
In the Xamarin world, we have AppLinks to talk to other applications that are also installed on the device.

AppLink handles differences between iOS, Android, and other platforms. We can add incoming and outgoing AppLink support to our projects.

In order to add support for launching our project by another application, we need to add a protocol for our application. In Xamarin.Forms iOS projects we can define the URL scheme; in Xamarin.Forms Android projects we can define the DataScheme. In that way, other applications make a request to, let's say, example://showlist?category=all URL, and launch our application with showlist and category=all parameters.

In order to launch another app with some parameters, we have to know the application's AppLink scheme URL and parameters. If we make a request to, let's say, maps://europe?country=turkey, the default maps application will launch with Turkey in view.

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