

# (count), 7

$ (Dollar Terms), 6

% (percentage), 6


A.C. Nielsen, 207

Aaker, David, 137

AAU (Awareness, Attitudes, and Usage), 51

attitude, 53

awareness and knowledge, 52

calculating, 52

cautions, 54–55

data sources, 54

purpose, 51

usage, 54

abandoned purchases, 331

abandonment, 328

abandonment rate, 331

accepters, 45

accountability, 2

acquisition versus retention, 176–178

ACV (all commodity volume), 184, 202–205

ad awareness, 53

adjusting for periodic changes, 54

advertising. See also impressions

as percentage of sales, 101

price versus cost, 314

advertising effectiveness, 307, 309

advertising exposure, 307

Ailawadi, Kusum, 137

all commodity volume (ACV), 184, 202–205

allowances, slotting, 101

apparel retailers, customers, 161

asset turnover, 369


infinite horizon assumption (customer lifetime value), 172

test markets, 120–121

attitudes/liking/image, 53

attrition, 159

availability of data, 3

AVC on display, 209

AVC on promotion, 209

average acquisition cost, 176–177

average deal depth, 264

average frequency, 295, 298, 302

average margin, 82–84

average price charged, 224

average price displayed, 224

average price paid, 223

average price per unit, 86–87

calculating, 87–90

complications, 90

purpose, 86–87

average prices, 85

average retention cost, 176–177

averaging estimates, 374–375, 382–383

awareness, 52

customer awareness, 361

trial rate, 114

Awareness, Attitudes, and Usage. See AAU


balancing sales force territories, 187–188

banks, counting customers, 160

baseline sales, 265, 267

calculating, 268–273

complications, 273

profitability, 273

purpose, 267

BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix, 36

BDI (Brand Development Index), 40–42

Big Tobacco Company, 364–365

bonuses. See sales force compensation


customer awareness, 361

customer profit, 360

financial statements, 357–358

marketing metrics, 360

Borden, Neil Sr., 376

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, 36

bounce rate, 293, 332–333

Brand Asset Valuator, 137, 139–141

Brand Development Index (BDI), 40–42

brand equity, 135

measuring, 111, 137–141

purpose, 136–137

Brand Equity Index, 138–139

Brand Equity Ten, 137

brand identity, 141

brand image, 141

brand penetration, 42–43

brand position, 141

brand strategy, 141

Brand Valuation Model, 141

brand/product knowledge, 53

brands, number purchased, 48

breadth of distribution, 208

break-even analysis, 101–102

break-even on incremental investment, 105

classifying costs, 105

purpose, 102

break-even number of employees, 195, 197

break-even on incremental investment, 105

break-even point, calculating, 102–104

break-even sales level, 68

breakage, 277

Brita water filters, 86

budgeting risk, assessing, 97–98

budgets, 2

buying power, 188


CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rates), 109, 111, 129

cannibalization rate, 111, 130–135

cash flows, internal rate of return, 349

category development index (CDI), 40–42

category performance ratio, 202, 207

cautions (AAU), 54–55

CDI (category development index), 40–42

chaining margins, 75

channel margins, 75, 81

channel metrics, Prestige Luggage, 363

choosing metrics, 3

churn, 159

classification of variable costs, 96

clickstream, 329–330

clickthrough rates, 320–322

cluster analysis, 148

CLV. See customer lifetime value

cohort and incubate (customer lifetime value), 168–169

cold leads, 200

commissioned sales costs, 99

commissions. See sales force compensation

company profit from new products, 125

comparing sales force territories, 188

compensation. See sales force compensation

compensatory decisions versus noncompensatory consumer decisions, 144–146

competitor price elasticity, 254

competitor reaction elasticity, 252


average price per unit, 90

channel margins, 81

Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR), 109, 111, 129

compounding growth, 126, 128–129

Concentration Ratio, 38

conjoint analysis, 137, 141–144, 228

conjoint utilities, 112, 142, 147–151

constant elasticity, 236–238

constructing frequency response functions, 307–308

consumer off-take, 214

consumer preference, 142–146

consumer ratings, 53

contractual situations, 156–157

contribution analysis, 101

contribution margin, 66, 68, 104

contribution per unit, 68, 101–103

converting markups to margins, 80

cookies, 331

