
30-Pin to Digital AV Adapter, 328


accessories, 11-12, 253

Adorama website, 254

external lighting, 79, 260-261

iPhone Lens Dial, 257

Joby portable tripods, 258

Kogeto Dot, 258

Looq for iOS, 259

OlloClip clip-on lenses, 254-256

PhotoJoJo online store, 254

polarizing lens, 63-64

stylus, 262

Triggertrap, 262

XShot 2.0, 259


Flickr accounts, 284

iCloud accounts, 313

Twitter accounts, 295

activating My Photo Stream (iCloud), 311-313


Apple 30-Pin to Digital AV Adapter, 328, 334

Apple Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 328, 334

Add Caption icon (iPhoto), 157

Add To option (iCloud My Photo Stream), 315

Adjust option (Photo Editor-), 241

Adjustments icon (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 235

Adobe Creative Cloud, 232, 304

Adobe Photoshop Elements 12, 251

Adobe Photoshop Express app, 237

Adobe Photoshop Touch, 75, 233-237

Adorama, 254

AE/AF (autoexposure/autofocus) sensor, 26, 33-34, 70-71, 92

Afterlight, 237-238

AirDrop, 142-144, 175, 337-339

AirPlay, 139, 329-331

AirPrint-compatible printers

choosing, 266-268

overview, 264-266

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

sending images to, 268-273


creating, 117, 293-295

deleting, 119

moving photos between, 117-118

naming, 118

reordering, 119

viewing list of, 116-117

Albums icon (iPhoto), 151

Albums view (Photos app), 116

alternatives to Camera app. See third-party photography apps

amateur mistakes, avoiding, 54

Amazon Cloud Drive, 326

Amazon Cloud Drive Photos for iOS, 304

animals, photographing, 87

animated slideshows, 187-190, 332-334

Aperture, 251

App Store, 11-12

Apple 30-Pin to Digital AV Adapter, 328, 334

Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit, 145-146

Apple Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 328, 334


Adobe Photoshop Express, 237

Adobe Photoshop Touch, 75, 233-237

Afterlight, 237-238

App Store, 11-12


10-step Camera app recap, 48

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 26, 33-34, 92

Burst shooting mode, 41-42

Crop tool, 56

customizing, 47

filters, 42-43

flash, 44-45

front-facing camera, 29-30

geotagging, 47-48

Grid feature, 38

HDR mode, 36-37, 79-80

Landscape mode, 30-32

launching, 18-23

overview, 16-18, 23-24

Pano shooting mode, 41, 45-46

Photo shooting mode, 39

Portrait mode, 30-32

previewing photos, 27-28, 49

rear-facing camera, 29-30

settings, 47

Slo-Mo shooting mode, 39

Square shooting mode, 40

Video shooting mode, 39

viewfinder, 25-26

Zoom slider, 34-36

Camera+, 91, 210-212

Camera! Awesome, 82, 205-210

Camera Plus, 201-204

Color Splash for iPad, 250

Costco, 4, 278-280

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama, 213-216

EOS Remote, 262

Facebook, 3

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

taking photos with, 292

Facetune for iPad, 249

finding, 11-12

Hipstamatic, 216-218

Instagram, 229, 299-303


animated slideshows, 187-190

brushes, 170-173

closing photos, 155

commands, 155-157

cropping photos, 165-170

exporting photos, 177

flagging photos, 164

help, 152

Library screen, 149

overview, 108, 146-152

photo books, 190-198

photo-editing tools, 158-164

Photos view, 150

printing photos, 177-179

Search feature, 151

sharing photos, 174-176

syncing photos via iTunes, 175-176

tags, 173-174

Undo feature, 198

viewing photos, 153-155

web journals, 179-187

Kicksend, 277

Living Earth - Clock & Weather, 105

Looker, 258

Looq, 259

Mail, 140-142, 307-308

Map-A-Pic Location Scout for Photographers, 105

Mobli, 15-16

Monokrom Photo Editor, 249

MySketch Editor, 248

Offspring, 278

Over, 249

Photo Booth, 229

Photo Editor-, 239-243

Photo Mosaica, 249

Photo Reflection HD, 248


albums, 116-119

emailing photos from, 306

Enhance feature, 75

importing photos into, 145-146

overview, 107-108

photo editing, 121-130

shared photo streams, 119-120

sharing photos from, 131-140, 296-297

viewing photos, 109-116

PhotoToaster, 243-245

PicShop HD Photo Editor, 245-248

Pic Stitch, 250

