5 Elementary Number Theoretic Techniques

5.1    Cryptography and Number Theory

Number theory plays a prominent role in many areas of cryptography. In the simplest case of applying a cryptosystem to an N letter alphabet, as explained in Chapter 1, we consider the letters as integers modulo N. The integers modulo N form a ring called the modular ring, N, and hence encryption is done within this ring. Operations within the various modular rings are called modular arithmetic. The encryption algorithms then apply number theoretic functions and use modular arithmetic on these integers. It follows that encryption maps on k-length-message units are functions


In addition to providing a framework for the encrypted alphabets, number theoretic problems provide the security in the basic public key protocols. Recall from the last chapter that the security of a cryptographic protocol is usually based on the difficulty of solving some “hard” problem. For example in the Diffie-Hellman method, one of the main techniques in public key cryptography, the hard problem is the discrete log problem. We will discuss the discrete log problem and some attempted solutions in Chapter 6. The discrete log problem was used in one of our zero-knowledge proof examples (see Section 4.6). The other most commonly used public key method, the RSA method, is based on the factorization problem. The factorization problem is the relative difficulty of factoring large integers. This will be discussed also in Chapter 6.

In the next two chapters we introduce and discuss all the relevant material from number theory and related abstract algebra, especially finite group theory, that will be necessary for cryptographic applications. For more material and more complete discussions on these mathematical area see the book [FR]. For further references on abstract algebra we refer to [CFR1] or [FGR].

We first discuss modular arithmetic.

5.2    Modular Arithmetic

For each natural number n, we will construct a ring, called the ring of integers modulo n, which we will denote by n, and which will be finite with n elements. Each of these rings will be a commutative ring with an identity. Collectively the rings are called the modular rings and operations within these rings are called modular arithmetic. We assume that the reader has a basic familiarity with primes, divisibility, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the concepts of a greatest common divisor or gcd and a least common multiple or lcm. Given integers a, b we denote their gcd by (a, b). If (a, b) = 1 then the integers a, b are relatively prime or coprime. For more information on basic number theory we refer to [FR].

Given n ≥ 1, in order to construct the ring n we must first introduce the relation of congruence modulo n on the integers .

Definition 5.2.1. Suppose that n ≥ 1 is a positive integer. If x,y are integers such that xy is a multiple of n or equivalently that n divides xy we say that x is congruent to y modulo n and denote this by xy (mod n). If n does not divide xy then x and y are incongruent modulo n.

If xy (mod n),then y iscalleda residue of x modulo n.Given x the set of integers


is called the residue class for x modulo n. We denote this by [x]. Notice that x ≡ 0 (mod n) is equivalent to x being a multiple of n. We first show that the residue classes partition image, that is that each integer falls in one and only one residue class.

Theorem 5.2.2. Given n ≥ 1, an integer, then congruence modulo n is an equivalence relation on the integers. Therefore the residue classes partition the integers.

Proof. Recall that a relation ~ on a set S is an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, that is s ~ s for all sS; symmetric, that is if s1 ~ s2 then s2 ~ s1 and transitive, that is if s1 ~ s2 and s2 ~ s3, then s1 ~ s3. If ~ is an equivalence relation then the equivalence classes [s] = {s є S | s1 ~ s} partition S.

We recall the notation m | n indicates that m divides n, so that mnk for some integer k. Consider ≡ (mod n) on image. Given x є image, xx ≡ 0 ≡ 0 n so n | (xx) and so xx (mod n). Therefore ≡ (mod n) is reflexive.

Suppose that xy (mod n). Then


for some a є image. Then yx = −an so n | (yx) and so yx (mod n). Therefore the relation ≡ (mod n )is symmetric.

Finally, suppose that xy (mod n) and yz (mod n). Then xy = axn and yz = a2n. But then xz = (xy) + (yz) = a1n + a2n = (a1 + a2)n. Therefore n | (xz) and xz (mod n). Therefore ≡ (mod n) is transitive and the theorem is proved.

Hence given n > 0 every integer falls into one and only one residue class. We now show that there are exactly n residue classes modulo n.

Theorem 5.2.3. Given an integer n > 0 there exist exactly n residue classes. In particular, [0], [1],…, [n − 1] gives a complete set of residue classes.

Proof. Given x є image, x must be congruent modulo n to one of 0,1,2,…, n − 1 since the remainder when we divide x by n is less than n. Further these are all incongruent modulo n. As a consequence


gives a complete set of residue classes modulo n and hence there are n of them. □

Recall that a ring and a field are defined as follows (see [CFR1]).

