Galleriffic slideshow

The Galleriffic slideshow by Trent Foley allows you to turn a list of links to full-size photos into a photo slideshow. The approach is a bit different than the other galleries we've seen so far, where the focus has been on inserting the full-size photos in the document and then animating them into a slideshow. Galleriffic instead takes a list of links to the full-size photos and turns that into a slideshow. The links remain on the page as one way to navigate through the slideshow.

The Galleriffic slideshow can be used with a set of photos that vary somewhat in size and aspect ratio, but if the difference between different photos is too great, getting the CSS set up to handle the slideshow gracefully will be quite a challenge. The Galleriffic slideshow makes it easy for your site visitor to manually navigate to any photo in the slideshow and also provides next, previous, and a play/pause button for the slideshow. For site visitors with JavaScript disabled, a list of links will be provided that will link them to the full-size versions of the photos.

We're also going to explore a simple technique that you can use to apply different CSS to the page depending on whether or not JavaScript is enabled. This technique can be applied in a variety of circumstances to give you a bit more control over how your content is presented for site visitors when they have JavaScript disabled.

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