ProCam 2, 222-225

Pro HDR, 75, 219-222

Shutterfly, 280-282

SnappyCam Pro, 226-228

Sunrise Sunset Pro, 105

Sunset and Sunrise, 105

TimeBox, 191

Twitter, 297-298

Wireless Mobile Utility, 262

art of digital photography, 7-8

aspect ratio, 167

assigning photos to contacts, 140

Assign to Contact option (Photos app), 140

autoexposure/autofocus (AE/AF) sensor, 26, 33-34, 70-71, 92

Auto Fix option (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 235

Auto setting (flash), 78

awareness when shooting photos, 71


baby books, creating, 278

baby pictures

organizing with Offspring app, 278

photography tips, 86-87

Back icon (iPhoto), 156

Back option (iPhoto), 198

background, framing subject with, 65-66

battery power, 9

Beam option (iPhoto), 176-177

Begin a Tutorial button (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 233

Blemish tool (Photo Editor-), 242, 286

Blurb, 190

BodyGuardz, 106

Bower iSpotlight Smartphone LED light, 260

Brick & Pixel iPhone case, 261

bright light, 105-106

Browse option (iPhoto), 158

brushes (iPhoto), 160, 170-173

buildings, photographing, 96

Burst shooting mode, 41-42, 86

buying tips

AirPrint-compatible printer, 266-268

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276


Camera app

10-step Camera app recap, 48

alternatives to, 200-201

Camera+, 210-212

Camera! Awesome, 205-210

Camera Plus, 201-204

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama, 213-216

Hipstamatic, 216-218

Photo Booth, 229

ProCam 2, 222-225

Pro HDR, 219-222

SnappyCam Pro, 226-228

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 26, 33-34, 92

Burst shooting mode, 41-42

Crop tool, 56

customizing, 47

filters, 42-43

flash, 44-45

front-facing camera, 29-30

geotagging, 47-48

Grid feature, 38

HDR mode, 36-37, 79-80

Landscape mode, 30-32

launching, 18

from Control Center, 20-21

from Home screen, 19-20

from Lock screen, 19

from Multitasking mode, 22-23

overview, 16-18, 23-24

Pano shooting mode, 41, 45-46

Photo shooting mode, 39

Portrait mode, 30-32

previewing photos, 27-28, 49

rear-facing camera, 29-30

settings, 47

Slo-Mo shooting mode, 39

Square shooting mode, 40

Video shooting mode, 39

viewfinder, 25-26

Zoom slider, 34-36

Camera+ app, 91, 210-212

Camera! Awesome app, 82, 205-210

camera extenders, 259

Camera mode (Afterlight), 238

Camera option (PicShop HD Photo Editor), 245

Camera Plus app, 201-204

Camera Roll, 27, 109, 140

Cancel option (Camera app), 28

candid photos, 66-67, 85

Canon EOS Remote app, 262

captions, adding to photos, 181

challenges, overcoming. See also strategies to improve picture-taking skills

animal pictures, 87

baby pictures, 86-87

bright light and glare, 105-106

candid shots of people, 85

close-ups, 98-101

group shots of people, 85-86

landmarks, buildings, and inanimate objects, 96

moving subjects, 88

panoramic shots, 97-98

posed portraits, 82-84

reflections, 101-102

scale and depth, 103

shooting through glass, 93-95

shooting while you are in motion, 91

silhouettes, 102

sporting events, 90-91

vacation photos, 103-105

charging cables, 9

check-in updates (Facebook), adding photos to, 291-292


AirPrint-compatible printer, 266-268

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

clip-on lenses

iPhone Lens Dial, 257

Kogeto Dot, 258

OlloClip clip-on lenses, 254-256

close-ups, 98-101

closing photos with iPhoto app, 155

cloud-based photo sharing services, 232, 326

collages, displaying on Apple TV, 332-333

Collections view (Photos app), 112

Color Splash for iPad, 250

Color tool (iPhoto), 159

combining photo-editing apps, 251

Compose Tweet window (Twitter), 296

computers, transferring photos to, 13

with AirDrop, 337-339

with iTunes Sync, 335-336

contacts, assigning photos to, 140

Control Center, launching Camera app from, 20-21

controlling access to shared photo streams, 323-324

copying and pasting photos, 139

Costco app, 4, 278-280

Create a New Project option (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 234

