

2012 theme, 171-174

2013 theme, 175

2014 theme, 175-177

* (asterisk), 303

[] (brackets), 303

() [parentheses], 303

# (pound symbol), 303


accounts (WordPress), creating, 308-314


blog address, changing, 324

Internet Protocol (IP) address, 6

ad-free option, 330

administering sites from mobile devices, 306

Administrator role, 48, 114-116

advantages of WordPress, 16

Akismet, 64, 109-114

All In One SEO Pack, 133, 211

Allow Link Notifications from Other Blogs setting, 98

Allow People to Post Comments on New Articles option, 99

ALT text, 126

apps, WordPress mobile

comments, 306

downloading, 297

image handling, 304-306

posting content, 301-303

site administration, 298-301, 306

archive pages, creating, 359-361

assigning user roles, 114-117

asterisk (*), 303

Attempt to Notify Any Blogs Linked To from the Article setting, 98

attributes of Pages, 244

audio files, uploading, 276-281

Author role, 48, 114, 117

automatic WordPress updates, 334-336

Automattic, 20, 23

P2 theme, 375-377

PollDaddy, 318

VaultPress, 341-342

autosave feature, 230

avatars, 101


backdating content, 231

backgrounds, custom, 184-188

backups, 139-142, 341-344

bbPress, 378-383

Codex, 378

installing, 58-60

Beautiful Math (Jetpack), 147

BitNami over MAMP, 384

blockquotes, 227-228

blog posts. See Posts

blogs. See also Posts

changing blog address, 324

deleting, 325-326

hiding, 323

transferring to another user, 325

Blogware, 99

brackets ([ ]), 303

BraveNewCode, 65

Business package (, 331


.ca domain, 6

caching, 135-136

Carousel (Jetpack), 147

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 163-164, 350-353

categories, 126, 238-242


blog address, 324

user roles, 117-118


domain names, 9

passwords, 29

themes, 68-73

usernames, 29

web hosts, 10-14

clients (FTP), 29-32, 47

CMSs (content management systems), 17

collaboration with P2, 375-377, 356

.com domain, 6

command-line WordPress installation, 46

Comment Blacklist setting, 100

Comment Moderation setting, 100


avatars, 101

Discussion Settings, 98-101

Jetpack, 148

managing, 257-258, 306

moderation, 100

spam comments, 100

commercial plugins, 65

commercial themes, 83-85

communication and collaboration with P2, 375-377

computers, running WordPress on, 383-388

configuration file, editing, 38-41

contact forms, 148, 157-161, 321


autosave feature, 230

backdating, 231

backgrounds, 184-188

blockquotes, 227-228

comments, 257-258

demo content, 189


custom headers, 180-184

inserting, 227

images. See images

links, 219-220

menus, 188-189

creating, 190

custom menu widgets, 203-204

editing, 190-195


attributes, 244

Custom Post Types, 209-210

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 209

Page Editor, 211-218

Page Order, 245-247

Page Templates, 247-248

parent/child relationships, 244-245

Post Formats, 210-211

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

paragraph styles, 227


categories, 238-242

editing, 229

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 208

Post Editor, 211-218

Post Formats, 236-237

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

tags, 242-243

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

widgets, 196-198

custom menu widgets, 203-204

inserting, 198-199

moving, 199

removing, 199-200

text widget, 200-203

when to use, 204-205

content management systems (CMSs), 17

Contributor role, 48, 114, 117

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 163-164, 350-353

custom backgrounds, 184-188

Custom CSS (Jetpack), 148

custom design, 328

custom headers, 180-184

custom menu widgets, 203-204

custom Post types, 209-210, 359-363

custom themes, 345-346

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 350-353

custom post types, 359-363

Google fonts, 353-357

icon menus, 357-359

required tools, 346

widget locations, 346-350

Customizr, 77-80, 370-373

