
-- (decrement operator), JavaScript, 325

// (forward slashes), in JavaScript, 345

1.0 Gamma

blending colors, 368–369

fire effects, 449

multipass rendering, 410

2.5D tracking, 250–251


adjustment layers and, 119

applying 2D layer as decal on 3D layer, 334–335

keyboard shortcuts for 2D layers, 46

render order of 2D layers, 121

shapes in, 91

track mattes and, 105


adding dimensionality to fire scene, 451–452

applying 2D layer as decal on 3D layer, 334–335

cameras and, 269, 280–281

Collapse Transformation settings, 116

faking 3D tracking, 250–251

models in Photoshop, 281–283

motion tracking, 263–266

multipass compositing, 406–411

previewing in AE, 284–286

projecting still images into, 291–292

render order of 3D layers, 121

track mattes and, 105

4:3 film format, 309


color fidelity, 371–372

color values, 349–350

RGB representation, 353

16:9 film format, 309

16-bit-per-channel, 349–350


color values, 366–367

output and, 370–371


absolute time, frame rate and, 66–67

action safe overlays, 32

Add blending mode, for brightening light areas, 99–100

Add Grain tool, 299

Add mode, masks drawn in, 92

adjustment layers

adding, 431

blending modes and, 104

as guide layer, 120

uses and benefits of, 118–119


Color management system. see Color management system

Color Picker, 360–361

Dynamic Link, 126–127

Media Encoder. see Media Encoder

Photoshop. see Photoshop

advanced color options

16-bit-per-channel composites, 349–350

32-bit-per-channel composites, 366–367

Adobe Color management system, 372–373

blending colors using 1.0 Gamma, 368–369

bypassing Color management, 381–382

Cineon (.dpx) files for storing film, 351–352

Cineon log space, 355

color fidelity, 371–372

color realism using linear HDRI, 361–363

digital film and, 355–357

display management and output simulation, 376–379

dynamic range, 352–354

HDR sources, 364–365

linear color space, 359–361

LUT (Look-Up Table), 382–384

MediaCore, 376

methods for moving beyond standard color, 369–370

mixing bit depths, 367–368

monitor calibration, 372–373

output, 370–371

output profiles, 379–380

overview of, 348–349

Project Working Space, 374–376

QuickTime issues related to Color management, 380–381

review, 384

video gamma space, 358–359

advanced composition settings

Preserve Frame Rate, 117

Preserve Resolution When Nested Controls, 118

Advanced Rotoscoping Techniques for Adobe After Effects (O’Connell), 417

advanced save options, 17

.aepx files, for XML scripts, 130

aerender application, 124–125

After Effects Expression Element Reference, 318

Almasol, Jeff

Camera-ProjectionSetup script, 292

Duplink script, 284

KeyEdUp script, 129

Pre-compose script, 110

Alpha Bias setting

creating mattes and, 186

in Keylight, 193

alpha channels

in color matching, 142–144

combining selection techniques, 81

converting RBGA to HSLA, 340–341

edge multiplication and, 85–88

mattes, 186

overview of, 77–78

paint and, 231–232

settings, 20–21

track mattes compared with, 104

Alpha Inverted Matte, track matte options, 104

Alpha Matte, track matte options, 104

Alvarez, Lloyd

Arrange Projects into Folders and Load Project or Template at Startup scripts, 111

Batch Search-n-Replace Paths script, 130

BG Render script, 125

Immigration script, 12

Layer Tagger script, 42

Render, Email, Save, and Shutdown script, 126

ambient movement effects, 426–429

amplitude, linking FOV parameter to audio track amplitude, 318–320

anaglyph, 3D previews, 284–286

Anchor Point Path, in View pop-up menu, 60–61

anchor points, repositioning, 60

Anderson Technologies, SynthEyes from, 263, 266

Angle of View, Camera Settings, 272

animated masks

articulated mattes and, 216–217

motion blur settings, 224

overview of, 96–97


of anchor points, 60

bouncing ball example, 54

cameras and, 287–288

copying and pasting, 54–55

ease curves for fixing, 49–50

presets for, 34

primary and secondary, 427

rotoscoping and paint and, 210

separating X, Y, and Z animation curves, 50–52

shell ejecting from gun, 439

on Timeline, 48–49

triggering animated effect using audio, 343–346

triggering animation at markers, 325–326

wind and ambient motion effects, 427–428

arguments, of expressions, 253–254

Arrange Projects into Folders script (Alvarez), 111

arrays, JavaScript, 341

Arri Alexa camera, 206

arrow keys, for fine point placement, 219

articulated mattes

holding cache intact, 216–217

overview of, 216

Rotobeziers and, 221–222

rotoscoping organic shapes, 217–221

artifacts, camera lens, 304–305

aspect ratio

cameras and, 304–305

film formats, 309–310


in expression language, 319

marker attributes. see marker attributes


linking effect to audio track, 318–320

triggering effect with, 343–346

Audio Settings

Output modules options, 36

in project settings, 18–19

Auto Bezier, preset keyframe transitions, 54

Auto Levels, color correction, 146

Auto-Save, advanced save options, 17–18

Auto-trace, automated method for creating masks, 79


background rendering

aerender application, 124–125

Media Encoder, 126–127

network rendering, 125

overview of, 124

Watch Folder for, 126

backgrounds, 32–33

adding background layer, 431

for color keying, 175

guide layers for temporary, 120

lighting, 207

backlighting, 397–398

banding, as symptom of overadjusting colors, 148

Batch Search-n-Replace Paths script (Alvarez), 130

Beam effect, 442

Bezier handles, dragging, 218

Bezier masks, 90–91

BG Render script (Alvarez), 125

Bias setting. see Alpha Bias setting

billowing smoke

Liquify and, 425–426

Mesh Warp and, 425

overview of, 423–425

Birn, Jeremy, 407

bit depth

16-bit-per-channel, 349–350

32-bit-per-channel, 366–367

mixing, 367–368

bitmap alpha, limitations as selection technique, 82


black-to-white gradients, 429

Clip Black control, 187, 192–194

converting color to black and white, 393–394

flashing blacks, 417

Input Black. see Input Black

Output Black. see Output Black

Black & White effect, 394

bleach-bypass method, color looks and, 392

blending colors, 1.0 Gamma, 368–369, 410

blending modes

Add and Screen modes, 99–100

adjustment layers and, 104, 119

Collapse Transformation settings, 116

combining selection techniques, 81

Difference mode, 101

fire composites with, 449

Multiply mode, 100–101

Overlay mode, 101

overview of, 80, 97–98

render order of, 121

blue channel. see also RGB (red green, blue)

color matching techniques under dramatic light, 167

color matching techniques under ordinary light, 164–165

color matching techniques when there is not reference, 170

individual channels used in color matching, 142–144


color keying and, 182–183

image quality and, 198

sky replacement and, 418–419

bluescreening. see color keying


motion blur effect, 62–66

three methods for creating blur effects, 401


cameras and, 273

creating boke blur effect, 295–297

for fuzzy focus, 293

Bordenave, Charles

ReverseMaskPath script, 97

TrackerViz script, 246

bouncing ball animation example, 54

Box Blur, 401

break statements, JavaScript, 345


adjusting with Levels Gamma control, 141–142

HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), 102, 155–156

Brightness & Contrast

comparing color adjustment tools, 137–138

gamma control lacking in, 139

Levels control and, 137

Brush Tips panel, 232–233

Brush tool

paint and, 231

shortcuts for working with, 232

bullets, hits and squibs, 440–441

bump maps, 407



holding intact when making articulated mattes, 216–217

RAM preview and, 31

Calibration LUTs, 384

The Camera Assistant’s Manual (Elkins), 274

Camera Mapper plug-in, 293

camera projection (mapping), 290–293

camera report

lighting information in, 389

overview of, 273

on shoots, 274–276

Camera Settings (Ctrl+Shift+Y/Cmd+Shift+Y)

