Chapter 3
Further Thinning-based Models for Count Time Series

After having introduced important tasks and approaches for analyzing count time series, we shall now return to the question of how to model the underlying process. The main characteristic of the INAR(1) model in Section 2.2 is the use of the binomial thinning operator as a substitute for the multiplication, to be able to transfer the AR(1) recursion to the count data case. In Section 3.1, we shall see that this approach can also be used to define higher-order ARMA-like models. Furthermore, different types of thinning operation have been developed for such models; see Section 3.2. Finally, various thinning-based models to deal with count time series with a finite range (Section 3.3) and multivariate count time series (Section 3.4) are also available in the literature.

3.1 Higher-order INARMA Models

The INAR(1) model, as introduced in Section 2.2, was developed as an integer-valued counterpart to the conventional AR(1) model, mainly by replacing the multiplication in the AR(1) recursion with the binomial thinning operator. This idea is not limited to the first-order autoregressive case, but can also be used to mimic higher-order ARMA models; see Appendix B. The resulting models are then referred to as INARMA models.

While both the INAR(1) and the INMA(1) recursion involve only one thinning operation, the higher-order models need more than one thinning operation at a time. As an example, the counterpart to the full MA(q) model, the INMA(q) model, is defined by a recursion of the form

where the c03-math-017 thinnings at time c03-math-018 are performed independently of each other (in Example 3.1.1, we set c03-math-019). Here, a time index c03-math-020 has been added below the operator “c03-math-021” to emphasize the fact that these are the thinnings being executed at time c03-math-022. Now focussing on one particular innovation, say c03-math-023, it becomes clear that this innovation is altogether involved in c03-math-024 thinnings, namely c03-math-025. Since the thinning operations are probabilistic (in contrast to the multiplication used for an MA(q) model), the joint distribution of these thinnings has to be considered – that is, the conditional distribution of c03-math-026 given c03-math-027 – thereby leading to different types of models of the same model order q.

Until now, a total of four different INMA(q) models have been proposed in the literature, each having slightly different interpretations and probabilistic properties; see Al-Osh & Alzaid (1988), McKenzie (1988), Brännäs & Hall (2001) and Weiß (2008b). To be more precise, the marginal properties are already fixed by definition (3.2), namely:

where c03-math-029. The joint distributions, however, differ between the different types of INMA(q) processes, as we shall see below. But first, let us look at an example: as for the INAR(1) model (Section 2.2.2), the Poisson distribution plays an important role.

To be able to define different types of INMA(q) models, we follow the approach in Weiß (2008b) and look at the individual counting series. Let c03-math-033 be the counting series of the thinning applied to c03-math-034 at time c03-math-035 for a c03-math-036, with c03-math-037. These c03-math-038 might be interpreted as indicators for the c03-math-039 individuals being introduced to the considered system at time c03-math-040 (“generation c03-math-041”). If c03-math-042, then the c03-math-043th individual of generation c03-math-044 is active at time c03-math-045, where each individual has “lifetime” q.

In view of the general definition (3.2), the c03-math-046-dimensional vectors c03-math-047 (each corresponding to one specific individual) have to be i.i.d., but their components might be dependent, thus restricting the activation of an individual during its lifetime. The independence model by McKenzie (1988), for instance, assumes the components of c03-math-048 to be mutually independent (so there are no further restrictions concerning the activation of an individual), while the sale model by Brännäs & Hall (2001) requires c03-math-049 and defines the vector c03-math-050 to be multinomially distributed according to c03-math-051 see Example A.3.3. So the sale model assumes that each individual becomes active at most once during its lifetime; an example would be if the “individuals” are perishable goods being produced at day c03-math-052, and they become “active” when they are sold during their shelf-life. Weiß (2008b) analyzed the serial dependence structure of all these INMA(q) models; among other things, he showed that

So the autocovariance function for different INMA(q) models differs according to the last term. For example, for the independence model by McKenzie (1988), we have c03-math-054, while c03-math-055 for the sale model because it is impossible that an individual becomes active twice.

Two types of INAR(p) models have been proposed by Alzaid & Al-Osh (1990) and Du & Li (1991), both being based on the recursion

where c03-math-060 is assumed. Obviously, the conditional distribution of c03-math-061 given c03-math-062 now has to be specified. Du & Li (1991) assume conditional independence (by analogy to the INMA(q) independence model), while Alzaid & Al-Osh (1990) assume a conditional multinomial distribution (by analogy to the INMA(q) sale model):


see Example A.3.3. Further specialized INAR(p) models can be defined by refining Equation 3.5 by analogy to the INMA(q) case; that is, by considering the counting series c03-math-063 of the thinning applied to c03-math-064 (“generation c03-math-065”) at time c03-math-066 and by specifying the distribution of c03-math-067.

