When working with newspapers, always remember that time is of the essence. Newspapers have various deadlines for each of their sections. An interesting feature or news photo has a better chance of getting in the next edition if the subject is timely and has local appeal. Most of the markets in this section are interested in regional coverage. Find publications near you and contact editors to get an understanding of their deadline schedules.

More and more newspapers are accepting submissions in digital format. In fact, most newspapers prefer digital images. However, if you submit to a newspaper that still uses film, ask the editors if they prefer certain types of film or if they want color slides or black-and-white prints. Many smaller newspapers do not have the capability to run color images, so black-and-white prints are preferred. However, color slides and prints can be converted to black and white. Editors who have the option of running color or black-and-white photos often prefer color film because of its versatility.

Although most newspapers rely on staff photographers, some hire freelancers as stringers for certain stories. Act professionally and build an editor’s confidence in you by supplying innovative images. For example, don’t get caught in the trap of shooting “grip-and-grin” photos when a corporation executive is handing over a check to a nonprofit organization. Turn the scene into an interesting portrait. Capture some spontaneous interaction between the recipient and the donor. By planning ahead you can be creative.

When you receive assignments, think about the image before you snap your first photo. If you are scheduled to meet someone at a specific location, arrive early and scout around. Find a proper setting or locate some props to use in the shoot. Do whatever you can to show the editor you are willing to make that extra effort.

Always try to retain resale rights to shots of major news events. High news value means high resale value, and strong news photos can be resold repeatedly. If you have an image with national appeal, search for larger markets, possibly through the wire services. You also may find buyers among national news magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

While most newspapers offer low payment for images, they are willing to negotiate if the image will have a major impact. Front-page artwork often sells newspapers, so don’t underestimate the worth of your images.


Box 6100, Rosemead CA 91770. (626)280-0000. Fax: (626)280-0001. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.fitnessamerica​.com. Circ. 873,007. Publishes 4 newspapers covering “general collegiate, amateur and professional sports, e.g., football, baseball, basketball, wrestling, boxing, powerlifting and bodybuilding, fitness, health contests, etc.” Also publishes special bodybuilder annual calendar, collegiate and professional football pre-season and post-season editions.

NEEDS Buys 10–80 photos from freelancers/issue for various publications. Needs “sport action, hard-hitting contact, emotion-filled photos.” Model release preferred. Photo captions preferred.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send 8×10 glossy b&w prints, 4×5 transparencies, video demo reel, or film work by mail for consideration. Include SASE for return of material. Provide résumé, business card, brochure, flyer or tearsheets to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Negotiates rates by the job and hour. Pays on publication. Buys first North American serial rights.


(416)924-9192. Fax: (416)921-4452. E-mail: [email protected]. E-mail: story queries: [email protected]; photography queries: [email protected]. Website: www​.anglicanjournal​.com. Contact: Janet Thomas; Saskia Rowley Fielder. Estab. 1875. Circ. 175,000. Covers news of interest to Anglicans in Canada and abroad.

SPECS Reviews GIF/JPEG files (high resolution at 300 dpi).

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Identification of subjects required. Negotiates payment individually. Buys all rights.


1035 Green St., Roswell GA 30075. (770)641-9055. Fax: (770)641-8502. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. Website: www​.aquarius-atlanta​.com​/. Contact: Felica Hicks, creative director; Gloria Parker, publisher/editor. Estab. 1991. Circ. 50,000; readership online: 110,000. Monthly. “Emphasizes New Age, metaphysical, holistic health, alternative religion; environmental audience primarily middle-aged, college-educated, computer-literate, open to exploring new ideas. Our mission is to publish a newspaper for the purpose of expanding awareness and supporting all those seeking spiritual growth. We are committed to excellence and integrity in an atmosphere of harmony and love.” Sample copy available with SASE.

NEEDS “We use photos of authors, musicians, and photos that relate to our articles, but we have no budget to pay photographers at this time. We offer byline in paper, website, and copies.” Needs photos of New Age and holistic health, celebrities, multicultural, environmental, religious, adventure, entertainment, events, health/fitness, performing arts, travel, medicine, technology, alternative healing processes. Interested in coverage on environmental issues, genetically altered foods, photos of “anything from Sufi Dancers to Zen Masters.” Model/property release required. Photo captions required; include photographer’s name, subject’s name, and description of content.