Cyberduck, 30


Dashboard, 44-45


managing, 338-341

MySQL, 17-18, 28, 37, 338-341

troubleshooting, 396

Date settings, 91

defaut themes, 170-171

Twenty Fourteen, 175-177

Twenty Thirteen, 175

Twenty Twelve, 171-174


blogs, 325-326

categories, 241

demo content, 189

descriptive links, 125-126

descriptive titles, 123-124

design, custom, 328

development of WordPress, 16

Digg Digg, 131


directory structure, 45-46

root directories, 35

disabling Jetpack features, 149-150

disadvantages of WordPress, 16

Discussion Settings, 98-101

DNS (Domain Name System), 6-8

domains, 327

domain names

choosing, 9

DNS (Domain Name System), 6-8

explained, 6-8

subdomains, 8

TLDs (top-level domains), 6


FTP clients, 29-32, 47

WordPress, 33-37

WordPress mobile app, 297

Drafts, 231

Dropbox, 342-343

Duplicator, 389-392


Easy Install

plugins, 56-57

themes, 74-77

easy WordPress installation, 26-29


configuration file, 38-41

images, 270-274

menus, 190-195

Posts, 229

theme styles, 350-353

users, 117-118

Edit Media screen, 260-261

Editor role, 48, 114, 117

Edit User screen, 117-118

.edu domain, 6

embedding audio/video files, 278-281

Enhanced Distribution (Jetpack), 148

Enterprise package (, 331

essay post type, creating, 361-363

exporting content, 253-257

Extra Sidebar Widgets module (Jetpack), 148, 164-165


Featured Content module (Jetpack), 148

Featured Images, 262-264

feedback forms, 321


audio files

embedding in posts and pages, 278-281

uploading, 276-277

configuration files, editing, 38-41

htaccess.txt, 339

image files. See images

PDF files, uploading, 282

.php files, 38

text files, uploading, 282

video files

embedding in posts and pages, 278-281

uploading, 276-277

Word files, uploading, 282

ZIP files, uploading, 282

FileZilla, 30


plugins, 51-55

themes, 68-73

Firebug, 353

Firebug Lite, 346

Flash, 295

folders, wordpress, 36

Font Awesome 4 Menus, 357-359


Font Awesome 4 Menus, 357-359

Google fonts, 353-357

formats of posts, 210-211, 236-237

forms, 148, 157-161, 321

forums, 378-383

Fresh Ink Magazine theme, 74-76

FTP clients, 29-32, 47

Full Page Test (Pingdom), 134


GA (Google Analytics), 132-133

galleries, 264-270

General Settings, 90-91

Genesis Responsive Slider, 264

GoDaddy, 37, 327

Google Analyticator, 133

Google Analytics by Yoast, 133

Google Analytics (GA), 132-133

Google fonts, 353-357

Google+ Profile (Jetpack), 148

.gov domain, 6

graphics. See images

Gravatar Hovercards (Jetpack), 148

guided transfer, 329-330

Gzip, 341


hacked sites, 397-398


custom headers, 180-184

inserting, 227

writing, 124-125

help from web hosts, 11-12


blogs, 323

widgets, 347-349

history of WordPress, 16

home page as static Page model, 366-370

HootSuite, 130-131

Houston theme, 376

htaccess.txt file, 339

HTML Markdown, 303



icon menus, customizing with Font Awesome, 357-359

identifying themes, 85-88

Image Editor, 270-274


ALT text, 126

editing, 270-274

Featured Images, 262-264

galleries, 264-270

handling from mobile devices, 304-306

Image Editor, 270-274

image optimization, 274-275

WP Photon, 276

WP, 275-276

inserting, 220-227

Media Settings, 103-106

optimizing, 138-139

slideshows, 264-270

uploading, 105-106

@import directive, 354

importing content, 253-257

Infinite Scroll (Jetpack), 148


headings, 227

images, 220-227

widgets, 198-199

installing WordPress, 25

Dashboard, 44-45

directory structure, 45-46

from command line, 46

manual installation, 29-33

configuration file, editing, 38-41

FTP clients, downloading, 29-32, 47

MySQL database, creating, 37

troubleshooting, 42

WordPress, downloading, 33-37

WordPress install process, 41-43

one-click or easy installs, 26-29


commercial plugins, 65

Easy Install, 56-57

installation tips, 63-64

manual install, 61-63

recommended starter plugins, 64-65

two-step install, 58-60

