Chapter 23. Importing and Exporting Data

An Access database is like a carefully built fort. It takes strictly organized and error-tested information and locks it up tight. Very few programs guard their data as protectively as database software does. Word processors and spreadsheet programs accept just about any content and let you build your document structure on the fly. Databases aren’t nearly as freewheeling.

Most of the time, databases live in an independent world. But every once in a while, you need to bridge the gap in one of two ways:

  • You want to take the information from another program and import it—basically, stuff it into your database.

  • You want to take some of the information in an Access database and export it, so you can work with it in another program.

Access has several different options for transferring information. You can use the lowly Clipboard, Access’s standard import and export features, or the universal XML standard. In this chapter, you’ll learn about all your options.

Case for Importing and Exporting

If you haven’t thought much about importing and exporting, it’s probably because you don’t need to use these features—yet. Many databases are completely happy living a quiet, solitary life. However, importing and exporting might come in handy for a few reasons. Sooner or later, one of these reasons will apply to you.

Understanding Exports

Exporting is the easier part of the equation. Exporting is simpler than importing, because it involves moving information from a stricter storage location (the database) to one with fewer rules (another type of document).


Exporting is a way to transfer a copy of your information to another location. The original copy always remains in Access. There’s no point in changing the exported copy. Instead, if you need changes, make them in the database, and then perform the export operation again.

Here are some of the most common reasons people decide to export information:

  • You want to email some information to a friend. You don’t want to send the Access database because your friend doesn’t have a copy of Access, or you want him to see only some—not all—of the data.

  • You’re creating a presentation in PowerPoint. The easiest way to dazzle and convince your peers is to show them some impressive information from your database.


    Access stores huge volumes of information, which is often more than other programs can handle. You’d never be able to copy a table into a PowerPoint presentation—at most, a slide can fit a handful of records. However, you might choose to show the results of a totals query (Totals Queries) that uses grouping to boil down the results to a few subtotals.

  • You want to analyze the information in Excel. Access is great for storing and managing your data, but it doesn’t give you the tools to help you figure out what it all means. If you want to crunch the numbers with heavy-duty formulas and slick charting features, it makes sense to move it to Excel.

Some programs are intelligent enough to pull the information out of an Access database all on their own. One example is Word, which provides a mail merge feature that lets you take a list of names and addresses from a database, and then use them to create mailing labels, personalized forms, or any other sort of batch paperwork. When using this feature, you don’t need to perform any exporting—instead, you can just point Word to your Access database file.

Understanding Imports

You need importing whenever there’s information outside your database that belongs inside it. Suppose you create a state-of-the-art e-commerce database for your buffalo farm. However, some of your sales associates still fill out forms by using an old Excel spreadsheet. Now, you need a way to get the information out of the Excel spreadsheet and into your database.


Your sales staff has let you down. They really shouldn’t enter data into a document for another program. Instead, they should use a form that’s designed for logging sales, as described in Chapter 12.

Import operations have two key challenges. The first is making sure the data fits the database’s strict requirements. As you learned in Chapter 1, databases are rule-crazy, and they rudely toss out any information that doesn’t fit (for example, text in a date field). The second challenge is dealing with information that doesn’t quite line up—in other words, its representation in the database doesn’t match its representation in the external document. This headache is more common than you may think.

In your database, you might use status codes (like 4302), while the spreadsheet you want to import uses status names (like High Priority). Or, you may need to break the information you’re importing into more than one linked table, even though it’s stored together in a single document. The customer order spreadsheet for your buffalo farm could include customer information (which corresponds to the Customers table) and order information (for the Orders table). Sadly, you don’t have any easy way to solve these problems. If the external data doesn’t match the representation in the database exactly, you’ll need to change it by hand before or after the import operation.

Experts occasionally try to solve problems like these by writing Visual Basic code that reads the data and creates the appropriate records. (To do this, you’d need to use the DAO objects described on Updating Stock Numbers.) While the code approach is infinitely flexible, it can quickly become a nightmare to write and maintain, so avoid it if at all possible.

Using the Clipboard

Anyone who’s spent much time using a Windows computer is familiar with the Clipboard—a behind-the-scenes container that temporarily stores information so you can transfer it from one program to another. Using the Clipboard, you can copy a snippet of text in a Word document, and then paste it into a field in an Access table, or vice versa. That much is easy. But you probably don’t realize that you can copy an entire table of information.


Almost all Windows programs respect the same shortcut keys for the Clipboard. Use Ctrl+C to copy information, Ctrl+X to cut it (copy and delete it), and Ctrl+V to paste it.

Before you try out this trick, you need to understand two key facts about the Clipboard:

  • The Clipboard can store many different types of information. Most of the time, you’re using it to copy plain text. However, depending on the program you’re using, you can also copy shapes, pictures, tables, and more.

  • Some types of information can convert themselves to other types. If you copy a selection of cells in Excel, then you can paste it as a formatted table in a word processing program like Word or WordPerfect. Of course, if you copy a diagram in Visio, then you can paste it as a picture in Paint. In both examples, you copy a specialized type of object (Excel cells or a Visio diagram) to the Windows Clipboard. However, this object can downgrade itself when it needs to. You can paste a full-fledged copy of the object in the original program without losing anything, or you can paste and convert it to something simpler in a less powerful program.

This flexibility is the secret to transferring data to and from Access. The following sections explain how it works.


The Clipboard approach is simpler than the import and export features in Access. As a result, it’s a faster choice (with fewer steps). Of course, it also gives you fewer choices and doesn’t work with all programs.

