17 Big Mistake
Not Communicating Value

A brand is a living entity—and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures.

—Michael Eisner

What is value and how does something become valuable? By investing in your brand and the behaviors that support it, you communicate value.

Everything we have put in this book builds your value. Everything and everyone has intrinsic value. You have to communicate your value so that others see you as valuable. Investing in relationships and being aware of best practices for all communication methods and modes builds your value over time.


You build value:

image When you help someone else achieve a goal.

image When you invest in someone else’s growth.

image When you spend time learning about another person, their company, their goals, and their needs and wants.

image Over time.

image When you pay attention to the details.

image By remembering the details someone has taken the time to share.

image When you go the extra mile.

image When you are consistent.

image When you do what you say you are going to do.

image When you work hard at both your relationship and the actual work.

image When you are responsive in a timely manner.

image When you listen.

image When you are not always selling yourself or your product but are seeking to understand.

image When you take the time to pick up the phone or visit someone, not just send an e-mail.

image When you send a handwritten note.

image When you are not arrogant and a know-it-all.

image When you are a learner.

image When you think about what you say and how you say it.

image When you genuinely care.

We are all unique in the way we communicate. There are strengths and opportunities for growth in everyone’s natural style. We have also learned techniques along the way—some good and some not very beneficial—to meet our goals. Good communication is imperative yet it is the one thing most professionals complain about the most.

It is not easy communicating effectively all of the time. As with anything in life, some of our communication will build our brand and some will break it down. The question is: How much are you willing to work on your communication to ensure that you are building strong and positive relationships? Are you willing to recognize that certain things you say and how you say them are ineffective? Will you invest the time to change learned behavior?

Each time you communicate as a professional, you have a choice. When you take the time to think about how you will say something and how you will handle yourself, the chance of meeting your desired outcome increases. We challenge you to do just that. Here’s to not leaving any situation and having someone later say, “You said what?!”

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