SPECS Uses color and b&w photos. Accepts images in digital format. Send via ZIP, e-mail as JPEG files at 300 dpi.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with photocopies and/or tearsheets, or e-mail samples with cover letter. Provide résumé, business card or self-promotion piece to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Pays in copies, byline with contact info (phone number, e-mail address published if photographer agrees).


P.O. Box 18030, Portland OR 97218. (503)281-1191 or (800)548-8749. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.sentinel​.org. Contact: Robert Pfohman, editor. Estab. 1870. Circ. 8,000. Weekly. “We are the newspaper for the Catholic community in Oregon.” Sample copies available with SASE. Photo guidelines available via e-mail.

NEEDS Buys 15 photos from freelancers/issue; 800 photos/year. Needs photos of religious and political subjects. Interested in seasonal. Model/property release preferred. Photo captions required; include names of people shown in photos, spelled correctly.

SPECS Prefers images in digital format. Send via e-mail or FTP as TIFF or JPEG files at 300 dpi. Also uses 5×7 glossy or matte color and b&w prints; 35mm 2×2, 4×5, 8×10 transparencies.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with résumé and tearsheets. Portfolio may be dropped off every Thursday. Keeps samples on file. Responds only if interested; send nonreturnable samples. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication or on receipt of photographer’s invoice. Credit line given. Buys first rights and electronic rights.

TIPS “We use photos to illustrate editorial material, so all photography is on assignment. Basic knowledge of Catholic Church (e.g., don’t climb on the altar) is a big plus. Send accurately spelled cutlines. Prefer images in digital format.”


25 E St. NW, Washington DC 20001. (800)233-1200. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.childrensdefense​.org. Children’s advocacy organization.

NEEDS Buys 20 photos/year. Buys stock and assigns work. Wants to see photos of children of all ages and ethnicity—serious, playful, poor, middle class, school setting, home setting and health setting. Subjects include babies/children/teens, families, education, health/fitness/beauty. Some location work. Domestic photos only. Model/property release required.

SPECS Uses b&w and some color prints. Accepts images in digital format. Send via e-mail as TIFF, EPS, JPEG files at 300 dpi or better.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Provide résumé, business card, self-promotion piece or tearsheets to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Keeps photocopy samples on file. Previously published work OK. Pays on usage. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights; occasionally buys all rights.

TIPS Looks for “good, clear focus, nice composition, variety of settings and good expressions on faces.”


14 Great College St., London SW1P 3RX, United Kingdom. +44(020)7878 1002. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. Website: www​.churchnewspaper​.com. Contact: Colin Blakely, editor; Peter May, graphic designer. Estab. 1828. Circ. 12,000. Weekly religious newspaper. Sample copies available.

NEEDS Buys 2-3 photos from freelancers/issue; 100 photos/year. Needs political photos. Reviews photos with or without a manuscript. Photo captions required.

SPECS Uses glossy color prints; 35mm transparencies.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Does not keep samples on file; include SASE for return of material. Responds only if interested; send nonreturnable samples. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-right rights.


201 S. Congress St., Jackson MS 39201. (601)961-7073; (877)850-5343. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.clarionledger​.com. Contact: David Hampton, editorial director. Circ. 95,000. Daily. Emphasizes photojournalism: news, sports, features, fashion, food and portraits. Readers are in a very broad age range of 18-70 years, male and female. Sample copies available.

NEEDS Buys 1-5 photos from freelancers/issue; 365-1,825 photos/year. Needs news, sports, features, portraits, fashion and food photos. Special photo needs include food and fashion. Model release required. Photo captions required.

SPECS Uses 8×10 matte b&w and color prints; 35mm slides/color negatives. Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD, e-mail as JPEG files at 200 dpi.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Provide résumé, business card, brochure, flyer or tearsheets to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time or all rights; negotiable.


190 Pryor St. SW, Atlanta GA 30303. (404)521-1227. Fax: (404)659-4739. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.dailyreportonline​.com. Contact: Jason R. Bennitt, art director. Daily (5 times/week). Emphasizes legal news and business. Readers are male and female professionals, age 25+, involved in legal field, court system, legislature, etc. Sample copy available for $2 with 934×1234 SASE and 6 first-class stamps.

