Chapter 8
Control Charts for Count Processes

8.1 Introduction to Statistical Process Control

Methods of statistical process control (SPC) help to monitor and improve processes in manufacturing and service industries, and they are also often used in fields such as public-health surveillance. For the given process, relevant quality characteristics are measured over time, thus leading to a (possibly multivariate) stochastic process c08-math-001 of continuous-valued or discrete-valued random variables (variables data or attributes data, respectively). Examples of such quality characteristics could be the diameter of a drill hole (variables data) or the number of non-conformities (attributes data) in a produced item, or the number of infections in a health-related example. One of the most important SPC tools is the control chart, which requires the relevant quality characteristics to be measured online. Control charts are applied to a process operating in a stable state (in control); that is, c08-math-002 is assumed to be stationary according to a specified model (the in-control model). As a new measurement arrives, it is used to compute a statistic (possibly also incorporating past values of the quality characteristic), which is then plotted on the control chart with its control limits. If the statistic violates the limits, then an alarm is triggered to signal that the process may not be stable anymore (out of control). So the process is interrupted, and it is checked if the alarm indeed results from an assignable cause (say, a shift or drift in the process mean); the time when the process left its in-control model is said to be the change point (more formal definitions are given below). In this case, corrective actions are required before continuing the process. If the process is still in its in-control state, the alarm is classified as a false alarm. An example of a control chart with limits 0 and 5 is shown in Figure 8.1, where the upper limit is violated at time c08-math-003. Note that the lower limit 0 can never be violated; that is, it is actually a one-sided (upper-sided) control chart. We shall discuss this control chart and the related application in much more detail in Example

Illustration of c chart of IP counts data with limits 0 and 5.

Figure 8.1 c08-math-004 chart of IP counts data with limits 0 and 5; see Example

The use of control charts for prospective online monitoring, as described before, is commonly referred to as the Phase-II application. But control charts may also be applied in a retrospective manner to already available in-control data. This is called the Phase-I application of a control chart. During this iterative procedure, potential outliers are identified and removed from the data, and parameter estimates and the chart design are revised accordingly. A (successful) Phase-I analysis ends up with an estimated model characterizing the in-control properties of c08-math-005; this model is then used for designing the control charts to be used during Phase-II monitoring. More details about all these terms and concepts can be found, among others, in the textbook by Montgomery (2009) and in the survey paper by Woodall & Montgomery (2014).

In this book, we shall exclusively concentrate on attributes data processes, and we shall start with the monitoring of count processes. Typical examples from manufacturing industry are the number of non-conformities per produced item (range c08-math-006) or the number of defective items in a sample of size c08-math-007 (range c08-math-008). Non-manufacturing examples include counts of new cases of an infection (per time unit) in public-health surveillance, or counts of complaints by customers (per time unit) in a service industry. The majority of studies on the monitoring of such counts assumes the process to be i.i.d. in its in-control state (Woodall, 1997), but in this book, we shall attach more importance to the case of autocorrelated counts. In fact, there has been increasing research activity in this direction in recent years (Weiß, 2015b), and Alwan & Roberts (1995) have already shown that autocorrelation is indeed a common phenomenon in SPC-related count processes. Typical reasons are a high sampling frequency due to automated production environments in manufacturing industry, or varying service times (extending over more than one time unit) in service industry, or varying incubation times and infectivities of diseases in public-health surveillance.

In Section 8.2, we start with basic Shewhart charts for a count process, where the plotted statistic at time c08-math-009 is a function only of the most recent observation c08-math-010 (or of the most recent sample for sample-based monitoring). While the Shewhart charts themselves are rather simple, they offer an opportunity to introduce general design principles for control charts. These principles are applied in Section 8.3 when considering advanced control charts, such as the CUSUM and EWMA methods, where the plotted statistic at time c08-math-011 also uses past observations of the process and hence accumulates information about the process for a longer period of time. Later in Chapter 9, we shall move our focus towards the monitoring of categorical processes, but where methods for count data still might be useful for a sample-based monitoring approach.