cost effectiveness of Internet marketing, 323

cost of incremental sales, 267

cost per click, 323–326

cost per customer acquired, 327

cost per friend, 335

cost per impression, 323–325

cost per order, 323–325

cost per point (CPP), 300

cost per thousand impressions rates. See CPM

cost-plus pricing, 248


assigning to customers, 165

average acquisition cost, 176–177

average retention cost, 176–177

classifying for break-even analysis, 105

commissioned sales costs, 99

fixed costs. See fixed costs

overhead costs, 341

total cost, 92, 95

total cost per unit, 94

total selling costs, 98

total variable selling costs, 98

variable costs. See variable costs

count (#), 7

counting customers, 156–161

contractual situations, 157

non-contractual situations, 157–158

recency, 156–158

retention, 158

coupons, 275

evaulating, 278

percentage sales with coupons, 275

profitability, 276

redemption rate, 275–277

CP. See customer profit

CPM (cost per thousand impressions), 289, 299–300

CPP (cost per point), 300

cross elasticity, 251

cross price elasticity, 252, 254


customer awareness, 361

customer profit, 360

financial statements, 357–358

marketing metrics, 360

customer awareness, Boom and Cruise, 361

customer lifetime value (CLV), 153, 166–167, 174

calculating, 169–170

cohort and incubate, 168–169

discount rate, 171

finite-horizon, 172

infinite horizon assumption, 172

purpose, 167–168

retention rate, 170

versus prospect lifetime value, 174–176

customer lifetime value with initial margin, 171

customer profit, 153, 161–162, 165

Boom, 360

calculating, 162–164

Cruise, 360

purpose, 161–162

quantifying, 167

whale curve, 167

customer responses, separating from non-customer responses, 54

customer satisfaction, 56–57

measuring, 57–58

purpose, 56–57

sample selection, 59

surveys, 59

customer selling price, 75–78

customer service, 194

customer survey data, triangulating, 55

customer time, 159

customers, 156, 159

abandoning, 166

accepters, 45

acquisition versus retention, 176–178

assessing value of, 167–168

assigning cost to, 165

brand penetration, 42–43

counting, 156–161

deciding who to serve, 166

defining, 159–160

ever-tried customers, 45

impressions. See impressions

market penetration, 42–43

purpose, 156

second tier customers, 162

surveys. See surveys

third tier customers, 162

top tier customers, 162

total number of active customers, 45

unprofitable customers, 166


dashboards. See marketing dashboards

data, availability of, 3

data parameters, market share, 34

data sources

AAU, 54

heavy usage index, 50

decline (life cycle), 129


for diagnostic purposes, 373–374

indirect metric estimates, 376

law of large numbers, 374–375, 382–383

market share, 44

reasons for using, 372–373

sales, 371–372

deductions, 214, 284


linear demand

optimal price, 240–246

price elasticity, 233–236

reservation prices, 228–231

price tailoring, 285

demand curves, constant elasticity, 236–238

diagnostic purposes, decomposing for, 373–374


brand equity, 139

product differentiation, 142

direct product costs, 216

direct product profitability. See DPP

discount rate, 171, 350

discounted trial, 124

discounts, 283

distribution, trial rates, 115

distribution chains, 75

distribution channels, calculating selling prices at each level, 76

distribution metrics, 202

ACV, calculating, 204–205

data sources, 207–208

numeric distribution, calculating, 203–204

PCV, calculating, 206–207

purpose, 203

districts, 190

diverted goods, 214

diverted merchandise, 214

Dollar Terms ($), 6

double jeopardy, 47

downloads, 335–336

DPP (direct product profitability), 182, 186, 215–218

Drucker, Peter, 65

DuPont Model, 369–370, 372. See also identities

durability, 138


eBay, active users, 158

EBITDA (earning before interest taxes, depreciation, and amortization), 341

Economic Profit, 339, 343–345

Economic value added (EVA), 337, 343

EDLP (everyday low prices), 284

effective frequency, 290, 310–312

effective market share, 138

effective reach, 310–312

effectiveness. See sales force effectiveness

elasticity. See price elasticity

empirical relationships, 373–374

marketing mix models, 378, 380–381

esteem, brand equity, 139


averaging, 374–375, 382–383

for indirect metrics, 376

EVA (economic value added), 337, 343


coupon programs, 278

inventories, 213

multi-period investments, 345–346