Create Photo Book option (iPhoto), 191


albums, 117

animated slideshows, 187-190

photo books, 190-198

tags, 173

web journals, 180

Crop option (Photo Editor-), 241

Crop tool, 56

iPhoto, 159, 165-170

Photos app, 127-130

cropping photos, 56

in iPhoto, 165-170

with Photos app, 127-130

customizing Camera app, 47

Cyanics iFlash LED, 260

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama app, 213-216


Darken tool (iPhoto), 161

date graphics, adding to web journals, 186

Default Music option (Apple TV slideshows), 333


albums, 119

photos, 28

shared photo streams, 320-321, 325

depth, 103

Desaturate tool (iPhoto), 161

designing photo books, 190-198

Detect Edges icon (iPhoto), 172

Digital AV Adapter, 334

digital photography. See also photos

art of, 7-8


animal pictures, 87

baby pictures, 86-87

bright light and glare, 105-106

candid shots of people, 85

close-ups, 98-101

group shots of people, 85-86

landmarks, buildings, and inanimate objects, 96

moving subjects, 88

panoramic shots, 97-98

posed portraits, 82-84

reflections, 101-102

scale and depth, 103

shooting through glass, 93-95

shooting while in motion, 91

silhouettes, 102

sporting events, 90-91

vacation photos, 103-105

hardware/software requirements

apps and accessories, 11-12

external battery pack or charging cable, 9

storage, 10-11

iPhone/iPad capabilities, 2

low light environments, 73-74

compensating for, 74-75

external lighting, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

iPhone’s built-in flash, 76-78

photo composition, 13-15


amateur mistakes, avoiding, 54

attention and awareness, 71

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 70-71

candid photos, 66-67

focal point, 52

framing subject, 65-66

overview, 51-52

primary light source, 59-64

Rule of Thirds, 54-58

shadows, 69-70

shooting angle and perspective, 64-65

sign photos, 68

storytelling through photos, 52-53

summary, 71

zoom, 69

third-party photography apps

Camera+ app, 210-212

Camera! Awesome app, 205-210

Camera Plus app, 201-204

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama app, 213-216

Hipstamatic app, 216-218

Photo Booth app, 229

ProCam 2 app, 222-225

Pro HDR app, 219-222

SnappyCam Pro app, 226-228

digital SLR camera, controlling with iPhone/iPad, 262

displaying photos

on HD TV with Apple TV, 328

AirPlay, 329-331

animated slideshows, 332-334

Apple TV screensaver, 332

image collages, 332-333

on HD TV with Digital AV Adapter, 334

Done option (Camera app), 27

downloading photos from My Photo Stream (iCloud), 316

Draw option (Photo Editor-), 242

Dropbox, 232, 304, 326


Edit option (Camera app), 27

Edit Photo window (Twitter), 297-298

editing photos

full-featured photo editing software, 251

with iPhoto app

brushes, 170-173

commands, 155-157

cropping photos, 165-170

flagging photos, 164

help, 152

Library screen, 149

overview, 108, 147-152

photo-editing tools, 158-164

Photos view, 150

Search feature, 151

tags, 173-174

viewing photos, 153-155

overview, 53, 121-122

photo books, 192

with Photos app

Crop tool, 127-130

Enhance tool, 124

Filters tool, 125-126

overview, 123

Red-eye tool, 127

Rotate tool, 124

tags, 174

third-party apps, 231-232

Adobe Photoshop Express, 237

Adobe Photoshop Touch, 233-237

Afterlight, 237-238

Color Splash for iPad, 250

combining, 251

Facetune for iPad, 249

Monokrom Photo Editor, 249

MySketch Editor, 248

Over, 249

Photo Editor-, 239-243

Photo Mosaica, 249

Photo Reflection HD, 248

PhotoToaster, 243-245

PicShop HD Photo Editor, 245-248

Pic Stitch, 250

web journals, 181-183

effective flash range, 76-77

effects. See photo editing

Effects option (Photo Editor-), 240

Effects tool (iPhoto), 162

emailing photos, 305

from Mail app, 140-142, 307-308

from Photos app, 306

Enhance feature

iPhoto, 163

Photo Editor-, 240

Photos app, 75, 124

enhancing photos with Photos app, 124

EOS Remote app, 262

Eraser (iPhoto), 172

exporting photos from iPhoto, 177

Exposure tool (iPhoto), 159

external battery pack, 9

external lighting, 79, 260-261

Extras button (PicShop HD Photo Editor), 247


Face Recognition feature, 84

Facebook, 3

check-in updates, 291-292

publishing photos on, 286

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

privacy settings, 286

status updates, 286-292

taking photos with, 292

uploading photos to, 3

Facetune for iPad, 249

Favorite feature (iPhoto), 164

Filter/Sort Images icon (iPhoto), 156

filters, 42-43, 63-64, 104

Instagram, 126

Instagram app, 229

Photo Booth app, 229

Photos app, 125-126

Filters tool (Photos app), 125-126

finding apps, 11-12

fisheye lens, 97

Flag tool (iPhoto), 164

flagging photos in iPhoto, 164

flash, 44-45, 70

Auto setting, 78

effective flash range, 76-77

external flash devices, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

On/Off settings, 78

red-eye, 77

shadows, 77-78

True Tone flash, 76, 138, 232-284, 304, 325

focal point, 52

focus with moving subjects, 88

Focus option (Photo Editor-), 241

foreground, framing subject with, 65-66

Frames option (Photo Editor-), 241

framing subject, 65-66

front-facing camera, 29-30

Full Screen View option (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 236