Definition 5.2.4. A ring is a set R with two binary operations defined on it. These are usually called addition, denoted by +, and multiplication denoted by · or just by juxtaposition, satisfying the following six axioms:

(1)  Addition is commutative: a + b = b + a for all a, b є R.

(2)  Addition is associative: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c for a, b, c є R.

(3)  There exists an additive identity, denoted by Osuch that a + 0 = a for each a є R.

(4)  For each a є R there exists an additive inverse denoted by -a such that


(5)  Multiplication is associative: a(bc) = (ab)c for a, b, c є R.

(6)  Multiplication is left and right distributive over addition:


for a, b, c є R.

(7)  If in addition multiplication is commutative: ab = ba for all a, b in R, then R is a commutative ring.

(8)  Further if there exists an multiplicative identity denoted by 1 such that a · 1 = a and 1 · a = a for each a in R then R is a ring with identity or a ring with unity if R satisfies (1) through (6) and (8).

(9)  If R satisfies (1) through (8) then R is a commutative ring with an identity or with a unity.

Finally, a field F is a commutative ring with an identity such that each non-zero element of F has a multiplicative inverse. That is, if x є F with x ≠ 0 then there exists an x1 є F such that xx1 = 1.

We now construct the ring imagen on the set {[0], [1],…, [n − 1]} of residue classes modulo n. We first need the following whose proof is straightforward.

Lemma 5.2.5. If ab (mod n) and cd (mod n), then

(1)  a + cb + d (mod n),

(2)  acbd (mod n).

We now define operations on the set of residue classes.

Definition 5.2.6. Consider the complete residue system {[0],…, [n − 1]} modulo n. On this set of residue classes define

(1)   [xi] + [xj] = [xi + xj],

(2)  [xi][xi] = [xixj].

From this we get the following result. The proof is a direct verification of the ring axioms.

Theorem 5.2.7. Given a positive integer n ≥ 1, the set of residue classes

{[0],…, [n − 1]}

forms a commutative ring with an identity under the operations defined above. This is called the ring of integers modulo n and is denoted by imagen. The zero element is [0] and the identity element is [1].

We usually consider imagen as consisting of 0,1,…, n − 1 with addition and multiplication modulo n. For an integer a we will denote the residue class for a and hence the element of imagen by ā. When there is no confusion we will denote the element ā in imagen as just a. We emphasize, however, that even though we are denoting the elements of imagen by 0,1, 2,…, n - 1, they are still residue classes or equivalence classes. This is just to simplify our notation. Below we give the addition and multiplication tables modulo 5, that is in image5. We note that, in line with the comment that these elements are different from usual integers. Consider 3 + 4 and 3 • 4. They are both equal to 2 in Z5. This is certainly not what happens if we add and multiply 3 and 4 in image.

Example 5.2.8. Addition and Multiplication Tables for Z5


Notice for example that modulo 5, 3 · 4 = 12 ≡ 2 (mod5) so that in image5, 3 · 4 = 2. Similarly 4+2 = 6 ≡ 1 (mod5) soin image5,4 + 2 = 1.

5.3    Units and the Multiplicative Group image

In a commutative ring with an identity,(like each of the modular rings imagen) a unit is an element that has a multiplicative inverse. For example in the integers image only 1 and −1 are units. On the other hand, in a field, such as the rationals, by definition, every non-zero element is a unit. The set of units in such a ring always is non-empty since the multiplicative identity is a unit. We denote the set of units in a ring R by U(R).

Recall next that a group G is a set with one binary operation that we denote by · or just by juxtaposition, defined on it, satisfying the following three axioms:

(1)  The operation is associative. That is, we have g1(g2g3) = (g1g2)g3 for all g1,g2, g3 є G.

(2)  There is an identity, denoted 1, for the operation. Hence for each g є G we have 1g = g1 = g.

(3)  Each g є G has a inverse. That is there exists a g−1 for each g such that gg-−1 = g−1g = 1.

If the operation is also commutative then G is called an abelian group. The additive part of any ring is an abelian group and hence the additive parts of all the modular rings are finite abelian groups.

We need that the set of units in a commutative ring forms an abelian group.

Lemma 5.3.1. For a commutative ring R with identity the set of units U(R) forms an abelian group under the ring multiplication. We call this the unit group ofR.