Copying a Table from Access to Somewhere Else

Access lets you copy a selection of rows or an entire table to another program, without going through the hassle of the Export wizard. Access copies these rows to the Clipboard as an intelligent object that can convert itself into a variety of software-friendly formats. You can paste them as Excel cells, HTML text (the formatting language of the Web), or RichText (a formatting standard created by Microsoft and supported by all major word processors). Since HTML and RichText are so widely supported, you’ll almost never have a problem copying your rows into another program when you use this technique.

Here’s how to try it out:

  1. If you want to copy an entire table, then, in the navigation pane, select the table. If you want to copy only a few rows, then select them in the Datasheet view, as shown in Figure 23-1.

    You’re not limited to copying tables. You can also copy a query’s results. Just select the query in the navigation pane. You can’t copy data from reports or forms, however.

    When you copy rows or an entire table, Access takes your column-hiding settings (Hiding Columns) into account. If you’ve hidden a column so it doesn’t appear in the datasheet (by selecting it, and then choosing Home→Records→More→Hide Fields), Access doesn’t copy it to the Clipboard. This technique helps you leave out information you don’t want to copy.

    When selecting rows in the datasheet, click the gray margin just to the left of the first row you want to select. Then, drag down to select as many rows as you want. If you don’t want to take your hand off the mouse, then you can copy these rows by holding down the Ctrl key, and right-clicking one of them. Then, from the popup menu, choose Copy.
    Figure 23-1. When selecting rows in the datasheet, click the gray margin just to the left of the first row you want to select. Then, drag down to select as many rows as you want. If you don’t want to take your hand off the mouse, then you can copy these rows by holding down the Ctrl key, and right-clicking one of them. Then, from the popup menu, choose Copy.


    You can copy only a contiguous selection of rows, which is a fancy way of saying you can copy only rows that are right next to each other. If you have 10 rows in a table, then you can copy rows 3–6, but you can’t copy just the first and last rows. (Of course, you can use several smaller copy operations to get the stragglers.)

  2. Press Ctrl+C to copy your selection.

    This action places the records on the Windows Clipboard. You can now paste them inside Access or in another program.

  3. Switch to the program where you want to paste your information.

    If you’re just trying this feature for the first time, then take a whirl with Excel or Word (shown in Figure 23-2).

  4. Press Ctrl+V to paste your selection (see Figure 23-2).

    Access pastes the rows from your selection, complete with column headers. If you’ve applied formatting to the datasheet (Datasheet Customization), then most of that formatting comes along.

    Depending on the program where you paste your records, you might see a smart tag icon appear at your newly pasted content’s right-hand corner. In Office applications, you can use this smart tag to change options about how the data is pasted (for example, with or without formatting).

Using cut and paste, you can transform a database table into a table in a Word document (shown here). Once you’ve pasted the content, you may need to fiddle with column widths to make sure it all looks right.
Figure 23-2. Using cut and paste, you can transform a database table into a table in a Word document (shown here). Once you’ve pasted the content, you may need to fiddle with column widths to make sure it all looks right.


Copying text, numbers, and dates is easy. However, some data types don’t make the transition as well. If you copy an attachment field, then the pasted content shows the number of attachment fields, but the files themselves are left out.

Copying Cells from Excel into Access

You can copy information from Access into another program easily enough, but you probably don’t expect to be able to do the reverse. After all, a database is a strict, rigorously structured collection of information. If you try to copy a table from a word processing program, then you’ll lack vital information, like the data types of each column. For that reason, Access doesn’t allow it.

However, Access makes a special exception for everyone’s favorite spreadsheet program, Excel. You can copy a selection of cells in Excel, and then paste them into Access to create a new table. This procedure works because Excel does distinguish between different types of data (although it isn’t nearly as picky as Access). For example, Excel treats numbers, dates, text, and TRUE/FALSE values differently.

Here’s how to use this feature:

  1. In Excel, select the cells you want to copy.

    If your spreadsheet includes column titles, then include those headers in the selection. Access can use the titles as field names.


    It doesn’t matter what version of Excel you have—this trick works with them all.

  2. Press Ctrl+C to copy your selection.

  3. Switch to Access.

  4. Click anywhere in the navigation pane, and then press Ctrl+V.

    Access notices that you’re trying to paste a group of Excel cells, and it tries to transform them into a table. First, it asks if the first row in your selection includes column titles.

  5. If you selected the column titles in step 1, then choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No.

    If you choose Yes, then Access doesn’t need to create random field names—instead, it can use your headers.

    Access creates a new table to deal with the new data. This table is named after the Excel sheet. If your sheet is named Sheet1 (as so many are in Excel), you now have a Sheet1 table.

    Once Access finishes the paste, it shows a confirmation message to let you know everything is finished successfully.

  6. Click OK.

    Now you can refine your table to make sure the data types and field names are exactly what you want.

Import and Export Operations

Although the Clipboard cut-and-paste approach is neat, it doesn’t always work out. If you need to export data to a file and you don’t have the corresponding program installed on your computer (or you just don’t want to bother running it), then you need a different way to transfer your information. Similarly, if you’re downloading data from the Web or fetching information from a program that doesn’t support Windows cut-and-paste, you need the full-fledged Access import feature.

You can do all the importing and exporting you want from a single ribbon tab, which is named External Data (Figure 23-3).

The External Data tab’s Import & Link section lets you pipe data into Access by using a variety of formats. The Export section does the reverse—it takes your table and exports it in a bunch of different flavors.
Figure 23-3. The External Data tab’s Import & Link section lets you pipe data into Access by using a variety of formats. The Export section does the reverse—it takes your table and exports it in a bunch of different flavors.


The Import & Link and Export sections have easy-to-access buttons for the most popular file formats. If you don’t see what you want, then click the More button to see an expanded list of choices.