3D, 269

Enable Depth of Field, 294

Film Size, Focal Length, Zoom, Angle of View, 272

lens, 269–270

single-node and two-node cameras, 287–288

Camera-ProjectionSetup script (Almasol), 292


3D display technology, 280–281

3D models in Photoshop, 281–283

AE camera as tracking tool, 248–250

animations, 287–288

boke blur, 295–297

camera projection (mapping), 290–293

camera report on shoots, 274–276

chromatic aberrations, 307–308

color correction, 310–312

convergence and 3D previews, 284–286

depth of focus, 293–294

dynamic range, 355

emulating real-world camera, 273

fading while moving away from, 338

fading while turning away from, 341–343

formats and panoramas, 309–310

frame rate and realism, 308–309

grain, 298–299

grain management strategies, 299–302

lens artifacts, 304–305

lens distortion, 277–280

lens flare, 305–306

lens optics and looks, 303–304

lens settings, 269–271

overview of, 268

push and zoom, 288–290

rack focus and image planes, 294–295

reducing layer saturation as it moves away from, 335–336

review, 312

seeing with, 269

smoothing movement of, 251–254

stereo output, 283–284

storytelling and, 286

vignettes, 306–307

CameraTracker, 263

Cardeiro, Michael, 306


LightRays effect, 402–403

Simple Wire Removal tool, 236

TimeBlend, 283

Channel Combiner effect

converting footage to/from YUV, 195–196

for correcting fringing in edges, 88

Channel menu

Extract, 178

Hue/Saturation, 155

channels. see color channels

Chapman, Brennan, 115

Choke Matte value, 179

choking mattes

options for, 202

overview of, 196

protecting matte edges, 179

chroma keying. see color keying

chroma subsampling, 194

chromatic aberrations, cameras, 305, 307–308

CIN files, comparing source formats, 25

Cinemascope, 309

cinematography, factors in good, 268


.dpx files for outputting film, 371

Converter effect, 352

.dpx files for storing film, 351–352

log space, 355–357

circles of confusion, 295

clean plate, 137


billowing smoke, 423–426

depth cues, 416

depth maps, 416–418

fog, smoke, and mist, 420–423

overview of, 414

particulate matter in the air, 414–415

precipitation, 430–433

sky replacement, 418–420

wind and ambient motion, 426–429

Clip Black control

adjusting blacks, 187

in Keylight, 193–194

Screen Gain setting vs., 192

Clip Rollback control, in Keylight, 193–194

Clip White control

adjusting whites, 187

in Keylight, 193–194

Clone Stamp tool, creating cloud effect with, 424

Clone tool

fundamentals of, 233–235

paint and, 231

close compositions (Ctrl+Alt+W/Cmd+Opt+W), 112

CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow), 158

Collapse Transformation

precomping and, 114

when to use, 115–116

Collect Files command, 16


advanced options for. see advanced color options

color coding layers and project items, 41–42

customizing backgrounds, 32

fidelity of, 371–372

light and color looks, 392

realism using linear HDRI, 361–363

spaces. see encoding color space

spills, 203–204

Color Balance (HLS), 335

color channels

alpha. see alpha channels

bit depth. see bit depth

blue. see blue channel

examining footage and composition by, 38

green. see green channel

histogram for, 145–146

individual channels used in color matching, 142–144

in Levels control, 137

red. see red channel

Show Channel menu, 144

color correction

cameras and, 310–312

Color Finesse, 156–159

color grading, 310

Curves basic adjustments, 150

Curves contrast adjustments, 148

Curves gamma adjustments, 148, 152–154

Curves linear gradients, 151

Curves vs. Levels, 149

DI (digital intermediate) for, 392

direction and perspective impacting, 170–171

under dramatic lighting, 165–168

fundamental technique, 159–161

gamma slamming and, 171–172

Hue/Saturation control, 155–156

Levels brightness adjustments, 141–142

Levels color matching, 142–144

Levels contrast adjustments, 138–141

Levels control and, 137

Levels histograms, 145–148

under ordinary lighting, 161–165

overview of, 136–137

review, 172

when there is no clear reference, 168–169

color depth information, in Project panel, 8

color differencing. see color keying

Color Finesse

color correction with, 156–159

color timing effects, 395–396

creating 3D LUT using, 383

color grading. see color correction

color keying

closing holes in core mattes, 202

color spills and, 203–204

edge selection, 202–203

Extract effect for luma keying, 177–179

fine tuning and problem solving, 197–199

greenscreen and bluescreen and, 182–183

holdout mattes, 199

Linear Color Key, 179–181

linear keyers and hi-con mattes, 177

overview of, 174

procedural mattes, 174–177, 199–201

rotoscoping and paint and, 210

shooting perfect mattes, 205–208

steps in applying keys, 183–191

color management, Output modules options, 36

Color management system, Adobe

bypassing, 381–382

disabling by default, 373

display management and output simulation, 376–379

input profiles and MediaCore, 376

monitor calibration and, 372–373

output profiles, 379–380

overview of, 372

Project Working Space and, 374–376

QuickTime and, 380–381

color matching. see also color correction

under dramatic lighting, 165–168

fundamental technique, 159–161

impacted by direction and perspective, 170–171

with Levels control, 142–144

under ordinary lighting, 161–165

when there is no clear reference, 168–169

color mode, blending modes, 102

Color Picker, Adobe, 360–361

color profiles

matching color output intent to target device, 374–376

output and, 379–380

color sampling, 340–341

Color Settings, in Project Settings dialog, 18–19, 359–361

color timing

defined, 160

effects, 395–396

colorimeter, for calibrating monitors, 373

Colorista plug-in. see Magic Bullet Colorista plug-in

column views, Timeline panel, 40–42

combining selections

overlap inverted layers, 95

overlap transparent density, 93–94

overview of, 92

comments field, tags in, 41–42

comp space, coordinate system and, 332

Compander effect, HDR, 367–368

compositing overview

advanced save options, 17

alpha channel settings, 20–21

assembling the shot, 37–38

backgrounds, 32–33

caching, 31

composition settings, 26

context-clicks and keyboard shortcuts, 13–14

effects plug-ins, 33–34

fields, 22

formula for, 82

frame rate settings, 21

importing and organizing source files, 11–13

interpreting footage, 19–20

moving, combining, and consolidating projects, 16–17

multipass compositing, 406–411

multiprocessing and, 29–30

optimizing output, 37

Output modules, 36–37

overview of, 4–5

pixel aspect ratio, 23–24

preview settings, 31

previewing and refining, 9–11

project settings, 18

PSD files, 25–26

pulldown options, 22–23

relinking to missing footage, 14–15

Render Settings, 34–35

resolution and quality, 26–27

responsiveness of UI, 28–29

setting up compositions, 8–9

source formats, 24–25

workspace setup, 5–7

composition area, in Render Settings, 34

composition markers, 42

Composition Mini-Flowchart, 57

Composition panel

drawing masks in, 88–89

Exposure control, 366–367

side by side layout of Composition and Layer views, 184–185

Toggle Mask and Shape Path Visibility button in, 33

Composition Settings (Ctrl+K/Cmd+K)

Motion Blur, 63, 247

Preserve Frame Rate, 117

Preserve Resolution When Nested Controls, 118

templates for, 26

composition viewers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N/Cmd+Opt+Shift+N), 112