8.2 Shewhart Charts for Count Processes

The first control charts were proposed by Shewhart (1926 1931). Because of this pioneering work, a number of standard control charts are referred to as Shewhart control charts; an extensive review of Shewhart control charts is given by Montgomery (2009). The characteristic feature of these charts is that the plotted statistic c08-math-012 is a function only of the most recent observation c08-math-013 (or of the most recent sample for sample-based monitoring). Then c08-math-014 is plotted on a chart against time c08-math-015 with time-invariant lower and upper control limits c08-math-016 (as in Figure 8.1). An alarm is triggered at time c08-math-017 for the first time if

then the process is interrupted to check for an assignable cause. The (random) run length of the control chart is defined as

the corresponding run length distribution turns out to be of utmost importance when designing the control chart; that is, when choosing the control limits c08-math-020 and c08-math-021.

8.2.1 Shewhart Charts for i.i.d. Counts

If monitoring a count process c08-math-022 with a Shewhart chart, the counts are commonly directly plotted on the chart as they arrive in time; that is, the plotted statistics are c08-math-023. If the range of the counts is unlimited, such a chart is referred to as a c08-math-024 chart (c08-math-025 for “count”). For the case of the finite range c08-math-026, a chart for c08-math-027 is said to be an c08-math-028 chart, while a c08-math-029 chart plots the relative quantities c08-math-030. This terminology is obviously motivated by the binomial distribution (Example A.2.1) and by the idea of a sample-based monitoring, with c08-math-031 or c08-math-032 expressing the absolute number or relative proportion, respectively, of “successes” in the sample being collected at time c08-math-033. For simplicity, we shall always consider the case of an unlimited range (and hence c08-math-034 charts) in this section, but the presented concepts apply to c08-math-035 charts and c08-math-036 charts as well; see Section 9.1.1. A truly two-sided c08-math-037 chart has control limits c08-math-038 with c08-math-039. One-sided charts are obtained by either setting c08-math-040 (upper-sided c08-math-041 chart) or c08-math-042 (lower-sided c08-math-043 chart).

For the rest of this section, let us assume that c08-math-044 is serially independent. If the process is in-control, it is i.i.d. and has the in-control marginal distribution c08-math-045. As an out-of-control scenario, we restrict to the case of a sudden shift; that is, at a certain time c08-math-046 (called change point), the marginal distribution becomes c08-math-047. This leads to the following (unconditional) change point model (Knoth, 2006):

For c08-math-048, the process is in control,

while it is out of control for c08-math-049 if c08-math-050.

For a change point c08-math-051, the process is out of control right from the beginning. If the control chart triggers an alarm at time c08-math-052 (rule (8.2)), we stop monitoring and conclude that the process might have run out of control. If indeed c08-math-053 and c08-math-054, the alarm was correct; otherwise, it was a false alarm. In the first case, the difference c08-math-055 expresses the delay in detecting the change point. Here, the “c08-math-056” is used since even in the case of immediate detection (c08-math-057), we have one out-of-control observation (say, one defective item in a production process).

At this point, it is important to study the run length c08-math-058 of the control chart – see (8.2) – in more detail. If the process is in control, we wish the run length to be large (a robust chart), since then the run length expresses the time until the first false alarm. In contrast, it should be small for an out-of-control process, since the run length then goes along with the delay in detecting the process change. As for a significance test, the approach to designing the chart is to choose the control limits c08-math-059 in such a way that a certain degree of robustness against false alarms is guaranteed. For this purpose, one looks at properties of the in-control run length distribution. These could be quantiles, such as the median, but the main approach (although one that is sometimes criticized; see Kenett & Pollak (2012) as an example) is to consider the mean of the run length c08-math-060; that is, the average run length (ARL).1 If there are several candidate designs leading to (roughly) the same in-control ARL, abbreviated as c08-math-062, then one compares the out-of-control ARL performances of these charts to select the final chart design.

So the question is how to compute the ARL given a specific chart design c08-math-063. If the process is in-control (that is, i.i.d. with marginal distribution c08-math-064), then a signal is triggered at time c08-math-065 with probability


Because of the independence of the plotted statistics, the distribution of c08-math-066 is a shifted geometric distribution (Example A.1.5), so it follows immediately that

Note that this formula also includes the one-sided cases by setting c08-math-068 and c08-math-069.

Illustration of Distribution of run length L for ARL = 250, and some corresponding quantiles.