themes, 73-74

Easy Install, 74-77

manual install, 80-83

two-step install, 77-80

user roles, 47-48

IP (Internet Protocol) address, 6


Jetpack, 56-57, 63, 131

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 163-164

contact form, 157-161

extra sidebar widgets, 164-165

features, 145-150

galleries and slideshows, 264-270

installing, 56-57


Likes, 155-156

mobile themes, 292-294

Photon, 165

Sharing settings, 151-153

shortcodes, 161-163

spelling and grammar settings, 156

Subscription settings, 153-155 Stats, 132, 150-151 shortlinks, 161


keyword stuffing, 123

LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) stack, 383

library. See Media Library

Likes (Jetpack), 148, 155-156


creating, 219, 220

descriptive links, 125-126

permanent links, 106-109

Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP) stack, 383

locations of widgets, customizing, 346-350

lorem ipsum text, 219


Mac Apache MySQL PHP (MAMP) stack, 383-384

maintaining sites, 333

databases, 338-341

plugin updates, 336-337

site backups, 341-344

theme updates, 337-338

WordPress updates, 334-336, 384

MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL PHP) stack, 383-384


comments, 257-258

databases, 338-341

media, 260

audio files, 276-281

Edit Media screen, 260-261

Featured Images, 262-264

galleries, 264-270

Image Editor, 270-274

image optimization, 274-276

Media Library, 260-262

other file formats, 282

slideshows, 264-270

video files, 276-281

Posts/Pages, 250-253

sites from mobile devices, 296-297

comments, 306

content, posting, 301-303

downloading WordPress mobile app, 297

images, 304-306

site administration, 306

sites, adding, 298-301

manual WordPress installation, 29-33

configuration file, editing, 38-41

FTP clients, downloading, 29-32, 47

MySQL database, creating, 37

plugins, 61-63

themes, 80-83

troubleshooting, 42

WordPress, downloading, 33-37

WordPress install process, 41-43

Markdown, 303, 376

Media Library, 260-262

media management, 260

audio files

embedding in posts and pages, 278-281

uploading, 276-277

Edit Media screen, 260-261


Featured Images, 262-264

galleries, 264-270

Image Editor, 270-274

image optimization, 274-276

slideshows, 264-270

Media Library, 260-262

other file formats, 282

video files

embedding in posts and pages, 278-281

uploading, 276-277

Media Settings, 103-106

Media Uploader, 282, 17

menus, 188-189

creating, 190

customizing, 357-359

custom menu widgets, 203-204

editing, 190-195

mobile devices, managing sites from, 296-297

comments, 306

content, posting, 301-303

downloading WordPress mobile app, 297

images, 304-306

site administration, 306

sites, adding, 298-301

Mobile Push Notifications (Jetpack), 148

mobile-ready sites

plugins, 292-295

themes, 286-291, 296

Mobile Theme (Jetpack), 148

moderating comments, 100

monitoring website traffic, 132-133


widgets, 199

WordPress sites, 388-392

Mullenweg, Matt, 20, 375, 378

Multimarkdown, 303

MySQL databases, 17-18, 28, 37, 338-341


Namecheap, 7, 327

names (domain), 327

choosing, 9

DNS (Domain Name System), 6-8

explained, 6-8, 14

NextGEN gallery, 264

No Ads option, 330

Notepad, 38, 346

Notepad++ for Windows, 346


Omnisearch, 148, 318

one-click WordPress installation, 26-29

OpenDNS, 14


images, 274-275

Photon, 276

WP, 275-276

sites, 134

caching, 135-136

graphics, 138-139

themes, 137-138

order of Pages, 245-247

.org domain, 6

Organize My Uploads into Month- and Year-Based Folders setting, 103

Other Comment Settings section, 99

ownership of WordPress, 16


P2 theme, 375-377

packages (

Business package, 331

Enterprise package, 331

Pro package, 330-331

Page Editor, 211-218. See also Pages


attributes, 244

Custom Post Types, 209-210

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 209

Page Editor, 211-218

Page Order, 245-247

Page Templates, 247-248