Compound Blur, 423, 429, 450


lossless LZW, 24

optimizing output and, 37

video, 194

concatenation, 118

Confidence settings, motion tracking, 245–246

Constant setting, for paint duration, 232

contact shadows, 404–406

context-clicks (right-clicking)

accessing effects, 34

converting image layer to guide layer, 120

filling frames with selected layers, 58

on interface items, 13–14

locating compositions in Project panel, 113–114

continue loops, motion tracking, 262–263


adjusting with Curves, 148, 154

adjusting with Levels, 138–141, 162–163

for clarity when creating mattes, 175

color matching and, 160

particulate matter in air lowering, 415

convergence, cameras, 284–286


of color, 340–341, 355

of color to black and white, 393–394

daytime to night, 394–395

image layer to guide layer, 120

of one set of values to another, 336–338

of raw footage, 34

of YUV footage, 195–196

Convert Vertex tool, 221

Converter effect, Cineon, 352

coordinate system, layer space transforms and, 331–333

copy and paste

expressions, 317

keyframe data, 54–55

masks, 96–97

core mattes

creating multiple passes of, 188

double-matte method (core and edge) and, 193

refining, 189–190

spreading, 202

Corner Pin

mocha-AE for, 256, 259

options for deforming footage, 226

Red Giant Software, 261

types of tracks in Tracker panel, 242

CPUs. see processors

crash, auto-save options for, 130

CRW files, comparing source formats, 25

Curves control

basic adjustments, 150

contrast adjustments, 148

creating moody feeling for wet weather, 431

gamma adjustments, 148, 152–154

isolating and reducing highlights and shadows, 390

vs. Levels, 149

linear gradients, 151

Curves properties, in Color Finesse, 158

Custom setting, for paint duration, 232

cyclorama, 206


Darken mask, 94

DaVinci Resolve, 392

daytime, converting to night, 394–395

decrement operator (--), JavaScript, 325

deforming footage, 226–229

delta (difference), mattes and, 193

density, mask, 93


cues, 416

infinite depth in sky replacement, 420

maps, 416–418

particulate matter influencing depth perception, 414–415

depth of focus (field)

benefits of multipass rendering, 407

boke blur, 295–297

overview of, 273, 293–294

rack focus and image planes, 294–295

Despill setting, in matte creation, 186

DI (digital intermediate), color grading, 392

Dickinson, John, 143

difference masks, 92

difference mattes, 181

Difference mode, blending modes, 101

diffraction effect, 423

DigiEffects Freeform

for 3D displacement and warps, 283

for deforming footage, 227

digital cameras (DSLR)

dynamic range and, 355

shooting perfect mattes, 205–208

digital film, 355–357

digital images, limitations of, 348–349

digital intermediate (DI), color grading, 392

Digital Lighting & Rendering (Birn), 407

digital video (DV), pixel aspect ratio and, 24

dimensionality, adding to fire effects, 451–453

direct (hard) light, managing direction of light, 388–389


color matching impacted by, 170–171

of light, 388–389

neutralizing direction and hotspots, 390–391

Directional Blur, 66

Disk Cache preferences, 31

Displacement Map, 227

display screen. see monitors

Display Style, in project settings, 18–19


heat distortion effects, 445–448

lens distortion in cameras, 277–280

distortion tools

creating smoke cloud effect in, 425

Liquify and, 425–426

Mesh Warp and, 425

Dobbert, Tim, 266

dot notation, expression language using, 319

double-matte method (core and edge), 193

DPX files

comparing source formats, 25

for outputting film, 371

for storing film, 351–352

drafts, resolution and quality, 26

drag and drop

footage to Project panel, 11

panels, 7

DSLR (digital cameras)

dynamic range and, 355

shooting perfect mattes, 205–208

Duplink script (Almasol), 284


altering duration of source clip (Time Stretch), 67

information listed at top of Project panel, 8

painting and, 232–233

precomping and, 114

dust busting, paint and, 236

DV (digital video), pixel aspect ratio and, 24

The DV Rebel’s Guide: An All-Digital Approach to Making Killer Action Movies on the Cheap (Maschwitz), 303–304, 437


DVCPRO50, 194

Dynamic Link, allowing other Adobe apps to view Project panel, 126–127

dynamic range

bit depth and, 349

limitations in viewing bright and dark areas of image, 352–354

of source images, 348


ease(), interpolation method, 336

ease curves

for fixing animations, 49–50

keyframes and, 289

Easy Ease, 49–50

Ebberts, Dan, 114

Edge Color Correction

in Keylight, 190

spill suppression, 197


double-matte method (core and edge) and, 193

edge multiplication, 85–88

isolating when color keying, 175

optics of, 82–84

Roto Brush and, 215

selection for color keying, 202–203

Edit Original (Ctrl+E/Cmd+E), 14, 282


expressions, 317

keyframe values, 52–53


applying to composition without precomping, 118

generating transparency, 81

linking effect parameter to property, 318–320

plug-ins for, 33–34

tracking parent layer of effect, 333–334

triggering effect with audio, 343–346

Effects & Presets panel, 34

element reuse, 109

Elkins, David, 274

Enable Frame Blend, 67–68

Enable Time Remapping (Ctrl+Alt+T/Cmd+Opt+T), 68–69

encoding color space

Cineon log space, 355–357

comparing native video with linear, 362–363

linear color space, 359–361, 364–365

linear HDRI, 361–363

video gamma space, 358–359

Encore, 30

energy effects

hot look, 442–445

overview of, 441–442

environment. see climate/environment

Erodilation, from ObviousFX, 202

Excel, reformatting keyframe data in, 54

explosion effects

light and chunky explosions, 453–454

overview of, 453


cameras and, 273

fire effects and, 450

shot assembly and, 38

Exposure control, in Composition panel, 366–367

Expression Language menu, 316


applying 2D layer as decal on 3D layer, 334–335

arguments of, 253–254

color sampling and conversion, 340–341

common operations, 317

controls, 337

creating, 316–317

expression language, 318

fading while moving away from camera, 338

fading while turning away from camera, 341–343

interpolation methods, 336–338

jittery slow motion with, 328

layer space transforms, 331–333, 339

limitations of, 315

linking effect parameter to property, 318–320

looping keyframes, 322–323

markers, 324–325

overview of, 314–315

playing specific frames using markers, 326–327

random time with, 330–331

reducing layer saturation as it moves away from camera, 335–336

review, 346

time delay based on layer index, 320–322

time remapping with, 327

tracking parent layer of effect, 333–334

triggering animation at markers, 325–326

triggering effect with audio, 343–346

wiggle time effect with, 328–330

EXR files

32-bit-per-channel, 366

comparing source formats, 25

floating-point files, 367

multipass rendering and, 407

Extract effect, 177–179, 449

eyedropper tools, in Linear Color Key, 179–180



while moving away from camera, 338

while turning away from camera, 341–343

Fast Blur, 401, 431

feathered alpha, 82–83

feathering (F) masks, 224

field, depth of. see depth of focus (field)

Field of View (FOV)

lens distortion and, 278

linking FOV parameter to audio track amplitude, 318–320

fields, video frames interlaced into two fields, 22

file system, Project panel mirroring, 110


collecting or combining, 16

importing multiple, 5–6

removing unused footage, 17

Fill, Shape layers, 91


Cineon log space and, 355

digital, 355–357

formats, 276

storing, 351

Film Size, Camera Settings, 272

filters, virtual lens, 392–393

fire effects, 448–453

adding dimensionality to, 451–453

composites for, 449–450

creating fire elements, 448–449

light interactions and, 450–451

overview of, 448

firearms, 436–441

hits and squibs, 440–441

muzzle flash and smoke, 438–439

overview of, 436–437

setting scene for, 437–438

shells and interactive light, 439–440


cameras and, 273

causes of, 399

Lens Flare effect, 305–306

working with lighting effects, 399–400

Flash video (FLV), rendering to web or DVD, 126–127

flashing blacks, 417


file formats supported by After Effects, 367

numbers for representing dynamic range, 353–354

Flowchart view (Ctrl+F11/Cmd+F11), 57

FLV (Flash video), rendering to web or DVD, 126–127

Focal Length, Camera Settings, 272

focus, depth of. see depth of focus (field)


fog effect with Compound Blur, 450

masking and adjusting, 421–422

overview of, 420–421

folders, arranging project items into, 111


converting raw, 34

creating comp template, 111

deforming, 226–229

dragging to Project panel, 11

interpreting, 19–20

mismatched frame rate and, 66

relinking to missing, 14–15

removing unused, 17

Force Alphabetical Order check box, 13

foregrounds, lighting, 207


benefits of PSD files, 25–26

comparing source formats, 24–25

film formats, 276, 309–310

floating-point files, 367

Output modules options, 36

Foundry, Kronos tool from, 69

FOV (Field of View)