Figure 8.2 Distribution of run length c08-math-070 for c08-math-071, and some corresponding quantiles.

If the distribution becomes out of control at time c08-math-072, then the delay in detecting this change is c08-math-073 (see above). Again, because of the independence of the plotted statistics (the non-aging property), this delay can still be described by a shifted geometric distribution, but using c08-math-074 instead of c08-math-075. Therefore, the out-of-control ARL for the considered i.i.d.-scenario is defined by setting c08-math-076 (since the true position of the change point does not affect the delay anyway); that is,

8.4 equation

Note that ARLs should be interpreted with caution in practice, since the shifted geometric distribution is strongly skewed and has a large dispersion (the standard deviation nearly equals the mean; see Example A.1.5). This is illustrated by Figure 8.2, which shows the run length distribution corresponding to c08-math-078. Although an alarm is triggered in the mean after 250 plotted statistics, the median, for instance, equals only 173; that is, in 50% of all cases, the actual run length is not larger than 173. The quartiles range from 72 to 346, so again in 50% of all cases, the actual run length is outside even this region. For a further critical discussion, see Kenett & Pollak (2012).

A possible way to achieve an ARL-unbiased c08-math-107 chart design that is close to any prespecified c08-math-108-level was proposed by Paulino et al. (2016), and relies on a randomization of the emission of an alarm.

Usually, a control chart is designed as if the true in-control model is known precisely. In reality, however, the in-control model has to be estimated from given data (believed to stem from the presumed in-control model). Due to the uncertainty of parameter estimation, the true performance of the chart will usually deviate from the “believed” one, and this difference might be rather large. In view of (8.3) and the typically large values for c08-math-109 (as in Example, the control limits correspond to rather extreme quantiles of the (estimated) in-control distribution. So already moderate misspecifications of the model parameters may lead to strong effects on the control limits and ARLs. Hence, for the data examples below, we should be aware that we always consider some kind of conditional ARL performance, conditioned on the fitted model.

A comprehensive literature review of the effect of estimated parameters on control chart performance is provided by Jensen et al. (2006). Probably the first such work in the attributes case is by Braun (1999), who considers the c08-math-110 and the c08-math-111 charts, while Testik (2007) investigates the effect of estimation on the CUSUM chart for i.i.d. Poisson counts; this chart is discussed in Section 8.3.1.

While (appropriately chosen) Shewhart charts are generally quite sensitive to very large shifts in the process (and they are also generally recommended for application in Phase I (Montgomery, 2009)), Example has already demonstrated that these charts are not particularly well-suited to detecting small-to-moderate shifts. For this reason, in Section 8.3 we shall consider advanced control schemes that are more sensitive to small shifts, because these charts are designed to have an inherent memory.

8.2.2 Shewhart Charts for Markov-Dependent Counts

In this section, we skip the i.i.d.-assumption and allow the count process c08-math-166 to be a Markov chain, say, an INAR(1) process as in Section 2.1, a binomial AR(1) process as in Section 3.3, or an INARCH(1) process as in Example 4.1.6. But still, our aim is to plot the observed counts directly on the chart with limits c08-math-167; that is, we choose again c08-math-168.

Because of the serial dependence of the plotted statistics, now the run length (8.2) no longer follows a simple geometric distribution. In addition, if we now look at the detection delay c08-math-169, the corresponding distribution generally depends on the position of the change point c08-math-170. Therefore, more refined ARL concepts have to be considered; a detailed survey of different ARL concepts is provided by Knoth (2006). In this book, the following ARL concepts are used:

  • the zero-state ARL
  • the conditional expected delay
  • the (conditional) steady-state ARL

where c08-math-174 denotes the expectation related to the change point c08-math-175.

As before, we refer to the computed ARL value as the in-control ARL (out-of-control ARL) if c08-math-176 (c08-math-177), and the in-control ARL is signified by adding the index “0”.

Obviously, the zero-state ARL is nothing other than c08-math-178. For the case of serial independence, as considered in Section 8.2.1, we have c08-math-179, but otherwise these ARLs may differ. The essential questions are:

  • How can we compute these ARLs?
  • Which one should be used in a specific application?