Whether you’re importing or exporting data, the process is essentially the same. You answer a few questions about what file you want to use and how you want to make the conversion, and then Access does your bidding.

Once you finish performing an import or export operation, Access gives you the option of saving all your steps. If you do, you can reuse them later on (see Reusing Import and Export Settings). This method is a great way to save time if you need to perform the same export or import process again (like if you need to import some data every day, or export a summary at the end of every month).

Importable File Types

Most of the time, you’ll import data that’s in one of these four common formats:

  • Excel. Pulls the data from an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Access. When you use this option, you aren’t performing a conversion. Instead, you’re taking a database object from another Access database file, and copying it into the current database. You used this option in Chapter 19 when building a front-end database.

  • Text File. Pulls the data out of a plain text file. Typically, plain text files use some sort of character (like a comma) to separate field values. This universally understood format is supported by many programs, including just about every piece of spreadsheet software ever written. When you use this option, Access takes a look at the text file to figure out how it’s organized. However, you get the chance to confirm or correct the hunch before you import any data, as described on Importing from a Text File.

  • XML File. Pulls the data out of a structured XML file. XML is a cross-platform format used to represent any type of information. However, you can’t successfully import all XML files—for the import feature to have any chance of success, the XML file must use a table-like structure. You’ll learn more about this option on Importing from an XML File.

Access also provides several other, more exotic import choices. Most of them don’t appear until you click the More button. They include:

  • ODBC Database. Grabs information from just about any database product, provided it has an ODBC driver. You used this feature in Chapter 21 to get data out of SQL Server.

  • Data Services. Gets data from a web service running on a web server on your company’s network. To use this feature, a programmer needs to create the web service and generate a file called a data services connection definition. You give Access the file, and then it knows how to contact the web service and ask it for some information.

  • SharePoint List. Pulls the data from a list that’s hosted on a SharePoint server. You don’t need to import SharePoint information to work with it. You can also edit SharePoint lists directly in Access. Chapter 22 has much more about getting Access and SharePoint to work together.

  • HTML Document. Extracts information from a list or a table in an HTML web page. Since HTML is a standard that’s notoriously loose (and at times downright sloppy), you should try to avoid this option. You’re likely to have importing problems.

  • Outlook Folder. Pulls information out of a folder in Outlook.


If you’re an Access veteran, don’t bother hunting around for an option for importing from dBase files. Microsoft removed the feature from Access 2013. You’ll need Access 2010 if you want to pull information out of a file created with this Paleolithic database program.

Importing Data

No matter what type of data you want to import, you’ll go through the same basic steps. Here’s an overview:

  1. In the ribbon’s External Data→Import & Link section, click the button that corresponds to the type of file you want to import.

    When you choose a format, Access launches the Import wizard (Figure 23-4).

    No matter what format you choose, the Import wizard is similar, although certain options may be restricted. In this first step, you choose the source file name and the way Access inserts the information into your database.
    Figure 23-4. No matter what format you choose, the Import wizard is similar, although certain options may be restricted. In this first step, you choose the source file name and the way Access inserts the information into your database.
  2. Enter the name of the file you want to import.

    If you don’t remember the file path (or you just don’t want to type it in by hand), then click Browse and navigate to the right place in the File Open window. Once you find the file, double-click it.

  3. Choose where to place the imported content in your database.

    You have three possible choices for placing your data. Depending on the file format you’re using, all these may not be available.

    • Create a new table. This option creates a fresh new table for the data you’re importing, which saves you the headache of worrying about conflicting records. However, if a table of the same name already exists in the Access database, then this option wipes it out.

    • Append to an existing table. This option takes the rows you’re importing and adds them to an existing table. For this option to work, the structure of the data you’re importing must match the structure of the table you’re using. For example, the field names must match exactly. However, the data you’re importing can leave out fields that aren’t required (Data Integrity Basics) or have default values (Setting Default Values).

    • Create a linked table. If you use this approach, then Access doesn’t actually transfer the information into your database. Instead, every time you view the linked table, Access checks the original file to get the most recent information. The neat thing here is that your linked table always shows the most recent information. With any other option, the imported table is left untouched if you change the original file. However, linked tables are also risky, because you don’t have any guarantee that the file won’t travel to another location on your hard drive (where Access can’t find it). You used linked tables to create a split database in Chapter 19.


    Linked tables are a good way to bridge the gap between different Access databases or other databases (like SQL Server). However, they don’t work well with other more limited formats, like text files.

  4. Click OK.

    A wizard launches that collects the remaining information that Access needs. If you’re importing an Excel file, then Access asks you which worksheet to use. If you’re importing a text file, then Access asks you how the fields are separated.

  5. Answer all questions in the wizard to tell Access what it needs to know about the structure of the data you’re importing.

    Once you’re finished with this stage, Access asks you its final question—whether you want to save your import steps.

  6. If you want to perform this import again later on, then select “Save import steps.” Then, click Close.

    Reusing Import and Export Settings shows how to reuse a saved import.


If Access finds any errors while importing your data, then it creates another table with the same name as the table you’re importing to, with _ImportErrors tacked on the end. Access adds one record to that table for each problem. If you try to import a bunch of information into a table named SalesData, and Access can’t convert the values to the data type you want (for example, text is in a column that should only hold numbers), you get a table named SalesData_ImportErrors.

The following sections walk you through the specifics for two common data formats that need a few extra steps: Excel workbooks and text files.

Importing from an Excel File

To import from an Excel file, your data should be organized in a basic table. Ideally, you have column headings that match the fields in your database. You should trim out any data that you don’t want to import (like other cells under the table that aren’t a part of the table). You may also decide to remove values that are calculated using Excel formulas. If possible, it’s better to recalculate this information whenever you need it by using an expression in a query (Calculated Fields). That way, there’s no danger that your calculated values will become inconsistent or out of date.