lens distortion and, 278

linking FOV parameter to audio track amplitude, 318–320

fps (frames per second). see frame rate

Fractal Noise, 420–423

Frame Blend feature, 67–68

Frame Mix mode

Frame Blend, 67–68

Timewarp compared with, 69

frame rate

changing, 66

information listed at top of Project panel, 8

nested time and, 116–117

precomping and, 114

Preserve Frame Rate, 117

pulldown options, 22–23

and realism in cameras, 308–309

settings, 21

shutter speed and, 62

FrameCycler, from Iridas, 12


combining field by interlacing, 22

Force Alphabetical Order check box, 13

markers used for playing specific frames, 326–327

methods for filling frames with selected layers, 58

selecting with Shift or Cmd keys, 12

frames per second (fps). see frame rate

Freeform, DigiEffects

for 3D displacement and warps, 283

options for deforming footage, 227

Frischluft, Lenscare tool, 297

fromCompToSurface(), 339

ft-Cubic Lens Distortion script (Tarlier), 307

Full Screen, preview option, 31



blending colors using 1.0 Gamma, 368–369

color matching techniques, 160

Curves control for correcting, 148

examples of gamma correction with Curves, 150–154

of QuickTime files, 380

slamming, 171–172

video color space and, 358–359

what it is, 142

Gamma control

brightness adjustment with, 141–142

Levels option, 137

gamut, of saturation options, 375–376

garbage mattes

choking, 202

creating, 199

multiple passes of, 188

procedural, 199–201

sky replacement and, 418–419

steps in applying keys, 183–184

Gaussian Blur, 401

glints, of reflected light, 400–401


benefits of multipass rendering, 407

Glow effect, 431

God Rays, 401–403

gradients. see also Ramp effect

backgrounds and, 32

black-to-white, 429

inverting highlights and shadows with counter-gradient, 390

linear gradients, 151

Ramp gradients, 391


managing, 299–303

overview of, 298–299

removing, 302–303

when to manage, 303

Graph Editor

basic animation and graph view, 48–49

bouncing ball animation example, 54

ease curves for fixing animations, 49–50

Hold keyframes, 53–54

layers vs. graphs, 55–56

overview of, 46–47

separating X, Y, and Z animation curves, 50–52

Show Properties menu, 47

smoothing effect viewed in, 254

transform box for editing keyframe values, 52–53

viewing ease curves, 289

green channel. see also RGB (red green, blue)

color matching under dramatic light, 166

color matching under ordinary light, 163–165

color matching when there is no reference, 170

individual channels used in color matching, 142–144

greenscreen. see also color keying

color keying and, 182–183

image quality and, 198

grids, displaying overlay grids, 32

Grow Bounds effect, as alternative to Collapse Transformations, 115–116

Guess options, for interpreting alpha channel settings, 20–21, 86–87

guide layers

creating comp template, 111

uses and benefits of, 120

gunfire. see firearms


H.264, 126–127

halo effects

cameras and, 273

light scattering and, 401

Hand tool (H), for moving view of clips, 27

hard (direct) light, managing direction of light, 388–389


color realism using linear HDRI, 361–363

Compander effect, 367–368

dynamic range of, 354–355

linear color space and HDR sources, 364–365

matching gamut of target devices, 375–376


color profiles and, 375

film formats, 309

heat, fire, and explosions

energy effects, 441–445

explosion effects, 453–454

fire effects, 448–453

firearm-related effects, 436–441

heat distortion effects, 445–448

overview of, 436

heat distortion effects

creating, 446–448

overview of, 445–446

Hide Layer Controls (Ctrl+Shift+H/Cmd+Shift+H), 33

hierarchy, revealing parent hierarchy, 61–62

high-contrast (hi-con) mattes

creating, 431

linear keyers and, 177


isolating and reducing, 390

muzzle flash effect, 439

three-way color correctors and, 395–396

histogram, Levels

adjusting blacks, 138

adjusting whites, 139

color channels and, 145–146

problem solving using, 147–148

histograms, Extract, 178–179

hits, bullet, 440–441

Hold keyframes (Ctrl+Alt+H/Cmd+Shift+H)

preset transitions, 54

Timeline panel and, 53

holdout masks, tracking, 260

holdout mattes

creating, 199

overview of, 191

hot look, energy effects, 442–445

hotspots, neutralizing, 390–391

hue, saturation, brightness (HSB)

