

Acrylic paint, 61

and airbrushes, 74, 75

gels and pastes, 70

introduction to, 59

and oil pastels, 43

painting surfaces for, 13

Acrylic painting, 56–71

dabbing/texturizing, 69

painting thinly/thickly, 68

techniques, 64–65

underpainting, 67

Aerial perspective, 108–109

Airbrushes and airbrushing, 74–77

basic techniques, 76

bigger to smaller/lighter to darker, 77

cleaning tools for, 74

fundamentals of, 77

gradient, 77

line discrepancies, 76

lines and shadows, 77

strokes, 76

tools and materials, 74–75

Air compressors, 74

Angle of view, 125

Artist’s tape, 23

Atmospheric perspective, 108–109


Black carbon ink, 78

Black construction paper, 37


colored pencils and, 32

and oil pastels, 43

with pastels, 40, 42

pencil drawing and, 27

and watercolor pencil, 53

Blending stump, paper, 40

Board surface, preparing for calligraphy, 80

Bright/dark palette, 95

Bristol board, 13

Broad pen, 81

Brushes, 15

and airbrushes, 75

care of, 16

Chinese, 86, 87

and masking fluid, 49

and priming canvas, 62

types of, 16 See also Chinese brush painting

Brush rest, 86

Bundling, watercolor pencil, 52

Burnishing, colored pencils and, 32


Calligraphy, 78–85

assembling the pen, 79

basics of, 82

guideline definitions, 82

improving with practice, 83, 84–85

positioning work surface, 80

preparing board surface, 80

preparing paper with guidelines, 83

setting up work area, 80

skeleton majescules, 85

skeleton miniscules, 84

techniques for getting started in, 81

tools and materials, 78


for oil and acrylic painting, 62–63

as painting surface, 13

stretching and priming, 62–63

Canvas paper, 13

Cardboard, 13

Cast shadows, 28, 100

Caterpillaring, 76

Charcoal pencils, 21

Chinese brush painting, 86–89

fundamentals of, 87

getting started in, 89

handling the brush, 87

leaves and petals, 87, 88, 89

strokes, 87, 88

tools and materials, 86

Color, 90–103

and acrylic gels and pastes, 70

and atmospheric perspective, 108, 109

basics of, 93

choosing, 61

complementary/contrasting, 98, 103

experimentation, 92

introduction to, 92

and mineral and modern pigments, 71

mixing in Chinese brush, 87

mixing watercolor, 50–51

mixing with watercolor pencil, 53

and moods, 94–95

primary, secondary, tertiary, 92, 93

properties of: hue, value, intensity, 96

pulling, 15

and reflections, 103

schemes, 93, 99

in shadows, 103

and temperature, 94, 102

and value, 97

wheel, 92, 93, 94 See also Light

Colored pencils, 31

techniques for using, 32

types of, 31

Color glazing, 49

Complementary colors, 98, 99, 103

Composition, 116–125

balance and harmony, 124

creating/locating focal point, 120, 121, 122

forming and placing elements, 124

and Golden Mean, 123

introduction to, 118

leading the viewer’s eye, 121

positive and negative space, 119

rule of thirds, 122

selecting viewpoint, 125

Contact paper, clear, 74

Conté crayon or pencil, 21, 43

Contrasting colors, 98, 99


and oil pastels, 43

and pastels, 39, 41

pencil drawing and, 27


Dabbing, 69

Dagger stroke, 76

Dip pen, 81

Distance and perspective, 108, 109

Distant focal point, 120

Drafting table, 10


creating form, 28

creating textures, 29

introduction to, 20

practicing lines, 26

rendering hair, 30

techniques for colored pencils, 32

underhand position, 24

writing position, 24 See also Pastels

Drawing paper, 11, 12

Drawing pencils, 21

Drawing surface or support, 11, 12

Drawing table, 10

Drybrush, 64

Dry pan watercolor, 46

Ductus, 82

Dust brush, 23


Easels, 10, 14

Edges, rendering, 55

Electric eraser, 75

Elevation of view, 125

Erasers, 22, 39, 43, 75

Expression in painting, 92


Fan brushes, 15

Feathers, 29

Feather stroke, 76