fx icon (Adobe Photoshop Touch), 235


geotagging, 47-48

glare, 105-106

glare reduction film, 106

glass, shooting photos through, 93-95

Global option (PhotoToaster), 244

Google Picasa, 251

Grid feature, 38

GripTight GorillaPod Stand, 258

group shots of people, 85-86


Hahnemuhle Fine Art paper, 274

hardware requirements, 9

accessories, 11-12

external battery pack or charging cable, 9

storage, 10-11

Harman Professional, 274

hash tags, 297

HD television set, displaying photos on

with Apple TV, 328

AirPlay, 329-331

animated slideshows, 332-334

Apple TV screensaver, 332

image collages, 332-333

with Digital AV Adapter, 334

HDR mode, 36-37, 79-80

Help icon (iPhoto), 152, 156

Hex 3 Jaja Pressure Sensitive Stylus, 262

High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode, 36-37

Hipstamatic app, 216-218

Home screen, launching Camera app from, 19-20



accounts, creating, 313

Backup feature, 313

logging in to, 328

My Photo Stream

activating, 311-313

downloading photos from, 316

managing, 314-316

overview, 309-311

requirements, 311

shared photo streams, 119-120, 316, 328

controlling access to, 323-324

creating, 317-319

deleting, 320-321, 325

managing, 322

viewing, 320-322

sharing photos with, 136

iFlash LED (Cyanics), 260

Ilford, 274

images. See photos

importing photos into Photos app, 145-146

inanimate objects, photographing, 96

ink cartridges, 275-276

Instagram, 126, 299-303

iPad Camera Connection Kit, 145-146

iPhone Lens Dial, 257

iPhone models, 9

iPhone Telephoto Lens, 254

iPhoto app, 108, 146

animated slideshows, 187-190

brushes, 170-173

closing photos, 155

commands, 155-157

cropping photos, 165-170

exporting photos, 177

flagging photos, 164

help, 152

Library screen, 149

overview, 147-152

photo books, 190-198

photo-editing tools, 158-164

Photos view, 150

printing photos, 177-179

Search feature, 151

sharing photos, 174-176

syncing photos via iTunes, 175-176

tags, 173-174

Undo feature, 198

viewing photos, 153-155

web journals

adding elements to, 183-186

creating, 180

editing, 181-183

overview, 179

publishing, 186-187

sharing, 186

iPhoto software, 251

iSpotlight Smartphone LED light, 260

iTunes, syncing photos via, 175-176

iTunes Sync, 335-336


Joby portable tripods, 258

journals (web)

