

1-800-OKCABLE, 132

6-2-2 formula, movies, 47

20/20 Films, 72

87th Precinct novels, 165

1992 Cable Protection and Completion Act, 119-120

1999 Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act, 192

360 deals, music, 192-193


A&E, 124

ABA (American Bookseller's Association), 153

ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation), 77, 79

Abu Dhabi, 273

AC Nielsen companies, 31

acquisition editor, 151

ad spends, TV ratings, 86

advances, book publishing, 151

advertisers, ratings, 84


mobile marketing, 184-185

monetizing mobile gaming, 181

Aero, 143-144

AF of M (American Federation of Musicians), 192

AFC (American Football Conference), 218

affiliate networks, 185

affiliates, local television stations, 80

African-Americans, BET/Viacom, 122-123

AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), 192

agents, outside agencies, role of, 32-34

A.I., 67

airlines, customer loyalty programs, 252-253

airplanes, movies, 67

airplay, music, 195-196

Akpan, Uwem, 161

ala carte, cable TV, 138-139

All in the Family, 79

Allen, Jared, 219

all-inclusive vacation, 256-257

Amazon, 16

Bezos, Jeff, 41

books, reviews, 162

changing environment, 168

CreateSpace, 152

e-books, 154-155

Amazon Prime Instant Video, 41

American Express, 240

animated movies, 51-53

AOL, Moviefone, 64

Apple, 37

Cook, Tim, 41

product placement, 50-51

Apple TV, 143

apps, mobile gaming, 180-181

Argentina, 270-271

Armstrong, Lance, 235

Artisan Entertainment, 67

The Artist's Den, 200

Aruba, 242

ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers), 192

Asia Pacific, 266, 274

China, 275-276

India, 274-275

Japan, 274

Asomugha, Nnamdi, 219

ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents), 241

relationship marketing, 251-252

audiences, movies, 58-60

audio diversity, radio, 103-104

audiobooks, 156

Austin, Texas, 246

author's agents, 151

author as marketer, books, 163-165

The Avengers, 38

awards, marketing books, 161-162

awards shows, 9


Baby Boomers, 59

backlist sales, books, 158-159

Baird, R.W., 182

Baldacci, David, 165

Barnes and Noble, 167

Barnum, P.T., 197

barter, syndicated television, 98

Baywatch, 95

BCS (Bowl College Series), 224

Beckham, David, 229

Benchley, Peter, 48

Bertelsmann, 271

BET (Black Entertainment Television), 85, 122-123

Better Homes and Gardens, 172

The Beverly Hillbillies, 79

Bewkes, Jeffrey, 42

Bezos, Jeff, 41

Bieber, Justin, 190

Big Data, 29

Big Four networks, 78

The Big Night, 37

Big Six, Publishing companies, 149

Big Six Studios, 46

Big Three networks, 78

Billboard, 208

The Blair Witch Project, 69

blind networks, 184

Bloomsbury, 166

blurbs, books, 160

BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.), 192

The Bodyguard, 203

Bogart, Humphrey, 50

bogus request scam, radio stations, 196

Bollywood, 274

Bones, 79

book fairs, 157

book releases, 157

bookmarking, HD Radio, 109

books, 148-149

branding, 164

characters, 165

genre and author, 164-165

Harry Potter, 165-166

discoverability. See discoverability

e-books, 149

genres, 149

marketing. See marketing, books

packaging, 159

publishing. See publishing, books

romance publishing, 150

Borders, 167

Bowl College Series (BCS), 224

Boxee, 142

boxing, 227

brand extension, 59

brand handlers, 26

branding, 21

books, 164

characters, 165

genre and author, 164-165

Harry Potter, 165-166

cable TV, 124-125

experiential branding, 262-263

hotels, 253-254

PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100

sports, 227

endorsements, 229

licensing, 227-228

naming rights, 230

sponsorships, 229-230

Branson, Missouri, 245

Braun, Scooter, 190

Bravo, 124

Brazil, 269-270


government intervention in, 136-137

growth of, 136

broadcast media, 75

basic facts, 76

public broadcasting, 99-101

radio. See radio

television. See broadcast television

Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI), 192

broadcast television, 75-77

commercial skipping, 87

local programming, 81-82

local television stations, 80-81

owned and operated (O&O), 80

networks, 77

how it works, 77-78

programming, 78-79

product placement, 88

promotion and marketing, 89. See also promotion, television