We usually denote the unit group in a ring R by R*. Hence image will denote the unit group in the modular ring imagen. Given an integer a it is easy to determine if ā, the residue class of a modulo n, is a unit and hence is in image. This will be true if and only if a is relatively prime to n. Recall that the gcd of two integers a, b can be expressed as a linear combination of them. Further, a and b are relatively prime if and only if 1 is expressible as a linear combination of a and b.

Lemma 5.3.2. Ifn > 1 and a є image then ā is a unit in image if and only if (a, n) = 1.

Proof. Suppose (a, n) = 1. Then there exists x, y є image such that ax + ny = 1. This implies that ax = 1 (mod n) which in turn implies that image = 1 in image and therefore a is aunit.

Conversely, suppose that a is a unit in image. Then there is an x є image with ax = 1. In terms of congruence then


Therefore 1 is a linear combination of a and n and so (a, n) = 1. □

The next result, called the Euclidean algorithm, provides a technique for both finding the gcd of two integers and expressing the gcd as a linear combination of the two integers. If an element a є imagen is aunit this will also provide a method to find its inverse in imagen.

Theorem 5.3.3 (The Euclidean Algorithm). Given integers band a > 0 form the repeated divisions


The last non-zero remainder rn is the gcd of a, b. Further rn can be expressed as a linear combination of a and b by successively eliminating the ri’s in the intermediate equations.

Example 5.3.4. Find the gcd of 270 and 2412 and express it as a linear combination of 270 and 2412.

We apply the Euclidean algorithm


Therefore the last non-zero remainder is 18 which is the gcd. We now must express 18 as a linear combination of 270 and 2412.

From the first equation


which gives in the second equation


which is the desired linear combination.

The following lemma whose proof can be found in [FR] provides a technique to find the lcm of two integers. If a, b are two integers we denote their least common multiple by lcm(a, b) or [a, b].

Lemma 5.3.5. If a, b єZ then (a, b)[a, b] = ab.

Example 5.3.6. Find the lcm of 270 and 2412.

From the previous example we found that gcd(270,2412) = 18. Therefore lcm(2 7 0, 24 1 2) = (270)12412) = 36 180.

The same method can be applied to finding the inverse of a unit and to solve linear equations in a modular ring. Recall from Chapter 1 that a decryption of an affine cipher requires solving a linear equation in a modular ring.

Example 5.3.7. Find the multiplicative inverse of 5 in Z17.

Notice that image17 is a field so every non-zero element is a unit. Now (5,17) = 1 so we use the Euclidean algorithm to express 1 as a linear combination of 5 and 17. We get


Considering these in image17 and using that 17 = 0weget


Hence image is the inverse of image in image17.

If a is a unit in Zn then a linear equation


can always be solved with a unique solution given by x = a-1(c - b).

Example 5.3.8. Solve 5x + 4 = 2 in Z6.

Since (5, 6) = 1 it follows that 5 is a unit in Z6. Therefore x = 5-1(2 - 4). Now 2 - 4 = -2 = 4 in Z6. Further 5 = -1so 5-1 = -1-1 = -1. Then we have


Thus the unique solution in image6 is x = 2.

Since an element ā is a unit in imagen if and only if (a, n) = 1 it follows that the number of units in imagen is equal to the number of positive integers less than or equal to n and relatively prime to n. This number is given by what is called the Euler Phi Function.

Definition 5.3.9. For any n > 0,

ϕ (n) = number of positive integers less than or equal to n and relatively prime to n.

Example 5.3.10. ϕ (6) = 2 since among 1,2,3,4,5, 6 only 1,5 are relatively prime to 6.

The following is immediate from our characterization of units.

Lemma 5.3.11. The number of units in Zn, which is the order of the unit group U(Zn), is $ (n).

Definition 5.3.12. Given n > 0 a reduced residue system modulo n is a set of integers x1,…, xk such that each x{ is relatively prime to n, x{ = xj modulo n unless i = j and if (x, n) = 1 for some integer x then x = x{ (mod n) for some i.

Hence a reduced residue system is a complete collection of representatives of those residue classes of integers relatively prime to n. Hence it is a complete collection of units (up to congruence modulo n) in imagen. It follows that any reduced residue system modulo n has $ (n) elements.

Example 5.3.13. A reduced residue system modulo 6 would be {1, 5}.

We now develop a formula for $ (n). We first determine a formula for prime powers and then paste back together via the fundamental theorem of arithmetic to develop our general formula.

Lemma 5.3.14. For any prime p and m > 0,


Proof. The numbers a, 1 < a < pe with (a, pe) > 1 are precisely the multiples of p, that is


All the others are relatively prime to pe. Therefore $ (pe) = pe - pe-1.

