18. Photo Booth

In This Chapter

Taking and Viewing Photos

Image On an iPad 2 or later, you can use Photo Booth to take a photo and apply a special effect to the shot.

Taking and Viewing Photos

Photo Booth works with the front camera (for head shots) or back camera. Special effects include funhouse-mirror distortions, a thermal-image simulation, and a fake x-ray filter. The photos you take with Photo Booth are saved in your Camera Roll album in the Photos app.

To take a photo:

1. Open Photo Booth.

2. Tap the effect you want to apply Image.


Image You can take a normal photo (center box) or select a special effect.

3. If you selected a distortion effect, you can drag, flick, pinch, or rotate the image to change the distortion Image.


Image You can use multitouch gestures to further distort the image.


To select a different effect, tap Image.


To swap the front and back cameras, tap Image.

4. Tap Image to take the photo.

A thumbnail image of the photo slides into view above the controls. Flick left or right to view more thumbnails.

To view a photo:

• To see a photo full-size, tap its thumbnail.

To delete a photo:

• Tap it and then tap Image.

To manage photos:

1. Tap Image.

2. Tap one or more thumbnails.

3. Tap Email, Copy, or Delete.


If you don’t see the controls, tap the screen to show them.

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