ratings, 82-83

upstarts, 79

Broadway shows, 206-207

marketing, 207-208

movies turned to plays, 207

music, 203, 204-205

on the road, 205-206

turned to movies, 207

Brooks, Garth, 200

Brooks & Dunn, 200

Brown, Tina, 159

Bruckheimer, Jerry, 53

Bryant, Kobe, 217, 229, 235

Bryzgalov, Ilya, 222

budgets, 6

Burke, Steve, 42

business managers, 32


cable carriage, 128-129

cable cooperatives, 131-132

cable deals, sports, 233-234

cable operators, 115

marketing, 129-130

cable programmers, marketing content, 129

cable programming networks, 128

cable radio, 127

cable TV, 116, 128-129

ala carte, 138-139

branding, 124-125

China, 276

cutting the cord, 137

decline in subscriptions, 135

demographics, 85

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 116-117

marketing, 132

reach and segmentation, 121

minority reach, 122

MLB (Major League Baseball), 215

over the top (OTT), 139-140

premium cable channels, 126

universal audiences, 123-124

Camp, Walter, 218

Canada, 267

Cannes film festival, 71

Cannon, Curt, 165

Caribbean, 257

Carnival Cruise Line, 255

Carr, Brandon, 219

Carroll, Ed, 124

Carsey-Werner, The Cosby Show, 94

cash deals, syndicated television, 97

casinos, 260-262

CATV (Community Antenna TV), 116

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 267-268

CBN (Christian Broadcast Network), 118

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 77, 79


music, 189

piracy, 194-195

CGI (computer-generated imagery), 52

Chandler, Raymond, 149

Channel One, 272

Channel Three, 273

Channel Two, 272

Chapman, Beth Nielsen, 188

Chapman, Janice, 241

characters, branding, 165

cheaters, sports, 234-236

Chicken Soup for the Soul, 161

China, 275-276

Christian music, 202

Church, Charlotte, 201-202

CIA (Culinary Institute of America), 243

Cimino, Michael, 47

Cincinnati Red Stockings, 215

Cinderella, 52

Cinemex, 269

circuses, 254-255

Cirque du Soleil, 254

Clarin, 271

CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), 252

clones, television, 92

Clooney, George, 48

Club Med, 256-257

CMA (Country Music Association), 200, 244

CNN, 118

Coca-Cola, 32

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 45

collegiate sports, 224-225

Collins, Hunt, 165

Columbia House, 193

Columbia Records, 203

Comcast, 79, 120

Burke, Steve, 42

Internet Essentials, 137

NBC Universal, 137

Roberts, Brian, 42

TV Everywhere, 145

commercial skipping, 87

commercials, Super Bowl, 88-89

Community Antenna TV (CATV), 116

competition, gamification, 183

compilations, music, 202-203

compounded marketing, 26

Conde Nast, 240

conduit, 11, 16

Connect2Compete, 137

consumer trust, travel and tourism, 248

consumers, 277

consumption, 11, 16-17

sports, 212

television, 17

content, 11, 13

copyright, 14-15

creative ideas, 13-14

disruptive content, 144-145

production, 15

convergence, 11-12, 17-20

Internet, 18

licensing, 20-22

merchandising, 20-22

sponsorships, 20-22

sports, 212

Cook, Tim, 41


content, 14-15

television, 98

Copyright Act of 1976, 14

Cornell University Hotel Management School, 243

Cosby, Bill, 94

The Cosby Show, 79, 94

cost of advertising, movies, 47

Costner, Kevin, 47

cost-per-action (CPA), 185

CPA (cost-per-action), 185

CreateSpace, Amazon, 152

creative ideas, content, 13-14

Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 243

Crosby, Sidney, 222

cross-collateralized income, 48

crossover, 59

cross-plugs, television, 90-91

cross-promotion, music, 199-200

crowdcasting, radio, 108-109

Cruise, Tom, 158

cruises, 255-256

Cryer, Jon, 96

Crystal, Billy, 64

CTAM (Cable Tactical and Marketing), 132

Cuban, Mark, 72

Curtis, Jamie Lee, 66

customer loyalty programs, 252-253

cutting the cord, cable TV, 137


Dallas, 79

Damon, Matt, 274

Dannen, Fredric, 196

data collection, 195

DBO (domestic box office), 57

DDB Worldwide, 34

deals, marketing teams, 36-37

Dear John, 158

decisions, 29-30

large decisions, 30-31

no-decision-at-all decision, 31

researching, 31-32

small decisions, 30

decline in subscriptions, cable TV, 135


cable TV, 85

gaming, 177-178

Nielsen ratings, 85

destination entertainment, 254

all-inclusive vacation, 256-257

casinos, 260-262

circuses, 254-255