The following lemma says that the Euler Phi Function is a multiplicative function. For a proof of this lemma we refer to [FR].

Lemma 5.3.15. If (a, b) = 1 then $ (ab) = $ (a) $ (b).

Based on this lemma and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic we get the general formula for $ (n).

Theorem 5.3.16. Suppose image where thep{ are distinct primes, then


Proof. From the previous Lemmas we have since gcdp, pj’) = 1 for i = j


Example 5.3.17. Determine ϕ (126). Now


Hence there are 36 units in Z126.

5.4    The Field image and Finite Fields

In the previous section we saw that an element a in the modular ring imagen is a unit if and only if (a, n) = 1. If n = p with p a prime then every integer except multiples of p are relatively prime to p and therefore become units in Zp. The multiples of the prime p correspond to the zero element of Zp and hence it follows that every non-zero element of Zp is a unit. Recall that a field is a commutative ring with an identity where every non-zero element is a unit. Since for any natural number n the modular ring Zn is a commutative ring with an identity it follows that if p is a prime then Zp is a field. This proves the first part of the following theorem.

Theorem 5.4.1. The modular ring Zn is a field if and only if n = p is a prime. For the field imagep the non-zero elements image form a group, namely the unit group.

Proof. If p is a prime then as explained above Zp forms a field.

Conversely, suppose that imagen is a field. First recall that a field must be an integral domain, that is there can be no zero divisors, that is no non-zero elements a, b with ab = 0. Now suppose that n is not prime so that n = mk with 1 < m, k < n. Then neither m nor k are 0 in imagen but mk = 0 in imagen. Hence imagen has zero divisors which cannot occur in a field. Therefore n must be prime. □

Hence for each prime p we have a finite field imagep. We next show that if F is any finite field, that is a field with finitely many elements, then F must have size pn for some prime p and natural number n. Further given a prime power pn there exists a unique field (up to isomorphism) of order pn. We call this unique field GF(pn) denoting the Galois field of order pn. We also denote this by F = imageq, q = pn. Finite fields are used quite often in cryptography. In the AES and DES symmetric key systems computations are done in the Galois fields GF(2n).

Theorem 5.4.2. Any finite field F has size pn for some prime p and natural number n.

Proof. Let F be a finite field. If its characteristic were 0 then F would be infinite and its characteristic (see [CFR1]) must be a prime p. It follows that F is a finite dimensional vector space over the finite field Zp. Suppose that v1,…,vn is a finite basis. Then every element of F can be written uniquely as a linear combination


Since there are p choices for each c{ there arepn choices for these linear combinations.

A proof of the following theorem can be found in [CFR1].

Theorem 5.4.3. Given a prime p a and natural number n there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) field of size pn.

As noted above this unique field is denoted by GF(pn) or by imageq with q = pn.

We close this subsection with several other results in elementary number theory involving primes that appear in cryptography. The first is called Fermat’s Theorem.

Theorem 5.4.4 (Fermat). Letp be a prime. Then


for each a єZ, that is p(ap - a). Hence in the ring Zp we have ap = a and if a = 0 then ap-1 = 1.

Proof. Here we give a purely number theoretic proof. In the next section we give a proof based on elementary group theory. If a = 0 (mod p) then ap = 0 (mod p) so ap = a (mod p).

If a = 0 (modp) so that (a,p) = 1, let {r1,…, rp} be a complete residue system modulo p with rp = 0. Since (a,p) = 1 then {ar1, ar2,…, arp} is also a complete residue system modulo p and arp = 0 (modp). Then we have


However, (r1rp-1) is not divisible by p so it is a unit in Zp and hence we can divide through by it to get the result;


Theorem 5.4.5 (Wilson). Letp be aprime. Then


Conversely if (p - 1)! = −1 (modp) thenpis aprime.

Proof. Now (p - 1)! = (p - 1)(p - 2) ••• 1. Since Zp is a field each


has a multiplicative inverse modulo p. Further suppose x = x-1 in Zp. Then x2 = 1 which implies (x - 1)(x + 1) = 0 in Zp and hence either x =1or x = −1 since Zp is an integral domain. Therefore in Zp only 1, −1 are their own multiplicative inverses. Further −1 = p - 1 since p - 1 = −1 (modp).