Earlier in this chapter, you learned how to take Excel data and cut and paste your way to an Access table. However, when you perform a full-fledged import, you get the opportunity to change field names, fine-tune data types, and use indexing.

Once you have a cleaned-up table of data in an Excel file, you’re ready to start the import process:

  1. Choose External Data→Import & Link→Excel, choose your Excel file, and then specify how you want to add the imported information to your database. Then, click OK.

    You learned how to make these decisions in steps 1 to 3 starting on Importing Data.

  2. If your Excel file has more than one worksheet, choose the one that houses your data (Figure 23-5).

    Many Excel files have more than one worksheet. (In fact, spreadsheets created in older versions of Excel begin with three worksheets. Most people plop their data on the first one, which is initially named Sheet1.)

    If you’re an Excel expert, then you might have designated a section of a more complex worksheet as a named range. If so, you can choose the Show Named Ranges option and then pick that named range from the list.

    If your Excel file has just a single worksheet and no named ranges, there’s nothing for you to choose, and you won’t see this part of the wizard. Instead, skip to step 4.

    This Excel workbook file has two worksheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2. When you pick a sheet, you see a preview of the data that it contains.
    Figure 23-5. This Excel workbook file has two worksheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2. When you pick a sheet, you see a preview of the data that it contains.
  3. Click Next.

  4. If your Excel data has a row with column headings, then choose First Row Contains Column Headings.

    These headings become the starting point for your field names. If you don’t choose First Row Contains Column Headings, then Excel treats the first row as an ordinary record.

  5. Click Next.

    If you’re creating a new table for your imported records, then Access asks you to configure the fields you’re creating. If you’re appending the records to an existing table, then skip ahead to step 7.

  6. For each field, you can choose a field name, the data type, and whether the field should be indexed (Preventing Duplicate Values with Indexes). Then, click Next.

    Access makes some intelligent guesses based on the data that’s there, but it’s up to you to fine-tune the details. For example, if you have a column with whole numbers, you may want to change the data type from Double (which supports fractional numbers) to Integer, as shown in Figure 23-6.

    To configure a field, select it in the preview, and then adjust the settings. If you decide you don’t want to import a field at all, then you can choose “Do not import field” to ignore it altogether.
    Figure 23-6. To configure a field, select it in the preview, and then adjust the settings. If you decide you don’t want to import a field at all, then you can choose “Do not import field” to ignore it altogether.
  7. Choose whether you want Access to create the primary key.

    Choose “Let Access add primary key” if you’d like Access to create an autonumbered ID field (which is generally a good idea). If the data you’re importing already includes a field you want to use as a key, then select “Choose my own primary key,” and then pick the right field.

  8. In the “Import to Table” text box, type the name of the table you want to create or add your records to.

    You can also switch on the option “I would like a wizard to analyze my table after importing the data.” If you do, after the import is finished, Access runs the Table Analyzer Wizard. The goal of the Table Analyzer Wizard is to split your imported data into multiple tables, so you can avoid the many problems of bad database design (Six Principles of Database Design).


    Although this is a fantastic idea in theory, it’s a bit clumsy in practice. The Table Analyzer isn’t clever enough to find anything you can’t spot yourself, and it has a bad habit of finding problems that don’t exist.

  9. Click Finish to finalize your choices.

    Once the import is complete, you can choose whether to save your import steps for reuse.

You’ll find some potential stumbling blocks when importing data from Excel. Blank values and fields, the commonest problems, occur when the Import wizard assumes there’s data in a part of your worksheet that doesn’t contain any information. (This could happen if there’s a cell with just a space somewhere on your worksheet, or even if you have a cell that used to contain data but that has since been deleted.) The best approach is to prevent as many problems as possible by tidying up your worksheet (for example, removing extra cells and unneeded columns) before you perform an import operation. But if some issues slip through, you may need to clean up the imported table by deleting empty fields and records.

Importing from a Text File

Text files are the lowest common denominator for data exchange. If you’re using a program that creates files Access can’t import, then plain text may be your only avenue.

Once again, you start by choosing your file, and then choosing how you want to add the information to your database. Then, the Import wizard takes you through a few more steps:

  1. Specify the type of text file.

    Access can import from two types of text files:

    • Delimited text files use some sort of separator to indicate where each field ends. For example, Joe, Piscapone, 43 is a line of text you may find in a delimited text file—it’s three field values separated by commas.

    • Fixed-width text files separate a record into separate fields by position. Each field has a certain number of characters allocated to it, and if you don’t use them all, Access fills the remaining space (up until the next field) with space characters.


    Delimited text files are more flexible than fixed-width text files (because they can accommodate data values of vastly different lengths). They’re also more common.

  2. Click Next.

    If you’re importing delimited text, Access asks you what character is the delimiter—in other words, what character separates the fields (Figure 23-7). Commas and tabs are common delimiters.

    If you’re importing fixed-width text, Access lets you set the field boundaries by dragging column lines to the right position in the preview window.

    In this example, fields are separated using tabs.
    Figure 23-7. In this example, fields are separated using tabs.
  3. Complete the wizard.

    The rest of the wizard unfolds in exactly the same way as it does for Excel data.

    If you’re creating a new table to hold your imported data, then the next step asks you to configure the fields you want to create by setting their names, data types, and indexing options (Figure 23-6). Once you’ve finished this part, you can choose whether you want Access to create an autonumbered ID field, and then use it as the primary key.

Finally, in the last step, you need to enter the name of the table you want to create or add to. You can then click Finish (and, optionally, choose to save your import steps for later reuse).