cruises, 255-256

experiential branding, 262-263

theme parks, 258-260

time shares, 257-258

destinations, 239-241

development process, music, 191

DeVito, Danny, 158

digital disruption, 6

conveyance versus content, 7-8

global regions, 267

technology, 8

digital distribution, 55-56

hardware, 140

laptops, 141

smart TVs, 140

smartphones and tablets, 140-141

over the top (OTT), 139-140

digital downloads, music, 193

digital media receivers, 142

Digital Millennium Copyright act of 1998, 107

digital self-publishing, 147

digital transmission, 55-56

Diller, Barry, 38, 143

Dion, Celine, 203, 261

direct broadcast satellite companies, 115

direct marketing, books, 159-160

DirectTV, 67

Discover Card, 200

discoverability, books

author as marketer, 163-164

populist reviews, 162

social networking, 162-163

DISH Network, Hopper, 126

Disney branding hotels, 253

Iger, Bob, 38

music, publishing, 188

Netflix, 141

Oceaneer Adventure, 256

Pixar, 52

strategic development (SD), 14

Time Warner, 120

Toy Story, 60

Disney, Roy, 38

Disney, Walt, 13, 51

Disney Cruise Line, 256

Disneyland, 258-260

disruptive content, 144-145


book publishing, 153-154

movies, 55

digital distribution, 55-56

piracy, 56-57

music, 193-194

airplay, 195-196

live music, 196-197

megatours, 197-198

DMA (Designated Market Area), 83

Dolan, Charles, 118

Dore, Kathy, 124

DreamWorks, distribution, 55

Dubai, 273

Dubai World, 273

DVRs, 87, 126

Dynasty, 79


Eastwood, Clint, 158

Eat, Pray, Love, 158

e-books, 149

Amazon, 154-155

romance publishing, 150

EDI-Neilsen, 31

Ehrhoff, Christian, 222

Eisner, Michael, 38, 51

EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), 266, 271

Germany, 271-272

Middle East, 272

Russia, 272

South Africa, 274

endorsements, sports, 229

entertainment industry, Internet, 138

entertainment marketing, 25-26,

Four Cs, 11-12

future of, 278

history of, 24-25

over the top (OTT), 11

perishability, 12-13

entertainment moguls, 37-38

entertainment spending, 2-5

Epcot, 259

Epic Records, 203

ER, 79

ESA (Entertainment Software Association), 177

ESPN, 85, 120, 124

exchange privilege, 258

executive producers, 54

executives, 33

Expedia, 250

experiential branding, 262-263

external promotions, PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100


Fab Forty, brands, 227

Facebook, 183

gaming, 179

fall launching season, television, 92

familiarization trips, 240

Fandango, 64

Fastlicht, Adolfo, 269

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 77

cable TV, 116-117

Sixth Report, 99

Federer, Roger, 229

feedback, gamification, 183

fees, retransmission fees, 119-120

Ferrell, Will, 59

Fielder, Prince, 216

Fifty Shades of Grey, 152

film divisions, 47

film festivals

Cannes film festival, 71

Film Society of Lincoln Center, 71

independent films, 70-71

New York City Film Festival, 71

South by Southwest, 71

Sundance Film Festival, 70-71

Tribeca Film Festival, 71

Film Society of Lincoln Center, 71

Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, 94

Fin-Syn, 94

The Firm, 158

First SABRE, 250

first-run syndication, 94-95

fishing, 226

Food Network magazine, 172

Ford, Harrison,, 158

Four Cs, 11-12

conduit, 16

consumption, 16-17

content, 13-15

convergence, 17-22

Fox, 78-79

Fox News, 79

Franco, James, 64

freemium, 178

free-to-play games, 178

Frey, James, 159

Full Fathom Five, 159

future of entertainment marketing, 278


Gaines, Boyd, 206

games, soundtracks, 203

gamification, 182-183

gaming, 58-59, 175

demographics, 177-178

Facebook, 179

growth of, 175-177

reasons we game, 182

World of Warcraft, 178

gaming consoles, 179

gaming platforms

mobile gaming, 179-180

apps, 180-181

monetizing, 181-180

social gaming, 179

video games, 178-179

Gavin, 105

Gaylord Entertainment, 200

Gelb, Peter, 201-202

Germany, 271-272

Gilbert, Elizabeth, 158

girls, movies and, 59

Girly Sound, 190

global growth, 265

global reach of publishing (books), 168

global regions, 266

Asia Pacific, 274. See also China; India; Japan

digital disruption, 267

EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), 271. See also Germany; Middle East; North Africa; Russia; South Africa