parent/child relationships, 244-245

Post Formats, 210-211

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

paragraph styles, 227

parent/child Pages, 244-245

parentheses, 303

Password Protected content, 232

passwords, 28-29

PDF files, uploading, 282

Pending posts, 231-232

Permalinks Settings, 106-109

permanent links, 106-109

Photon, 148, 165, 276

PHP, 17-18

.php files, 38

Pingdom Full Page Test, 134

plugins, 18, 49-51

Akismet, 109-114

All In One SEO Pack, 133, 211

bbPress, 58-60, 378-383

commercial plugins, 65

Customizr, 370-373

Custom Post Type UI, 359-363

definition of, 50

Digg Digg, 131

Duplicator, 389-392

finding, 51-55

Font Awesome 4 Menus, 357-359

Google Analyticator, 133

Google Analytics by Yoast, 133

HootSuite, 130-131


Easy Install, 56-57

installation tips, 63-64

manual install, 61-63

two-step install, 58-60

Jetpack, 56-57, 63

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 163-164

contact form, 157-161

extra sidebar widgets, 164-165

features, 145-150

galleries and slideshows, 264-270

Likes, 155-156

mobile themes, 292-294

Photon, 165

Sharing settings, 151-153

shortcodes, 161-163

spelling and grammar settings, 156

Subscription settings, 153-155 Stats, 132, 150-151 shortlinks, 161

MAMP, 384

Markdown for P2, 376

mobile-ready sites, 292-295

NextGEN gallery, 264

P2 by Email, 375-377

Photon, 276

Private Only, 374

recommended starter plugins, 64-65

SEO (search engine optimization), 127-129

Simple Share Buttons Adder, 131-132

troubleshooting, 394-395

updating, 336-337

W3 Total Cache (W3TC), 135-136

WooSlider, 264

WordPress Backup to Dropbox, 141-142

WordPress Duplicator, 344

WordPress SEO, 133, 211

WP-DBManager, 140-141, 338-341

WP, 139, 275-276

WP Super Cache, 61-63, 135-136

WPTouch, 65

WPTouch Mobile, 292-295

XAMPP, 384

PollDaddy, 318

polls, 318

Post by Email (Jetpack), 92, 148

Post Editor, 211-218. See also Posts

Post Formats, 210-211


from mobile devices, 301-303

to social networks, 130-132


audio/video files, embedding, 278-281

categories, 238-242

custom post types, 359-363

editing, 229

images. See images

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 208

Post Editor, 211-218

Post Formats, 236-237

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

tags, 242-243

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

pound symbol (#), 303

preinstalled themes, 69

premium ad-ons, 326-327

custom design, 328

domains, 327

guided transfer, 329-330

No Ads option, 330

site redirect, 329

space, 328

themes, 328

VideoPress, 329

premium themes, 83-85

Press This bookmarklet, 92

Private content, 233

Private Only, 374

private sites, 321-323, 374-375

Prologue theme, 375

Pro package (, 330-331

protocols, DNS (Domain Name System), 6-8

Public content, 232

Publicize (Jetpack), 148


Quattrocento fonts, 354-356

ratings, 319-320

Reading Settings, 93-97

recommended starter plugins, 64-65

recommended starter themes, 83

recommended web hosts, 10

removing widgets, 199-200

Responsive theme, 80-81

revisions, 248-250

roles (user), 114-118

Administrator, 114-116

assigning, 114-117

Author, 114-117

changing, 117-118

Contributor, 114, 117

Editor, 114, 117

Subscriber, 114, 117

root directories, 35

RSS feeds

explained, 95-97

settings, 95

running WordPress on computers, 383-388



Firebug, 353

WordPress downloads, 35

saving work, 230


Pages, 230-231

Posts, 230-231

search engine optimization. See SEO (search engine optimization)


for plugins, 51-55

for themes, 68-73

Omnisearch, 318

secure FTP (SFTP), 47

security, 139-142

hacked sites, 397-398

passwords, 28

private sites, 321-323, 374-375

user roles, 114-118

Administrator, 114-116

assigning, 114-117

Author, 114, 117

changing, 117-118

Contributor, 114, 117

Editor, 114, 117

Subscriber, 114, 117

SEO (search engine optimization)

