

The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


achievement tests

coaching for

educational resources and

language and

as optional

as substitute for aptitude tests


coaching for

elimination of

as SAT substitute

value of

admissions exams

aptitude test substitution and

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and

National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and

optional SAT policy and

success in predictions of

value of

Admitted Class Evaluation Service (ACES)

Advanced Placement (AP) program

calculus and

chemistry and

class size and

Detroit and

discrimination and

educational resources allocation and

Escalante and

examinee choice and

Garfield High School and

generalizations for

La Cañada High School and

language and

national projection and

placement error and

popularity of

PSAT and

recruitment and

SAT and

Spanish and

state support of

stereotypes and

student potential and

subject content and

U.S. history test of 1988 and

Affie, E.

Aiken, Howard

Alexander the Great

Ali, Muhammad

Allalouf, Avi

American Society of Podiatry

anchor items

Angoff, W. H.





Army Alpha tests

Avery, Christopher

Bacon, Francis

Baldwin, Peter

Ballou, D.

barroom brawls

Bastari, B.

Bayesian theory

Beast, number of

Beaton, Albert

“Bell Curve, The” (Gawande)

Beller, Michal

Berkeley, George



examinee choice and

statistics and

tests and


big choice


Blifil, Ms.

Block Design

Bloom, Benjamin

Bok, Derek


Bowdoin College

Admitted Class Evaluation Service (ACES) and

comparison to other schools

post-SAT performance analysis and

SAT study and

unsubmitted scores and

Bracey, G. W.

Bradlow, E. T.

Braun, Henry

Brigham, Carl


Brown, L.

“build it yourself” exams

bullet holes


Advanced Placement (AP) program and

Garfield High School and

potential of Detroit and

Camara, Wayne


car expenses

Carson, C. C.

Cass Technical High School

Castellano, Karen

causal inference

Celsius temperature scale

Character of Physical Law, The (Feynman)

Chase, Editha


gaming the system and

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and

“no harm, no foul” and

“point and look” method and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School and


Advanced Placement (AP) program and

aptitude tests and

College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) and

comparative analysis and

examinee choice and


Civil Service Act

Civil Service of the United States (Jenckes)

Cizek, Gregory

classroom effect

class size

Clauser, Brian

Cleveland, Grover

Clyman, Stephen


Cole, Nancy

College Board

Admission Testing Program and

Admitted Class Evaluation Service (ACES) and

Advanced Placement (AP) program and

Camara and

Educational Testing Service and

New Capabilities Research project and


College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)


cost of

early admission and

endowment per pupil and

ranking of

student/faculty ratio and

comparative analysis

anchor items and

Bayesian framework for

co-scaling and

cut-scores and

different forms of test and

error and

fairness and

gender and

language and

measurement systems and

overlap and

PSAT and

SAT and

theory and

translation and

validity-based scoring (VBS) and

“Comparing the Incomparable: An Essay on the Importance of Big Assumptions and Scant Evidence” (Wainer)

Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs)

computer science



constructed response

Consumer Reports

Cook, Linda

Corrall, R.J.M



“Counterfactuals” (Holland)

Cuddy, Monica

curving scores


Dash, Eric

decision making

empirical approach and

evidence-based (see also evidence) faith and

guessing and

rigid rules for scholarships and

DeMauro, G. E.

Denton, N. A.


Advanced Placement (AP) program and

segregation and



Dunn, M. C.

Durso, John

Earles, J. A.

early admission



cost of

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and

“point and look” method and

resource allocation and

Educational Testing Service

comparative analysis and

co-scaling and

optional SAT policy and

Einstein, Albert

eligibility scores

empirical approach

college costs and

comparative analysis and

educational resource allocation and

examinee choice and

optional SAT policy and

value-added models and

Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science


aptitude tests and

comparative analysis of tests and

examinee choice and

entrance exams. See admissions exams




comparative analysis and

co-scaling and



examinee choice and


language and

as misnomer

National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) and

scaling function and

test comparison and


comparative analysis and

measurement scales and

value-added models and

Escalante, Jaime

Escalante effect


examinee choice and

performance prediction and


Admitted Class Evaluation Service (ACES) and

Advanced Placement (AP) program and

assessing teachers from student scores and

college rankings and

comparative analysis and

empirical approach and

equating and

error and

evidence and (see also evidence)

examinee choice and

faith and

measurement systems and


missing data and

multiple-choice and

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and

National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) and

outcome of interest definition and

performance prediction and

portfolios and

psychometrics and

qualifying success and

sampling and (see also statistics)

scaling function and

teaching/motivation measure and

unsubmitted scores and

value-added models and

value of admissions exams and


anecdote and

Aristotle and

Bacon and

comparative analysis and

as data related to a claim

discovery and

educational resources and

empirical approach and

examinee choice and

experiment and

faith and

gathering data and

optional SAT policy and

rigid decision rules for scholarships and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School case and