Let us now look at properties of INAR(p) models. The stationary marginal mean is always given by c03-math-074. For the DL-INAR(p) model, the variance satisfies

see Silva & Oliveira (2005) for higher-order joint moments. The ACF is obtained from the conventional AR(p) Yule–Walker equations (see (B.13)); that is,

as shown by Du & Li (1991). For the AA-INAR(p) model, in contrast, Alzaid & Al-Osh (1990) derived an ARMAc03-math-077-like autocorrelation structure, which seems to be the main reason why the DL-INAR(p) model is usually preferred in practice. But there are also reasons why the AA-INAR(p) model is attractive: if having Poisson innovations, its observations are also Poisson distributed and the whole process is time-reversible (Alzaid & Al-Osh, 1990; Schweer, 2015), which is analogous to the Gaussian AR(p) case. The DL-INAR(p) process, in contrast, is time-reversible only in trivial cases (Schweer, 2015), and equidispersed innovations generally do not imply equidispersed observations (Weiß, 2013a). Note that for c03-math-078, (3.6) simplifies to


The conditional mean and variance of the DL-INAR(p) process are given by

3.8 equation

The transition probabilities of the DL-INAR(p) process, which is Markovian of order c03-math-080, can be computed by utilizing the fact that the conditional distribution is a convolution between p binomial distributions and the innovations' distribution (Drost et al., 2009); see (3.12) below for illustration. Mixing and weak dependence properties for the DL-INAR(p) process are discussed by Doukhan et al. (2012 2013) and a frequency-domain analysis is considered by Silva & Oliveira (2005).

In a nutshell, while the INAR(1) model, with its intuitive interpretation and its simple stochastic properties, is very attractive for applications, higher-order extensions are not straightforward. Therefore, in Chapter 4, we discuss an alternative concept for ARMA-like count process models.

To illustrate the potential of some of the extensions mentioned in Remark 3.1.7, let us look at simulated sample paths. The first two parts of Figure 3.4 show paths of non-stationary Poisson INAR(1) processes, where the thinning parameter c03-math-140 is kept constant in time, but the innovations' mean varies according to c03-math-141, with c03-math-142 representing the covariate information at time c03-math-143 (Freeland & McCabe, 2004a). Such trend and seasonality are often observed in practice; corresponding real-data examples are presented in Examples 5.1.6 and 5.1.7. Figure 3.4c shows a sample path with a piecewise pattern, which was generated by a simple SET extension of the Poisson INAR(1) model with one threshold and delay 1; see Monteiro et al. (2012) for further background.

Illustartion of Simulated Poisson.

Figure 3.4 Simulated Poisson INAR(1) process (c03-math-144) with innovations c03-math-145 (a) having trend c03-math-146 with c03-math-147, c03-math-148; (b) having seasonality c03-math-149 with c03-math-150, c03-math-151; (c) having SET mechanism c03-math-152 if c03-math-153 and c03-math-154 otherwise.

3.2 Alternative Thinning Concepts

The idea behind a thinning operation (and the related time series models) can be modified in diverse ways; see the surveys by Weiß (2008a) and Scotto et al. (2015). Such modified thinning concepts allow for different stochastic properties and alternative interpretation schemes. We shall pick out two of these alternative thinning concepts here, but many further approaches are described in Weiß (2008a) and Scotto et al. (2015).

In view of the BPIs according to Remark, the generalized thinning operation, as proposed by Latour (1998), appears reasonable:

where the random variables c03-math-156 (counting series) are allowed to have the full range c03-math-157 instead of only c03-math-158. Here, the c03-math-159 are required to have mean c03-math-160 and variance c03-math-161. Since now the c03-math-162 may become larger than 1, the interpretation (2.4) as “survival indicators” is no longer appropriate, but they can be understood as describing a reproduction mechanism: as in Remark, c03-math-163 might be the number of children being generated by the c03-math-164th individual of the population behind c03-math-165.

Using their generalized thinning operation (which includes binomial thinning as a special case), Latour (1998) extended the INAR(p) model (3.5) by Du & Li (1991) to the GINAR(p) model, which is defined as

where again c03-math-167 is assumed. In (3.15), a time index for the thinning operations is omitted for the sake of readability, but it is understood that all thinnings are performed independently, as in the model by Du & Li (1991).