sales goals, 191

temporary price promotions, 264

workload distribution, 198

ever tried customers, 45, 124

everyday low prices (EDLP), 284

evoked set, 125

expenses, sales force effectiveness, 194

exposures, 293


facings, 208

fair share draw, 111, 130–134

features in store, 208

Federal Trade Commission, 285

FIFO (First In, First Out), 213

financial statements, Boom and Cruise, 357–358

finite-horizon (customer lifetime value), 172

first channel member’s selling price, 78–79

First In, First Out (FIFO), 213

first-time triers in period, 113

fixed costs, 91, 100

calculating, 91–95

classification of, 96

purpose, 91

followers, 293, 333

calculating, 334

cautions, 334

cost per friend, 335

outcomes per friend, 335

purpose, 334

forced trial, 124


marketing spending, 97–98

trial volume, 116

upcoming sales, 198

Fortune, 159

frequency, 301

average frequency, 302

effective frequency, 290, 310–312

frequency response functions, 289, 305, 309–310

construction, 307–308

learning curve response model, 305–306

linear response model, 305–306

purpose, 306–307

threshold response model, 306

friends, 293, 333

calculating, 334

cautions, 334

cost per friend, 335

outcomes per friend, 335

purpose, 334


geo-clustering, 55

globalization, 3

GM, retail sales, 65

GMROII (gross margin return on inventory investment), 182, 186, 215–217

goals, sales, 189–191

goodwill, 136

gross margin, 75, 239

gross rating points (GRPs), 288, 294–297, 302

growth, 125

CAGR, calculating, 129

compounding growth, 126–129

life cycle, 129

percentage growth, 126, 129

same stores growth, 126–128

value of future period, 128–129

year-on-year growth, 125

GRPs (gross rating points), 288, 294–297, 302


heavy usage index, 44, 49–50

Herfindahl index, 38–39

HI-LO (high-low), 284

hierarchy of effects, 55

hits, 314–315

hybrid channel margins, 81

I (Index) notation, 7

identifying profitability of individual customers, 161–162


decomposing sales, 371

defined, 369

for diagnostic purposes, 373–374

for estimates of indirect metrics, 376

marketing mix models, 376–381

reasons for using, 372–373

impressions, advertising, 293

calculating, 295

clickthrough rates, 320–322

complications, 298

cost per click, 323–326

cost per impression, 323–325

cost per order, 323–325


data sources, 297–298

frequency response functions. See frequency response functions

GRPs, 294–297

net reach. See net reach

pageviews, 314–316

purpose, 294

share of voice. See share of voice

incentive plans, 197–198

income statement, Prestige Luggage, 362

incremental sales, 267–268


Brand Development Index, 40–41

CDI (category development index), 40–42

heavy usage index. See heavy usage index

Herfindahl index, 38–39

indicators, separating leading from lagging, 55

indirect metrics, estimates for, 376

infinite horizon assumption (customer lifetime value), 172

inflation, estimating, 90

intangibles, goodwill, 136

intention to purchase, 53

intentions, 53

interactive media. See rich media

Interbrand, 137, 141

interest creation, 200

Internal Rate of Return (IRR), 338–339, 345–349

Internet, 288. See also web pages

assessing cost effectiveness, 323

effective reach, 312

search engines, 325–327

introductory life cycle, 129

inventory, 208

evaluating, 213

inventory days, 211–212

inventory tracking, 211

inventory turns, 209, 211

investments, multi-period, evaluating, 345–346

invoice price, 281–282

IRR (Internal Rate of Return), 338–339, 345–349


Kaplan, Robert, 163

Kelvin, Lord, 2


brand equity, 139

brand/product knowledge, 53

Last In, First Out (LIFO), 213

law of large numbers, 374–375

numerical example, 382–383

leading national advertisers (LNA), 313

learning curve, 289

learning curve response model, frequency response functions, 305–306

life cycle, 129

LIFO (Last In, First Out), 213

likeability, 55

linear cost model, 96

linear demand

optimal price, 240–246

price elasticity, 233–236

reservation prices, 228–231

linear response model, frequency response functions, 305–306

list price, 281

LNA (leading national advertisers), 313

loyalty, 122, 359

double jeopardy, 47

number of brands purchased, 48

willingness to search, 62–63


mail-in rebates, 277

make-goods on promotions, 214

margin on new products, 125

margins, 65, 69

average margin, 82–84

chaining, 75

channel margins. See channel margins