Tukey and

value-added models and

examinee choice

Advanced Placement (AP) program and

alternative questions and

alternative strategies and

amount of information and

AP chemistry test of 1968 and

AP chemistry test of 1989 and

‘αρμovíα and

bias and

big choice and

Brigham and

“build it yourself” exams and

College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) and

Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs) and

concluding results from

connectedness and

constructed response and

difficulty assessment and

equating and

essays and

evidence on

fairness and

gaming the system and

gender and

generative processes and

historical perspective on

intransitive triad and

Ironman Triathlon and

language and

learning from choice behavior and

measurement scales and

Olympic decathlon and

performance prediction and

reliability and

sampling and

scaling and

small choice and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School case and

testlets and

transitivity and

unambiguous data on

as unnecessary

U.S. history test of 1988

Exploratory Data Analysis (Tukey) and

Fables for Our Time (Thurber)


Feynman, Richard

h-twice method

Finn, C. E., Jr.

Fitzsimmons, William R.

Frazier, Joe

Fremer, J.


aptitude tests and

comparative analysis of tests and

examinee choice and

value-added models and

Gafni, N.

gaming the system

Garfield High School

AP Spanish and

calculus and

Garrow, J. R.

Gawande, Atul

Gelman, A.


comparative analysis and

examinee choice and

general aptitude tests

demonstration of mastery and

educational resource allocation and

IQ tests and

normal distribution and

substituting achievement tests for

generative processes


“Glass in the Field, The” (Thurber)


Gödel, Kurt

Gore, Al

grade point average


group administration


Gulliksen, Harold

Hambleton, R. K.

Hanani, P.

Handbook of Statistics (Rao and Sinharay)

Hauser, R. M.

health care



Heubert, H.

Hilden, K.

Hock, Dee

Holland, Paul

Hoover, Herbert

Horn, S. P.

Huelskamp, R. M.

Hume, David


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film)

Indian civil service system


interval scales

intransitive triad

IQ tests

Ironman Triathlon

IRT model


achievement test substitution and

comparative analysis of tests and

National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) and

Jackson, R.

Jenckes, Thomas

Jensen, A. R.

Jesus Rios et al vs. Regents of the University of California

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Jenny

Jordan River

Judges, Bible book of

Kadane, J. B.

Kant, Immanuel

Kearn, Vickie

Kelvin temperature scale

Kennen, George

Kierkegaard, Søren

La Cañada High School


achievement tests and

Advanced Placement (AP) program and


Canada and

College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) and

comparative analysis and

co-scaling and

counterfactuals and


examinee choice and




logic and

Prueba de Aptitud Academica (PAA) and


translation and

Laplace, Pierre-Simon

Lardner, Ring


Lawrence, I.

layered models

Lehman Brothers

Lewis, Charles

Lichten, William

Little, R.J.A.

Locke, John


anecdote and

aptitude test substitution and

civil service tests and

counterfactuals and

empirical approach and

faith and

guessing and

hope and

language and

Lord's Paradox and

scientific method and


Lombard, H. C.

Lombard Surprise


Lord's paradox

Luce-Bradley-Terry model

Lukhele, R.

Lunz, Mary


McPeek, M.

Madden, R. R.

Mangel, M.

Martin Luther King High School

mass-administered exams

Massey, D. S.


achievement tests and

AP calculus and

aptitude tests and

College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) and

comparative analysis of tests and


Escalante and

examinee choice and

SAT section of

Schmidt study and

statistics (see also statistics)

value-added models and

Mathews, J.

measurement. See evaluation

medical expenses

Melnick, Donald

Merit Scholarships

Messenger Lectures (Feynman)


Metropolitan test

Michigan State High School Proficiency test

Mill, John Stuart

Miller, George

Millsap, R.

missing-at-random assumption

Modu, C. C.

mortality rates

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

multiple-choice tests



National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)

National Board of Medical Examiners

National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE)

Newrick, P. G.

New Yorker

New York Times

Nieves, E.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

“no harm, no foul”

nominal scale

normal distribution

Northwestern University

Nungester, Ron

Olympic decathlon

ordinal scale


Paige, Satchel

Palmer, Samuel

Papanastasiou, E. C.

Passover-like form

perfect scores

performance prediction

achievement tests and

aptitude tests and

Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs) and

examinee choice and

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and

optional SAT policy and

statistics and

value-added models and



achievement tests and

aptitude tests and

examinee choice and

value-added models and

“point and look” method


achievement test substitution and

Advanced Placement (AP) program and

Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs) and

evaluation and (see also evaluation)

NACAC report and

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and

optional testing and

Pomplun, M.

Poortinga, Y. H.

Popham, W. J.

portfolio assessment

Powers, D. E.

Pressley, M. K.

Preuba de Aptitud Academica (PAA)

Princeton University

Proust, Marcel


Advanced Placement (AP) program and

comparative analysis and

cut-scores and

as easier SAT

National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test and

replacement of

verbal section of

Psychometric Entrance Test (PET)


achievement tests and

comparative analysis of tests and

examinee choice and

statistics and

value-added models and

Quesnay, François


Detroit and

discrimination and

Garfield High School and

segregation and

stereotypes and

random assignment

Rao, C. R.n Ravitch, D.