NEEDS Buys 1–2 photos from freelancers/issue; 260-520 photos/year. Needs informal environmental photographs of lawyers, judges and others involved in legal news and business. Some real estate, etc. Photo captions preferred; include complete name of subject and date shot, along with other pertinent information. Two or more people should be identified from left to right.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD or e-mail as JPEG files at 200–600 dpi.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Submit portfolio for review. Mail or e-mail samples. Keeps samples on file. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. “Freelance work generally done on an assignment-only basis.” Pays $75–100 for color cover; $50–75 for color inside. Credit line given.

TIPS Wants to see ability with “casual, environmental portraiture, people—especially in office settings, urban environment, courtrooms, etc.—and photojournalistic coverage of people in law or courtroom settings.” In general, needs “competent, fast freelancers from time to time around the state of Georgia who can be called in at the last minute. We keep a list of them for reference. Good work keeps you on the list.” Recommends that “when shooting for FCDR, it’s best to avoid law-book-type photos if possible, along with other overused legal clichés.”


549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids MI 49503-1444. (616)459-4545. Fax: (616)459-4800. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.grbj​.com. Estab. 1983. Circ. 6,000. Weekly tabloid. Emphasizes West Michigan business community. Sample copy available for $1.

NEEDS Buys 5–10 photos from freelancers/issue; 520 photos/year. Needs photos of local community, manufacturing, world trade, stock market, etc. Model/property release required. Photo captions required.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with résumé of credits, stock list. Responds in 1 month. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights and first North American serial rights; negotiable.


123 Commerce Valley Dr. E., Suite 700, Markham ON L3T 7W8, Canada. (905)479-2665; (800)668-6481. Fax: (905)479-3758. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.thelawyersweekly​.ca. Contact: Tammy Leung, art director; Tim Wilbur, managing editor. Estab. 1983. Circ. 20,300.

NEEDS Uses 12-20 photos/issue; 5 supplied by freelancers. Needs head shots of lawyers and judges mentioned in stories, as well as photos of legal events.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send as JPEG, TIFF files.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Provide résumé, business card, brochure, flyer or tearsheets to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Deadlines: 1- to 2-day turnaround time. Does not keep samples on file; include SASE for return of material. Responds only when interested. Pays on acceptance. Credit line not given.

TIPS “We need photographers across Canada to shoot lawyers and judges on an as-needed basis. Send a résumé, and we will keep your name on file. Mostly b&w work.”


17782 Cowan, Suite A, Irvine CA 92614. (949)660-6150. Fax: (949)660-6172. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.thelog​.com. Contact: Eston Ellis, editor. Estab. 1971. Circ. 41,018.

NEEDS Buys 5-10 photos from freelancers/issue; 130-260 photos/year. Needs photos of marine-related, recreational sailing/powerboating in Southern California. Photo captions required; include location, name and type of boat, owner’s name, race description if applicable.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via e-mail as TIFF, EPS, JPEG files at 300 dpi or greater.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys all rights; negotiable.

TIPS “We want timely and newsworthy photographs! We always need photographs of people enjoying boating, especially power boating. 95% of our images are of California subjects.”


P.O. Box 1117, Orangevale CA 95662. (916)989-6667. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.nationalmastersnews​.com. Estab. 1977. Circ. 8,000. Monthly tabloid. Official world and U.S. publication for Masters (ages 30 and over)—track and field, long distance running, and race walking. Sample copy free with 9×12 SASE.

NEEDS Uses 25 photos/issue; 30% assigned and 70% from freelance stock. Needs photos of Masters athletes (men and women over age 30) competing in track and field events, long distance running races or racewalking competitions. Photo captions required.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send any size matte or glossy b&w prints by mail for consideration; include SASE for return of material. Responds in 1 month. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights.


500 Seventh Ave., New York NY 10018. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.nytimes​.com. Circ. 1.3 million. Daily newspaper. “Covers breaking news and general interest.” Sample copy available with SASE or online.