adding elements to, 183-186

creating, 180

editing, 181-183

overview, 179

publishing, 186-187

sharing, 186

key photos, 165

Kicksend app, 277

Kogeto Dot, 258


landmarks, photographing, 96

Landscape mode, 30-32

launching Camera app, 18

from Control Center, 20-21

from Home screen, 19-20

from Lock screen, 19

from Multitasking mode, 22-23

Lengenger L-Tech Plus Stealth Ballpoint with Stylus, 262


fisheye lens, 97

iPhone Lens Dial, 257

Kogeto Dot, 258

OlloClip clip-on lenses, 254-256

polarizing lens, 63-64

Library screen (iPhoto), 149

Lighten tool (iPhoto), 161


bright light and glare, 105-106

flash, 44-45

low light environments, 73-74

compensating for, 74-75

external lighting, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

iPhone’s built-in flash, 76-78

primary light source, positioning, 59-64

Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 328, 334

Lightning to SD Card Camera Reader, 145

Lightning to USB Camera Adapter, 145

Lightstrap iPhone case, 261

Living Earth - Clock & Weather, 105

Location Services feature, 47

Lock screen, launching Camera app from, 19

logging in to iCloud, 328

Looker app, 258

Looq, 259

low light environments, 73-74

compensating for, 74-75

external lighting, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

iPhone’s built-in flash

Auto setting, 78

effective flash range, 76-77

On/Off settings, 78

red-eye, 77

shadows, 77-78

True Tone flash, 76

L-Tech Plus Stealth Ballpoint with Stylus, 262

Luster finish photo paper, 274


Macro 3-in-1 lens (OlloClip), 255

Mail app, emailing photos from, 140-142, 307-308


My Photo Stream (iCloud), 314-316

shared photo streams, 322

Map-A-Pic Location Scout for Photographers app, 105

Map view (Photos app), 111

maps, adding to web journals, 185

megapixel (MP), 29

Meme tool (Photo Editor-), 242

Memory option (iPhoto), 184

messages, sharing photos in, 135

metadata, 174

Microsoft Photo Gallery, 251

Microsoft SkyDrive, 326

Mobli app, 15-16

models (iPhone), 9


HDR (High Dynamic Range), 36-37

Landscape, 30-32

Portrait, 30-32

Moments view (Photos app), 113-116

Monokrom Photo Editor, 249

moving photos between albums, 117-118

moving subjects, photographing, 88

MP (megapixel), 29

Multitasking mode, launching Camera app from, 22-23

My Photo Stream (iCloud), 311, 328

activating, 311-313

downloading photos from, 316

managing, 314-316

overview, 309-310

requirements, 311

MySketch Editor, 248


Name This Location field (Instagram), 302

naming albums, 118

New Project icon (iPhoto), 151

Nikon Wireless Mobile Adapter, 262

noise, 74

Nota Ultrafine Stylus, 262


Offspring app, 278

OlloClip lenses, 64, 91, 99, 254-256

On/Off settings (flash), 78

one-hour photo labs, 276-277

online photo labs, 280-282

online photo-sharing services, 304-305, 325

opening. See launching Camera app

Options icon (iPhoto), 152

Orientation option (Photo Editor-), 241

Over, 249

overcoming challenges. See challenges, overcoming


Pano shooting mode, 41, 45-46, 97-98

panoramic photos, 41, 45-46, 97-98

people, photographing

baby pictures, 86-87

candid shots, 85

group shots, 85-86

posed portraits, 82-84

perspective, 64-65

photo books, 190-198

Photo Booth app, 229

photo composition, 13-15

attention and awareness, 71

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 70-71

candid photos, 66-67

framing subject, 65-66

primary light source, 59-64

Rule of Thirds, 54-58

shadows, 69-70

shooting angle and perspective, 64-65

sign photos, 68

summary, 71

zoom, 69

photo editing

full-featured photo editing software, 251

with iPhoto app

brushes, 170-173

commands, 155-157

cropping photos, 165-170

flagging photos, 164

help, 152

Library screen, 149

overview, 108, 147-152

photo-editing tools, 158-164

Photos view, 150

Search feature, 151

tags, 173-174

viewing photos, 153-155

overview, 53, 121-122

photo books, 192

with Photos app

Crop tool, 127-130

Enhance tool, 124

Filters tool, 125-126

overview, 123

Red-eye tool, 127

Rotate tool, 124

tags, 174

third-party apps, 231-232

Adobe Photoshop Express, 237

Adobe Photoshop Touch, 233-237

Afterlight, 237-238

Color Splash for iPad, 250

combining, 251

Facetune for iPad, 249

Monokrom Photo Editor, 249

MySketch Editor, 248

Over, 249

Photo Editor-, 239-243

Photo Mosaica, 249

Photo Reflection HD, 248

PhotoToaster, 243-245

PicShop HD Photo Editor, 245-248

Pic Stitch, 250

web journals, 181-183

Photo Editor-, 239-243

Photo Editor (Afterlight), 238

PhotoJoJo, 254

photo labs

one-hour photo labs, 276-277

online photo labs, 280-282

photo magnets, creating with StickyGram, 6

Photo Mosaica, 249

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

Photo Reflection HD, 248

photo-sharing services, 304-305

Photo shooting mode, 39

photo streams (iCloud)