Let us start with the second question. When designing a chart, one first looks at the in-control behavior. In this context, it is reasonable to use the in-control zero-state ARL, c08-math-180, as a measure of robustness against false alarms. Then, in a second step, one analyzes the out-of-control behavior. If there are reasons to expect, say, that the change will probably happen quite early, then it would be reasonable to evaluate the out-of-control performance of an c08-math-181 with sufficiently small c08-math-182. In many applications, however, one will not have such information. However, we shall see below that c08-math-183 often converges rather quickly to c08-math-184. This implies that the steady-state ARL, c08-math-185, might serve as a reasonable approximation for the true mean delay of detection after the unknown change point. Therefore, in this book, we shall evaluate the out-of-control performance in terms of c08-math-186.

The first question is how to compute the different types of ARL. Certainly, it is always possible to approximate the ARLs through simulations; to simulate c08-math-187, one will simulate c08-math-188 with a large c08-math-189 as a substitute. But if considering a c08-math-190 chart applied to an underlying Markov chain, a numerically exact solution is also possible by using the Markov chain (MC) approach proposed by Brook & Evans (1972). Since this approach can also be used for the advanced control charts to be introduced below, we provide a rather general description in the sequel following Weiß (2011b).

In view of decision rule (8.1), we can assume a slightly simplified range for the plotted statistics c08-math-191: their range c08-math-192 is partitioned into the set c08-math-193 of “no-alarm states” (because no alarm is triggered by the chart if c08-math-194 takes a value in c08-math-195) and the set c08-math-196 consisting of a single “alarm state” ‘c08-math-197’. This is justified since any kind of violation of the control limits will lead to the same action: stop the process and search for an assignable cause. Therefore, ‘c08-math-198’ is an absorbing state; that is, it is no longer possible to leave this state. The set c08-math-199 is equal to c08-math-200 for the case of a two-sided c08-math-201 chart.

The MC approach now assumes a conditional change point model (Weiß, 2011b), as given in Definition; see also the survey about Markov chains in Appendix B.2.

If c08-math-214 for all c08-math-215, then the whole process c08-math-216 is stationary according to the in-control model. Furthermore, since ‘c08-math-217’ is an absorbing state by definition, we have c08-math-218 for all c08-math-219, where c08-math-220 denotes the Kronecker delta. The requirement that c08-math-221 consists of inessential states guarantees, among other things, that the probability of reaching ‘c08-math-222’ in finite time equals 1.

Let us now describe the procedures for computing the different types of ARL; derivations and more details can be found in Brook & Evans (1972) and Weiß (2011b). For this purpose, define c08-math-223 to be the transpose of the transition matrix for the states in c08-math-224; that is, c08-math-225. Analogously, we set c08-math-226. The requirement that c08-math-227 consist of inessential states guarantees that the fundamental matrices c08-math-228 and c08-math-229 exist, where c08-math-230 denotes the identity matrix. Since ‘c08-math-231’ is an absorbing state, the transition matrices of c08-math-232 before and after the change point, respectively, are given by

To compute the out-of-control zero-state ARL (for the in-control ARL, we just have to replace c08-math-234 by c08-math-235), we first compute the unique solution of the equation

Here, the entries c08-math-237 express the mean time to reach ‘c08-math-238’ if c08-math-239. After having specified the initial probabilities c08-math-240 for c08-math-241 (see Remark, we collect these probabilities in the vector c08-math-242 (note that the change already happened at time 1). Then

If c08-math-244, then there exist c08-math-245 in-control observations. So the entries c08-math-246 of the solution to (8.9) express the mean delay to reach ‘c08-math-247’ if c08-math-248. If the vector c08-math-249 consists of the probabilities c08-math-250 and if c08-math-251 refers to the c08-math-252 (Markov property, in control), then the conditional expected delay equals

8.11 equation

Finally, to compute the steady-state ARL, we need to take the limit c08-math-254 according to (8.7). To be able to apply the Perron–Frobenius theorem – see Remark B.2.2.1 in Appendix B.2 for a summary – we have to assume that the non-negative matrix c08-math-255 is primitive. For the corresponding Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue c08-math-256, there exists a strictly positive right eigenvector c08-math-257; c08-math-258 is the normed version of c08-math-259. Then

8.12 equation

where the rate of convergence of c08-math-261 for c08-math-262 is determined by the second largest eigenvalue, which satisfies c08-math-263.