Fiberboard, 13

Fibonacci, 123

Filberts, 15

Fixative for oil painting, 60

Flat brush, 15

Flat stamping, 15

Flat wash

and acrylic painting, 64

and watercolor, 49

Focal points, 120, 121, 122

Foreshortening, 111, 115

Form, creating, 28

Form shadows, 100

French easel, 14

Frisket, 67


Gamsol, 43

Gels, acrylic, 70

Gesso, 12, 13, 43, 62, 63


and acrylic painting, 66

and pastels, 39

watercolor, 49, 51

Golden Mean, 122, 123


and calligraphy inks, 78

use of in watercolor painting, 54

Gradating, 27, 39

Graded wash, 64

Gradient and airbrushes, 77

Graduated wash, 49

Graphite, 11, 20, 21, 25

and erasers, 22

and transferring, 33

Grid method of transferring images, 33

Guidelines, in calligraphy, 82–83


Hair, rendering of, 30

Hair, texture of, 29, 30

Hard pastels, 37, 41

Hardwood, 13

Hardwood panel, 62

Hatching, 27, 32, 52

HB pencils, 21

Head and proportion, 112, 114

Highlight, 28

and oil and acrylic painting, 68

and oil pastels, 43

Horizon line, 106, 107, 110, 120

Hue, color, 96


Illustration board, 62

Impasto, 65, 68


calligraphy, 78

Chinese brush painting, 86

Ink stick and stone for Chinese brush, 86

Intensity, color, 96


Kneaded erasers, 22, 39, 43


Lap desk, 10


colored pencils and, 32

and mineral and modern pigments, 71

Leaves, 29

Lifting out, 22, 65

Light, 100–103

choosing source of, 100

creating visual interest with, 101

depicting and interplay with shadows, 100–101

depicting time of day, 102

lighting the subject, 98 See also Color; Shadows

Light box, 33

Light Studio easel, 14

Linear perspective, 106, 109

Line discrepancies, 76

Liner brushes, 15

Lines, practicing drawing, 26


Majescules, 82, 85


and frisket, 67

and oil and acrylic painting, 65

with pastels, 42

and watercolor, 54

Masking fluid, 49, 54

Masking tape, 74

Mat boards, 13

Metal texture, creating, 29

Mineral pigments, 71

Mineral spirits, 58

Miniscules, 82, 84

Mixing watercolors, 50–51

Modern pigments, 71

Monochromatic painting, 89


and colors, 94, 95

suggesting with stokes, 94


Natural-hair brush, 16

Negative painting, 49

Negative space, 119

Nibs, calligraphy, 78, 79, 80, 81


Objects, creating, 28

Oil painting, 56–71

dabbing/texturizing, 69

introduction to, 58

painting thinly/thickly, 68

techniques, 64–65

tools and materials, 60

and underpainting, 67

Oil paints, 60

Oil pastels, 43

One-point perspective, 106, 110

Opaque projectors, 75


Paint brushes, 15

Painting knives, 17, 60, 66

Painting surface or support, 12, 13, 60, 62


acrylic, 61

and airbrushing, 74, 75

and Chinese brush painting, 86

oil, 60

watercolor, 47

Palette knives, 17, 43, 54, 60


for acrylic painting, 61

for Chinese brush, 86

mixing watercolors on, 50

warm and cold/bright and dark, 95

for watercolor, 47


for calligraphy, 78

drawing, 11, 12

as painting surface, 12, 13

and pastels, 37

textures of, 12, 13

tracing, 11

watercolor, 12, 48, 78, 86

Pastels, 34–43

and blending, 40

creating edge by masking, 42

introduction to, 36

oil pastels, 43

pencils, 38, 42

shading, 41

soft vs. hard, 37

special effects with, 42

surfaces for, 12, 13

techniques for using, 38–39, 42

Pastes, acrylic, 70

Patterns, creating with pastels, 39

Pen, calligraphy, 78, 79, 80

Pencil drawing, 19–33


basic techniques, 27

colored, 31

colorless blenders, 23

drawing using sharp or blunt, 26

handling of, 24

importance of point, 26, 27

introduction to drawing, 20

pastel, 38, 42

practicing with, 25

sharpening of, 21

techniques of watercolor, 52–53

types of drawing, 21

Pen holder, calligraphy, 78, 79


female proportions/points of intersection, 113

foreshortening, 111

male proportions/measuring subject, 112

