
Note: Page numbers followed by “b,” “f,” and “t” refer to boxes, figures, and tables, respectively.


Aarne–Thompson–Uther classification system, 123–124, 124f
Accessibility, 7f
Acculturation, 23–26
Actor, 30
Aesthetics, 95–99
cultural, 142–149
Affinity, 133–134
Africa, digital portrait in, 87–88
communication style, 88
family, 88
infrastructure, 87
Agile globalization, 55–61, 57f
role of agiles, 59–61
user story, life of, 58–59
Akira, 95–96
Albers, Josef, 192
Alibaba Group, 85, 85, 85
Amazon, 52, 89
Amazon Cloud, 140
American Planning Association, 157
AMIPCI, 82, 82
Analytic thought, 97
Android, 163
Anthropology, 14
Apple, 10, 32, 45, 45, 46, 46, 52, 54, 80, 151, 162f, 204, 205, 205–206
iPhone 5C campaign, 43–44, 44
Appropriateness, 114–117
Appropriation, 114–117
Arabic Script, 161–162
Armani, 170–171
Arnold, Matthew, 15
Arousal, 197
Artifact Evolution Theory (AET), 109
ArtLens, 175
digital portrait, 83–85
Aspirations, 43–46
Attitude, personal, 99–101
Audience, 22–23
digital portrait, 86
Authority, 103
AutoNavi, 85
Autonomic management of ubiquitous e-Health systems (AMUSE), 177
Avaya Asia-Pacific Customer Experience Survey, 91


Bacon, Francis, 28, 28f
Baidu, 83
Barnum effect, 13
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 155
Behavioral triggers, 103
Bhabha, Homi, 118
cultural, 8
linguistic, 8
Bogollo, Leonardo Pisano, 144
Booker, Christopher, 126–127
Braind Agency, 33–34
defined, 40
identity, 43–46
localization, 37–41
Burberry, 170–171
Burnett, Margaret, 155


Cainiao, 85
Calenders, 165
Campbell, Joseph, 126
Carr, Nicholas, 22
Cartography, 62
Characters, 206–211
Chicas Poderosas, 156
cultural imperatives, 97–98, 98, 98, 98, 98–99, 99, 99, 99
digital portrait, 92–94
western brand in, developing, 170–171
China Internet Watch, 23
Cialdini, Bob, 103
Clarity, 131–132
Clarke, Alison J., 116–117
Cleveland Museum of Art
Gallery One, 175
Share a Coke” campaign, 39
Cognition, 185–187
relationship with culture, 96–97
Colgate, 11
Color scheme, 191–196, 196t
classification of, 193–194
Commitment, 103–104
Communication, 47
channels, 79–80
nonverbal, 181–182
style of, 88
and virtual realities, 173
Communities, 46–48
Computer self-efficacy, 155
Conflict, 126
Consistency, 103–104
Consolidation, 14
Consumerist culture, 40
Content delivery, 173
Context, 30
Context-awareness, 173–174, 174f
Continuum, 20, 21f
Controls, 164
Copy, 129
affinity and tone, refining, 133–134
clarity, 131–132
controlled language and machine translation, 139–140
dialects, 134–135
reusability, 131–132
transcreation, 136–137, 136–137, 137–139
Cornell University
Women’s Planning Forum, 157
Corn Flakes, 118, 118–119, 119, 119f
Corporate change, 52–55
Corporate culture, 15
Council of Europe, 8
Counterculture, 15
Credit cards, 85, 85
Cross-cultural design, 6
Cues, 185–187
Cultural aesthetics, 142–149
Cultural bias, 8
Cultural imperatives, 95–99
Cultural models, 110–114
Cultural sensitivity, 38
Culture, 14–17, 16f
advanced, 14–15
case study, 201b
corporate, 15
counterculture, 15
defined, 15
mass, 15
monoculture, 15–16
nontraditional, 99–100
pop, 15
primitive, 14–15, 99
relationship with cognition, 96–97
traditional, 99–100
Currencies and number handling, 164–165
Customer service, 89–91, 90f
Customer support, 89–91, 90f


Dam, Andrea Van, 47
Darwin, Charles, 198
Dastan, 128
Deloitte Media Consumer Survey, 86
Design, 142–143
visualization, 29f
Design for Women Foundation in Africa, 156
Desktop metaphor, 169f
Devil’s tuning fork, 186f
DHL Global Connectedness Index, 87
Dialects, 134–135
Didaktik M, 115f
Digital Access Index, 7
Digital experience, 3–9
Digital portrait
Africa, 87–88
Asia, 83–85
Australia, 85
China, 92–94
Europe, 76–80, 77f
North America, 80, 81f
South America, 81–82
Digital product, metabolism of, 27–31
Dinner for One, 117, 117f
Display requirements, 34
Distorted reality field, 103
DITA, 173
Diversification, 46–48
Doyle, Peter, 40


eBay, 9, 89
Eglash, Ron, 143
e-Health systems, 176–177
Ekman, Paul, 111, 198
e-learning, 177
Empathy, 149
Encarta, 62
Endomondo, 176
Ergonomics, 34–37
Ethos, 18–19
e-training, 177
cultural contamination, 118
digital portrait, 76–80, 77f
Expectations, 41–43
Extreme Male Theory of Autism, 155