My Photo Stream

activating, 311-313

downloading photos from, 316

managing, 314-316

overview, 309-311

requirements, 311

shared photo streams, 316

controlling access to, 323-324

creating, 317-319

deleting, 320-321, 325

managing, 322

viewing, 320-322



creating, 117

deleting, 119

moving photos between, 117-118

naming, 118

reordering, 119

viewing list of, 116-117

animated slideshows, 187-190

assigning to contacts, 140

closing, 155

creating prints from

with Costco app, 4

with StickyGram, 6


with iPhoto, 165-170

with Photos app, 127-130

deleting, 28

downloading from My Photo Stream (iCloud), 316

editing. See photo editing

emailing, 305

from Mail app, 140-142, 307-308

from Photos app, 306

enhancing, 124

exporting from iPhoto, 177

filtering, 125-126

flagging, 164

importing into Photos app, 145-146

key photos, 165

metadata, 174

moving between albums, 117-118

panoramic photos, 41, 45-46

photo books, 190-198

previewing, 27-28, 49


to AirPrint-compatible printer, 264-276

with Costco app, 278-280

from iPhoto, 177-179

with Kicksend app, 277

with Offspring app, 278

at one-hour photo labs, 276-277

from online photo labs, 280-282

overview, 263-264

from Photos app, 140

publishing on Facebook

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

privacy settings, 286

status updates, 286-292

publishing on Instagram, 299-303

publishing on Twitter, 295

with Photos app, 296-297

with Twitter app, 297-298

rotating, 124

saving to Camera Roll, 140

selfies, 30

setting as wallpaper, 140

sharing. See sharing photos

shooting. See shooting photos

syncing via iTunes, 175-176

transferring to computer, 13

uploading, 3, 13

viewing in iPhoto, 153-155

viewing with Photos app

Albums view, 116

Collections view, 112

Map view, 111

Moments view, 113-116

Years view, 109-111

web journals

adding elements to, 183-186

creating, 180

editing, 181-183

overview, 179

publishing, 186-187

sharing, 186

zooming, 34-36

Photos app


creating, 117

deleting, 119

moving photos between, 117-118

naming, 118

reordering, 119

viewing list of, 116-117

emailing photos from, 306

Enhance feature, 75

importing photos into, 145-146

overview, 107-108

photo editing

Crop tool, 127-130

Enhance tool, 124

Filters tool, 125-126

overview, 121-123

Red-eye tool, 127

Rotate tool, 124

shared photo streams, 119-120

sharing photos from, 131-140, 296-297

viewing photos

Albums view, 116

Collections view, 112

Map view, 111

Moments view, 113-116

Years view, 109-111

Photos view (iPhoto), 150

Photoshop Elements 12, 251

PhotoToaster, 243-245

Picasa, 251

PicShop HD Photo Editor, 245-248

Pic Stitch, 250

Pocket Spotlight, 260

polarizing lens, 63-64

portable tripods, 258

Portrait mode, 30-32

portraits, 82-84

posed portraits, 82-84

power supply, 9

pressure-sensitive stylus, 262

previewing photos, 27-28, 49

primary light source, positioning, 59-64

Print option (Photos app), 140


AirPrint-compatible printers

choosing, 266-268

overview, 264-266

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

sending images to, 268-273

at one-hour photo labs, 276-277

from online photo labs, 280-282

printing photos

AirPrint-compatible printers

choosing, 266-268

overview, 264-266

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

sending images to, 268-273

with Costco app, 278-280

from iPhoto, 177-179

with Kicksend app, 277

with Offspring app, 278

at one-hour photo labs, 276-277

from online photo labs, 280-282

overview, 263-264

from Photos app, 140

prints, creating

with Costco app, 4

with StickyGram, 6

privacy settings, 285-286

ProCam 2 app, 222-225

Pro HDR, 75, 219-222

Projects icon (iPhoto), 151

Public Website option (iCloud), 324

publishing photos. See also sharing photos

on Facebook

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

privacy settings, 286

status updates, 286-292

on Instagram, 299-303

on Twitter, 295

with Photos app, 296-297

with Twitter app, 297-298

web journals, 186-187


Quick-Flip Case, 256-257

rear-facing camera, 29-30


reducing, 77

removing, 127

Red-eye tool, 127

iPhoto, 161

Photo Editor-, 242

Red River Paper, 274


red-eye, 77

shadows, 77-79

reflections, 101-102

relaxing photo subjects, 83


red-eye, 127

tags, 174

thumbnails in iPhoto, 154


albums, 119

thumbnails in iPhoto, 155

Repair tool (iPhoto), 161, 170

Repeat Photos option (Apple TV slideshows), 333

Revert to Original option (Camera app), 28

Rotate tool

iPhoto, 164

Photos app, 124

Rule of Thirds, 54-58, 84


Satin finish photo paper, 274