Exportable File Types

Just as you can import information from other files and pop it into your database, you can also take the existing information and ship it out to another format. You’ll most often undertake this step to let some other person or program use your information without needing to go through Access.

When exporting your data, you can use all the same formats that you can use in an import operation, plus a few more. Here’s a rundown of the most popular choices:

  • Excel. Puts the data into the cells of an Excel worksheet. Perfect if you want to use Excel’s tools to analyze a sales trend or plot a profit chart.

  • Text File. Dumps the data into a plain text file, with tabs and spaces used to arrange the data. You lose colors, fonts, borders, and other formatting details. This format isn’t very useful—think of it as a last resort to transfer data to another program if none of the other export options work.

  • XML File. Saves the data in a text .xml file, without any formatting. This option makes sense if you’re using some sort of automated program that can read the exported XML file and process the data. (See Access and XML for more information about XML and detailed export steps.)

  • PDF or XPS. Creates a print-ready PDF file with the exact formatting and layout you’d see if you sent the table to your printer. Unlike with Excel or Word documents, you can’t edit a PDF file—you’re limited to reviewing the report and printing it.

  • Access. Transfers the Access table (or a different type of object) to another Access database file. This feature isn’t as powerful as importing Access objects, because you’re limited to one object at a time. For that reason, people don’t use it as often.

  • Word Merge. Puts the data into a Word document by using Word’s mail merge feature, which is designed to organize address information into printable labels, envelopes, and form letters. This option isn’t just a straight transfer. Instead, the Word document stores the details about your database (like the name of the database file and the table you’re using), so it can grab updated information and repeat the mail merge later.

  • Word. Puts the data into a Word document, separating each column with tabs and each line with a hard return. This format leaves a lot to be desired, because it’s difficult to rearrange the data after the fact in Word. (A nicer export feature would put the report data into a Word table, which would make it far easier to work with.)

  • HTML Document. Creates a web-ready HTML web page that you can post to a website or a company intranet. The HTML format that Access generates looks remarkably like your real, printed report.

Exporting Data

To perform an export operation, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, select the table you want to export.

    Unfortunately, you can’t export more than one table at once. However, you can export just a portion of a table. One way to do this partial export is to open the table, and then select the rows you want to export. (Once you start the export process, you see an option that lets you export just the selected rows.) You can also create a query that gets just the rows you want. You can export the query results by selecting the query in the navigation pane instead of the underlying table.

  2. Click the button that corresponds to the type of file you want to export.

    When you choose a format, Access launches the Export wizard (Figure 23-8).

  3. Enter the name of the file you want to create.

    Access creates this file during the export operation. In some cases, you may have a choice of file format. For example, if you’re exporting to Excel you can use the newer XML-based spreadsheet format (the .xlsx standard), or the older .xls standard that supports older versions, like Excel 97.

    The Export wizard varies depending on the export format you’re using. But the first step is always to pick your file, and then to set the export options shown here.
    Figure 23-8. The Export wizard varies depending on the export format you’re using. But the first step is always to pick your file, and then to set the export options shown here.
  4. If you want to keep the formatting that’s in your database, then choose “Export data with formatting and layout.”

    If you’ve tailored the datasheet with fancy fonts and colors (as described on Datasheet Customization), Access preserves these details in the exported file. Obviously, this option doesn’t work for all formats. For example, simple text files can’t handle any formatting.

  5. If you want to double-check your exported document, then choose “Open the destination file after the export operation is complete.”

    It’s always a good idea to make sure you got the data and the formatting you expect. If you use this option, then Access launches the exported file, opening it in the program that owns it (Excel for spreadsheets, Notepad for text files, and so on). Of course, this method works only if you have that application on your computer.

  6. If you’ve selected only a few records in a table, then choose “Export only the selected records.”

    This way, Access exports the current selection, not the entire table or query.

  7. Click OK to perform the export.

    Access may ask you for additional details if it needs any more information about how to create the exported file.

    Once you’ve finished this stage, Access asks you its final question—whether you want to save your export steps.

  8. If you want to perform this export again later on, select “Save export steps.” Then, click Close.

    The following section explains how to use a saved export.


Do you need to export the same database object to the same file with the same options over and over again? Consider using the ExportWithFormatting macro action, which is a great way to take care of daily or weekly export jobs.

Reusing Import and Export Settings

In some situations, you’ll find you need to perform regular import or export operations. You may need to dump the data from an Excel spreadsheet into your database once a week. Or maybe you need to produce a monthly PDF report with a sales summary. In these cases, it’s quite time-consuming to go through the entire wizard. This is especially true if you’re performing an import, because you might need to choose which columns you want to import, set the appropriate data types, and then adjust other settings the exact way you did the first time you performed the operation.

Fortunately, Access has a solution for times like these. You can save all the settings you chose in the Import or Export wizard and store them in your current database. Then, when you need to repeat the process, you can use these settings to do it with just a couple of clicks (with no brainpower needed).

To save your steps, just turn on the “Save import steps” or “Save export steps” checkbox at the end of the process the first time you import or export your data. You’ll need to choose a descriptive name for your settings, as shown in Figure 23-9, and then click Save Import.


If you’re saving an import operation, think carefully about whether you choose to create a new table or append to an existing table. If you create a new table, then every time you run the import, Access overwrites that table with a new table that has all new data. But if you append to an existing table, Access adds the new data to whatever data you’ve already got. (In this case, you need to be on the lookout for duplicate data; see the box on The Danger of Duplicates.)

Here, an import process is being saved for later use. You can fill in an optional description for this operation to help you remember what it’s all about. And if you’re using the popular Microsoft Outlook email program, then you can turn on Create Outlook Task to create an automatic reminder that tells you when it’s time to perform your import or export.
Figure 23-9. Here, an import process is being saved for later use. You can fill in an optional description for this operation to help you remember what it’s all about. And if you’re using the popular Microsoft Outlook email program, then you can turn on Create Outlook Task to create an automatic reminder that tells you when it’s time to perform your import or export.