Facebook, 31, 47–48, 79, 80, 80, 89, 144
in Africa, 88
in Europe, 77–79
Franchising, 24
Friesen, Wallace, 198


Gamification, 209–210
disparity, 155–157
stereotyping, 12f
and user experience, 151–157, 153f, 154f
GenderMag method, 155
Generalizations, 117–119
General Mills, 118
GenerationMe, 46
Geometrical regularity, 142
Gestures, 181–184
“Get a Mac” campaign, 45
Giza pyramids, 142
Global awareness, role of, 61–63
Global content strategy, building, 135–136
Globalization, 23–26, 51f
agile, 55–61
Global product vision, establishing, 49–52
Global Readiness, 61, 62, 63
Global user journey, 75–76
communication channels, 79–80
family, 77–79
housing, 77
social media, 79
GlobalWebIndex, 69
Golden Ratio, 144, 144, 145f
Gong, James, 204
Google, 10, 18–19, 89, 137, 139, 139
“Android One” project, 88
Google Glass, 175
Google Hangouts, 78
Google Translate, 175


Halo effect, 24–25
Hama-rikyuu Gardens, 175
HCI, 15, 31, 33–34, 122, 148
Heineken, 38
Hermès, 38
Hipsters, 11
Hofstede’s model, 112
Holistic reasoning, 97
Home, 32, 116–117
Hot Dot Production, 33–34
House of Cards, 113–114
Housing, 77
Howl’s Moving Castle, 95–96
Huawei, 15–16, 204
Human experience, 3–9
Hunt, Tim, 156


IBM, 10, 53
Iconography, 197–203, 199f
iCow, 5, 6f
Imagery, 197–203, 201f
iMessage, 80
IMF, 81
Impulsivity, 23
Indigenous user interfaces, 149–151
Information processing styles, 155
Infrastructure, 87, 88–89
Inputs, 181–184
Interface, 31
International Affective Picture System (IAPS), 198
Internationalization requirements, 163–166
calenders, 165
controls, 164
currencies and number handling, 164–165
postal addresses, 166
sorting issues, 164
International research, 69–71
International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), 156
Internet, 25–26
ISO Standards, 200–203
Iterative refining, 63–69
wireframes, 67f, 68–69
Izard, Carroll, 198


Jack, 41–42
Jättebra, 32
Jobs, Steve, 54, 103, 103
JSON-LD, 173


Keiretsu structure, 100
Kellogg, John Harvey, 118
Kellogg’s, 118, 118–119, 119, 119, 119f
Keyboards, 158–163, 160f, 160f, 160f, 161f, 162f, 162f
KFC Double Down, 41–42
Kishōtenketsu, 127, 127
Kolams, 142–143, 143f
Kuro Burger, 41–42
Kurosu, Masaaki, 113–114


Lancia, 113
Language translation, controlled, 139–140
Leaving Las Vegas, 126
Levitt, Theodore, 11
Li, Robin, 18–19
Liking bias, 104–105
Linguistic bias, 8
Local design, 31–34
Localization, 9–11
LOGOS, 177
Lorde, Audre, 132
Loyalty, 41–43


MacBook, 4
Machine translation, 139–140
Marketing myopia, 11
Marsden, Nicola, 152–154
Mass culture, 15
McAfee, 10
McDonald’s, 3, 24
McGhie, Austin, 44–45
McLuhan, Marshall, 214
MDInteractivo, 178b
Mental manifests, 95
aesthetics, 95–99
appropriateness, 114–117
appropriation, 114–117
cultural imperatives, 95–99
generalizations, 117–119
metaphors, 120–123, 121f
never-ending stories, 123–128, 124f
personal attitude, 99–101
persuasion, 102–110
reason, 102–110
researching, 109t, 110–114
social value, 99–101
stereotypes, 117–119
Mercedes-Benz, 65f, 113
Metanarrative, 126
Metaphors, 120–123, 121f
Microsoft, 22
Language Portal, 62f
Mikitani, Hiroshi, 100
Miller, Geoffrey, 177
Mindtool-Assisted In-Field Learning (MAIL), 177
Minority languages, 163
Miu Miu, 170–171
Monoculture, 15–16
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), 177
Motivation, 155
Mr. Bean, 117–118
Mukurtu project, 149


Natural liaison, 50
Near-shoring, 20
Netflix, 80, 86, 110f, 113–114, 114, 114, 114
Never-ending stories, 123–128, 124f
Nike, 45
Nimbuzz, 83
Nisbett, Richard, 96–97, 97
Nontraditional culture, 99–100
Nonverbal communication, 181–182
Norman, Donald, 167
North America
digital portrait, 80, 81f
Nouvel, Sergio, 150
Novel, Sergio, 20
Nvidia, 80