NEEDS Photos of celebrities, architecture, cities/urban, gardening, interiors/decorating, industry, medicine, military, political, product shots/still life, science, technology/computers, disasters, environmental, landscapes/scenics, wildlife, automobiles, entertainment, events, food/drink, health/fitness/beauty, hobbies, performing arts, sports, travel, alternative process, avant garde, documentary, fashion/glamour, fine art, breaking news. Model release required. Photo captions required.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD, e-mail as TIFF, JPEG files.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS E-mail query letter with link to photographer’s website. Provide business card, self-promotion piece to be kept on file for possible future assignments. Simultaneous submissions OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights and electronic rights.


P.O. Box 270942, Dallas TX 75227-0942. E-mail: [email protected]. Contact: Lon G. Dorsey, Jr., publisher. Estab. 1977. Sample copy no longer available temporarily. “Seeking help to launch homeless television show and photo gallery.”

Photographers needed in every metropolitan city in the U.S.

NEEDS Photos of babies/children/teens, celebrities, couples, multicultural, families, parents, senior citizens, cities/urban, education, pets, religious, rural, events, food/drink, health/fitness, hobbies, humor, political, technology/computers. Interested in alternative process, documentary, fine art, historical/vintage, seasonal. Subjects include: photojournalism on homeless or street people. Model/property release required. “All photos must be accompanied by signed model releases.” Photo captions required.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD, e-mail as GIF, JPEG files. “Items to be considered for publishing must be in PDF from a SWNews-certified photographer. Write first to gain certification with publisher.”

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS “Hundreds of photographers are needed to show national state of America’s homeless.” Do not send unsolicited materials. Responds promptly. Pay scale information provided to SWNews-certified photographers. Pays extra for electronic usage (negotiable). Pays on acceptance or publication. Credit line sometimes given. Buys all rights; negotiable.


1000 American Media Way, Boca Raton FL 33464-1000. (561)989-1154. E-mail: [email protected]. Contact: Ann Charles, photo editor. Weekly tabloid. Readers are housewives, college students, middle Americans. Sample copy free with extra-large SASE.

NEEDS Buys 30 photos from freelancers/issue; 1,560 photos/year. Wants varied subjects: prophesies and predictions, amazing sightings (e.g., Jesus, Elvis, angels), stunts, unusual pets, health remedies, offbeat medical, human interest, inventions, spectacular sports action; offbeat pix and stories; and celebrity photos. “We are always in need of interesting, offbeat, humorous stand-alone pics.” Model release preferred. Photo captions preferred.

SPECS Uses 8×10 b&w prints; 35mm transparencies. Accepts images in digital format.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with stock list and samples. Responds in 2 weeks. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “We are specifically looking for the unusual, offbeat, freakish true stories and photos. Nothing is too far out for consideration. We suggest you send for a sample copy and take it from there.”


2 Albert Square, Dundee DD1 9QJ, Scotland. (44)(1382)223131. Fax: (44)(1382)201064. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.sundaypost​.com. Contact: Alan Morrison, picture editor. Estab. 1919. Circ. 328,129. Readership 901,000. Weekly family newspaper.

NEEDS Photos of “UK news and news involving Scots,” sports. Other specific needs: exclusive news pictures from the UK, especially Scotland. Reviews photos with accompanying manuscript only. Model/property release preferred. Photo captions required; include contact details, subjects, date. “Save in the caption field of the file info METEADATA, so they can be viewed on our picture desk system. Mac users should ensure attachments are PC-compatible as we use PCs.”

SPECS Prefers images in digital format. Send via e-mail as JPEG files. “We need a minimum 11MB file saved at quality level 9/70% or above, ideally at 200 ppi/dpi.”

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with tearsheets, stock list. Does not keep samples on file; include SASE for return of material. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Simultaneous submissions OK. Pays $150 (USD) for b&w or color cover; $100 (USD) for b&w or color inside. Pays on publication. Credit line not given. Buys single use, all editions, one date, worldwide rights; negotiable.

TIPS “Offer pictures by e-mail before sending: lo-res only, please—72 ppi, 800 pixels on the widest side; no more than 10 at a time. Make sure the daily papers aren’t running the story first and that it’s not being covered by the Press Association (PA). We get their pictures on our contracted feed.”


