to say, “Hmmm. This freelance thing of yours isn’t going as well as planned, is it?”
In the face of all these things, what does a wealthy freelancer do? In this chapter, you learn how to exercise and strengthen your mental muscles, so you’ll be ready to take on these and other challenges that come your way.
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