Portfolio review events provide photographers the opportunity to show their work to a variety of photo buyers, including photo editors, publishers, art directors, gallery representatives, curators, and collectors.

Art Director’s Club, International Annual Awards Exhibition, New York City, www​.adcglobal​.org

Atlanta Celebrates Photography, held annually in October, Atlanta GA, www​.acpinfo​.org

Center for Photography at Woodstock, New York City, www​.cpw​.org

Festival of Light International Directory of Photography Festivals, an international collaboration of more than twenty photography festivals, www​.festivaloflight​.net

Fotofest, March, Houston TX, www​.fotofest​.org. Biennial—held in even-numbered years.

Fotofusion, January, Delray Beach FL, www​.fotofusion​.org

North American Nature Photographers Association, annual summit held in January. Location varies. www​.nanpa​.org

Photo LA, January, Los Angeles CA, www​.photola​.com

Photo Miami, held annually in December, Miami FL, fotomarketart.com

Photo San Francisco, July, San Francisco CA, www​.photosanfrancisco​.net

Photolucida, March, Portland OR, www​.photolucida​.org. Biennial—held in odd-numbered years.

The Print Center, events held throughout the year, Philadelphia PA, www​.printcenter​.org

Review Santa Fe, July, Santa Fe NM, http:​/​/visitcenter​.org. The only juried portfolio review event.

Rhubarb-Rhubarb, July, Birmingham UK, www​.rhubarb-rhubarb​.net

Society for Photographic Education National Conference, March, different location each year, www​.spenational​.org

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