Saturate tool (iPhoto), 161

Save option (Camera app), 28

Save to Camera Roll option (Photos app), 140

scale, 103

Scale & Crop screen (Instagram), 300-301

screensaver (Apple TV), 332

Search feature (iPhoto), 151

searching tags, 174

Self-Timer (Afterlight), 238

selfies, 30

sending photos

from Mail app, 140-142

to printers

to AirPrint-compatible printer, 268-273

photo paper, 273-275

photo printer ink, 275-276

Set as Key Photo option (iPhoto), 165

settings (Camera app), 47

Settings Menu icon (Afterlight), 238

shadows, 69-70

reducing, 77-79

shadow effects, 78

shaky hands, compensating for, 74

Share icon (iCloud My Photo Stream), 315

Share menu

iPhoto, 157

Photos app, 131-140

Share Some Photos menu option, 115

Share This Moment option, 115

Shared Photo Stream feature (iCloud), 328

shared photo streams, 119-120, 316

controlling access to, 323-324

creating, 317-319

deleting, 320-321, 325

managing, 322

viewing, 320-322

Shared Streams screen (iCloud), 320

sharing photos

AirDrop, 142-144, 337-339

Facebook, 286

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

privacy settings, 286

status updates, 286-292

email, 305

from Mail app, 307-308

from Photos app, 306

HD TV with Apple TV, 328

AirPlay, 329-331

animated slideshows, 332-334

Apple TV screensaver, 332

image collages, 332-333

HD TV with Digital AV Adapter, 334

iCloud My Photo Stream

activating, 311-313

downloading photos from, 316

managing, 314-316

overview, 309-311

requirements, 311

Instagram, 299-303

iPhoto, 174-176

Mail app, 140-142

overview, 13, 283-284, 339-340

photo sharing services, 232, 304-305, 325-326

Photos app, 131, 134-140

privacy settings, 285

shared photo streams, 119-120, 316

controlling access to, 323-324

creating, 317-319

deleting, 320-321, 325

managing, 322

viewing, 320-322

syncing images with iTunes Sync, 335-336

Twitter, 295

with Photos app, 296-297

with Twitter app, 297-298

web journals, 186

Sharpen tool (iPhoto), 161

Sharpness option (Photo Editor-), 242

shooting angle, 64-66

shooting modes, 38

Burst, 41-42

Pano, 41, 45-46

Photo, 39

Slo-Mo, 39

Square, 40

Video, 39

shooting photos

art of digital photography, 7-8

Camera app, 16

10-step Camera app recap, 48

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 26, 33-34, 92

Burst shooting mode, 41-42

filters, 42-43

front-facing camera, 29-30

geotagging, 47-48

Grid feature, 38

HDR mode, 36-37

Landscape mode, 30-32

launching, 18-23

overview, 17-18, 23-24

Pano shooting mode, 41, 45-46

Photo shooting mode, 39

Portrait mode, 30-32

previewing photos, 27-28, 49

rear-facing camera, 29-30

settings, 47

Slo-Mo shooting mode, 39

Square shooting mode, 40

Video shooting mode, 39

viewfinder, 25-26

Zoom slider, 34-36

Camera+ app, 210-212

Camera! Awesome app, 205-210

Camera Plus app, 201-204

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama app, 213-216


animal pictures, 87

baby pictures, 86-87

bright light and glare, 105-106

candid shots of people, 85

close-ups, 98-101

group shots of people, 85-86

landmarks, buildings, and inanimate objects, 96

moving subjects, 88

panoramic shots, 97-98

posed portraits, 82-84

reflections, 101-102

scale and depth, 103

shooting through glass, 93-95

shooting while in motion, 91

silhouettes, 102

sporting events, 90-91

vacation photos, 103-105

Facebook app, 292

hardware/software requirements

apps and accessories, 11-12

external battery pack or charging cable, 9

storage, 10-11

Hipstamatic app, 216-218

iPhone/iPad capabilities, 2-3

low light environments, 73-74

compensating for, 74-75

external lighting, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

iPhone’s built-in flash, 76-78

Photo Booth app, 229

photo composition, 13-15

ProCam 2 app, 222-225

Pro HDR app, 219-222

selfies, 30

SnappyCam Pro app, 226-228


amateur mistakes, avoiding, 54

attention and awareness, 71

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 70-71

candid photos, 66-67

focal point, 52

framing subject, 65-66

overview, 51-52

primary light source, 59-64

Rule of Thirds, 54-58

shadows, 69-70

shooting angle and perspective, 64-65

sign photos, 68

storytelling through photos, 52-53

summary, 71

zoom, 69

Show/Hide Thumbnail Grid icon (iPhoto), 156

Show Original icon (iPhoto), 157

Show Photo Info feature (iPhoto), 157, 164

Shuffle Music option (Apple TV slideshows), 334

Shuffle Photos option (Apple TV slideshows), 333

Shutterfly, 190, 232, 280-282, 304, 325

sign photos, 68

silhouettes, 63, 102

SkyDrive, 326

Slideshow Options menu (iPhoto), 189