contribution margins, 66–68

converting from markups, 80

costs, including or excluding, 75

customer lifetime value with initial margin, 171

gross margin, 75, 239

percentage margins, 69–71, 82

as percentage of costs, 72

purpose, 69

reported margins, 72, 74

selling prices, defining, 72

unit margin, 69–71

versus markup, 73–75

weighted contribution margins, cannibalization, 132

markdowns, 214–216

market concentration, 35, 38

market penetration, 42–43

market share, 28, 32

bias in reported shares, 35

data parameters, 34

decomposing, 44

measuring over time, 35

purpose of, 33

quantifying, 34–35

relative market share. See relative market share

revenue market share, calculating, 33

served market, 34

unit market share, 33

market share rank, 39

marketing as a percentage of sales, 101

marketing budgets, developing, 100

marketing dashboards, 365–367

marketing metrics, 359–363, 367, 383

marketing mix models, 376, 378, 380–381

marketing spending, 97

calculating, 99–100

fixed costs, 100

purpose, 97–98

slotting allowances, 101


converting to margins, 80

versus margins, 73–75

Marlboro Friday, 365

mastering metrics, 4

mature life cycle, 129

maximum reservation price (MRP), 229, 240, 246

maximum willing to buy (MWB), 229–230, 246


brand equity, 137–141

customer satisfaction, 57–58

market share over time, 35

media exposure return on marketing investment, 354–355

media plans, net reach, 302

metric usage survey, 385–390


defined, 1

reasons for having, 2


cautions about, 10–11

rankings, 21–24

results, 13, 385

sampling size, 11–12

middlemen, 278

misshipments, 214

Moran, Bill, 137–138

MRP (maximum reservation price), 229, 240, 246

multi-period investments, evaluating, 345–346

MWB (maximum willing to buy), 229–230, 246


net operating profit after tax (NOPAT), 342

Net Present Value (NPV), 338–339, 345–350

net price, 281–282

Net Profit, 338, 340–341

net promoter, 60–62

Net Promoter Score (NPS), 60–62

net reach, 297, 301, 303

complications, 305

overlap effects, 304–305

purpose, 301–304

noise, 54

non-compensatory consumer decisions versus compensatory decisions, 144–146

non-contractual situations, 156–158

NOPAT (net operating profit after tax), 342

NPS (Net Promoter Score), 60–62

NPV (Net Present Value), 338–339, 345–350

number of complaints, 59

number of new products, 125

numeric distribution, 184, 202–204


obsolescence, 214

opportunities-to-see (OTS), 293

optimal price, 239

calculating, 246–248

complications, 248

purpose, 240–246

relative to gross margin, 247

slope, 244

optimality condition, 247

OTS (opportunities-to-see), 293

out-of-stocks, 185, 209–210

outcomes per friend, 335

over-servicing, 187

overhead costs, 341

overlap, assessing, 305

overlap effects, 304–305

own price elasticity, 252–254


pageviews, 314–316, 328

pass-through, 266, 278–280

payback, 346

payback period, 106

PCV (product category volume), 184, 202

calculating, 206–207

net out-of-stocks, 210

penetration, 42, 112

brand penetration, 42–43

calculating, 43, 113–114

cautions, 45

market penetration, 42–43

share, 42

penetration rate, 43

penetration share, 43–44

Peppers, Don, 167

perceived quality/esteem, 53

perceived value for money, 53

percent good value, 226

percentage (%), 6

percentage growth, 126, 129

percentage margins, 69–71, 82

percentage of unit sales, 82

percentage sales on deal, 278–279

percentage sales with coupons, 275

performance, 2, 156

performance reviews. See sales force effectiveness

periodic changes, adjusting for, 54

pipeline analysis, 198

construction, 199–201

purpose, 198–199

sales funnel, 201–202

pipeline sales, 214

PLV. See prospect lifetime value

post-purchases, 200

pre-purchase, 200

Prestige Luggage, 362–363

price discrimination, 248, 250–251, 284–285

price elasticity, 220, 232–233, 239. See also residual price elasticity

calculating, 233–236

constant elasticity, 236–238

cross elasticity, 251

linear demand, 233–236

purpose, 233

price increases, evaluating, 90

price of a specified competitor, 222

price per statistical unit, 67, 86, 88–89

price premiums, 222–225

price promotions. See promotions

price tailoring, 248, 250–251, 284–285

price waterfalls, 264, 266, 280–283


average price charged, 224

average price displayed, 224

average price paid, 223

average price per unit, 86–87

calculating, 87–90

complications, 90