8.3 Advanced Control Charts for Count Processes

The basic c08-math-330 chart presented in Section 8.2 allows for continuous monitoring of a serially dependent count process. But the statistic plotted on the c08-math-331 chart at time c08-math-332, which is simply the count observed at time c08-math-333, does not include any information about the past observations of the process, or at least not explicitly, beyond the mere effect of autocorrelation. Therefore, the c08-math-334 chart (as any other Shewhart-type chart) is not particularly sensitive to small changes in the process. For this reason, several types of advanced control charts have been proposed, in which the plotted statistic at time c08-math-335 also uses past observations of the process and hence accumulates information about it for a longer period of time. In the sequel, we will discuss the most popular types of advanced control chart: CUSUM charts in Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2, and EWMA charts in Section 8.3.3. Further charts and references can be found in Woodall (1997) and Weiß (2015b).

8.3.1 CUSUM Charts for i.i.d. Counts

The traditional cumulative sum (CUSUM) control chart, being applied directly to the observations c08-math-336 of the process, is perhaps the most straightforward advanced candidate for monitoring processes of counts, because it preserves the discrete nature of the process by only using addition (but no multiplications). Initialized by a starting value c08-math-337, the upper-sided CUSUM is defined by

that is, by accumulating the deviations from the reference value c08-math-339. Because of this accumulation, the plotted statistic at time c08-math-340 is not solely based on c08-math-341 but also incorporates the process in the past: c08-math-342 If the CUSUM statistic becomes negative, the c08-math-343 construction resets the CUSUM to zero.

The starting value is commonly chosen as c08-math-344; a value c08-math-345 is referred to as a fast initial response (FIR) feature, and it may help to detect an initial out-of-control state more quickly; see also the discussion below formulae (8.5)–(8.7). If c08-math-346 and c08-math-347 are taken as integer values, then also c08-math-348 is integer-valued. As another example, if c08-math-349 then so is c08-math-350, but in any case, we have a discrete range. In the sequel, we shall concentrate on integer-valued c08-math-351. An alarm is triggered if c08-math-352 violates the upper control limit c08-math-353 (typically, c08-math-354).

While the upper-sided CUSUM is designed to detect increases in the process mean, the lower-sided CUSUM, defined by

aims at uncovering decreases in the mean. If c08-math-356 are monitored simultaneously, then this chart combination is referred to as a two-sided CUSUM chart. A book with a lot of background information about CUSUM charts is the one by Hawkins & Olwell (1998).

In this section, we assume the monitored count process c08-math-357 to be i.i.d. in its in-control state, a situation that was also considered in the article by Brook & Evans (1972). Because of the accumulation according to (8.13), however, the statistics c08-math-358 are no longer i.i.d., but constitute a Markov chain (analogous arguments apply to the lower-sided CUSUM (8.14)) with transition probabilities


and the initial statistic satisfies c08-math-359. Therefore, the MC approach as described in Section 8.2.2 is applicable, with c08-math-360. In fact, Brook & Evans (1972) introduced their MC approach for exactly this type of control chart and considered the application to i.i.d. Poisson counts.

We conclude this section by pointing out the relationship between the CUSUM scheme (8.13) and the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT); see Sections 6.1, 6.2 in Hawkins & Olwell (1998) for more details. The likelihood function (see Remark B.2.1.2) for i.i.d. counts is given by


so we obtain the likelihood ratio (LR) as


The SPRT now monitors the logarithmic likelihood ratio (log-LR)

for increasing c08-math-396. This procedure can be rewritten recursively by accumulating the contributions c08-math-397 to the log-LR at times c08-math-398, thus leading to a type of one-sided CUSUM scheme:


Note the relation to the random walk in Example B.1.6. Comparing this type of CUSUM recursion with the one given in (8.13), we see that the c08-math-399 construction is missing, so this CUSUM is not reset to zero if the CUSUM statistic becomes negative. As pointed out by Lorden (1971), the CUSUM (8.13) is equivalent to monitoring a slight modification of (8.15):

If this statistic was not positive at time c08-math-401 but c08-math-402, then the statistic at time c08-math-403 just equals c08-math-404, which corresponds to the above resetting feature.