Alltimes Publishing, LLC, 1415 W. Genesee St., Syracuse NY 13204. E-mail: [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: syracusenewtimes​.com. Contact: Molly English. Estab. 1969. Circ. 40,000. “Syracuse New Times is an alternative weekly that is topical, provocative, irreverent, and intensely local.” 50% freelance written. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Sample copy available with 8×10 SASE.

NEEDS Photos of performing arts. Interested in alternative process, fine art, seasonal. Reviews photos with or without a manuscript. Model/property release required. Photo captions required; include names of subjects.

SPECS Uses 5×7 b&w prints; 35mm transparencies.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send query letter with résumé, stock list. Does not keep samples on file; include SASE for return of material. Responds in 6 weeks. Responds only if interested; send nonreturnable samples. Previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights.

TIPS “Realize the editor is busy and responds as promptly as possible.”


333 King St. E., Toronto ON M5A 3X5, Canada. (416)947-2399. Fax: (416)947-1664. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.torontosun​.com. Contact: Jim Thomson, photo editor. Estab. 1971. Circ. 180,000. Daily. Emphasizes sports, news and entertainment. Sample copy free with SASE.

NEEDS Uses 30–50 photos/issue; occasionally uses freelancers (spot news pics only). Needs photos of Toronto personalities making news out of town. Also disasters, beauty, sports, fashion/glamour. Reviews photos with or without a manuscript. Photo captions preferred.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD or e-mail.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Arrange a personal interview to show portfolio. Send any size color prints; 35mm transparencies; press link digital format. Deadline: 11 p.m. daily. Does not keep samples on file. Responds in 1–2 weeks. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time and other negotiated rights.

TIPS “The squeaky wheel gets the grease when it delivers the goods. Don’t try to oversell a questionable photo. Return calls promptly.”


700 E. Main St., Ventura CA 93001. (805)648-2244. Fax: (805)648-2245. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.vcreporter​.com. Enrique Candioti, art director ([email protected]). Contact: Michael Sullivan, editor. Circ. 35,000. Weekly tabloid covering local news (entertainment and environment).

NEEDS Uses 12-14 photos/issue; 40-45% supplied by freelancers. “We require locally slanted photos (Ventura County CA).” Model release required.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via e-mail or CD.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send sample b&w or color original photos; include SASE for return of material. Simultaneous submissions OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights.


120 Third Ave. NW, P.O. Box 10, Watertown SD 57201. (605)886-6901. Fax: (605)886-4280. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.thepublicopinion​.com. Contact: Mary Tuff, editorial assistant. Estab. 1887. Circ. 15,000. Daily. Emphasizes general news of the region; state, national and international news.

NEEDS Uses up to 8 photos/issue. Reviews photos with or without a manuscript. Model release required. Photo captions required.

SPECS Uses b&w or color prints. Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send unsolicited photos by mail for consideration. Does not keep samples on file; include SASE for return of material. Responds in 1-2 weeks. Simultaneous submissions OK. Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one-time rights; negotiable.


P.O. Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon SK S7K 2C4, Canada. (306)665-9629. Fax: (306)933-9536. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www​.producer​.com. Estab. 1923. Circ. 70,000. Weekly. Emphasizes agriculture and rural living in western Canada. Photo guidelines free with SASE.

NEEDS Buys 5–8 photos from freelancers/issue; 260–416 photos/year. Needs photos of farm families, environmental, gardening, science, livestock, nature, human interest, scenic, rural, agriculture, day to day rural life and small communities. Interested in documentary. Model/property release preferred. Photo captions required; include person’s name, location, and description of activity.

SPECS Accepts images in digital format. Send via CD, ZIP, e-mail as TIFF, EPS, PICT files at 300 dpi.

MAKING CONTACT & TERMS Send material for consideration by mail or e-mail to the attention of the news editor; include SASE for return of material if sending by mail. Previously published work OK, “but let us know.” Pays on publication. Credit line given. Buys one–time rights.

TIPS Needs current photos of farm and agricultural news. “Don’t waste postage on abandoned, derelict farm buildings or sunset photos. We want modern scenes with life in them—people or animals, preferably both.” Also seeks items on agriculture, rural western Canada, history and contemporary life in rural western Canada.

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