At some future point, you can rerun your import or export operation. If you want to repeat an import, then choose External Data→Import & Link→Saved Imports. To repeat an export, choose External Data→Export→Saved Exports. Either way, you get to the Manage Data Tasks window (Figure 23-10), at either the Saved Imports or Saved Exports tab. These tabs list the import and export operations you’ve saved for this database.

Here’s what you can do in the Manage Data Tasks window:

  • Run the operation again. Select it in the list, and then click Run. Access warns you if it needs to overwrite an existing table (in an import) or file (in an export). Other than that, the whole process happens in a flash.

  • Delete your saved operation. Just select it, and then click Delete.

  • Create an Outlook Task for the operation. You can use this feature to remind yourself to perform this operation at some future scheduled time (or at regular intervals). To do so, click the Create Outlook Task button to create the task, and then find and configure that task in Outlook. When the reminder occurs, it includes a handy Run Import button that you can click to launch the import operation in Access right away.

  • Change some aspects of your operation. You can modify the name, the description, and the file name by clicking the appropriate detail in the Manage Data Tasks window (Figure 23-10). This way, you can start out importing C:My DocumentsFancyFilesWildExpenses.xlsx, but then use the same settings to import D:HankSmithEvenMoreExpenses.xlsx. You can’t change any other details, like the source or destination table in Access, or the field data types.

When you’re finished using the Manage Data Tasks window, click Close to get back to Access.

In this example, a single import operation has been saved. By clicking the file name, you can change it to another file, but you’ll have to type in the new path.
Figure 23-10. In this example, a single import operation has been saved. By clicking the file name, you can change it to another file, but you’ll have to type in the new path.

Access and XML

XML (extensible markup language) is an all-purpose way of exchanging information between different programs. Access supports XML with its import and export features, where XML shows up as just one more supported format. However, importing and exporting XML isn’t like importing and exporting other types of data. In particular, Access can only understand XML files that have certain types of structure—throw in something different, and Access won’t know what to do. To make the most of Access’s XML features and avoid these problems, you need to understand a bit more about what XML really is and how the XML features in Access work.

What Is XML, Really?

XML alone sounds pretty modest. People often describe it as a format for storing information. For example, instead of saving data in Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, or ordinary text files, you can save data in an XML file. This simplicity is deceiving, and two factors make XML really special:

  • XML is flexible. You can tailor XML to store pretty much any type of information: pictures, product catalogs, invoice data, receipts, catalog listings, the maintenance specs for every Dodge Minivan ever built, and on and on.

  • XML is widespread. Computer applications written in different programming languages (like Java, Visual Basic, or C++), or running on different operating systems and computer hardware (like Windows, Mac, or Linux), can all use XML in exactly the same way. That quality makes XML a perfect solution for exchanging information between people, companies, and even computers that have been programmed to send data to one another automatically (it’s features like this last one that cause supply-chain management types to drool when they talk about XML).

Contrary to what many people believe, XML is not a data format (like HTML, the format used to create web pages). If XML were an ordinary data format, it wouldn’t be nearly as useful because, no matter how good a format is, it can’t suit everyone. For example, even though almost every company needs to create invoices, most companies wouldn’t be happy with a generic format for storing invoice information. One company may need to track customer names, while another might track customer ID numbers. The bottom line is that most companies need to store slightly different data in slightly different ways. That means a one-size-fits-all solution is pretty much always doomed to failure.

So if XML isn’t a data format, what is it? Technically, XML is a meta-language, which is a fancy way of saying that XML is a language for creating other languages. XML does this creating by setting out a few simple rules that let you build your own data format that’s just right for your data.

For example, Acme Company can build an XML format for invoices, and call it Acme-Invoice. Meanwhile, Budget Company can build its own XML invoice format and call it BudgetInvoice. Even though both these formats are designed to store invoice information, they can contain completely different kinds of data. XML’s flexibility is its strength.

At the same time, XML’s flexibility can create problems. Suppose a bank named Worldwide Green sets up a system to automatically process XML invoices in a specific format. The system works smoothly until Acme Corporation sends along its own homegrown invoice. Even though Acme’s invoice uses XML, it doesn’t conform to the XML that the bank expects, so it gums up the bank’s automated invoice-processing application. Suddenly, XML doesn’t look so useful.

The bottom line: XML holds the promise of universal data sharing—but if you don’t create some rules and follow them, then you’re left with a bunch of incompatible formats.


XML is really quite simple. However, a slew of other standards with names like XML Schema and XSLT work in conjunction with XML and provide solutions for validating XML, searching XML, transforming XML, and so on. These other standards are quite complex and aren’t discussed in this book. For more information, refer to a book like Learning XML by Erik Ray (O’Reilly), or the website

Three Rules of XML

To get a better understanding of how to configure Access to handle XML, look at a simple example. Technically, you don’t need to know what XML looks like to use the XML features in Access, but the more you understand, the less confusing life will be. In this section, you’ll learn the three most important rules that shape all XML documents. If you already know a little about XML, feel free to skip ahead.

By the way, good news before you even start: XML is written in a text-based, human-readable format. So you can use a program like Notepad to crack open an existing XML file, and get a basic idea of its format and structure. You can even write an XML file from scratch by using Notepad. You can’t do the same with the average Access database, because it’s stored in a binary format that you can read only when you’re looking at the data in Access. (If you try to open a database in Notepad, you’ll see a jumble of indecipherable symbols.)