Hence in the product (p - 1)(p - 2) … 1 considered in the field Zp each element is paired up with its distinct multiplicative inverse except 1 and p−1. Further the product of each with its inverse is 1. Therefore in Zp we have (p - 1)(p - 2) … 1 = p −1. Written as a congruence then


Conversely suppose (n - 1)! = −1 (mod n). If n were composite then n = mk with 1 < m < n - 1 and 1 < k < n - 1. Hence, if m = k then both m and k are included in (n −1)!. It follows that (n −1)! is divisible by n so that (n −1)! = 0 (mod n) contradicting the assertion that (n - 1)! = −1 (mod n). If m = k then n = m2.If m = 2 then n = 4 and (n - 1)! = 2 (mod 4) contradicting the assertion (n - 1)! = −1 (mod 4).

If m > 3 then (n - 1)! = 0 (mod m) but −1 = 0 (mod m).

Therefore n must be prime. □

5.5    Finite Abelian Groups

The modular rings imagen form finite abelian groups under addition, while their unit groups U(imagen) form finite abelian groups under multiplication. Here we discuss some important results from finite group theory that are applicable to both number theory and cryptography.

Recall that the number of elements in a finite group G is called the order of G denoted |G|. Each element in a group G generates a subgroup called the cyclic subgroup generated by g. This consists of the powers of the element g. The cyclic subgroup generated by g is denoted (g) and the order of this subgroup is called the order of g. We will denote the order of an element g є G by o(g) or 〈g〉. The first result called Lagrange’s Theorem restricts the order of subgroups. For proofs of the results in this section we refer the reader to the book [CFR1].

Theorem 5.5.1 (Lagrange’s Theorem). Let Gbea finite group of order n. Then the order of any subgroup divides n. In particular, the order of any element divides n and moreover gn = 1 for each g є G.

Lagrange’s theorem provides an alternative proof of Fermat’s Theorem and an extension of it called Euler’s Theorem.

Consider a unit a єZn. Then a є U(Zn) and hence a has a multiplicative order, that is there is an integer m with am = 1 in Zn. In terms of congruences this means that am = 1 (mod n). If a єZn is not a unit then there cannot exist a power m > 1 such that am = 1 (mod n), if such an m existed then am-1 would be an inverse for a. The unit group U(Zn) is a finite group of order $ (n) where $ is the Euler phi-function. Applying Lagrange’s Theorem to the group U(Zn) we get the following result, known as Euler’s Theorem, which is an extension of Fermat’s Theorem.

Theorem 5.5.2 (Euler’s Theorem). If (a, n) = 1 then


If p is a prime $ (p) = p - 1 so applying Euler’s Theorem to the modular fields Zp we recover as a corollary Fermat’s Theorem.

Corollary 5.5.3 (Fermat). If a єZp and a = 0 then ap-1 = 1 (modp).

In general for finite abelian groups we have the following. Recall that a finite group G is the direct product


of subgroups H1,…, Hk if

(1)  each g є G can be written uniquely in the form g = h1 h2 ••• hk with h є H{ for i = 1,…, k (unique up to the ordering of the factors);

(2)   hjhj = hjhj for ht є H;, hj є Hj if i = j.

Theorem 5.5.4. Let G be a finite abelian group with |G| = n then

(1)  if g1, g2 є Gwith g1| = a, |g2 | = b then (g1g2)lcm(ab) = 1;

(2)  if g1, g2 є G with |g1| = a, g | = b and (a, b) = 1 then |g1g2| = ab;

(3)  ifn = p11 pj •••pek is the prime factorization ofn then


where |Hi| = peii.

Corollary 5.5.5. Let G be a finite abelian group and let H1,…, Hk be subgroups of G with pairwise relatively prime orders |Ht|. Suppose that |G| = |H1| |H2| … |Hk|. Then G = H1 × … × Hk.

5.6    Cyclic Groups and Primitive Elements

It follows from Euler’s Theorem that any unit a in Zn has finite multiplicative order. For a є imagen we denote this order by o(a) and further this natural number divides $ (n). The order of a is the order of the cyclic multiplicative subgroup of U(Zn) generated by a. If (a, n) = 1 and the order of a is exactly $ (n) then a is called a primitive element modulo n. In this case the unit group is cyclic with a as a generator. We will prove that for n = p a prime there is always a primitive element. First we review some material about cyclic groups.

Recall that a cyclic group G is a group with a single generator g. G then consists of all the powers of g, that is G = {1, g±1, g±2,…}. If G is finite of order n then gn = 1 and n is the least positive integer x such that g = 1. It is then clear that if gm = 1 for some power m it must follow that m = 0 (mod n), and if gk = gl then k = l (mod n).