Latin America. See Argentina; Brazil; Mexico

North America, 267-268

Globo Cabo, 270

Goldberg, Whoopi, 64

golf, 226

Goodell, Roger, 218

Goodreads, 162

Google TV, 144

gospel music, 202

government intervention in broadband, 136-137

Grafton, Sue, 165

Green Bay Packers, 212

Green Channel, 118

The Green Lantern, 47

Grey Advertising, 34

Grisham, John, 151, 158

Grossman, Lawrence, 99


of broadband, 136

of gaming, 175-177

global growth, 265

Grupo Televisa SA de CV, 268-269

Gunsmoke, 79

Gutenberg, Johannes, 147

Guzman, Miguel Angel Davila, 269


halo effect, relationship marketing and, 91-92

Hammett, Dashiell, 149

Hannon, Ezra, 165

Happy Days, 79

hardware, digital distribution, 140

laptops, 141

smart TVs, 140

smartphones and tablets, 140-141

Harlequin Romances, 150

Harry Potter, branding, 165-166

Hathaway, Anne, 64

HBO (Home Box Office), 118, 139, 144

HBO GO, 139

HD Radio, 109-110

HDNet, 72

heads of subsidiaries, 33

Heavenly Bed program, 253

Heaven's Gate, 54

Herweg, Ashley, 104

Herweg, Godfrey, 104

Heyman, Matthew, 269

high concept movies, 48

Jaws, 48-49

versus not high concept, 49

Hildick-Smith, Peter, 163

Hill, Faith, 188

hispanics, cable TV, 122

history, of entertainment marketing, 24-25

home videos, 47-48

Hopper, DISH Network, 126

hotels, branding, 253-254

House, 79

House of Cards, 145

household ratings, 84

Howard, Dwight, 217

Hulu, 142, 145

Hulu Plus, 142

Hunter, Evan, 165

HUT (households using television), 84


I Am Number Four, 159

I Love Lucy, 79

IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions), 260

identifying target niches (radio), 104-105


Austin, Texas, 246

Branson, Missouri, 245

Los Angeles, 246-247

Nashville, Tennessee, 244-245

New York City, 247

Iger, Bob, 38, 51

independent book stores, 167

independent films, 67-68

film festivals, 70-71

independent screens, 72

independents, 70

Internet, 70

market for, 68

marketing, 68-69

wild postings, 71-72

word of mouth, 69-70

independent producers, 53-54

independent screens, independent films, 72


independent films, 70

local television stations, 81

music, 190

India, 274-275

Indian casinos, 260

individual sports, 219-227

influence, travel and tourism, 249

in-game purchases, monetizing mobile gaming, 181

In-House Agency, 34

in-house producers, 53

integrated communications, 26

integration, travel and tourism, 242

intellectual property

music, 192-193

television, 98

Internet, 16, 266

convergence, 18

entertainment industry, 138

growth in broadband, 136

independent films, 70

movie trailers, 63

Internet Essentials, Comcast, 137

internet radio, 107-108

intra-industry marketing, 91

relationship marketing, 251

Invictus, 274

IPTV, 126

Israel, 272-273

Israel Broadcasting Authority Law, 272

IT&ME, relationship marketing (travel and tourism), 251

iTunes, 193

iTunes Tagging, 109


Jackson, Tyson, 219

Jagger, Mick, 198

James, E.L., 152

James, LeBron, 229

James Bond movies, product placement, 50-51

Japan, 274

Jaws, 48-49

Johnson, Joe, 217

Johnson, Robert, 122

Jolie, Angelina, 48

Jones, Angus T., 96

The Journal of Travel Research, 241

Journal of Vacation Marketing (JVM), 241

Juno, 68

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 51, 55

Kayak, 250

Kerchner, Christine, 271

key terms, Nielsen ratings, 83-84

King, Stephen, 151, 165

KISSmetrics, 182

Knopf, 164

Kool cigarettes, 197

Koontz, Dean, 165

Koplovitz, Kay, 123


Laliberte, Guy, 254

L'Amour, Louis, 165

laptops, digital distribution, 141

large decisions, 30-31

Las Vegas, 242

casinos, 260-262

Latin America, 266

Argentina, 270-271

Brazil, 269-270

Mexico, 268-269

Laverne & Shirley, 79

LDR (Listener Driven Radio), 109

leaders, marketing teams, 35-36

Lecavalier, Vincent, 222

Lee, Spike, 211

Lee's Wrangler Jeans, 200

Legacy Recordings, 203

Leonard, Elmore, 165

Letterman, David, 64

Levin, Gerald, 38, 118


brands, sports, 227-228

convergence, 20-22

PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100

programming (television), 97

revenue from, 20

in television, 88

Lifetime, 85

The Lion King, 51

Little Shaq, 159

live music, 196-197

Live Pause, 109

live sports, deals, 234

local mobile ad networks, 185

local television stations, 80

affiliates, 80

independents, 81

local programming, 81-82

owned and operated (O&O), 80

Loews, 16

London, 2012 Summer Games, 219

Lopez, Jennifer, 60

Los Angeles, 246-247

loss aversion, gamification, 183

LSU (Louisiana State University), 225

LucasFilm, 38

Ludlum, Robert, 165

Lula, 269

LuPone, Patty, 206


MacFarlane, Seth, 66

Mad Men, 144

Madden, John, 79, 212

Madonna, 37

magazines, 171-173

Magnolia Films, 72

managers, 32

Manning, Peyton, 219, 229

Manzari, Bert, 72

Maris, Roger, 235

market, for independent films, 68

marketer's manifesto, 9-10

marketing, 25-26