ALT text, 126

categories, 126

descriptive links, 125-126

descriptive titles, 123-124

headings, 124-125

keyword stuffing, 123

plugins, 127-129

settings, 122

tags, 126

writing normally, 124

servers, 11



Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 163-164

contact form, 157-161

extra sidebar widgets, 164-165

features, 145-150

Likes, 155-156

Photon, 165

Sharing settings, 151-153

shortcodes, 161-163

spelling and grammar settings, 156

Subscription settings, 153-155 Stats, 150-151 shortlinks, 161

SEO (search engine optimization), 122

theme settings, 169-170

WordPress site setup

Akismet plugin, 109-114

Discussion Settings, 98-101

General Settings, 90-91

Media Settings, 103-106

Permalinks Settings, 106-109

Reading Settings, 93-97

user roles, 114-118

Writing Settings, 92-93

SFTP (secure FTP), 47

Sharing (Jetpack), 149-153

Shortcode Embeds (Jetpack), 149

shortcodes (Jetpack), 161-163

sidebar widgets, adding with Jetpack, 164-165

Simple Share Buttons Adder, 131-132

site redirect, 329

sites (WordPress). See WordPress sites

Sixteen Nine Pro theme, 87

slideshows, 264-270, 275-276

Social Links (Jetpack), 149

social media sharing tools

Digg Digg, 131

HootSuite, 130-131

Jetpack, 131

Simple Share Buttons Adder, 131-132

social networks

helping visitors post to, 131-132

posting to, 130-131

spam comments, 100

speed of sites, optimizing, 134

caching, 135-136

graphics, 138-139

themes, 137-138

Spelling and Grammar (Jetpack), 149, 156

starter plugins, 64-65

starter themes, 83

static Page model, 366-370

stats, 132-133

status of Posts/Pages, 231-232

storage space, 328

StudioPress, 354

styles, editing, 350-353

subdomains, 8

Subscriber role, 48, 114, 117

Subscriptions (Jetpack), 149, 153-155

SVN, 46


tags, 126, 242-243

templates, Page Templates, 247-248

testing site speed, 134


blockquotes, 227-228

headings, 227

links, 219-220

paragraph styles, 227

text editors, 346

text files, uploading, 282

text widget, 200-203

TextEdit, 38, 346

text editors, 346

text files, uploading, 282

text widget, 200-203

TextWrangler, 346

themes, 17-18, 67-68, 167-169, 179

choosing, 68-73


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 350-353

custom post types, 359-363

Google fonts, 353-357

icon menus, 357-359

required tools, 346

widget locations, 346-350

Customizr, 77-80

defaut themes, 170-171

Twenty Fourteen, 175-177

Twenty Thirteen, 175

Twenty Twelve, 171-174

finding, 68-73

Fresh Ink Magazine, 74-76

Houston, 376

identifying, 85-88

installing, 73-74

commercial/premium themes, 83-85

Easy Install, 74-77

manual install, 80-83

recommended starter themes, 83

two-step install, 77-80

mobile-ready sites, 286-291, 296

optimizing, 137-138

P2, 375-377

preinstalled themes, 69

premium themes, 328

Prologue, 375

Responsive, 80-81

settings, 169-170

Sixteen Nine Pro, 87

troubleshooting, 395-396

updating, 337-338

Tiled Galleries (Jetpack), 149

Time and Date settings, 91

titles, writing, 123-124

TLDs (top-level domains), 6

Toolbar Notifications (Jetpack), 149

top-level domains (TLDs), 6


guided transfer option, 329-330

transferring blog to another user, 325

troubleshooting, 393

databases, 396

hacked sites, 397-398

manual WordPress installation, 42

plugins, 394-395

themes, 395-396

WordPress issues, 396-397

Tucows Blogware, 99

Tumblr, 210

Twenty Fourteen theme, 175-177

Twenty Thirteen theme, 175

Twenty Twelve theme, 171-174

two-step install

plugins, 58-60

themes, 77-80


Update Services settings, 93


plugins, 336-337

themes, 337-338

WordPress, 142, 334-336


audio/video files, 276-277

images, 105-106, 220-227

other file formats, 282

.us domain, 6

usernames, 29

user roles, 47-48, 114-118

Administrator, 114-116

assigning, 114-117

Author, 114, 117

changing, 117-118