in perspective, 110

Perspective, 104–111

creating space and distance with

atmospheric, 108–109

foreshortening, 111

linear, 106, 109

one-point perspective, 106

pairing linear and atmospheric, 109

people in, 110

two-point perspective, 107 See also Proportion

Pigment, removing pastel, 39

Pillow eraser, 22


pastels and, 39, 42

watercolor pencil, 52

Positive space, 119


colored pencils and, 32

and watercolor pencil, 53

Primary focal point, 120

Primer, 63

Projectors, opaque, 75

Proportion, 112–115

of the body and measuring subject, 112

of the body and points of intersection, 113

foreshortening and head measurements, 115

of the head, 114 See also Perspective


Reflected light, 28

Reflections, 103

Reservoir, calligraphy pen, 78, 79, 81

Rice paper, 86

Rope texture, creating, 29

Round brush, 15

Rule of thirds, 122

Rulers, 23, 64

and oil pastels, 43

paper for calligraphy, 83

Ruling guidelines, calligraphy, 82–83


Salt, 49

Sandpaper block, 21

Scrape, and oil and acrylic painting, 65


colored pencils and, 32

and oil and acrylic painting, 65

Secondary focal point, 120


and pastels, 41

pencil drawing and, 27

Shadows, 28, 29

and atmospheric perspective, 108

colors in, 103

depicting time of day, 102

form v. cast, 100

interplay with light, 101

and reflections, 103

Sharpeners, 23

Shavings, watercolor pencil, 53

Sketchbooks, 11

Sketching on location, 11

Smudging, and oil pastels, 43

Soft-hair brushes, 16

Soft pastels, 37, 41


and atmospheric perspective, 109

positive and negative, 119

Spattering, 49, 76

Specialty brushes, 15

Spray fixative, 23

Stencil burner, 74

Stick eraser, 22

Still life, arranging elements in, 124


colored pencils and, 32

and oil and acrylic painting, 65

and oil pastels, 43

watercolor pencil, 52

Stone for Chinese brush, 86


in calligraphy, 81

in Chinese brush, 87, 88

in colored pencils, 32

dagger/feather in airbrushing, 76

pastels and, 38, 42

suggesting mood with, 94

watercolor pencil, 52

Studio, setting up, 10

Substrates, 13 See also Painting surface or support Support Induced Coloration (SID), 13


for acrylic painting, 62

for drawing or painting, 12

for oil painting, 60

Surfaces, drawing or painting, 12

Symmetry, avoiding, 121

Synthetic-hair brushes, 16


Tape, artist’s, 23

and masking pastels, 42

and pastels, 39

Temperature and color, 94–95

and time of day, 102

Templates for airbrushing, 74

Textures, creating, 29

and oil and acrylic painting, 69

Time of day, 102

Tools and materials, 9–17

airbrushing, 74–75

calligraphy, 78

Chinese brush painting, 86

drawing, 21, 22, 23

watercolor, 47

“Toothy” surfaces, 12, 13

Tortillon, 40

Tracing images, 33

Tracing paper, 11, 23, 33

Trailers, airbrushing, 76

Transfer paper, 23

Transferring images, 33


and oil paints, 58, 60

and oil pastels, 43

Two-point perspective, 107, 110


Underhand position, 24

Underpainting, 67

Utility knife, 21, 74


Value, color, 96, 97, 98

Vanishing point (VP), 106, 107, 110

Variegated wash, 50

Velour paper, 37

Ventilation box, 75

Viewer’s eye, leading, 121

Viewpoint, 125


Warm/cool palettes, 95


and acrylic painting, 64

variegated, 50

and watercolor, 49

Watercolor, 44–55

and color value, 96

creating contrast in, 98

introduction to, 46

mixing, 50–51

paints, 47

palette, 47

pencil techniques of, 52–53

rendering edges, 55

special effects with, 54

techniques of, 49

tools and materials, 47

use of white in, 54

washes, 49

Watercolor paper, 12, 48, 78, 86

Wet into wet watercolor mixing, 51

Wet on dry watercolor mixing, 50

White and watercolor, 54

Writing position, 24

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