Let H = (Zn, +) denote the additive subgroup of Zn. Then H is cyclic of order n with generator 1. If G = (g) is also cyclic of order n then since multiplication of group elements is done via addition of exponents it is fairly straightforward that the homomorphism f : G ^ (Zn, +) given by g ^ 1 is actually an isomorphism (see Chapter 9 for a formal definition of homomorphism and isomorphism and see the exercises). Further if G = (g) is cyclic of infinite order then g ^ 1 gives an isomorphism from G to the additive group of Z.

Lemma 5.6.1. Let G be a cyclic group,

(1)  If G is finite oforder n then G is isomorphic to (Zn, +). In particular, all finite cyclic groups of a given order are isomorphic.

(2)  If G is an infinite cyclic group then G is isomorphic to (Z, +).

Cyclic groups are abelian and hence their subgroups are also abelian. However, as an almost direct consequence of the division algorithm we get that any subgroup of a cyclic group must also be cyclic.

Lemma 5.6.2. Let Gbea cyclic group. Then any subgroup ofG is also cyclic.

Proof. Suppose G = (g) and H c G is a subgroup. Since G consists of powers of g, H also consists of certain powers of g. Let k be the least positive integer such that gk є H. We show that H = (gk) that is H is the cyclic subgroup generated by gk. This is clearly equivalent to showing that every h є H must be a power of gk.

Suppose gt є H. We may assume that t > 0 and that t > k since k is the least positive integer such that gk є H.If t < 0 work with -t. By the division algorithm we then have


If r ≠ 0 then 0 < r < k and r = t-k. Hence gr = gt-k = gtg-k.Now gt є Handgk є Hand since H isa subgroup it follows that gt-k є H. But then g є H which is a contradiction since 0 < r < k and k is the least power of g in H. Therefore r = 0 and t = qk. We then have


completing the proof.

Each element of a cyclic group G generates its own cyclic subgroup. The question is when does this cyclic subgroup coincide with all of G. In particular, which powers gk are generators of G. The answer is purely number theoretic.

Lemma 5.6.3. Let G be a cyclic group.

(1)  Let G = (g) be a finite cyclic group of order n. Then gk with k > 0 isa generator of G if and only if (k, n) = 1, that is k and n are relatively prime.

(2)  IfG = (g) is an infinite cyclic group then g, g-1 are the only generators.

Proof. Suppose first that G = (g) is finite cyclic of order n and suppose that (k, n) = 1. Then there exists integers x, y such that kx + ny =1. It follows then that


But gn = 1 so (gn)y = 1 and therefore


Therefore g is a power of gk and hence every power of g is also a power of gk. The whole group g then consists of powers of gk and hence gk is a generator for G.

Conversely, suppose that gk is also a generator for G. Then there exists a power x such that g = (gk)x = gkx. Hence kx = 1 (mod n) and so k is a unit modulo n which implies from the last section that (k, n) = 1.

Suppose next that G = (g) is infinite cyclic. Then there is no power of g which is the identity. Suppose gk is also a generator with k > 1. Then there exists a power x such that g = (gk)x = gkx. But this implies that gkx-1 = 1 contradicting that no power of g is the identity. Hence k =1. □

Recall that the Euler phi function ϕ (n) is equal to the number of positive integers less than n which are relatively prime to n. This is then the number of generators of a cyclic group of order n.

Corollary 5.6.4. Let Gbea finite cyclic group of order n. Then there are $ (n) generators for G.

By Lagrange’s Theorem, for any finite group, the order of a subgroup divides the order of a group, that is if |G| = n and |H| = d with H a subgroup of G then d|n. However, the converse in general is not true, that is if |G| = n and d|n there need not be a subgroup of order d. Further if there is a subgroup of order d, there may or may not be other subgroups of order d. For a finite cyclic group G of order n however, there is, for each d|n, a unique subgroup of order d.

Theorem 5.6.5. Let Gbe a finite cyclic group of order n. Then for each d|n with d > 1 there exists a unique subgroup H of order d.

Proof. Let G = (g) and |G| = n. Suppose d|n, then n = kd. Consider the element gk. Then (gk)d = gkd = g” = 1. Further if 0 < t < d then 0 < kt < kd so kt £ 0 (mod n) and hence gkt = (gk)t = 1. Therefore d is the least power of gk which is the identity and hence gk has order d and generates a cyclic subgroup of order d. We must show that this is unique.

Suppose H = (gt) is another cyclic subgroup of order d (recall that all subgroups of G are also cyclic). We may assume that t > 0 and we show that gt is a power of gk and hence the subgroups coincide.