The Prolog

All respectable XML documents start with something called a document prolog. This bit simply announces that what you’re looking at is an XML document. It can also indicate the encoding of the document, which sometimes specifies that the document uses a special character set (like a non-English alphabet).

Here’s a typical document prolog, indicating that this document uses Version 1.0 of the XML standard (the most prevalent version):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

If you’re creating an XML document by hand, then you should make sure you place the document prolog as the very first line of the file.


The basic building block of any XML document is the element. Elements are information containers. For example, if you wanted to store a person’s name, you could create an element called Name. (For more on the infinite variety of elements that anyone can create, see the box below.)

A typical element is composed of a start tag and an end tag. The actual information goes between these two tags. You can easily recognize start tags and end tags because they use angle brackets <>. Here’s one possible start tag:


This tag marks the start of the Name element. The end tag looks almost identical, except it begins with the characters </ instead of just <. Here’s what you need to end the Name element:


To actually store some information in an XML document, just insert the content between the start and end tags of an element. Here’s how you might store someone’s name in an XML document:


You could create a list of names by putting one <Name> element after the other, or you could add other elements that store different types of information, like address, title, employer, and so on. You put all these tags together in a file to make an XML document.


So far, you’ve seen examples of XML elements that contain text. You can also create an element that contains one or more additional elements. This is a basic principle for organizing information in XML.

Suppose you want to keep track of several people’s names and ages. The following format isn’t especially clear because it’s hard to tell which person connects to which age:

<Name>Lisa Chen</Name>
<Name>Bill Harrison</Name>

A better solution is to group the <Name> and <Age> elements together for each person, and to put them inside another element. Here’s an example:

    <Name>Lisa Chen</Name>

    <Name>Bill Harrison</Name>

Here, the two <Person> elements each represent a distinct individual. Information about each person is stored in <Name> and <Age> elements that are nested inside the appropriate <Person> element.

There’s no limit to how many layers deep you can nest information, making this method of organizing information extremely flexible. In fact, it’s part of the reason that XML can work with so many different types of data.

XML imposes one more rule. Every document must start with a single element that you place right after the document prolog. You place all the other content inside this element, which is called the root or document element. So far, the examples you’ve seen are only excerpts of XML. The following listing shows a complete, valid XML document—a list with information about two people—that starts off with the document element <PeopleList>:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <Name>Lisa Chen</Name>

        <Name>Bill Harrison</Name>

You could enhance this document by adding more <Person> elements or different elements to track additional information about each person.

You’ve probably noticed that these XML examples indent each level of elements. That indentation makes the overall structure easier to read, but it’s not required. In fact, applications that read XML (including Access) ignore all the white space between elements, so it doesn’t matter if you add spaces, tabs, and blank lines. In fact, as far as computers are concerned, the document above is exactly the same as the following, much less human-friendly, version:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PeopleList><Person><Name>Lisa Chen</Name><Age>19</
Age></Person><Person><Name>Bill Harrison</Name><Age>48

XML Files and Schemas

As you’ve already learned, a file is one place you can store XML documents. But you can just as easily place XML documents in databases or other storage locations. In fact, sometimes XML data isn’t stored anywhere—instead, people just use it to send information between applications over the Internet. However, when you use XML with Access, you’re always using XML files (unless your company has created a custom solution by using the heavy-duty programming features in Access).

Most XML files have the extension .xml. For example, it makes perfect sense to take the person list document shown earlier and place it in a text file named PersonList.xml.

Another type of XML document is extremely important: XML schemas. Schemas are designed to solve a common problem—namely, defining the rules for a specific XML-based format. For example, a schema indicates the element names you can use, how you can arrange the elements, and the type of information each element can contain. An XML-friendly application can use the schema to verify that an XML document uses the right structure and contains the appropriate content. In an ideal world, every time a company created an XML format, they’d write an XML schema that defines it. (You probably won’t be surprised to learn this doesn’t always happen.)

To use a schema, you simply need to have a copy of it in a file. (Schemas themselves are complex and ugly and beyond the scope of what a typical office needs—or wants—to learn.) Usually, schema files have the extension .xsd.


For a more comprehensive beginner’s introduction to XML and XML schemas, see the excellent online tutorial provided by W3 Schools at

The Access XML Story

XML is a great way to exchange data between different computer programs. But what does that have to do with Access, which already has its own perfectly good way of storing data? Here’s the deal: More and more companies today use XML to pass data back and forth. When companies exchange business orders, for instance, or news organizations post stories, or real estate firms list properties for sale, chances are they’re using an XML-based format. If you want to send your Access data to these systems, then you need a way to take it out of the specialized .accdb database format, and put it in clear-as-a-bell XML.

Unfortunately, the XML support in Access is still quite limited. The problem is that Access doesn’t let you pick the XML format you want. Instead, it creates a custom format that closely matches your table. Consider the table in Figure 23-11. (When exporting XML, you always export a complete table.)

Some sample data, ready for a new life in XML format.
Figure 23-11. Some sample data, ready for a new life in XML format.

When you export this table, Access creates an XML document that looks like this:

        <Name>Thin-Jam Hex Nut 7</Name>
        <Name>Thin-Jam Hex Nut 8</Name>

No matter what table you export, Access always follows the same rules:

  • The document’s root element is named <dataroot>.

  • Access creates a separate element for each row in the table, using the table name. In this example, that system means you end up with one <Product> element for each record.

  • Inside each record, Access creates a separate element for each field. In this example, you end up with fields like <Name>, <ProductNumber>, and so on.

There’s nothing particularly wrong with structuring XML in this way. However, since you can’t change the structure, you’ll run into trouble if you want to use another program that expects XML in a different format. For example, your program may expect the root element to be named <ProductRecords> instead of <dataroot>, or it may assume a slightly different nesting. Minor quibbles like these can completely derail an XML-processing application.