blending mode, 102

Hue/Saturation control for adjusting, 155–156

hue, saturation, lightness (HSL), Color Finesse and, 158

hue saturation, lightness, and alpha (HSLA), converting RGBA to, 340–341

Hue/Saturation control

adjustments with, 155–156

creating wet look, 430

suppressing color spill with, 203



color conversion, 355

color profiles, 373

if statement, JavaScript, 324–325

image optimization. see color correction

image sequences

comparing with QuickTime movies, 22

importing, 11–12

Immigration script (Alvarez), 12


Import Multiple Files (Ctrl+Alt+I/Cmd+Opt+I), 5–6

Interpret Unlabeled Alpha during, 86–87

interpretation rules for importing into After Effects, 378

post-render options, 122

source files, 11–13

Increment and Save command, 17

index attribute

as marker, 324

time delay based on layer index, 320–322

indirect light, working with shadows, 404–406

Info panel, shot assembly and, 38

In/Out points, adjustment layers and, 118

Input Black

adjusting, 138–139, 146

color matching under dramatic light, 167

creating glow effects around fire, 451

Levels control and, 137

Input White

adjusting, 139, 146

color matching under dramatic light, 167

contrast and, 163

creating glow effects around fire, 451

Levels control and, 137

interactive light. see light interactions

interlacing, combining fields, 22

interpolation methods

converting one set of values to another, 336–338

ease() and, 336

Interpret Footage dialog

alpha channels settings, 20–21

field settings, 22

frame rate settings, 21

overview of, 19–20

PAR (pixel aspect ratio), 23–24

pulldown options, 22–23

interpretation rules, for importing files into After Effects, 378

Intersect masks, 92–93

Iridas FrameCycler, 12



arrays, 341

decrement operator (--), 325

dot notation, 319

expression language based on, 318

if statement, 324–325

loops and break statements, 345

Math.abs(), 329

Math.acos(), 343, 346

Math.exp(), 346

Math.floor(), 326

Math.log(), 330

variables, 321

jittery slow motion, time remapping creating, 328

JPG files

comparing source formats, 25

optimizing output and, 37


Key Tweak script (Möhl), 96, 223

keyboard shortcuts

for 2D layers, 46

for Bezier masks, 90–91

for bit depth, 350

for Brush tool, 232

for color channels, 144

compositing and, 13–14

for display resolution, 27

for expressions, 316

for filling frames with selected layers, 58

for frame selection, 12

for full screen view, 9

for importing content as individual files, 12

for keyframe navigation and selection, 58

for keyframe offsets, 59

for layer operations, 44–45

for layer selection, 56–57

for masks, 89

for opacity, 84

for Parent layer in Timeline, 61–62

saving as text files, 128–129

for selection tools, 46

for Shape layers, 91

for stopping looping of shots, 9

for time navigation in Timeline, 43

for timing, 45

for zooming in/out, 27

KeyEdUp script (Almasol), 129


animated masks, 96–97

basic animation, 48–49

copying and pasting, 54–55

ease curves for fixing animations, 49–50

eases and, 289

expressions used in place of, 315

frame rate and, 66

history of, 216

Hold keyframes, 53–54

looping, 322–323

navigation and selection shortcuts, 58

offsets, 59

precomping and, 114

rotoscoping and paint and, 210

transform box for editing keyframe values, 52–53

transition types, 54

translating Mask Path keyframes to new position, 223

working with backgrounds and, 33

keying. see color keying


Bias setting, 193

Clip White, Clip Black, and Clip Rollback controls, 193–194

matte choke, 196

noise suppression, 195–196

overview of, 191–192

Screen Balance setting, 192

Screen Gain setting, 192

sky replacement with, 418–419

spill suppression, 196–197

when to use, 182

Knoll Light Factory, from Red Giant Software, 400


Cineon file, 351–352

Cineon log encoding, 356–357

Kronos tool, from Foundry, 69


la nuit américaine, 394

language, expression, 318

layer markers, tips for dissecting tricky composition, 42

Layer menu

Guide Layer option, 120

Precompose (Ctrl+Shift+C/Cmd+Shift+C), 109

Layer panel

brush-based tools in, 232

drawing masks in, 88–89

keyframe offsets and, 59

revealing nested comp in, 114

side by side layout of Composition and Layer views, 184–185

sizing Roto Brush in, 212

layer space transforms

applying 2D layer as decal on 3D layer, 334–335

coordinate system and, 331–332

fading while moving away from camera, 338

fading while turning away from camera, 341–343

fromCompToSurface(), 339

interpolation methods and, 336–338

reducing layer saturation as it moves away from camera, 335–336

tracking parent layer of effect, 333–334

when to use, 333

Layer switches, on Timeline panel, 41

Layer Tagger script (Alvarez), 42


filling frames with selected, 58

vs. graphs, 55–56

keyboard shortcuts for, 44–45

keyboard shortcuts for layers selected in Timeline panel, 56–57

passing settings from parent to child, 61–62

time delay based on layer index attribute, 320–322

timing entrance/exit of, 43–44

tips for dissecting tricky composition, 41–42

layers, combining

alpha channels, 77–78

masks, 78–80

mattes, 77

overview of, 76

LDR, 366, 368

lens, camera

angle, 273

artifacts, 304–305

distortion, 273, 277–280

flare, 273, 305–306, 399–400

optics and looks, 303–304

settings, 269–271

virtual filters, 392–393

Lens Blur effect, 297

Lens Flare effect, 305–306, 400

Lenscare tool, Frischluft, 297

Levels control

adding depth cues, 416

brightness adjustments, 141–142

color matching under dramatic light, 167

contrast adjustments, 138–141

creating hi-con matte, 431

vs. Curves control, 149

histograms, 145–146

individual channels used in color matching, 142–144

isolating and reducing highlights and shadows, 390

overview of, 137

problem solving using histogram, 147–148

Reset Levels, 140

light explosions effects, 453–454

light interactions

fire effects and, 450–451

firearm effects and, 439–440

Light mode, blending modes, 101

light saber effect, 442–445

light wrap plug-in, from After Effects, 397–398

light wrapping

creating light wrap effect, 398

overview of, 397

Lighten mask, 94


backlighting and light wrapping, 397–398

black and white and, 393–394

color keying and, 197

color looks and, 392

color matching under dramatic light, 165–168

color matching under ordinary light, 161–165

color timing effects, 395–396

converting daytime to night, 394–395

flares, 399–400

interactive light, 439–440, 450–451

location and quality of, 389

multipass compositing and, 406–411

neutralizing direction and hotspots, 390–391

overview of, 388

reflected light, 400–401

scattering and volumetric effects, 401–403

shadows, 403–406

shooting perfect mattes on set, 207

source and direction of, 388–389

virtual lens filters, 392–393


HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), 102

HSLA (hue saturation, lightness, and alpha), 340–341

LightRays effect, from CC, 402–403

Linear Color Key

eyedropper tools in, 179–180

getting good results with, 180–181

vs. Roto Brush, 177

linear color space

HDR sources and, 364–365

overview of, 359–361

Linear Dodge (Photoshop), 100

linear gradients, illustrating Curves settings, 151

linear keyers

Extract, 177–179

hi-con mattes and, 177

Linear Color Key, 179–181

Linear keyframes, preset transitions, 54

Liquify effect

billowing smoke with, 425–426

deforming footage with, 227

Live Update, deactivating, 28

LME (Local Motion Estimation), 71

Load Project or Template at Startup script (Alvarez), 111

Local Motion Estimation (LME), 71

location, of lighting, 389

locking compositions, 112

locking/unlocking layers (Ctrl+L/Cmd+L), 42

log space, Cineon, 355

Look-Up Tables (LUTs), for color management, 382–384

loopOut()/loopIn, 322–323


JavaScript, 345

keyframes, 322–323

previewing, 31, 38

lossless LZW compression

optimizing output and, 37

TIFF and, 24

luma mattes

depth maps and, 416–417

sky replacement and, 418–419

track matte options, 104

Luma Range, in Color Finesse, 158

luminance (luma)

depth maps and, 416–417

Extract effect for luma keying, 177–179

Luma Range, in Color Finesse, 158

luma track matte options, 104

sky replacement and, 418–419

Luminescent Premultiply, 102–103

LUTs (Look-Up Tables), for color management, 382–384

LZW compression, lossless

optimizing output and, 37

TIFF and, 24


.ma files (Maya), importing with After Effects, 264–266

Mac computers, opening multiple versions of After Effects, 126

Magic Bullet Colorista plug-in, from Red Giant Software

color correction with, 310–311, 392

Lift/Gamma/Gain/Looks, 396

Looks, 306

three-way color corrector, 159

Make Movie (Ctrl+M/Cmd+M), for outputting movies, 10

marker attributes

overview of, 324–325

for playing specific frames, 326–327

triggering animation at, 325–326

markers, composition, 42

Maschwitz, Stu, 303–304, 437

Mask Expansion tool, 224

Mask Path keyframes

moving, copying, and pasting masks, 96

setting (Alt+M/Opt+M), 219

translating to new position, 223

Mask Path stopwatch, 223


Add mode for drawing, 92

animated masks, 96–97, 216–217

automated methods for creating, 79–80

Bezier masks, 90–91

creating by hand, 78

Darken and Lighten, 94

feathering (F), 224

mask shape tools, 88–90

mask tools (MM), 224

multiple, overlapping for complex shapes, 217–218

organizing multiple, 93

toggling colors, 128

tracking and translating, 223

working with backgrounds and, 33

master composition

organizing portions into subcomps, 122

restoring precomped layers to, 114

Match Grain tool, 299–300

matchmoving, 3D, 266

Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking (Dobbert), 266

Math.abs(), JavaScript, 329

Math.acos(), JavaScript, 343, 346

Math.exp(), JavaScript, 346

Math.floor(), JavaScript, 326

Math.log(), JavaScript, 330

Matte Choker, 201


alpha channels and transparency channels, 77–78, 186

applying to adjustment layers, 119

articulated mattes, 216

choking, 196, 201

combining selection techniques, 81

difference mattes, 181

double-matte method (core and edge), 193

filling holes in, 195, 202

garbage, core, and edge passes, 177

garbage mattes, 183–184

hi-con mattes, 177, 431

holdout mattes, 191, 199, 260

multiple passes of, 188

overview of, 77

procedural mattes, 174–177

refined, 222–223

sharing, 105

shooting perfect, 205–208

spill suppression, 196–197

track mattes, 104–106

Maya (.ma files), importing with After Effects, 264–266

Media Encoder

protected memory pool and, 30

for rendering, 126–127

MediaCore, interpreting color profiles, 376

memory management, 130–131

Mesh Warp

billowing smoke effect with, 425

deforming footage with, 226–227


in expression language, 320

interpolation methods, 336–338

Meyer, Trish, 5

midtones. see also gamma

adjusting, 141–142

color matching techniques, 160

three-way color correctors and, 395–396

Mini-Flowchart, 111–112

Minimax, for spreading mattes, 200, 202

missing, searching for footage, 15

mist. see also fog

moving through, 423

overview of, 420–421


challenges of tracking with, 259

continue loops, 262–263

Copy/Paste method for creating masks, 79

creating tracked mask with, 224–225

example of working with, 256–258

as planar tracker, 255–256

shape tracking with, 261

solutions to track slippage, 260–261

MochaImport script (Möhl), 256

Möhl, Matthias

Key Tweak script, 96, 223

MochaImport script, 256

Tracker2Mask script, 262

Mojo plug-in, from Red Giant Software, 396


calibrating, 372–373

color fidelity of, 371–372

dynamic range of, 352–354

management and output simulation, 376–379

preferred setup of, 10

video gamma space and, 358–359

motion blur

cameras and, 273

enhancing, 65–66

Higher Quality setting, 215

motion tracking and, 246–248

overview of, 62

settings, 63

Shutter Angle, 63–64

Shutter Phase, 64–65

motion paths, working with backgrounds and, 33

motion tracking

3D and, 263–266

AE camera as tracking tool, 248–250

choosing feature you want to track, 239–242

Confidence settings, 245–246

continue loops for, 262–263

faking 3D tracking, 250–251

motion blur and, 246–248

nulls and, 244–245

overview of, 238–239

planar trackers, 255–261

point trackers, 239

positioning, rotating, and scaling trackers, 243–244

rotoscoping and paint and, 210

smoothing camera movement, 251–254

tracker types, 242

tracking a scene, 248

tracking difficult features, 245

tracking in paint clone operation, 261–262


for point placement, 219

for zooming in/out, 27

MOV files. see QuickTime (.mov)