Since H has order d we have gtd = 1 which implies that td = 0 (mod n). Since n = kd it follows that t > k. Apply the division algorithm


If r ≠ 0 then 0 < r < k and r = t - qk. Then


Hence n | rd which is impossible since rd < kd = n. Therefore r =0 and t = qk. From this


Therefore gt is a power of gk and H = (gk). □

From this result we get the following concerning the Euler Phi Function.

Theorem 5.6.6. Forn > 1 and ford > 1


Proof. Consider a cyclic group G of order n. For each d , d > 1 there is a unique cyclic subgroup H of order d. H then has $ (d) generators. Each element in G generates its own cyclic subgroup H1, say of order d and hence must be included in the $ (d) generators of H1. Therefore


But this must be the whole group and hence this sum is n. □

We now return to primitive elements in the modular rings.

Theorem 5.6.7. For a prime p there is always an element a of order $ (p) = p - 1, that is a primitive element. Equivalently the unit group of Zp is always cyclic.

Since every non-zero element in Zp is a unit, the unit group U(Zp) is precisely the multiplicative group of the field Zp. The fact that U(Xp) is cyclic follows from the following more general result, which also shows that the multiplicative group of any finite field is cyclic.

Theorem 5.6.8. Let F be a field. Then any finite subgroup of the multiplicative group of F must be cyclic.

Proof. Suppose G c F is a finite multiplicative subgroup of the multiplicative group of F. Suppose G = n. As has been our general mode of approaching results we will prove it for n a power of a prime and then paste the result together via the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

Suppose n = pk for some k. Then the order of any element in G is pa with a < k. Suppose the maximal order is pt with t < k. Then the lcm of the orders is pt. It follows that for every g є G we have gpt = 1. Therefore every g є G is a root of the polynomial equation


However, over a field, a polynomial cannot have more roots than its degree. Since G has n = pk elements and pt < pk this is a contradiction. Therefore the maximal order must be pk = n. Therefore G has an element of order n = pk and hence this element generates G and G must be cyclic.

We now do an induction on the number of distinct prime factors in n = |G|. The above argument handles the case where there is only one distinct prime factor. Assume the result is true if the order of G has less than k distinct prime factors. Suppose image. Then n = pec where c has less than k distinct prime factors. Since G is a finite abelian group with


By the inductive hypothesis H and K are both cyclic so H has an element h of order pe and K has an element k of order c. Since (pe, c) = 1 the element hk has order pec = n completing the proof. □

Corollary 5.6.9. The multiplicative group of any finite field is cyclic.

This fact will play a role in the implementation of the Diffie-Hellman protocol (see Chapter 6).

Example 5.6.10. Determine a primitive element modulo 7.

This is equivalent to finding a generator for the multiplicative group of Z7. The non-zero elements are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and we are looking for an element of order 6.

The table below list these elements and their orders


Therefore there are 2 primitive roots 3 and 5 modulo 7. To see how these were determined powers were taken modulo 7 until a value of 1 was obtained. For example


Example 5.6.11. Show that there is no primitive element modulo 15.

The units in Z15 are {1,2,4, 7,8,11,13,14}. Since $ (15) = 8 we must show that there is no element of order 8. The table below gives the units and their respective orders


Therefore there is no element of order 8.

We have the following result which determines when there exists a primitive element in image. A proof can be found in [FR].

Theorem 5.6.12. There is a primitive element for Zn ifandonlyifn = 2,4, p, 2p, pn for some odd prime p.

5.7    The Chinese Remainder Theorem

Systems of linear congruences are handled by the next result which is called the Chinese Remainder Theorem. This will also provide an important result describing the structure of the modular rings.

Theorem 5.7.1 (Chinese Remainder Theorem). Suppose that m1, m2,…,mk are k positive integers that are relatively prime in pairs. If a1,…,ak are any integers then the simultaneous congruences


have a common solution which is unique modulo m1m2 … mk.

Proof. The proof we give not only provides a verification but also provides a technique for finding the common solution.

Let m = m1m2 … mk. Since them i are relatively prime in pairs we have image. Therefore there is a solution xi to the reduced congruence


Further for xi we clearly have


Now let


We claim that x0 is a solution to the simultaneous congruences and that it is unique modulo m.



since image (mod mj) if ij. It follows then that


since image (mod mj). Thereforex0 is a common solution. We must show the uniqueness part.

If x0 is another common solution then x0 = x0 (mod ) for i = 1,…, k. Therefore x0 = x0 (mod m).