Although (3.15) has been generalized with respect to (3.5), c03-math-168 as well as the Yule–Walker equations (3.7) still hold, while formula (3.6) for the variance has to be modified (Latour, 1998):

3.16 equation

Setting c03-math-170, we would obtain (3.6) again.

A particular instance of generalized thinning, which has received considerable interest in the literature, is the negative binomial thinning operatorc03-math-171” of Ristić et al. (2009), for which the c03-math-172 are geometrically distributed with parameter c03-math-173 (hence c03-math-174; see Example A.1.5). Therefore, c03-math-175 is conditionally c03-math-176-distributed due to the additivity of the NB distribution (Example A.1.4). Ristić et al. (2009) use this operation to construct a first-order process having a geometric marginal distribution, and refer to it as the new geometric INAR(1) process, abbreviated as NGINAR(1). Also the Poisson INARCH models, discussed later in Section 4.1, might be understood as particular GINAR models using Poisson thinning (Rydberg & Shephard, 2000; Weiß, 2015a).

Another family of thinning operations assumes the counting series to be Bernoulli distributed, but now the thinning probability c03-math-177 is allowed to be random itself. The resulting thinning operation is then called random coefficient (RC) thinning, and it has been applied in the context of count time series modeling by a number of authors, including Joe (1996) and Zheng et al. (2007). As a specific instance (Joe, 1996), we consider the case where c03-math-178 follows the c03-math-179 distribution with c03-math-180; that is, where c03-math-181 and c03-math-182. Then the conditional distribution of c03-math-183 given c03-math-184 is a beta-binomial distribution (see Example A.2.2), and the thinning operation is referred to as beta-binomial thinning accordingly.

A counterpart to the INAR(1) model from Definition using a general random coefficient thinning operation “c03-math-185” (that is, where the distribution of c03-math-186 on c03-math-187 is only required to have mean c03-math-188 and a certain variance c03-math-189, but is not further specified) was investigated by Zheng et al. (2007). Their RCINAR(1) model is defined by

3.17 equation

While the (conditional) mean and ACF remain as in the INAR(1) case (Section 2.2.1), the effect of the additional uncertainty manifests itself in the (conditional) variance (Zheng et al., 2007):

3.18 equation

Note that c03-math-192 is a quadratic function of c03-math-193, and the observations are overdispersed even if the innovations are equidispersed.

Joe (1996) and Sutradhar (2008) considered that instance of the RCINAR(1) model where beta-binomial thinning “c03-math-194” is used. If c03-math-195 and if c03-math-196, then the stationary marginal distribution of

omitting the time index at the thinning operation, is c03-math-198. So innovations and observations are from the same family of distributions, c03-math-199, and have a unique index of dispersion, c03-math-200, both being completely analogous to the case of a Poisson INAR(1) model (Section 2.2.2).

Zheng et al. (2006) extended the RCINAR(1) model to the pth-order RCINAR(p) model, analogous to the INAR(p) model of Du & Li (1991); that is, with thinnings being performed independently (Section 3.1).

3.3 The Binomial AR Model

In many applications, it is known that the observed count data cannot become arbitrarily large; their range has a natural upper bound c03-math-239 that can never be exceeded. The models discussed up to now – the INAR(1) model from Definition and all its extensions – can only be applied to count processes having an infinite range c03-math-240. As an example, if we want to guarantee that c03-math-241 does not become larger than c03-math-242, then the range of c03-math-243 at time c03-math-244 would have to be restricted to c03-math-245, which would contradict the innovations' i.i.d. assumption. So different solutions are required for “finite-valued” counts.

One such solution for time series of counts supported on c03-math-246, with a fixed upper limit c03-math-247, is the binomial AR(1) model, which was proposed by McKenzie (1985) together with the INAR(1) model. It replaces the INAR(1)'s innovation term by an additional thinning, c03-math-248, such that this term cannot become larger than c03-math-249.

The condition on c03-math-258 guarantees that the derived parameters c03-math-259 satisfy c03-math-260; that is, these parameters can indeed serve as thinning probabilities.

The binomial AR(1) model of Definition 3.3.1 is easy to interpret (Weiß, 2009a). Suppose that we have a system of c03-math-261 mutually independent units, each being either in state “1” or state “0”. Let c03-math-262 be the number of units being in state “1” at time c03-math-263. Then c03-math-264 is the number of units still being in state “1” at time c03-math-265, with individual transition probability c03-math-266 (“survival probability”). c03-math-267 is the number of units, which moved from state “0” to state “1” at time c03-math-268, with individual transition probability c03-math-269 (“revival probability”).