Reckase, Mark


Ree, M. J.


Renaissance High School

Rimer, Sara

Rogers, Will

Rosenbaum, P. R.

Rosenfeld, S.

Rubin, D. B.n

Russell, Bertrand

Ruth, Babe

Salganik, L. H.

Samaniego, F. J .


aptitude tests and

college costs and

examinee choice and

missing/erroneous data and


self-selection and

value-added models and

Sanders, William


accuracy of predictions of

Admission Testing Program and

Advanced Placement (AP) program and

Bowdoin College and

Brigham and

coaching for

college rankings and

comparative analysis and

elimination of

equating and (see also equating)

examinee choice and

math section of

National Assessment of Educational

Progress (NAEP) and

Northwestern University and

as optional

perfect score on

post-test performance analysis and

Prueba de Aptitud Academica (PAA) and

Quantitative test and

as Scholastic Aptitude Test

as Scholastic Assessment Test

unsubmitted scores and

verbal section of

Saxton, A. M.

Schmidt, William


cheating and

cut-scores and

gender and

Merit Scholarships and

rigid decision rules for

scientific method

Scoles, Peter


Advanced Placement (AP) program and

assessing teachers from student scores and

Brigham and

comparative analysis and

Computerized Adaptive Tests (CATs) and



decathlon and

Educational Testing Service and

examinee choice and

gaming the system and

inference from

intransitive triad and


Merit Scholarship program and


normal distribution and



reliability and

rigid decision rules for scholarships and


scale for

Squire Allworthy Elementary School and



value-added models and

security issues


Shang Dynasty

Shankland, R.

shibboleth test

shoe sizes

shooting the messenger

Sinharay, S.

Sireci, Stephen


small choice

Social Security numbers

“Some Practical Considerations When Converting a Linearly Administered Test to an Adaptive Format” (Wainer)


achievement tests and

aptitude tests and

comparative analysis of tests and

examinee choice and

Preuba de Aptitud Academica (PAA) and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School

cheating charges and

evidence-based approach and

use of statistics and

Stamp, Josiah Charles

Stand and Deliver (film)


bias and

college rankings and

comparative analysis and

dangerous professions and

DIBELS test and

equating and

erroneous data and

examinee choice and

h-twice method and

frequency distribution and

longevity data and

Luce-Bradley-Terry model and

Madden and

missing-at-random assumption and

missing data and

mortality rates

optional SAT policy and

Palmer and

preference and

random assignment and

sampling and

Schmidt and

Science of Uncertainty and

self-selection and

skipping and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School case and

Tukey and

value-added models and

Wald and

Steinberg, Linda

Stuart, E. A.

student/faculty ratio

Sumner, Charles

Superstars (TV show)

Tabrar, Joseph

teacher effect


assessment of from student scores

Squire Allworthy Elementary School case and

student-score assessment of

value-added models and



Tennessee Value-Added Assessment system



anchor items and

aptitude test substitution and

bias and

British system and

“build it yourself” exams and

cheating and

China and

civil service

coaching and

comparative analysis and

constructed response and

eligibility scores and

equating and

essays and

examinee choice and

future policy for

gaming the system and

gathering data and

Gileadites and

group administration and

harm from

improvement of

Indian civil service and

from individual to group administrations


item review and

language and (see also language)




No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and

overlap and

Passover-like form and

performance prediction and

“point and look” method and

security issues and

skipping and

Squire Allworthy Elementary School and


unsubmitted scores and

value-added models and

See also specific tests

Thissen, David

Thompson, D. W.

Thurber, James

Thwackum, Dr.

Traité de Mécanique Céleste (Laplace)


Tucker, Ledyard

Tukey, John

University of California

University of Chicago

US News and World Report

validity-based scoring (VBS)

“Value-Added Assessment” (Braun and Wainer)

value-added models (VAMs)

causal inference and

claims of

classroom effect and

counterfactual conditional and

counterfactual substitution and

erroneous data and

evidence and

fairness and

layering and

Lord's Paradox and

measurement issues and

missing data and

performance prediction and

random assignment and

student effects and

teacher assessment and

van de Vijver, F.J.R.

verbal tests

Gileadites and

PSAT and

SAT and

Vispoel, W. P.


Von Neumann, John

Wainer, Howardnn

college costs and

comparative analysis of tests andn

examinee choice and

value-added models and

Wald, Abraham

Wang, X.

“What Happens If You Don't Require

the SAT? Bowdoin College as an

Example” (Wainer)

Willingham, W. W.

Wilson, F. T.

Woodall, T. D.

Wright, P.

Xia Dynasty

Yen, W. M.


Zakkai, Yohanan ben

Zanutto, E. L.

Zwick, Rebecca

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