MPEG-2, 126–127

multipass rendering

benefits of, 407

rules for, 410–411

types of passes, 407, 409

typical layers in, 408

multiple compositions, managing from Timeline, 111–114

Multiple Sequences check box, 12

Multiply mode

blending modes, 100–101

creating fog, mist, or smoke effect, 420–421

multiprocessing, 29–30

muzzle flash, firearm effects, 438–439


naming conventions, for projects and rendered output, 37


keyframes, 58

in Timeline, 43

nested compositions

advanced composition settings, 117–118

managing multiple compositions, 111–114

mismatched frame rate and, 66

nested time and, 116–118

organizing using Project panel, 110–111

overview of, 108–109

precomping and, 109–110

precomping causing problems with render order, 114–116

time and dimensions and, 115

Timeline panel and, 68

nested time, frame rate and, 116–118

network rendering

overview of, 125

Watch Folder for, 126

New Adjustment Layer (Ctrl+Alt+Y/Cmd+Opt+Y), 118

New Composition icon, 26

night, converting daytime to, 394–395


suppression with Keylight, 195–196

using as grain, 302


color profiles and, 375

output simulation and, 377

Nuke, stereo compositing and, 283

nulls, motion tracking and, 244–245


ObviousFX Erodilation, 202

O’Connell, Pete, 417

Ocula tool, stereo compositing and, 283


keyframe offsets, 59

layers to fake 3D, 250

of a set of points, 219

spatial offsets, 59–60

on set

lighting, 389

shooting perfect mattes, 206


adjustment layers, 118–119

color filters and, 393

fading while moving away from camera, 337

fading while turning away from camera, 341–343

HSB and, 102

mask opacity property (TT), 92

optics and edges and, 84

overlapping layers and, 95

OpenGL, 28

Optical Flares, from, 400

optics, of camera lens, 303–304

optics and edges

bitmap alpha, 82

feathered alpha, 82–83

opacity and, 84

overview of, 82

Optics Compensation

mimicking lens distortion, 278–279

options for deforming footage, 227

optimizing images. see color correction

optimizing output, 37

optimizing projects

adjustment layers, 118–119

advanced composition settings, 117–118

.aepx files for XML scripts, 130

aerender application, 124–125

background rendering, 124

collapsing transformations, 115–116

controlling render pipeline, 121

frame rates and, 116–117

guide layers, 120

managing multiple comps from Timeline, 111–114

Media Encoder for rendering, 126–127

memory management, 130–131

network rendering, 125

overview of, 108–109

post-render options, 122

precomping, 109–110

preferences and project settings, 127–128

pre-rendering sub comps, 122

problems with precomping, 114–115

Project panel for organizing projects, 110–111

proxies and pre-renders, 122–124

review, 131

saving shortcuts and preferences as text files, 128–129

timing and dimensions and, 115

Watch Folder for network rendering, 126


of 32-bpc color, 370–371

display management and output simulation, 376–379

Make Movie (Ctrl+M/Cmd+M), 10

modules, 36–37

optimizing, 37

profiles, 379–380

Render Queue for, 34–35

Output Black

adjusting, 140, 146

contrast and, 163–164

Levels control and, 137

Output modules, 36–37

Output Movie dialog, 10

Output White

adjusting, 140, 146

Levels control and, 137

Overlap tool, Puppet, 229


inverted layers, 95

transparent density, 93–94

overlay grids, displaying, 32

Overlay mode, blending modes, 101


paint. see also rotoscoping

cloning and, 233–235

dust busting, 236

fundamentals of, 231–233

guidelines for, 210

overview of, 231

tracking in paint clone operation, 261–262

wire or rig removal, 235–236

Pan Behind tool (Y), repositioning anchor points, 60


Brush Tips panel, 232–233

Composition panel. see Composition panel

Layer panel. see Layer panel

Preferences panel, 29–30

Preview panel, 9–11

Project panel. see Project panel

Render Queue panel, 122

Timeline panel. see Timeline panel

Tools panel (Ctrl+1/Cmd+1), 6

Tracker panel. see Tracker panel

undocking from workspace, 7

panoramas, cameras and, 309–310

PAR (pixel aspect ratio)

changing, 36

information listed at top of Project panel, 8

overview of, 23–24

parameters, linking effect parameter to property, 318–320

parent/child hierarchy, in Timeline, 61–62

parenthesized comps, 116

particulate matter, weather and environmental conditions, 414–415. see also precipitation

paste. see copy and paste

Pen tool (G)

enabling, 218

using with rotobeziers, 221

perspective, color matching impacted by, 170–171

PF Track, from Pixel Farm, 263


3D models in, 281–283

as alternative to AfterEffects for painting, 236

cloud effect with, 424

files. see PSD files

Linear Dodge (Photoshop), 100

pivot points, for objects or layers, 59

Pixel Farm PF Track, 263

Pixel Motion mode

Frame Blend and, 67–68

Timewarp compared with, 69–70


dimensions, 8, 115

normalization of values, 97

pixel aspect ratio (PAR). see PAR (pixel aspect ratio)

planar tracking. see mocha-AE


clean plate, 137

composition settings, 26

history of term, 5


Camera Mapper plug-in, 293

Colorista. see Magic Bullet Colorista plug-in

for effects, 33–34

light wrap, 397–398

locating missing, 33

Mojo, 396

RE:Map, 407

Silhouette, 236

for transparency, 81

PNG files, 24–25

point of interest, camera animation and, 287

point tracker

choosing feature you want to track, 239–242

Confidence settings, 245–246

motion blur and, 246–248

nulls and, 244–245

overview of, 239

positioning, rotating, and scaling the tracker, 243–244

tracking difficult features, 245

types of tracks in Tracker panel, 242

pollution, influencing depth perception, 414–415

Position offset, repositioning anchor points, 60

positioning trackers, in motion tracking, 243–244

Posterize Time effect, 117

post-render options, 122


compositing, 432–433

creating, 431–432

overview of, 430

wet look, 430–431


collapsing transformations and, 115–116

nested comps and, 109

problems with render order and, 114–115

reasons for using, 109–110

Transform and, 121

Precompose (Ctrl+Shift+C/Cmd+Shift+C), 109

Pre-compose script (Almasol), 110

preCompToLayerDur.jsx script (Ebberts), 114


optimizing projects, 127–128

saving as text files, 128–129

Preferences panel, 29–30

Premiere Pro, protected memory pool and, 30


alpha channels and edge multiplication, 85–86

removing, 102–103


proxies and, 122–124

sub comps, 122

Preserve Frame Rate, advanced composition settings, 117

Preserve Resolution When Nested Controls, advanced composition settings, 118

Preserve Transparency mode, blending modes, 102

Preview panel, 9–11


compositions, 9–11

settings for, 31

primary animation, 427

Primatte Keyer, from Red Giant Software, 208

procedural mattes, 174–177, 199–201


multiprocessing and, 29

rule of thumb guideline for RAM requirements, 131

profiles. see color profiles

Project panel

allowing other Adobe apps to view, 126–127

dragging footage to, 11

information listed at top of, 8, 21

locating compositions in, 112–114

for organizing projects, 110–111

searching for footage, 15

Project Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K/Cmd+Opt+Shift+K), 18–19, 359–361