awards, 161-162

backlist sales, 158-159

book releases, 157

direct marketing, 159-160

radio interviews, 161

reviews, 160

sales calls, 157-158

TV talk-shows, 160-161

Winfrey, Oprah, 161

Broadway shows, 207-208

cable operators, 129-130

cable TV, 132

reach and segmentation, 121

content, cable programmers, 129

entertainment marketing, independent films, 68-69

mobile marketing. See mobile marketing

music, 199

cross-promotion, 199-200

personalities, 199

television, 200

relationship marketing. See relationship marketing


cheaters, 234-236

steroids, 234-235

strikes, 234

television, 89. See also promotion, television

marketing methods, movies

movie trailers, 61-62

newspaper advertising, 64

sneak previews, 61

television commercials, 63-64

test screenings, 61

tie-ins, 64-65

trailer distribution, 62-63

marketing professionals, 33

marketing teams, 32

deals, 36-37

leaders, 35-36

outside agencies, 33-34

Married With Children, 79

Marriott, 253

Mars Needs Moms, 47

Marsten, Richard, 165

Martin, Steve, 64

Marvel Entertainment, 38

mass, marketing to, 6-7

massive multiplayer online (MMO), 178

mass-market books, 148

Matador, 190

Mauer, Joe, 216

Mayer, Louis B., 37

Mayweather-Hatton fight, 127

McBain, Ed, 165

McCann Erickson, 34

McGwire, Mark, 235

McMurtry, Larry, 165

media, spending on, 19

media monarchs, 38

mega-companies, 27

mega-moguls, 38

megatours, music, 197-198

mentors, moguls, 42-43


convergence, 20-22

in television, 88

Messi, Lionel, 229

metro area, Nielsen ratings, 84

Metropolitan Opera, 202

Mexico, 268-269

Mickelson, Phil, 229

Mickey Mouse, 13

Middle East, 272

Dubai, 273

Israel, 272-273

MIFED (international film), 91

A Million Little Pieces, 159

Minnow, Newtown, 124

minority reach, cable TV, 122


MLB (Major League Baseball), 212, 215

media, 216

steroids, 234-235

value of, 215-216

World Series, 215

MLS (Major League Soccer), 222-223, 230

media, 223

value of, 223

MMO (massive multiplayer online), 178

MMS, 183

mobile applications, PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100

mobile devices, 8

mobile gaming, 179-180

apps, 180-181

monetizing, 181-180

mobile marketing, 183-185

mobile radio, 107-108

moguls, 37-38

mega-moguls, 38

as mentors, 42-43

molding the message, 23-24

mommy porn, 152

monetizing mobile gaming, 181-180

Morgan, Nigel, 241

motivators for travel, 239

movie opening, 54

movie trailers, 61-62

distribution, 62-63

Internet, 63

Moviefone, 64


6-2-2 formula, 47

animated movies, 51-53

Big Six Studios, 46

cost of advertising, 47

distribution, 55

digital distribution, 55-56

piracy, 56-57

high concept, 48

home videos, 47-48

independent films. See independent films

marketing methods. See marketing methods, movies

Oscars, 64-66

producers, 53-54

product placement, 50-51

product tie-ins, 51

social networking, 66

target audiences, 58-60

techno tools, 66-67

tent-pole films, 49-50

theaters, 57-58

ticket presale conduits, 64

wannasee, creating, 60

windowing, 45

MSOs (Multiple Service Operators), 115, 127-128

searching for subscribers, 130-131

multichannel video programming, 115

Murdoch, Rupert, 38-40

Museum of Broadcast Communications, 117

music, 187

360 deals, 192-193

Billboard, 208

Broadway shows, 203, 204-205

CDs, 189

development process, 191

digital downloads, 193

distribution, 193-194

airplay, 195-196

live music, 196-197

megatours, 197-198

genres, 200-201

gospel music, 202

independents, 190

intellectual property, 192

live music, 196-197

marketing, 199. See marketing, music

media, 189

megatours, 197-198

opera, 201-202

piracy, 194-195

private labels, 190-191

publishing, 188

radio stations, bogus request scam, 196

recording, 188

repackaging/compilations, 202-203

ringtones, 204

Sony Music Entertainment, 189-190

soundtracks, 203-204

spending on, 187-188

Universal Music Group, 189-190

Warner Music Group, 189-190

YouTube, 190

Music Managers Forum, 192

MVPD (multichannel video platform distribution), 113

cable radio, 127

DVRs, 126

versus network broadcasters, 114

on-demand/IPTV, 126

PPV (pay-per-view), 126-127

premium cable channels, 126

retransmission consent, 119-120

searching for subscribers, 130-131

sports, 124-125

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 118-119

My Sister's Keeper, 158

MyMagic+, 259

Mysterious Press, 164


NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), 91

Naismith, Dr. James, 217

naming rights, sports, 230

Napster, 193

NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences), 192

NARM (National Association of Recording Manufacturers), 190

NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), 212

media, 224

value of, 224

Nashville Cable Network, 200

Nashville, Tennessee, 244-245

National Geographic, 242

National Travel & Tourism Strategy, 237

