“Work,” as we’ve come to understand it, is morphing before our very eyes. As we write this, the global economy is struggling to recover from the worst financial downturn in a generation. Layoffs are mounting at a rapid pace. And after cutting staff to the bone, businesses everywhere are scrambling to source talent for critical projects. Rather than reverting to the typical “hire and fire” cycle, many of these businesses are turning to freelance professionals.
The reason is simple: the freelance model works. Companies like it because it allows them to get work done without the salary, training, and benefits expenses that come with hiring. And it provides the flexibility to source specific talent for any project quickly, on an as-needed basis.
Meanwhile, as companies change their hiring strategies, employees’ attitudes toward their careers are changing, too. There’s a kind of widespread “awakening” afoot (maybe you’re experiencing it yourself) as more and more people begin to question the meaning of work, its role in our lives, and whether or not the corporate grind is really worth it. Millions of professionals—whether they’ve been ousted from their jobs or finally grown tired of long commutes, 60-hour workweeks, childish office politics, and rationed vacation time—are scratching their heads and thinking, “There has got to be a better way!” In their quest for answers, thousands are discovering freelancing as a breath of fresh air and the beginning of a new, better way to make a living.
Not surprisingly, mainstream media is quickly catching on. Once a somewhat obscure career path, freelancing is now getting regular attention in or on The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, BusinessWeek, CNN, Fox News, and many other media outlets.
As we enter what the three of us believe is a true renaissance in self-employment, what’s missing is a practical guide for creating a freelance business that delivers a great income and a flexible, balanced, and fulfilling lifestyle. Lots of information already exists on the mechanics of launching a solo career, and plenty has been written about how to run the day-to-day aspects of a freelance business. But much of that advice follows a starving-artist mindset, with running themes of scarcity and day-to-day survival rather than positive expectations, continuous improvement in every area of your freelance business, and outright embracing of the possibilities that lie ahead.
That’s where this book comes in.
If you’ve been freelancing a while and doing just “okay,” the ideas we share with you in the following pages show you how to take things to the next level—for good—and create the kind of success you’ve only dreamt about. Or if you haven’t yet launched your freelance business, this book helps you set out on the right path. Either way, you’re about to discover dozens of proven ideas that can dramatically accelerate your progress and keep you from making costly mistakes.
Here’s what you won’t find in this book: hype. You won’t find promises of afternoons spent napping on tropical beaches, working on the occasional project, and raking in enough dough each day to keep the margaritas coming endlessly. Achieving and sustaining freelance success, like any worthwhile endeavor, requires solid, honest effort. At times, it’s hard work. But it doesn’t have to be grueling work. And with this book as your guide, it won’t be.
Each of us has built our own successful freelance business, completely from scratch. But we are not superheroes. We’re people just like you. We each had a dream of creating a freelance business that would enable us to have the clients, projects, income, and lifestyle we wanted. Over time, we figured out how to make that happen, and now we’re sharing our secrets.
As you read, keep an open mind. Many of the concepts you come across will be new to you. Resolve to take action on the tips, strategies, and ideas in this book. If you do, you will create the wealthy life you are striving for.
And when you’re ready for more, join the exciting conversation already going on at
Steve Slaunwhite
Pete Savage
Ed Gandia
August 2009
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