Project Working Space, 374–376


moving, combining, and consolidating, 16–17

optimizing. see optimizing projects

settings, 18

tools for making sense of unfamiliar, 57–58

visual map of, 57

Propagation settings, in Roto Brush, 215


linking effect parameter to, 318–320

precomping and, 114

render order of layer properties, 121


post-rendering and, 122

pre-rendering and, 122–124

PSD files

benefits of, 25–26

saving 3D models as, 281

pt_AEtoC4D script (Tuersley), 264

pt_EffectSearch (Tuersley), 33

pulldown options, 22–23

pulling mattes. see color keying

Puppet tools

adding motion to solid bodies, 427

deforming footage, 227

Overlap tool, 229

Pin tool, 227–228

Starch tool, 230

Purview script, 214


cameras and, 273, 288–290

creating with 3D camera, 418–419

pyrotechnics. see heat, fire, and explosions



of light, 389

resolution and, 26–27

QuickTime (.mov)

color management issues, 380–381

color profiles not accepted by, 376

comparing with image sequences, 22

importing footage and, 11–12

optimizing output, 37

overriding frame rate, 21

working with, 38


rack focus

blur effects, 293

image planes and, 294–295

Radial Blur, 66

rain. see precipitation


guideline for RAM requirements, 131

multiprocessing and, 29

RAM preview

caching and, 31

customizing, 31–32

previewing compositions, 9

Roto Brush spans, 214

Ramp effect

creating sense of depth with, 416

dealing with hotspots, 390–391

Levels applied to, 138

random time, time remapping and, 330–331

raster images, 83

raw footage

converting, 34

types of tracks in Tracker panel, 242

rd:Pre-compose script (Almasol), 110

Reconstruction brush, 426

RED camera, 206, 351

red channel. see also RGB (red green, blue)

color matching under dramatic light, 167

color matching under ordinary light, 164–165

color matching when there is no reference, 170

individual channels used in color matching, 142–144

Red Giant Software

color correction solutions, 392

Corner Pin effect, 261

Knoll Light Factory, 400

Magic Bullet Colorista plug-in. see Magic Bullet Colorista plug-in

Mojo plug-in, 396

Primatte Keyer, 208

Shadow effect in Warp, 405

three-way color correctors, 159

Reduce Project command, 16–17

Refine Matte effect, 213–216

refined compositing, 9–11

refined mattes

mask feather and motion blur, 224

overview of, 222–223

Refine Matte effect, 224–226

tracking and translating masks, 223

reflected light

contact lighting and, 405

multipass rendering and, 407

working with, 400–401

Region of Interest (ROI), resolution and quality and, 27–28

Reload Footage (Ctrl+E/Cmd+E), 14

RE:Map plug-in, from RE:Vision Effects, 407

Remove Color Matting effect, 87–88

Remove Grain tool, 302–303

Remove Unused Footage command, 17

Render, Email, Save, and Shutdown script (Alvarez), 126

render pipeline

Adobe Media Encoder, 126–127

aerender application, 124–125

faster compositing and, 122

network rendering, 125

overview of, 121

post-render options, 122

proxies and pre-renders, 122–124

Watch Folder for network rendering, 126

render queue

optimizing output, 37

Output modules, 36–37

overview of, 34

precomping and, 109

Render Settings, 34–35

rendering composition as work in progress, 10

Render Queue panel, 122

Replace Footage (Ctrl+H/Cmd+H), 14

Reset Levels, Levels control, 140

Reshape option, for deforming footage, 227


keyboard shortcuts for, 27

Preserve Resolution When Nested Controls, 118

quality and, 26–27

responsiveness, of UI

fixes to increase, 28–29

multiprocessing and, 29–30

Reverse Lens Distortion, 278

ReverseMaskPath script (Bordenave), 97

RE:Vision Effects, RE:Map plug-in from, 407

RGB (red green, blue)

8-bpc representation of, 353

color channels in Levels control, 137

color fidelity and 8-bpc RGB values, 371–372

Color Finesse and, 158

color matching under dramatic light, 167

color matching under ordinary light, 163–165

color matching when there is no reference, 170

histogram, 146

Hue/Saturation control and, 155

luma mattes and, 179

Screen Balance setting in Keylight, 192

RGBA (red, blue, green, alpha), 340–341

rgbToHsl(), 341

rig removal, in paint, 235–236

right-clicking. see context-clicks (right-clicking)

