16 Chapter
Ask Kim and Kerry: Answers to Sticky Situations

Q. How do I deal with it when I take a day off to unwind and my boss keeps texting me?

A. First, clarify your availability before you take the day off. You are setting the boundary. If you do not do that or do not feel comfortable saying something before you take the time off, you will have to handle it as the texts come in on your vacation day. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still set the boundary. Let your boss know that you got the text and that you will be away from your phone, taking advantage of your day off, and will address and handle everything as soon as you get back into the office. If you keep responding, they will keep asking.

Exception to the rule: If there is something that has to be done immediately, step up and do what you need to do.

Q. What happens when I have communicated a brand that I want to change? Can I?

A. The good news is that you can change your brand, just like a retail product. You will have to do your own brand gap analysis. First, find out what you have communicated and how people see you. Then, map out the brand you are truly trying to represent. Within that, it is imperative to make sure that you know the exact behaviors that represent your desired brand. Sit down with a mentor/role model to get input.

You will then need to start communicating your brand every day. Unfortunately, there can be no setbacks. The minute you revert back to an old way of behaving, people will think, “Oh, she’s/he’s just back to being how they normally are.”

Once you have started living your updated brand, let people know that you are really trying to change and that you realize your old behavior was not effective. The caveat here is if you go back to an old habit too soon, all your work will be in vain.

Q. What do I do if I send an e-mail with typos and don’t realize it until later?

A. As soon as you realize the problem, resend the e-mail with an apology and the corrections.

Q. Is it appropriate to forward e-mails to my boss showcasing a “job-well-done” on my behalf?

A. Yes, it is appropriate, but only on occasion. When it is above and beyond or exceptional, you should definitely sing your praises. However, it is not all right to regularly forward accolades about your work. There is a line between exceptional and the expectation of how you do your job.

The other key point to remember is that it is always more beneficial for someone else to say how great you are as opposed to you telling everyone how great you are. You have to know when humility works in your favor.

Q. Should I accept my clients as “friends” on Facebook?

A. Typically, keep your private life private. With that being said, there are exceptions. When you have built a relationship that crosses over into a friendship, it may seem disingenuous not to accept the invitation. The one thing to remember is that what you post is always a reflection of you whether your clients are friends or not.

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