It is known that c03-math-270 is a stationary, ergodic and c03-math-271-mixing finite Markov chain (also see Appendix B.2.2). Its marginal distribution is c03-math-272, and the (truly positive) 1-step-ahead transition probabilities are given by

see McKenzie (1985) and Weiß (2009a). Conditional mean and variance are both linear in c03-math-274, and given by

Closed-form expressions for the corresponding c03-math-276-step-ahead regression properties are obtained by replacing c03-math-277 by c03-math-278 (Weiß & Pollett, 2012). Also note that the eigenvalues of the transition matrix c03-math-279 according to (3.21) are just given by c03-math-280 (Weiß, 2009a). So the speed of convergence of c03-math-281 is determined by the value of c03-math-282 according to the Perron–Frobenius theorem (Remark B.2.2.1). The ACF of the binomial AR(1) model is of AR(1)-type, given by c03-math-283 for c03-math-284 (note that c03-math-285 might become negative). Closed-form expressions for higher-order joint moments in such a process are provided by Weiß & Kim (2013); the binomial AR(1) process is also time-reversible (McKenzie, 1985).

A pth-order autoregressive version, which uses a probabilistic mixing approach analogous to the CINAR(p) model from Remark 3.1.5 and thus preserves the binomial marginal distribution, was proposed by Weiß (2009b). For the resulting binomial AR(p) model, defined by

completely analogous to (3.9), the special case of independent thinnings is again relevant. It leads to a pth-order Markov process, the ACF of which satisfies the Yule–Walker equations

3.24 equation

The conditional mean and transition probabilities are given by

3.25 equation

Higher-order (factorial) moments follow in an analogous way to (3.11),

3.26 equation

The binomial AR(1) model and its pth-order extension have a binomial marginal distribution; in particular, their binomial index of dispersion according to (2.3) satisfies c03-math-294. To allow for time-dependent and finite-range counts with c03-math-295 (extra-binomial variation), Weiß & Kim (2014) proposed replacing the binomial thinning operations in Definition 3.3.1 (or in (3.23), respectively) by beta-binomial ones (see Section 3.2). The resulting beta-binomial AR(1) model is characterized by the recursion

3.27 equation

where both thinnings use a unique dispersion parameter c03-math-297. Many stochastic properties are analogous to those of the binomial AR(1) model, but the beta-binomial AR(1) model exhibits extra-binomial variation (Weiß & Kim, 2014):

3.28 equation

The transition probabilities are obtained from (3.21) by replacing the involved binomial distributions by beta-binomial ones (Example A.2.2). They can be used to compute the stationary marginal distribution as well as any c03-math-299-step-ahead forecasting distribution exactly as described in Appendix B.2.1, since the beta-binomial AR(1) process is a finite Markov chain. The conditional mean is the same as in (3.22) (thus we also have the same ACF), while the conditional variance is now a quadratic function of c03-math-300 (Weiß & Kim, 2014):

3.29 equation

Extensions of the binomial AR(1) model using state-dependent parameters (also see Remark 3.1.7) have been proposed by Weiß & Pollett (2014), for example to describe binomial underdispersion, and by Möller (2016) for SET-type models.

3.4 Multivariate INARMA Models

In many applications, we do not observe a single feature over time, but instead a number of related features simultaneously, thus leading to a multivariate time series. If these multivariate observations are truly real-valued, then, for example, vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) models might be appropriate for describing the data; see Appendix B.4.2 for a brief summary. Here, we consider the count data case again; that is, a c03-math-345-variate time series c03-math-346 with the range being c03-math-347 (or a subset of it). For such multivariate count time series, a number of thinning-based models (designed as counterparts to the VARMA model) have been discussed in the literature; see Section 4 in Scotto et al. (2015) for a survey. These approaches mainly differ in the way of defining a multivariate type of thinning operation. The most widely discussed approach, which is defined in a close analogy to conventional matrix multiplication, is matrix-binomial thinning, which was introduced by Franke & Subba Rao (1993).

