
I thank my family, especially my wife, Veena, and my daughters, Vinnie and Ria, for their love, understanding and encouragement, due to which I was able to finish this book. I would also like to thank all the team members at Apress for working on this book with their full dedication. In particular, I am grateful to the Development Editor, Kate Blackham, who provided feedback and corrections to maintain consistency and accuracy throughout the book. I am thankful to James DeWolf and Kevin Walter for coordinating the editorial process and for keeping publication of this book on schedule. I sincerely thank the technical reviewer, Todd Meister, for validating the accuracy of the technical concepts and the source code and for providing helpful suggestions. Special thanks to the copyeditor, Kezia Endsley, for the excellent proofreading and for making this book conform to the editorial style.

—Arun K. Pande

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