NATPE (National Association of Television Programming Executives), 91

NBA (National Basketball Association), 212, 217

media, 218

value of, 217-218

NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation), 77, 79

NBC Sports, fishing, 226

NBC Universal

Burke, Steve, 42

Comcast, 137

Roberts, Brian, 42

NCTA (National Cable & Telecommunications Association), 115

Netflix, 16, 67, 141-142

Disney, 141

House of Cards, 145

independent films, 70

original programming, 145

network broadcasters versus MVPD (multichannel video platform distribution), 114

network self-branding, 89-90


affiliate networks, 185

blind networks, 184

CPA (cost-per-action), 185

how it works, 77-78

local mobile ad networks, 185

premium blind networks, 185

premium networks, 185

programming, 78-79

New Orleans, 244

New York City, 247

New York City Film Festival, 71

New York Times book review, 160

New York Times, changing for online content, 170

newspaper advertising, movies, 64

newspapers, 168-170, 173

NFC (National Football Conference), 218

NFL (National Football League), 212, 218

fantasy football, 220-221

media, 220

social stadiums, 233

Super Bowl, 219-220

value of, 219

NFL Sunday Ticket, 220

NHK (Nihon Hosokyokai), 274

NHL (National Hockey League), 221

media, 222

salaries, 222

value of, 221-222

Nicholson, Jack, 211

Nielsen, Sr., Arthur C, 83

Nielsen Media Research, 83

Nielsen ratings, 83

key terms, 83-84

Nike, 183, 262

Niketown, 262

no-decision-at-all decision, 31

North Africa, 273

North America, 266

Canada, 267-268

Nowitzki, Dirk, 217

NPD Group, 153


off-net, syndication, 95-96

Old Grey Lady, 170

Olympics, 225-226

on-air self-promotion, 90

on-demand, 126

O'Neal, Shaquille, 159

online content, magazines, 171

online subscriptions, New York Times, 170

opera, 201-202

Orbitz, 250

original programming, 145

Oscars, movies, 64-66

outside agencies, role of, 33-34

over the top (OTT), 139-140

Ovitz, Michael, 38

OWN, 95

owned and operated (O&O), local television stations, 80


packaging, books, 159

Pacquiao, Manny, 229

Paramount, China, 276

Paranormal Activity, 70

Parker, Dorothy, 247

Patel, Dev, 60

Patterson, James, 165

Pax, 79

pay-to-play games, 178

PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 99-101

branding, 100

licensing, 100

mobile applications, 100

pop-ups, 100

viewership, 100

Pearson, 167

Penguin, 167

Pennsylvania, casinos, 261

Penzler, Otto, 164

perishability, entertainment marketing, 12-13

personalities, music, 199

PGA (Professional Golfers Association), 226

Phair, Liz, 190

Philadelphia, PA, 242

Picoult, Jodi, 158

Pinterest, 163

piracy, 56-57

Brazil, 270

China, 276

Germany, 271

India, 275

Israel, 273

Japan, 274

Mexico, 269

music, 194-195

Pixar, 52

planning travel and tourism, 239-240

integration, 242

positioning, 241-242

researching destinations, 240-241

podcasting, radio, 109

Popovich, Gregg, 236

population, growth of, 265

populist reviews, books, 162

pop-up stores, 263

pop-ups, PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100

positioning, travel and tourism, 241-242

PPV (pay-per-view), 126-127

premium blind networks, 185

premium cable channels, 126

premium networks, 185

Presley, Elvis, 202

Pritchard, Annette, 241

private labels, music, 190-191

producers, 53-54

producing entertainment, molding the message, 23-24

product in action, syndication, 96-97

product placement, 50-51

Apple, 50-51

James Bond movies, 50-51

television, 88

product tie-ins, 51, 64-65

production, content, 15

professional sports, 214-215. See also MLB; MLS; NASCAR; NBA; NFL; NHL; WNBA

programming licensing (television), 97

local television stations, 81-82

networks, 78-79

selling (television), 97

promos, 90-91

promotion, television, 89

clones, 92

cross-plugs, 90-91

fall launching season, 92

intra-industry marketing, 91

movies, 93

network self-branding, 89-90

on-air self-promotion, 90

relationship marketing and halo effect, 91-92

proximity system messages, 184

PSAs (public service announcements), 90

PSD (Program Service Data), 109

PT (public television), 99

public broadcasting, 99-101

publicists, 164

publishing, 147-148

books, 148-149

audiobooks, 156

branding. See branding

discoverability. See discoverability

distribution channels, 153-154

e-books, 154-155

genres, 149

global reach of, 168

marketing. See books, marketing

retail outlets, 156-157

romance publishing, 150

self-publishing, 152-153

small publishers, 168

traditional route, 151-152

when, where, and to whom, 153

changing environment, 166-168

digital self-publishing, 147

magazines, 171

online content, 171

music, 188

newspapers, 168-170

push notifications, 184

Putnam, 167

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), 212-214


QR codes, 184

Qwikster, 142