Sadly, there’s no way around this problem. To use Access XML, you must specifically design a program that recognizes this structure, or you must use another tool to convert the XML to the standard you really want. Access’s XML export feature is enough to get you started, but it doesn’t take your data all the way.


If all you need to do is filter out records or fields that don’t interest you, or give fields different names, then you can solve the problem with a query. Just create a query that presents the information the way you want it, and then export its results (rather than the whole table).

The same limitations appear when you import XML content. Access expects to find XML content in the rigid table-like format it expects. If you try to feed it a different type of XML, then you get an error.

Exporting to an XML File

Now that you’ve learned about XML and considered its limitations in Access, you’re ready to try it out for yourself. The following steps lead you through the process:

  1. Choose External Data→Export→XML File.

    The familiar export process begins.

  2. Supply the name of the file you want to create, and then click OK.

    Access suggests you use the table name. For example, if you’re exporting the Orders table, it recommends an XML file named Orders.xml.

  3. Choose what file types you want to create (Figure 23-12):

    • Data (XML) creates the XML file that has the actual content from all records in your table.

    • Schema (XSD) creates an .xsd schema file. The schema doesn’t contain any data, but it stores a concise definition that describes your table and the fields it contains. The schema has two purposes—you can pass it along to expert programmers so they know what type of XML to expect from Access, or you can use it to create a new, empty table in another Access database.

    • Presentation (XSL) creates a .xsl transform file. This file defines how a browser can convert the raw data in the XML file into an HTML web page suitable for display in a browser. When you choose this option, Access also creates an .htm file that uses the .xsl file. For example, if you’re exporting the Products table, you wind up with a Products.htm web page—open this in your browser, and it uses the Products.xsl file to display the data in Products.xml.

    Usually, you’ll want to create the XML file that stores the actual data from your table. In addition, you can create two more support files.
    Figure 23-12. Usually, you’ll want to create the XML file that stores the actual data from your table. In addition, you can create two more support files.
  4. If you want to export related tables in the same XML document, then click More Options.

    An Export XML window with additional options appears. Most of these options are best left for XML gurus. However, the Data tab is more interesting—it lets you export related tables (Figure 23-13).

    The Data tab shows a tree that starts with the table you’re exporting, and branches out to other related tables. If you want to include the data from these related tables, simply add a checkmark next to each one.
    Figure 23-13. The Data tab shows a tree that starts with the table you’re exporting, and branches out to other related tables. If you want to include the data from these related tables, simply add a checkmark next to each one.

    For example, if you’re exporting the Orders table, you have two options:

    • Export other child tables. You could also export the OrderDetails records for each order. Access nests the OrderDetails elements inside the corresponding Orders element in the XML.

    • Export the related records from a parent table. You could, for instance, also export records from the Customers and OrderStatus tables. These records appear under the heading [Lookup Data] because they provide more data that’s linked to an order (in this case, the current status of the order, and the credit card used to pay for an order).


    When you export parent tables, the records aren’t nested in the XML, because that could lead to duplication (for example, if more than one order has the same status or uses the same credit card). Instead, they’re added after the main table you’re exporting.

  5. Click OK.

    Access creates the files you chose in step 3.

  6. If you want to repeat the export process another time, then choose “Save export steps.”

    Click Close to return to Access.

Importing from an XML File

Access makes it just as easy to import XML data, provided it’s in the structure Access expects. To try it out, take the table you just exported, and then re-import it into a new database. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose External Data→Import & Link→XML File.

    The familiar import process begins.

  2. If you’re creating a new table and you have a schema for your data, then supply the schema file’s name. If you already have the tables that you want to use, or you don’t have a schema handy, then jump straight to step 6.

    You can import straight from the XML file, but it’s always better to use the schema if you need to create the table for the first time, because the schema stores information about each field’s data types. This information ensures that the table you create is a closer match to the original table you exported.

  3. Click OK.

    Access scans the schema and displays the structure of the tables it’ll create (Figure 23-14).

    In this example, Access correctly identifies that your schema file defines the structure for the Orders, OrderDetails, Customers, and OrderStatus tables. You can expand each table to see what fields it contains.
    Figure 23-14. In this example, Access correctly identifies that your schema file defines the structure for the Orders, OrderDetails, Customers, and OrderStatus tables. You can expand each table to see what fields it contains.
  4. Click OK.

    Using the schema information, Access creates a new, blank table with the correct structure. Now you’re ready to fill it with data.


    If a table already exists with the same name, Access adds a number to the end to distinguish it (such as Products1, Products2, and so on).

  5. Click Close to return to Access.

  6. Choose External Data→Import & Link→XML File.

    Now that you’ve created your tables, you’re ready to import the actual data.

  7. Supply the name of the XML file that has the data you want to import, and then click OK.

    Access shows the structure of the table, based on the XML data in your file. This structure should exactly match the structure of the table you want to create or add to.

  8. Choose one of the three import options:

    • Append Data to Existing Table(s) tells Access to find the table with the same name, and then add all the data to this table. Use this option if the table you’re using already exists. But remember, Access won’t overwrite existing values. If you try to import a record that has the same value as an existing record in a field that doesn’t allow duplicates (like an ID field), your import will fail.

    • Structure and Data creates the table and then fills it with all the data.

    • Structure Only creates the table if it doesn’t already exist, but doesn’t import any data.


    If you need to create a new table as part of your import process, it’s always best to use the schema file to create the table (as described in steps 1 to 5), because the schema file has more precise information about data types.

  9. Click OK.

    Access fills the tables with data from your XML file.

If you want to repeat the import process another time, then choose “Save import steps.”

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