rock-and-roll previews, 38

ROI (Region of Interest), resolution and quality and, 27–28

Rosco colors, 192

Rotation property, creating time delay based on layer index, 321–322

Roto Brush

automated method for creating masks, 79

depth map with, 417

vs. Linear Color Key, 177

overview of, 211

in rotoscoping suite, 210

strengths/weaknesses of, 214–216

working with, 211–214

rotobeziers, 221–222


alternatives for, 236

animating masks with motion blur, 224

articulated mattes, 216

deforming footage, 226–229

feathering masks, 224

generating masks manually, 78

holding cache intact during, 216–217

organic shapes, 217–221

overview of, 210–211

procedural mattes as alternative to, 174

Puppet tools, 229–230

Refine Matte effect, 224–225

refined mattes, 222–223

Roto Brush, 211–214

rotobeziers, 221–222

strengths/weaknesses of Roto Brush, 214–216

tracking and translating masks, 223

Roving keyframes, 55

RPF files

limited support in After Effects, 407

rendering/storing depth data in, 417

rulers, displaying, 32


sampleImage(), 339–341


gamut of, 375–376

HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), 102

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), 158

HSLA (hue saturation, lightness, and alpha), 340–341

Hue/Saturation control, 155–156, 203, 430

reducing layer saturation as it moves away from camera, 335–336

saving, auto-save options for crashes, 130

scattering light, 401–403

Screen Balance setting

creating mattes and, 186

in Keylight, 192

Screen blending mode, for brightening light areas of layer, 99–100

Screen Colour setting, in Keylight, 186

Screen Gain setting

creating mattes and, 186

in Keylight, 192

screen mattes, generating in Keylight, 191

Screen Pre-blur setting, in Keylight, 186

Screen Softness setting, in Keylight, 195


.aepx files for XML scripts, 130

Arrange Projects into Folders (Alvarez), 111

Batch Search-n-Replace Paths (Alvarez), 130

BG Render (Alvarez), 125

Camera-ProjectionSetup (Almasol), 292

Duplink (Almasol), 284

ft-Cubic Lens Distortion (Tarlier), 307

Immigration (Alvarez), 12

Key Tweak (Möhl), 96, 223

KeyEdUp (Almasol), 129

Layer Tagger (Alvarez), 42

Load Project or Template at Startup (Alvarez), 111

MochaImport (Möhl), 256

preCompToLayerDur.jsx (Ebberts), 114

preference settings for allowing/disallowing, 128

pt_AEtoC4D (Tuersley), 264

pt_EffectSearch (Tuersley), 33

Purview, 214

Render, Email, Save, and Shutdown (Alvarez), 126

ReverseMaskPath (Bordenave), 97

Tracker2Mask (Möhl), 262

TrackerViz (Bordenave), 246

Trajectory (Cardeiro), 306

S-curve adjustment, of gamma, 154


color profiles and, 375

output simulation and, 377

search (Ctrl+F/Cmd+F), 15

secondary animation, 427

segmentation boundary, in Roto Brush, 212–214

Selection tool (V), 46, 222


Add and Screen modes, 99–100

alpha channels, 77–78

alpha channels and edge multiplication, 85–88

animated masks, 96–97

Bezier masks, 90–91

bitmap alpha, 82

blending modes, 80, 97–98

combining, 92–95

combining techniques for, 81

Difference mode, 101

effects, 81

feathered alpha, 82–83

HSB and color modes, 102

keyboard shortcuts for, 46

keyframes, 58

Luminescent Premultiply mode, 102–103

mask modes, 88–90

masks, 78–80

mattes, 77

Multiply mode, 100–101

opacity, 84

optics and edges, 82

Overlay and Light modes, 101

overview of, 76

Shape layers, 91–92

Stencil, Silhouette, and Preserve Transparency modes, 102

track mattes, 104–106

transparency, 85

using right tool in, 106

sequences, selecting frames from multiple sequences, 12

Set First Vertex command, 97


lighting for, 389

shooting perfect mattes, 206

Shadow effect, in Red Giant Warp, 405


adjusting with Levels, 163

color keying and, 199

contact shadows and indirect light, 404–406

isolating and reducing, 390

lighting and, 207

three-way color correctors and, 395–396

working with lighting effects, 403–404

Shadows & Highlights, 137

Shape layers, 91–92


guidelines for rotoscoping organic, 217–221

rotobeziers, 221–222

tracking with mocha-AE, 261

Shatter effect, explosion effects, 454

shells, firearm effects, 439–440

shortcuts. see keyboard shortcuts

shots, assembling, 37–38

Show Channel menu, 144

Show Grid (Ctrl+“/Cmd+”), 32

Show Properties menu, 47

Show Rulers (Ctrl+R/Cmd+R), 32

shutter angle

cameras and, 273

motion blur, 63–64

Shutter Phase, motion blur, 64–65

shutter speed, moving picture cameras, 62

shy layers, tips for dissecting tricky composition, 42

side by side layout, of Composition and Layer views, 184–185

Silhouette mode, blending modes, 102

Silhouette plug-in, rotoscoping and generating mattes with, 236

Simple Choker, for spreading mattes, 200

Simple Wire Removal tool, from CC, 236

Single Frame duration, in paint, 232

size settings, Output modules, 36

sizing Roto Brush, by Ctrl/Cmd-dragging, 212

Skip Existing Files option, in Render Settings, 35

sky replacement

bluescreen and, 418–419

infinite depth and, 420

overview of, 418

slamming gamma, 171–172

slow motion effect, 328


billowing smoke, 423–426

creating smoke trails, plumes, 428–429

firearm effects, 438–439

masking and adjusting, 421–422

overview of, 420–421

Smooth and Reduce Chatter settings, in Roto Brush, 215


movement of camera, 251–254

Vector Detail compared with, 71–72

SMPTE-C, 377

soft (diffuse) light, managing direction of light, 388–389

solo layers, tips for dissecting tricky composition, 41–42

source, of light, 388–389

source files

altering duration of source clip (Time Stretch), 67

benefits of PSD files, 25–26

collecting and cleaning up, 16

creating comp template, 111

formats, 24–25

importing and organizing, 11–13

relinking to missing footage, 14–15

spatial offsets, 59–60

spill suppression

with Keylight, 196–197

not allowing Keylight to do, 188

Spill Suppressor effect, 190

squibs, firearm effects, 440–441


color management and, 360

color profiles and, 375

input and, 376

Stabilize Motion, using AE camera as tracking tool, 249

Stabilize tracks, in Tracker panel, 242

Stamp tool, paint and, 231

Standard workspace, 7

Starch tool, Puppet, 230

steam effect, with Compound Blur, 450

Stencil mode, blending modes, 102

stereo output, from cameras, 283–284


Mode setting for, 232

Shape layers and, 91

subcompositions, organizing portions of master comp into, 122

subpixel motion, Motion Tracker Options, 247

Subtract masks, 92

Synthetic Aperture, Color Finesse, 157

SynthEyes, from Anderson Technologies, 263, 266


tags, in comments field, 41–42

Tarlier, François, 307

Telecine process, 351


for composition settings, 26

creating comp template, 111

text notes, on guide layers, 120

textures, limitations of 3D models in AE, 282

TGA files, 24–25

three-way color correctors, 157, 395. see also Color Finesse

TIFF files

comparing source formats, 24–25

optimizing output and, 37

time attribute, as marker, 324

time delay, based on layer index, 320–322

time navigation, in Timeline, 43

Time Remap feature

enabling, 68–69

nested compositions and, 68

time remapping, with expressions

jittery slow motion, 328

playing specific frames using markers, 326–327

random time, 330–331

wiggle time effect, 328–330

time sampling area, in Render Settings, 35

Time Stretch (Ctrl+Alt+R/Cmd+Opt+R)

altering duration of source clip, 67

nested compositions and, 68

overview of, 41

TimeBlend, from CC, 283

Timeline panel

absolute time, 66–67

anchor points, 60

basic animation, 48–49

bouncing ball animation example, 54

column views, 40–42

copying and pasting animations, 54–55

ease curves for fixing animations, 49–50

Frame Blend feature, 67–68

Graph Editor, 46–47

Hold keyframes, 53

keyboard shortcuts for layer selection, 56–57

keyframe navigation and selection, 58

keyframe offsets, 59

layers vs. graphs, 55–56

managing multiple comps from, 111–114

Mini-Flowchart in, 111–112

motion blur and, 62–66

navigation and shortcuts, 43–45

nesting compositions, 68

overview of, 40

parent hierarchy revealed in, 61–62

review, 74

separating X, Y, and Z animation curves, 50–52

Show Properties menu, 47

spatial offsets, 59–60

Time Remap feature, 68–69

Time Stretch feature, 67

Timewarp feature, 69–73

timing and retiming, 66

tools for making sense of unfamiliar projects, 57–58

Transform and, 46

transform box for editing keyframe values, 52–53

timeToFrames(), 327

Timewarp feature

3D animation and, 283

adding motion blur effects to footage, 66

overview of, 69–73


compositing and, 115

keyboard shortcuts for, 45

precomping and, 114

and retiming, 66

title/action safe overlays, 32

Toggle Mask and Shape Path Visibility button, in Composition panel, 33

Tools panel (Ctrl+1/Cmd+1), 6

track mattes

compared with alpha channels, 104

render order of, 121

selections in, 104–106

Tracker panel

positioning, rotating, and scaling the tracker, 243

tracking features with, 240–242

types of tracks in Tracker panel, 242

Tracker2Mask script (Möhl), 262

TrackerViz script (Bordenave), 246


masks, 223

motion tracking. see motion tracking

parent layer of effect, 333–334

planar tracking. see mocha-AE

point tracking. see point tracker

Trajectory script (Cardeiro), 306

transfer controls, on Timeline panel, 41


controls and shortcuts, 46

editing keyframe values, 52–53

methods for filling frames with selected layers, 60

passing settings from parent to child, 61–62

precomping and, 121

Transform Box, for offsetting, scaling, or rotating a set of point, 219

Transform tracks, in Tracker panel, 242

transition types, keyframes, 54


alpha channels and edge multiplication, 85–88

effects and plug-ins generating, 81

selections, 85

Transparency Grid icon, 32

transparency channels, 77–78

transparent density, overlapping in masks or mattes, 93

Trapcode Lux, 403

Trapcode Particular, 430–432


animation at markers, 325–326

effect with audio, 343–346

True Comp Duplicator script (Chapman), 115

Truffaut, Francois, 395

Tuersley, Paul

pt_AEtoC4D script, 264

pt_EffectSearch script, 33

Turbulent Displace, 227, 429

Turbulent Noise, 420–423, 439

Twixtor, 73


UI (user interface), responsiveness of, 28–29

Undo, preferences for levels of, 128

Unified Camera tool (C), 287

unused, searching for footage, 15

updating views, 28

Use Alternate Color Estimation option, using with Roto Brush, 215

used, searching for footage, 15

user interface (UI), responsiveness of, 28–29


valueAtTime(), 343

variables, JavaScript, 321

Vector Detail, 71–72

vector shapes, masks as, 88

vector-based brushes, in AfterEffects, 231

vertices, Set First Vertex command, 97


compression, 194

formats, 126

video color space

compensating for, 361–363

gamma values, 358–359

video preview, 31, Optical Flares from, 400

View menu

Anchor Point Path in, 60–61

Final Result and Intermediate Result options, 187

View Options (Ctrl+Alt+U/Cmd+Opt+U), 33

Viewing LUTs, 384

vignettes, cameras, 306–307

virtual lens filters, 392–393

visibility, of layers, 41

visual effects, realism and, 268

volumetric light, 401–403


Warp, from Red Giant Software, 405

Watch Folder, for network rendering, 126

weather conditions. see climate/environment

wet look, creating, 430


Black & White effect, 394

black-to-white gradients, 429

Clip White control, 187, 193–194

converting color to black and white, 393–394

Input White. see Input White

Output White and. see Output White

widescreen film format, 309

wiggle time effect, 328–330

wind and ambient motion effects

adding elements and animation, 427–428

creating smoke trails, plumes, 428–429

overview of, 426–427

Windows computers, opening multiple versions of After Effects, 126

wire removal, in paint, 235–236


customizing, 11

setting up for compositing, 5–7

world space, coordinate system and, 332

Write On duration, in paint, 232


X curves, separating animation curves, 50–52

XML scripts, .aepx files for, 130

XMP metadata, 37


Y curves, separating animation curves, 50–52

YCbCr, Color Finesse and, 158


converting footage to/from, 195–196

digital devices using, 194


Z curves, separating animation curves, 50–52

Z space, offsetting layers to fake 3D, 250


camera settings, 272

cameras and, 273, 288–290

creating zoom shot with 3D camera, 418–419

options, 27

Zoom tool (Z), 27


for fine point placement, 219

shot assembly and, 38

Zorro-The Layer Tagger (Alvarez), 42

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