slideshows, 139

animated slideshows, 187-190

displaying on Apple TV, 332-334

Slo-Mo shooting mode, 39

Smartphone Photo Cube Printer, 267

SmugFree Camera! Awesome app, 82, 232, 304, 325

snapping photos. See shooting photos

SnappyCam Pro app, 226-228

social networking, 285

Facebook, publishing photos on, 286

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

privacy settings, 286

status updates, 286-292

Instagram, publishing photos on, 299-303

Twitter, publishing photos on, 295

with Photos app, 296-297

with Twitter app, 297-298

Soften tool (iPhoto), 162

Splash option (Photo Editor-), 242

sporting events, photographing, 90-91

Square shooting mode, 40

starting. See launching Camera app

status updates (Facebook), adding photos to, 286-292

Stickers option (Photo Editor-), 241

StickyGram, 6

storage, digital photography requirements, 10-11

storytelling through photos, 52-53

strategies to improve picture-taking skills. See also challenges, overcoming

amateur mistakes, avoiding, 54

attention and awareness, 71

autoexposure/autofocus sensor, 70-71

candid photos, 66-67

focal point, 52

framing subject, 65-66

low light environments, 73-74

compensating for, 74-75

external lighting, 79, 260-261

HDR shooting mode, 79-80

iPhone’s built-in flash, 76-78

overview, 51-52

primary light source, 59-64

Rule of Thirds, 54-58

shadows, 69-70

shooting angle and perspective, 64-65

sign photos, 68

storytelling through photos, 52-53

summary, 71

zoom, 69

streaming photos (iCloud)

My Photo Stream

activating, 311-313

downloading photos from, 316

managing, 314-316

overview, 309-311

requirements, 311

shared photo streams, 316

controlling access to, 323-324

creating, 317-319

deleting, 320-321, 325

managing, 322

viewing, 320-322

stylus, 262

subjects, framing, 65-66

sunlight, glare from, 105-106

Sunrise Sunset Pro, 105

Sunset and Sunrise, 105

sunset photos, 104

syncing photos via iTunes, 175-176, 335-336


Tag feature (iPhoto), 164

Tag icon (iPhoto), 173

Tag People field (Instagram), 302

tagging photos

on Facebook, 292

on Instagram, 302

in iPhoto, 173-174

Tags menu (iPhoto), 173-174

taking photos. See shooting photos

Telephoto and Circular Polarizing Lens (OlloClip), 91, 255

Telephoto lens (OlloClip), 91

television set, displaying photos on

with Apple TV, 328

AirPlay, 329-331

animated slideshows, 332-334

Apple TV screensaver, 332

image collages, 332-333

with Digital AV Adapter, 334

Text option (Photo Editor-), 242

Theme option (Apple TV slideshows), 334

third-party photography apps, 200-201

Camera+, 210-212

Camera! Awesome, 205-210

Camera Plus, 201-204

Cycloramic Studio 360 Panorama, 213-216

Hipstamatic, 216-218

Photo Booth, 229

ProCam 2, 222-225

Pro HDR, 219-222

SnappyCam Pro, 226-228

Thirds, Rule of, 54-58, 84

30-Pin to Digital AV Adapter, 328

Thumbnail Columns icon (iPhoto), 154-156

thumbnails, 154-155

TimeBox app, 191

timeline (Facebook), adding photos to

albums, 293-295

check-in updates, 291-292

status updates, 286-292

timing, 66-67

transferring photos to computer, 13

with AirDrop, 337-339

with iTunes Sync, 335-336

Trash option (Camera app), 28

Triggertrap, 262

tripods, 258

True Tone flash, 44, 76

Tumblr, 286

turning on/off geotagging, 47-48

TV set, displaying photos on

with Apple TV, 328

AirPlay, 329-331

animated slideshows, 332-334

Apple TV screensaver, 332

image collages, 332-333

with Digital AV Adapter, 334

tweets. See Twitter

Twitter, 297-298

accounts, creating, 295

hash tags, 297

sharing photos on, 295

with Photos app, 296-297

with Twitter app, 297-298

sharing photos with, 136


Undo feature

Camera app, 28

iPhoto, 157, 198

unwanted movement, compensating for, 74

uploading photos, 3, 13

Use as Wallpaper option (Photos app), 140


vacation photos, 103-105

Video shooting mode, 39

viewfinder, 25-26

viewing photos

albums, 116-117

in iPhoto, 153-155

with Photos app

Albums view, 116

Collections view, 112

Map view, 111

Moments view, 113-116

Years view, 109-111

shared photo streams, 320-322

virtual postcards, 245

VuPoint Photo Cube, 268


wallpaper, setting photos as, 140

web journals

adding elements to, 183-186

creating, 180

editing, 181-183

overview, 179

publishing, 186-187

sharing, 186

Whiten tool (Photo Editor-), 242

windows, shooting photos through, 93-95

Wireless Mobile Utility, 262, 286

Write a Caption field (Instagram), 302-303


XShot 2.0, 259

Years view (Photos app), 109-111

zooming photos, 34-36, 69, 98-101

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