Occam’s Razor principle, 170
Office for National Statistics, 6
OnTapTV, 114


PayPal, 89
Perrier water, 37, 37
Personal attitude, 99–101
Personas, 206–211, 208f
Persuasion, 102–110
Piaget, Jean, 199
Pilgrim, Richard, 110–111
Polansky, Adam, 50
Pop culture, 15
Positive distinctiveness, 118
Postal addresses, 166
Primitive culture, 14–15, 99


Qualitative research, 106, 109t
QZone, 148, 148f


Rakuten, 100, 100f
Rapid prototyping, 66, 67
RDF, 173
Reactivity, 54
Real-time localization, 175–176, 176f
Reason, 102–110
Reciprocity, 105
Reddit, 31, 133
Relatable, 133, 133
Researching, 109t, 110–114
Resolutions, and devices, 203–206, 204f, 205f
Respect, 133
Responsiveness, 133
Reusability, 131–132
REVEL project, 172
Riegart, Aurélien, 17, 18
Risk aversion, 155
Rodil, Kasper, 150
Romeo and Juliet, 126
Runtastic, 176


Samsung, 205, 205–206
Santos, Mariana, 156
Scanning pattern, 185
Scarcity, 105
Schwartz, Shalom, 100, 101
Scripts, 158–163, 160f, 160f, 160f, 161f
Arabict, 161–162, 162f, 162f
in minority languages, 163
Semiotics, 147–149
Service design cycle, 50, 61–62
Service quality, 41
7-Eleven, 24
Sherman, Paul, 50
ShowMax, 114
Shum, Harry, 23
Siri, 174–175
Skype, 79
Sleeth, Bill, 33
Smartphones, 177
Smiling Report, 91
Social media, 79
Social proof, 105–106, 108f
Social value, 99–101
Software development, 50, 61–62
Sony, 38, 54, 54, 55, 55, 55, 205–206
content workflow, 56f
Sorting issues, 164
South America
digital portrait, 81–82
Spirited Away, 95–96
Spotify, 154f
Starbucks, 32, 33, 33, 33–34, 45
Stereotyping, 11, 11, 12f, 38, 42, 117–119, 156
Still Alice, 126
Stroop Effect, 147–149
Subway, 24
Suinn-Lew Asian Self Identity Acculturation (SL-ASIA), 185
Symbolism, 147


Taco Bell, 41–42
Taylor, Edmund, 14–15
Technology, 4, 4, 4–5, 6
miniaturization, 29
optimization, 29
Technophiles, 11
TeleSign, 66
Tension, 126
Theory of audience engagement, 148
Tinkering, 155
Tomkins, Silvan, 198
Touchscreen, 183f
Traditional culture, 99–100
Transcreation, 136–137, 136–137, 137–139
Trend-setters, 11
Trust, 88–89
Twitter, 144
Typesetting, 188–191
Typography, 188–191, 190f


Ubi, 174
Ueno Zoo Ubiquitous Guide Service, 175
Uncertainty avoidance, 113
Union Pay, 85
Unique design, 11–14
United Nations World’s Women, 156
Universal design, 7, 8, 8, 11–14
Universal design, 31–34
Usability issues, 166–171
conventional, 167–171
western brand in China, developing, 170–171
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 156
User, 30
User-centered design, 150
User experience (UX), 5, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12, 19, 50, 50, 52, 52, 54, 54, 54, 54, 147, 149, 149
defined, 9, 9
gender and, 151–157, 153f, 154f
User Interface (UI), 147, 147, 151
defined, 9
US Marine Corps
A Warrior’s Education” campaign, 46–47
Us versus them, 16


Valence, 197
Viber, 79
Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), 177
Virtual realities, 172–177
communication, 173
content delivery, 173
context-awareness, 173–174, 174f
e-Health systems, 176–177
e-learning, 177
e-training, 177
guidance, 175
real-time localization, 175–176, 176f
voice-recognition environments, 174–175
Vodafone, 89
Voice-recognition environments, 174–175
Volkswagen, 24–25


Web Accessibility Initiative, 9
WeChat, 23, 47–48, 85, 98, 171
Weibo, 85
Weiser, Marc, 172, 172
Western design, 142, 148, 152–154
Whatsapp, 76–77, 78, 79, 79, 79
Wikipedia, 159
Williams, Paige, 61, 62, 62
Willmott, Michael, 25
Wireframes, 67f, 68–69
Word Lens, 175
WordPerfect, 188
World, 73


Xbox, 174–175
Xiaomi, 204
Xu, Eric, 18–19


Yahoo, 138
Youku, 85
YouTube, 86


ZTE, 15–16
ZX Spectrum, 115–116, 115f
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