We note that if the integers m{ are not relatively prime in pairs there may be no solution to the simultaneous congruences. □

Example 5.7.2. Solve the simultaneous congruences


Here m1 = 13, m2 = 45, m3 = 17 so m = 13 ■ 45 ■ 17. We first solve


To see how these solutions are found lets look at the second one:


since 221 ≡ 41 (mod 45). We now use the Euclidean algorithm,


Therefore, using these solutions, the common solution is


The following theorem describes the structure of modular rings in terms of the multiplicative decomposition of the modulus and is based directly on the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Theorem 5.7.3. Suppose that m1, m2,…, mk are k positive integers that are relatively prime in pairs and n = m1m2 … mk. Then the map


given by


is a ring isomorphism.

The ā’s in the tuple are the corresponding residue classes for each mt.

5.8    Exercises

5.1    Verify that the following are rings. Indicate which are commutative and which have identities. Which are integral domains?

(a)  The set of rational numbers.

(b)  The set of continuous functions on a closed interval [a, b] under ordinary addition and multiplication of functions.

(c)  The set of 2 x 2 matrices with integral entries.

(d)  The set n Z consisting of all integers which are multiples of the fixed integer n.

5.2    (a) Show that in an ordered ring, squares must be positive. Conclude that in an ordered ring with identity the multiplicative identity must be positive.

(b)  Show that the complex numbers under the ordinary operations cannot be ordered.

5.3    Show that any ordered ring must be infinite. (Hint: Suppose a > 0 then a + a > 0, a + a + a > 0 and continue.)

5.4    Find the gcd and lcm of the following pairs of integers and then express the gcd as a linear combination

(a)  78 and 30;

(b)  175 and 35;

(c)  380 and 127.

5.5    Prove that if a = qb + r then (a, b) = (b, r).

5.6    Prove that if d = (a, b) then a and b are relatively prime.

5.7    Show that if (a, b) = c then (a2, b2) = c2. (Hint: The easiest method is to use the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.)

5.8    Show that an integer is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits (in decimal expansion) is divisible by 3. (Hint: Write out the decimal expansion and take everything modulo 3.)

5.9    Find the multiplicative inverse if it exists

(a)  of 13 in image47;

(b)  of 17 in image22;

(c)  of 6 in image30.

5.10  Solve the linear equations in the given rings

(a)  4x +6 = 2 in image7;

(b)  5x + 9 = 12 in image47;

(c)  3x + 18 = 27 in image40.

5.11  Find $ (n)for

(a)  n = 17;

(b)  n = 526;

(c)  n = 138.

5.12   Determine the units and write down the group table for the unit group U(imagen) for

(a)  image12;

(b)  image26.

5.13  Suppose that G = (g) is also cyclic of order n. Show that the map f : G(imagen, +) given by g → 1 is actually a group isomorphism.

5.14  For any natural number m, let (Zm, +) denote the additive group of Zm, and let U(Zm) be the group of units of Zm. Let n = n1 n2nk be a factorization of n with pairwise relatively prime factors. Then prove that


5.15  Prove that if an integer is congruent to 2 modulo 3 then it must have a prime factor congruent to 2 modulo 3.

5.16  Prove that if bc is a perfect square for integers b, c and (b, c) = 1 then both b and c are perfect squares.

5.17  Determine a primitive root modulo 11.

5.18  We outline a proof of the theorem: An integer n will have a primitive root modulo n if and only if


where p is an odd prime.

(a)  Show that if (m, n) = 1 with m > 2, n > 2 then there is no primitive root modulo mn

(b)  Show that there is no primitive root modulo 2k for k > 2.

(c)  Prove: If p is an odd prime then there exists a primitive root a modulo p such that ap-1 is not congruent to 1 modulo p2. (Hint: Let a be a primitive root modulo p. Then a + p is also a primitive root modulo p. Show that either a or (a + p) satisfy the result.)

(d)  Prove: If p is an odd prime then there exists a primitive root modulo pk for any k > 2. (Hint: Let a be the primitive root modulo p from part (c). Then this is a primitive root modulo pk for any k > 2.)

(e)  Prove: If p is an odd prime and if a is a primitive root modulo pk then, if a is odd, a is also a primitive root modulo 2pk. If a is even then a + pk is a primitive root modulo 2pk.

5.19  If m > 2 show that $ (m) is even.

5.20  Prove that ϕ (n2) = n$ (n) for any positive integer n.

5.21  Prove that if n > 2 then


5.22  Prove that if n has k distinct odd factors then 2k $ (n).

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