34. People Are Motivated By Progress, Mastery, and Control

Why do people donate their time and creative thought? People volunteer to write entries for Wikipedia. Or they program code for the open source movement. When you stop to think about it, you realize that people engage in many activities, even over a long period of time, which require high expertise and yet offer no monetary or even career-building benefit. People like to feel that they are making progress. They like to feel that they are learning and mastering new knowledge and skills.

Small Signs of Progress Can Have a Big Effect

Because mastery is such a powerful motivator, even small signs of progress can have a large effect in motivating people to move forward to the next step in a task.

Image Watch a video about Daniel Pink’s ideas

Daniel Pink has a great animated video about the ideas in his book Drive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc

You can design your presentations to stimulate and respond to this desire for mastery, especially if you have a session of a few hours. Plan your presentation and your activities so that people are mastering concepts and exercises as they go along. Set up exercises throughout the presentation so that they get a chance to try out what they have just learned and have an opportunity to show you, others, and themselves that they have mastered a particular idea or skill.

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