Rendering the views

Let's take a minute to do a quick recap and see what we've done up to this point. So far, we have:

  • Created index.handlebars and image.handlebars—the views for the two main pages of the application
  • Created layouts/main.handelbars—the main layout file for every page in the application
  • Created partials/comments.handlebars, popular.handlebars, and stats.handlebars
  • Created a global timeago Handlebars helper

So far so good; however, none of these views actually do anything, receive any ViewModels, or even appear when you run the application! Let's make a few quick minor modifications to our controllers to get our views to render properly.

Open /controllers/home.js so that you can edit the home controller module. Update the contents of that file so that it looks identical to the following block of code:

module.exports = {
    index: function(req, res) {

Instead of performing res.send, which just sends a simple response, we are calling res.render and passing in the name of the template file we want to render as the only parameter (for now). Using the defaults that were defined in our configure module, the index file will be loaded from our views folder. Again, also using the defaults, we configured the default layout of main that will be applied to this view in our configure module.

Let's update the image controller as well to do the same thing. Edit /controllers/image.js and change the index function so that it looks identical to the following block of code:

index: function(req, res) {

And that's it! Let's fire up the server and open the app in our browser and see how it looks:

$ npm start
$ open http://localhost:3300
$ open http://localhost:3300/images/1

Success! Hopefully, you see something that closely resembles the following screenshot of the home page:

Rendering the views

Additionally, if you provide a random URL to a specific image, for example http://localhost:3300/images/1, you should see the following screenshot:

Rendering the views
..................Content has been hidden....................

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