purpose, 86–87

average prices, 85

competitor price elasticity, 254

cost-plus pricing, 248

cross elasticity, 251

cross price elasticity, 254

customer selling price, 75, 77–78

first channel member’s selling price, 78–79

invoice prices, 281–282

list price, 281

net price, 281–282

optimal price. See optimal price

own price elasticity, 254

percent good value, 226

price discrimination, 284

price elasticity. See price elasticity

price of a specified competitor, 222

price per statistical unit, 86, 88–89

price premiums, 222–225

price tailoring, 248, 250–251, 284–285

price waterfalls, 264, 266, 280–283

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 256–262

reservation prices. See reservation prices

residual price elasticity. See residual price elasticity

selling price, 72, 76

supplier selling price, 75–77, 85

theoretical price premiums, 226

primary line competitive injury, 251

prisoner’s dilemma pricing, 256–262

Prizm, geo-clustering, 55

product category volume. See PCV

product differentiation, 142

Professional Pricing Society, 283

profit margin, 369

profit-based sales targets, 106–107


baseline sales, 273

coupons, 276

price tailoring, 284

of promotions, 271

redemption rates, 276

profitability metrics, 214

complications, 217–218

DPP, 215–217

GMROII, 215–216

markdowns, 215–216

purpose, 215

projected volume, repeat volume, 117–118

promotional discount, 279

promotions, 263

baseline sales. See baseline sales

complications, 279–280

coupons. See coupons

evaluating temporary price promotions, 264

long-term effects of, 274–275

profitability, 271

rebates, 275–277

redemption rates. See redemption rates

short-term promotional objectives, 263

prospect lifetime value (PLV), 173

calculating, 173–174

complications, 174–176

purpose, 173

versus customer lifetime value, 174–176

prospects, 200

pull marketing, 203

purchase intentions, 53

purchases, 200

push marketing, 203



customer profit, 167

market share, 34–35

R (Rating), 7

rain checks, 214

Ramsellar, Leon, 140

rankings in marketing metrics survey, 21–24

Rating (R), 7

rating point, 293

reach, 301–303. See also net reach

rebates, 275–277

recency, 156, 158

redemption rates, 275–277

regulations, price discrimination, 251, 285

relationships, 160, 373–374

relative market share, 35–37

relative perceived quality, 53

relative price, 138. See also price premiums

relevance, brand equity, 139

repeat, 124

repeat rates, 48, 121

repeat volume, 117–118

reporting margins, 72, 74

repurchase rate, 48

resellers, 279

reservation prices, 226

calculating, 226, 228

finding, 228

linear demand, 228, 230–231

purpose, 226

residual price elasticity, 251

calculating, 254–255

complications, 255–256

purpose, 252–254

response bias, 59

responses, customer survey, 116

results of marketing metrics survey, 13

retail margins, 362

retail profit, Prestige Luggage, 363

retailers, apparel, 161

retention, 48, 158–159

versus acquisition, 176–178

retention rate, 156, 159, 170

return, 337

return on assets (ROA), 342, 369–370, 372. See also DuPont Model

return on capital (ROC), 342

return on incremental marketing investment (ROIMI), 352

return on invested capital (ROIC), 342

Return on Investment (ROI), 338, 342–343, 357

return on marketing investment (ROMI), 338–339, 350–351

budgeting, 354

calculating, 351–352

complications, 354

media exposure return on marketing investment, 354–355

purpose, 351

return on net assets (RONA), 342

return on Sales (ROS), 338, 340–342, 357, 369

returns and target, 108

revenue attributable to marketing, 352

revenue from new products, 125

revenue market share, calculating, 33

revenue return to incremental marketing, 352

revenue return to total marketing, 352

revenue share of requirements, 46

reward structures, supply chain metrics, 213

rich media display time, 291, 317–318

rich media interaction rate, 291, 318–319

ROA (return on assets), 342, 369–370, 372. See also DuPont Model

Robinson-Patman Act, 251, 285

ROC (return on capital), 342

Rogers, Martha, 167

ROI (return on investment), 338, 342–343, 357

ROIC (return on invested capital), 342

ROIMI (return on incremental marketing investment), 352

ROMI. See return on marketing investment

RONA (return on net assets), 342

ROS (return on Sales), 338, 340–342, 357, 369


salaries. See sales force compensation