radio, 101-102

advertisers, 103

Americana radio, 105

audio diversity, 103-104

cable radio, 127

crowdcasting, 108-109

HD Radio, 109-110

identifying, target niches, 104-105

internet radio, 107-108

marketing, 102-103

mobile radio, 107-108

podcasting, 109

satellite radio, 106

as a social network, 106

streamed songs, 108

TSL (time spent listening), 102

radio interviews, marketing books, 161

radio play, 196

radio station formats, 103

radio stations, bogus request scam, 196

Ramsey, Mark, 110

Rand Corp., 117

Random House, 167

ratings, television, 82-84

ad spends, 86

advertisers, 84

demographics, 85

key terms, 83-84

Nielsen ratings, 83

technology, 86-89

time slots, 85-86

reach, cable TV, 121

readers, 151

recording music, 188

Redford, Robert, 70, 72

Redstone, Sumner, 38-39

relationship marketing

halo effect and, 91-92

travel and tourism, 251

ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents), 251-252

branding beds, 253-254

CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), 252

cuddling consumers, 252

customer loyalty programs, 252-253

intra-industry trade shows and associations, 251

IT&ME, 251

SITE (Society of Incentive & Travel Executives), 251

repackaging music, 202-203

reputation, gamification, 183

research, decisions, 31-32

researching destinations, 240-241

resort casinos, 261

retail outlets, books, 156-157

retransmission consent, MVPD (multichannel video platform distribution), 119-120

revenue, from entertainment licensing, 20

revenue segments

collegiate sports, 225

sports, 212-214

reviews, books, 160, 162

rewards, gamification, 183

Rhapsody, 193

RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), 192

Richards, Brad, 222

Richardson, Paul, 72

Riefenstahl, Leni, 271

ringtones, music, 204

Robert, Julia, 48, 158

Roberts, Brian, 42

Rodriguez, Alex, 216

Roku, 142

role of the agency, travel and tourism, 243

Romance genre, books, discoverability, 163

romance publishing, books, 150

Ronaldo, Cristiano, 229

Room Key, 254

Rowling, J.K., 165-166

Russia, 272


Saatchi & Saatchi, 34

Sabathia, CC, 216


MLB (Major League Baseball), 216

NBA (National Basketball Association), 217

NFL (National Football League), 219

NHL (National Hockey League), 222

sales calls, marketing books, 157-158

Sandals, 257

Santana, Johan, 216

satellite radio, 106

Say You're One of Them, 161

Scholastic, Inc., 166

SD (strategic development), 14

search for performing talent genre, 92

searching for subscribers, MVPD (multichannel video platform distribution), 130-131

segmentation, cable TV, 121

Seinfeld, 79

self-publishing, 152-153

selling programming (television), 97

selling up of subscribers, cable TV, 129

Sesame Street, 108

set-top boxes, 116

share, Nielsen ratings, 84

Sheen, Charlie, 96

shelf life, 5

shifts in entertainment, 24-25

Showtime, 126

SIGs (special interest groups), 160

Silva, Luiz Inacio Lula da, 269

Silver Dollar City, 245

The Simpsons, 79

SITE (Society of Incentive & Travel Executives), 251

Skyfall, product placement, 50-51

Slumgdog Millionaire, 68

small decisions, 30

smart TVs, 140


digital distribution, 140-141

uses while traveling, 248

Smith, Ralphe Lee, 117

SMS, 183

sneak previews, movies, 61

soap opera supermarket magazines, 93

social gaming, 179

social networking

books, 162-163

movies, 66

travel and tourism, 248

consumer trust, 248

influence, 249

mobile usage, 248

TripAdvisor, 249

social stadiums, sports, 232-233

Sony Entertainment, Legacy Recordings, 203

Sony Music Entertainment, 189-190

Sosa, Sammy, 235

soundtracks, 203-204

South Africa, 274

South by Southwest, 71

Sparks, Nicholas, 158


on media, 19

on music, 187-188

on travel and tourism, 238

Spielberg, Steven, 48


convergence, 20-22

sports, 229-230

sports, 211

boxing, 227

brands, 227

endorsements, 229

licensing, 227-228

naming rights, 230

sponsorships, 229-230

cable deals, 233-234

cable TV, 124-125

collegiate sports, 224-225

consumption, 212

convergence, 212

ESPN, 124

fishing, 226

golf, 226

individual sports, 219-227

live sports, deals, 234

local programming, 82

marketing. See marketing, sports

Olympics, 225-226

professional sports, 214-215. See also MLB; MLS; NASCAR; NBA; NFL; NHL; WNBA

reach of, 211-212

revenue segments, 212-214

social media, 230-232

social stadiums, 232-233

Spotify, 193

St. Martin's, 164

stadiums, social stadiums, 232-233

StadiumVision Mobile, 232

STAR TV, 275

Starwood, 253

status, gamification, 183

Ste-Croix, Gilles, 254

Stern, David, 236

steroids, sports, 234-235

Stewart, Butch, 257

Stone, Joss, 59

Stoudemire, Amar'e, 217

streaming, television, 98

Streisand, Barbra, 37

strikes, backlash, 234

stripping, television, 97

Studio Babelsberg, 271

subscribers, searching for, MVPD (multichannel video platform distribution), 130-131