Contributor, 114, 117

Editor, 114, 117

Subscriber, 114, 117


adding, 114-115

editing, 117-118

transferring blog to another user, 325

usernames, 29

user roles, 114-118

Administrator, 114-116

assigning, 114-117

Author, 114, 117

changing, 117-118

Contributor, 114, 117

Editor, 114, 117

Subscriber, 114, 117


VaultPress, 341-342

video files

embedding in posts and pages, 278-281

uploading, 276-277

VideoPress, 277-329

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235


W3TC (W3 Total Cache), 135-136

WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) stack, 383

web hosts

choosing, 10-14

help, 11-12 recommended hosts, 10

websites. See WordPress sites, 14

widgets, 196-198

adding with Jetpack, 164-165

custom menu widgets, 203-204

customizing widget locations, 346-350

hiding, 347-349

inserting, 198-199

moving, 199

removing, 199-200

text widget, 200-203

when to use, 204-205

Widget Visibility (Jetpack), 149

Windows Apache MySQL PHP (WAMP) stack, 383

WooSlider, 264

WooThemes, 376

WordCamp central, 17

WordCamps, 17

Word files, uploading, 282

WordPress Backup to Dropbox, 141-142

WordPress Codex, 210, 307. See also WordPress sites

accounts, creating, 308-314

blog management

changing blog address, 324

deleting blogs, 325-326

hiding blogs, 323

transferring blog to another user, 325

Business package, 331

compared to, 19-23, 316-317

creating additional sites on, 314-315

Enterprise package, 331

feedback/contact forms, 321

Omnisearch, 318

polls, 318

premium ad-ons, 326-327

custom design, 328

domains, 327

guided transfer, 329-330

No Ads option, 330

site redirect, 329

space, 328

themes, 328

VideoPress, 329

private sites, 321-323

Pro package, 330-331

ratings, 319-320 Connect (Jetpack), 149 Stats, 132, 149-151

WordPress Dashboard, 44-45

WordPress Duplicator, 344

wordpress folder, 36

WordPress installation, 25

Dashboard, 44-45

directory structure, 45-46

from command line, 46

manual installation, 29-33

configuration file, editing, 38-41

FTP clients, downloading, 29-32, 47

MySQL database, creating, 37

troubleshooting, 42

WordPress, downloading, 33-37

WordPress install process, 41-43

one-click or easy installs, 26-29


commercial plugins, 65

Easy Install, 56-57

installation tips, 63-64

manual install, 61-63

recommended starter plugins, 64-65

two-step install, 58-60

themes, 73-74

Easy Install, 74-77

manual install, 80-83

two-step install, 77-80

user roles, 47-48

WordPress Menus, 188-189

creating, 190

editing, 190-195

WordPress mobile app

comments, managing, 306

content, posting, 301-303

downloading, 297

images, handling, 304-306

site administration, 306

sites, adding, 298-301, 19-23, 316-317

WordPress plugins. See plugins

WordPress SEO, 133, 211

WordPress sites

adding from mobile devices, 298-301

administration, 306

audio/video files, embedding, 278-281

autosave feature, 230

backgrounds, 184-188

backing up, 139-142, 341-344

blockquotes, 227-228

blog management

changing blog address, 324

deleting blogs, 325-326

hiding blogs, 323

transferring blog to another user, 325

BraveNewCode, 65

comments, 257-258

creating, 314-315

customizations, 346

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 350-353

custom post types, 359-363

Google fonts, 353-357

icon menus, 357-359

required tools, 346

widget locations, 346-350

domain names, 6-9

forums, 378-383


custom headers, 180-184

inserting, 227

images. See images

links, 219-220

maintenance, 333

databases, 338-341

plugin updates, 336-337

site backups, 341-344

theme updates, 337-338

WordPress updates, 334-336

managing from mobile devices, 296-297

comments, 306

content, posting, 301-303

downloading WordPress mobile app, 297

images, 304-306

site administration, 306

sites, adding, 298-301, 17

menus, 188-189