sales, decomposing, 371–372

sales force compensation, 195

calculating, 196–197

incentive plans, 197–198

purpose, 196

sales force effectiveness, 192

calculating, 192–195

customer service, 194

expenses, 194

purpose, 192

sales force funnel, 199

sales force objectives, 189–191

sales force territories, 186

balancing, 187–188

comparing, 188

estimating size of, 189

purpose, 187

redefining, 189

sales force tracking. See pipeline analysis

sales funnel, 184, 201–202

sales goals, 190–191

sales pipeline, 184

sales potential, 182, 186–191

same stores growth, 126–128

sample selection, customer satisfaction, 59

sampling size of marketing metrics survey, 11–12

search engine marketers, 327

search engines, 325–327

seasonal variations (ROI), 343

second-price auctions, 228

secondary line competitive injury, 251

segment utilities, 112

segmentation by geography, 55


BDI, 42

CDI, 42

conjoint utilities, 147–149

selling price, 72, 76

separating customer responses from non-customer responses, 54

served market, 34–35

service levels, 209–210

Shames, Erv, 364

share of category, 39

share of requirements, 45–47

share of shelf, 208

share of voice, 313

share of wallet, 44–47

shopping basket margin, 218

shrinkage, 214

signals, 54

SKU (stock keeping unit), 86, 215

slope, optimal price, 244

slotting allowances, 101

social networking, friends/followers/supporters, 333–335

sole usage, 47

spreadsheets, calculating NPV, 350

State Farm, 157

statistical units, 88, 90

stepped payments, 100

store versus brand measures, 208

supplier selling price, 75

calculating, 77

calculating average, 85

supply chain metrics, 209

complications, 212–213

inventories, evaluating, 213

inventory days, 211–212

inventory tracking, 211

inventory turns, 211

out-of-stocks, 210

purpose, 209

reward structures, 213

service levels, 210

supporters, 293, 333–335

surveys, 114

customer satisfaction, 59

customer survey responses, 116

marketing metrics survey

cautions about, 10–11

rankings, 21–24

results, 13

sampling size, 11–12

metric usage survey, 385–390


target market fit, 125

target rating points (TRPs), 288, 296–297

target revenue, 106–107

target volume, 68, 106

target volumes not based on target profit, 108

targets, profit-based sales, 106–107

terminal values, 349

territories. See sales force territories

test markets. See also trials

assumptions, 120–121

awareness, 114

distribution, 115

simulated results and volume projections, trial volume, 114

theoretical price premiums, 226

three (four) firm concentration ratio, 38

threshold, 289

threshold response model, frequency response functions, 306

time, measuring market share over, 35

tolerable discrimination, 285

top of mind, 53

total cost, 92, 95

total cost per unit, 94–96

total coupon cost, 276

total distribution, 184, 207

total number of active customers, 45

total outlet sales, 208

total selling costs, 98

total variable selling costs, 98

total volume, 118–119

“the trade,” 278

trade satisfaction, 59

trial rate, 113–115

trial volume, 116–117

trial-repeat model, 124

trials, 112, 121, 124. See also test markets

discounted trial, 124

forced trial, 124

purpose, 113

repeat volume, 117

total volume, 118–119

TRPs (target rating points), 288, 296–297


under-servicing, 187

unit margin, 69–71

unit market share, 33

unit share of requirements, 46–47

units, 69

USAA, 157

usage, 54

user behavior, web sites, 328–331

value of future period, 128–129

variable cost per unit versus total cost per unit, 96

variable costs, 91

calculating, 91–95

classification of, 96

purpose, 91

Venn diagram, 304

video interactions, 320

visitors, 327–328, 331–333

visits, 292, 327–328, 331–333

volume projection, 112–113

conjoint utilities, 150–151

spreadsheet, 119


Wal-Mart, 27, 345

warm leads, 200

wear-in, 310

wear-out, 310

web pages. See also Internet

hits, 314–315

pageviews. See pageviews

visitors, 327–328, 331

visits, 327–328, 331

web sites

traffic, assessing, 314–315

user behavior, 328–331

weighted contribution margin, cannibalization, 132

weighted share of sales allotment, 190

whale curve, customer profit, 167

willingness to recommend, 56–57

willingness to search, 62–63

workload, 186–187, 198

year-on-year growth, 111, 125

Young & Rubicam, 137, 139

Zellner, Arnold, 377

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