subscriptions, decline in cable subscriptions, 135

Sullivan, Randall, 162

Sundance Channel, 124

Sundance Cinemas, 72

Sundance Film Festival, 70-71

Sundance Institute, 72

Super Bowl

commercials, 88-89

NFL (National Football League), 219-220

Survivor, 93

sweeps, 83

syndication, television, 93

barter, 98

cash deals, 97

first-run syndication, 94-95

money, 94

off-net, 95-96

product in action, 96-97

selling and licensing programming, 97

stripping, 97

synergy, 21


tablets, digital distribution, 140-141

talent agents, 32

Talk magazine, 159

talk shows, 95

target audiences, movies, 58-60

target niches, identifying (radio), 104-105

Tartt, Donna, 151

Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness, 237

Taylor, Hugh, 241

TBS, 118

teams, marketing teams, 32

deals, 36-37

leaders, 35-36

outside agencies, 33-34

teaser trailers, 62

techno tools, movies, 66-67


digital disruption, 6

future of, 278

mobile devices, 8

television, 98-99

TV ratings, 86-89

teenagers, 58

Teixeira, Mark, 216

telco companies, 115

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 118-119

Televisa, 268-269


cable TV. See cable TV

commercial skipping, 87

consumption, 17

copyright, 98

licensing and merchandising, 88

local stations, 80-82

affiliates, 80

owned and operated (O&O), 80

marketing music, 200

other sources, 114-116

product placement, 88

promotion and marketing, 89

clones, 92

cross-plugs, 90-91

fall launching season, 92

intra-industry marketing, 91

movies, 93

network self-branding, 89-90

on-air self-promotion, 90

relationship marketing and halo effect, 91-92

ratings. See ratings, television

streaming, 98

syndication. See syndication, television

talk shows, 95

technology, 98-99

television commercials, movies, 63-64

television viewership, 75

tent-pole films, 49-50

terrestrial television, 77

test screenings, movies, 61

textbooks, 149

theaters, movies, 57-58

theme parks, 258-260

ticket presale conduits, movies, 64

tie-ins, movies, 64-65

time shares, 257-258

time slots, Nielsen ratings, 85-86

time spent listening (TSL), 102

Time Warner, 118

Bewkes, Jeffrey, 42

Disney, 120

Time Warner Cable, 128

Time-Life, 118

Times Square, 247

time-shifting, 87

Titanic, 54, 66

TNN (The Nashville Network), 244

TNT, 218

Tony Awards, 207, 56

Toy Story, 60

trade books, 148

traffic, HD Radio, 109

trailer distribution, 62-63

trailers, movies, 61-62

Travel Advisor, 250

travel agents, 250

travel and tourism, 237-238

creating identities, 243-244

Austin, Texas, 246

Branson, Missouri, 245

Los Angeles, 246-247

Nashville, Tennessee, 244-245

New York City, 247

destination entertainment, 254

all-inclusive vacation, 256-257

casinos, 260-262

circuses, 254-255

cruises, 255-256

experiential branding, 262-263

theme parks, 258-260

time shares, 257-258

planning, 239-240

integration, 242

positioning, 241-242

researching destinations, 240-241

promising paradise, 239

relationship marketing. See relationship marketing, travel and tourism

role of the agency, 243

social networking, 248

consumer trust, 248

influence, 249

mobile usage, 248

TripAdvisor, 249

spending on, 238

travel agents, 250

Travelocity, 250

Travolta, John, 37

trends, 278

Tribeca Film Festival, 71

Trip Advisor, 183, 249

TSL (time spent listening), 102

Tucci, Stanley, 37

Turner, Ted, 118

TV talk-shows, marketing books, 160-161

TVEverywhere, 145

Twain, Mark, 102

TWBA, 34

Two and a Half Men, 96


UAE (United Arab Emirates), 273


animated movies, 52

branding hotels, 253

Jaws, 48-49

USA Network, 123

universal audiences, cable TV, 123-124

Universal Music Group, 189-190

Univision, 122

Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson, 162

UPN, 79

upstarts, television, 79

U.S. Olympic Basketball team, 232

USA Network, 123


Vacation Club, 258


of MLB, 215-216

of MLS, 223

of NASCAR, 224

of NBA, 217-218

of NFL, 219

Viacom, BET (Black Entertainment Television), 122-123

VICOM, 270

video games, 178-179

viewers, television viewership, 75

viewership, PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 100

Vintage, 152

Virtua, 270

virtual orchestra, 206

Vogel, Harold L., 138

Vudu, 142


Wagner, Todd, 72

Walt Disney World, 239, 258-260

Wanamaker, John, 116

wannasee, 45

creating, 60

Warner Music Group, 189-190

Waterworld, 47

WB (Warner Bros.), 79

Weinstein, Bob, 41

Weinstein, Harvey, 41, 159

Weinstein Company, 41

Wells, Vernon, 216

Western Europe, 271

Westin, 253

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, 92

Wii, 140

wild postings, independent films, 71-72

Wild Wild West, 61

Williams, John, 203

windowing, 45

Winfrey, Oprah, 82, 95

marketing books, 161

WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association), 218

Woods, Tiger, 229

word of mouth, independent films, 69-70

World Cup, MLS (Major League Soccer), 222-223

World of Warcraft, 178

World Series, 215


Xbox, 140

Yearwood, Trisha, 200

Young & Rubicam (Y&R), 34, 122

YouTube, 145

music, 190

YPartnership, 243

Zanuck, Daryl, 37

ZEE TV, 275

Zynga, 179

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