creating, 190

custom menu widgets, 203-204

editing, 190-195

mobile-ready sites, 286

plugins, 292-295

themes, 286-296

monitoring traffic to, 132-133

moving, 388-392

optimization, 134

caching, 135-136

graphics, 138-139

themes, 137-138


attributes, 244

Custom Post Types, 209-210

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 209

Page Editor, 211-218

Page Order, 245-247

Page Templates, 247-248

parent/child relationships, 244-245

Post Formats, 210-211

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

paragraph styles, 227

plugins. See plugins


categories, 238-242

editing, 229

importing/exporting, 253-257

managing, 250-253

overview, 208

Post Editor, 211-218

Post Formats, 236-237

revisions, 248-250

scheduling, 230-231

status, 231-232

tags, 242-243

visibility options, 232-233

visual versus text views, 233-235

private sites, 321-323, 374-375

security, 139-142, 374-375

SEO (search engine optimization), 122

ALT text, 126

categories, 126

descriptive links, 125-126

descriptive titles, 123-124

headings, 124-125

keyword stuffing, 123

plugins, 127-129

settings, 122

tags, 126

writing normally, 124

site setup, 90

Akismet plugin, 109-114

Discussion Settings, 98-101

General Settings, 90-91

Media Settings, 103-106

Permalinks Settings, 106-109

Reading Settings, 93-97

user roles, 114-118

Writing Settings, 92-93

social media sharing tools

Digg Digg, 131

HootSuite, 130-131

Jetpack, 131

Simple Share Buttons Adder, 131-132

themes, 17-18, 67-68, 167-169, 179

choosing, 68-73

commercial/premium themes, 83-85

customizing. See custom themes

Customizr, 77-80

defaut themes, 170-171

finding, 68-73

Fresh Ink Magazine, 74-76

Houston, 376

identifying, 85-88

installing, 73-83

mobile-ready sites, 286-291, 296

P2, 375-377

preinstalled themes, 69

Prologue, 375

recommended starter themes, 83

Responsive, 80-81

settings, 169-170

Sixteen Nine Pro, 87

troubleshooting, 395-396

Twenty Fourteen, 175-177

Twenty Thirteen, 175

Twenty Twelve, 171-174

updating, 337-338

troubleshooting, 393

databases, 396

hacked sites, 397-398

plugins, 394-395

themes, 395-396

WordPress issues, 396-397

web hosts

choosing, 10-14

help, 11-12 recommended hosts, 10

widgets, 196-198

custom menu widgets, 203-204

inserting, 198-199

moving, 199

removing, 199-200

text widget, 200-203

when to use, 204-205

WordCamp central, 17

WordPress as a website, 366

Customizr, 370-373

home page as static Page model, 366-370

WordPress site setup, 90

Akismet plugin, 109-114

backups, 139-142

Discussion Settings, 98-101

General Settings, 90-91

Media Settings, 103-106

optimization, 134

caching, 135-136

graphics, 138-139

themes, 137-138

Permalinks Settings, 106-109

Reading Settings, 93-97

security, 139-142

SEO (search engine optimization), 122

ALT text, 126

categories, 126

descriptive links, 125-126

descriptive titles, 123-124

headings, 124-125

keyword stuffing, 123

plugins, 127-129

settings, 122

tags, 126

writing normally, 124

social media sharing tools

Digg Digg, 131

HootSuite, 130-131

Jetpack, 131

Simple Share Buttons Adder, 131-132

stats, 132-133

user roles, 114-118

Administrator, 114-116

assigning, 114-117

Author, 114, 117

changing, 117-118

Contributor, 114, 117

Editor, 114, 117

Subscriber, 114, 117

Writing Settings, 92-93

WordPress updates, 142, 334-336

WP-DBManager, 140-141, 338-341 shortlinks (Jetpack), 161, 149

WP, 139, 275-276

WP Super Cache, 61-63, 135-136

WPTouch Mobile, 292-295

WPTouch plugin, 65

writing for SEO (search engine optimization)

ALT text, 126

descriptive links, 125-126

descriptive titles, 123-124

headings, 124-125

keyword stuffing, 123

writing normally, 124

Writing Settings, 92-93


XAMPP, 384

ZIP files, uploading, 282

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