Let c03-math-348 be a c03-math-349-dimensional count random vector; that is, having the range c03-math-350. Let c03-math-351 be a matrix of thinning probabilities. Then Franke & Subba Rao (1993) define the c03-math-352th component of the c03-math-353-dimensional count random vector c03-math-354 by

where the c03-math-356 univariate binomial thinning operations (Section 2.2.1) are performed independently of each other. A generalized version of this operator, using univariate generalized thinnings (3.14) instead of binomial ones, was proposed by Latour (1997). We denote this operation by “c03-math-357”, with the c03-math-358th thinning “c03-math-359” satisfying c03-math-360 and c03-math-361 (for binomial thinning, we have c03-math-362). It satisfies c03-math-363 and


In an analogy to Definition B.4.2.1, a multivariate extension of the INAR(1) model (MINAR(1) model) according to Definition is given by the recursion

3.32 equation

where c03-math-365 is an i.i.d. c03-math-366-dimensional count process with finite mean c03-math-367 and covariance matrix c03-math-368; see Franke & Subba Rao (1993), Latour (1997) and Pedeli & Karlis (2013a). Latour (1997) showed that (Condition (B.25) in Appendix B.4.2):


where c03-math-369 denotes the identity matrix, still guarantees the existence of a unique stationary solution. The marginal mean is given by c03-math-370, and the autocovariance function is obtained from a slightly modified version of (B.30),

3.33 equation

If the thinning matrix c03-math-372 of the MINAR(1) model (3.32) is not a diagonal matrix, then the component processes c03-math-373 are generally not univariate INAR(1) processes. Therefore, Pedeli & Karlis (2011 2013b) concentrate on the diagonal case c03-math-374 of matrix-binomial thinning (thus also reducing the number of model parameters) such that the cross-correlation between c03-math-375 and c03-math-376 is solely caused by the innovations. Note that (3.33) simplifies in this case, because c03-math-377 becomes c03-math-378:

3.34 equation

where c03-math-380 denotes the Kronecker delta. As particular instances of the MINAR(1) model with diagonal-matrix-binomial thinning, they consider the cases with c03-math-381 stemming from a multivariate Poisson or negative binomial distribution (Examples A.3.1 and A.3.2). The corresponding component processes c03-math-382 then follow the univariate Poisson INAR(1) (Section 2.2.2) or NB-INAR(1) model (Example, respectively. Note that Pedeli & Karlis (2011 2013b) use a slightly different parametrization for the MNB distribution from Example A.3.2, with c03-math-383 obtained from the relations c03-math-384 and c03-math-385 for c03-math-386.

Finally, let us turn to the case of multivariate counts having a finite range; that is, a range of the form c03-math-418. At first glance, it appears to be possible to combine Definition 3.3.1 for a binomial AR(1) model with the concept of matrix-binomial thinning (3.31), and to define a model according to the recursive scheme c03-math-419. However, if the matrices c03-math-420 are non-diagonal, it may happen that the upper limit c03-math-421 is violated, since, for example, c03-math-422 might become larger than c03-math-423. So we would have to restrict ourselves to diagonal thinning matrices to ensure the upper limit c03-math-424. But then, due to the absence of an innovations term, the component series would be independent of each other. So, in summary, a non-trivial multivariate binomial AR(1) model using matrix-binomial thinning is not possible.

For this reason, restricting to the bivariate case, Scotto et al. (2014) introduced another type of thinning operation, based on the bivariate binomial distribution of Type II (Example A.3.5). Let c03-math-425 be a bivariate count random variable with range c03-math-426. The bivariate binomial thinning operation “c03-math-427” is defined by requiring the conditional distribution

where the thinning parameter c03-math-429 has to satisfy the restrictions given in Example A.3.5. Note that in contrast to matrix-binomial thinning, bivariate binomial thinning (3.35) generates cross-correlation (if c03-math-430) and preserves the upper bound c03-math-431 at the same time. Furthermore, the marginals of c03-math-432 just correspond to univariate binomial thinnings: c03-math-433.

Using this operation, Scotto et al. (2014) defined the bivariate binomial AR(1) model with upper limit c03-math-434 by extending Definition 3.3.1 as follows: let c03-math-435 for c03-math-436 be separate sets of parameters according to Definition 3.3.1, derive c03-math-437 accordingly. Choose c03-math-438 such that c03-math-439 and c03-math-440 become valid BVB-parameters. Then the c03-math-441-AR(1) process c03-math-442 is defined by the recursion

3.36 equation

where the thinnings are again performed independently of each other. By construction, the components of this process are just univariate binomial AR(1) processes with parameters c03-math-444 and c03-math-445, respectively, and these components are cross-correlated to each other (Scotto et al., 2014):

3.37 equation

To numerically compute these and further properties of the model, it should be noted that c03-math-447 constitutes a finite Markov chain (so (B.4) holds) with transition probabilities

3.38 equation

where c03-math-449 abbreviates the pmf of the c03-math-450 distribution as given in Example A.3.5. Note that c03-math-451 is even a primitive Markov chain and hence c03-math-452-mixing with a uniquely determined stationary marginal distribution. Further properties and a data example are provided by Scotto et al. (2014).

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