8.3.2 CUSUM Charts for Markov-dependent Counts

Now, let us turn back to the case of a Markov-dependent count process c08-math-425, as in Section 8.2.2. If we apply the upper-sided CUSUM scheme (8.13) to such a process, then the statistics c08-math-426 no longer constitute a Markov chain, so the MC approach of Brook & Evans (1972) is not directly applicable. But, as shown in Weiß & Testik (2009) and Weiß (2011b), ARL computations are possible by considering the bivariate process c08-math-427, which is a bivariate Markov chain with transition probabilities

In view of the CUSUM decision rule, it is clear that the set c08-math-429 of “no-alarm states” is contained in c08-math-430. However, since values of c08-math-431 larger than c08-math-432 will always push c08-math-433 beyond c08-math-434, the set c08-math-435 is indeed finite. Excluding impossible transitions (say, from an alarm state back to a no-alarm state), Weiß & Testik (2009) showed that

which is of size c08-math-437. So the matrices c08-math-438 required for the MC approach (8.8) are of dimension c08-math-439, which will often be a rather large number. It should be noted, however, that many entries of c08-math-440 will be equal to 0 according to (8.17); that is, c08-math-441 are sparse matrices. Therefore, the MC approach for ARL computation can be implemented efficiently using sparse matrix techniques; see Section 3 in Weiß (2011b) for possible software solutions.

The idea of applying the MC approach to the bivariate process of observed counts and CUSUM statistics also essentially applies to the lower-sided CUSUM scheme (8.14), but the set c08-math-479 then becomes infinite; that is, ARLs can only be computed approximately (see Yontay et al. (2013) for details). If using a two-sided scheme, then the MC approach has to be applied to the trivariate Markov chain c08-math-480. Although here, the set c08-math-481 is finite again, computations become very slow because of the immense matrix dimensions; more details and feasible approximations are presented by Yontay et al. (2013).

Although we exemplified the log-LR approach for Markov count processes here, it can also be used for completely different types of count process. As an example, Höhle & Paul (2008) derived such a log-LR CUSUM chart for counts stemming from the seasonal log-linear model (5.6), which proved to be useful for the surveillance of epidemic counts. A related study is the one by Sparks et al. (2010).

8.3.3 EWMA Charts for Count Processes

Another advanced approach for process monitoring, which is also very popular in applications, is the exponentially weighted moving-average (EWMA) control chart, which dates back to Roberts (1959). The standard EWMA recursion is defined by

with c08-math-487; that is, it is a weighted mean of all available observations, where the weights decrease exponentially with increasing time lag c08-math-488:


An application of (8.19) to the case of Poisson counts was presented by Borror et al. (1998). The EWMA recursion (8.19), however, has an important drawback compared to the CUSUM approach of Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 if applied to count processes: it does not preserve the discrete range, except the boundary case c08-math-489, which just corresponds to a c08-math-490 chart. On the contrary, the range of possible values of c08-math-491 changes in time, which rules out, among other things, the possibility of an exact ARL computation by the MC approach. As a simple numerical example, assume that c08-math-492 and c08-math-493; then c08-math-494 takes a value in c08-math-495 and c08-math-496 in c08-math-497, and so on.

Therefore, Gan (1990a) suggests plotting rounded values of the statistic (8.19):

with c08-math-499, which are initialized by c08-math-500. Note that the statistics c08-math-501 can take only integer values from c08-math-502, and c08-math-503 again leads to a c08-math-504 chart. c08-math-505 might be chosen as the rounded value of the in-control mean. An alarm is triggered if c08-math-506 violates one of the control limits c08-math-507.

In the i.i.d. case, as considered by Gan (1990a), the statistics c08-math-508 constitute a Markov chain with transition probabilities


and the initial probabilities are obtained by replacing c08-math-509 by c08-math-510. So the MC approach of Brook & Evans (1972) is applicable, analogous to the CUSUM case discussed in Section 8.3.1, but now with c08-math-511. Note that the lower limit can only be violated if c08-math-512 holds; that is, if c08-math-513. Other choices of c08-math-514 lead to a purely upper-sided EWMA chart.

If the underlying count process c08-math-549 is itself a Markov chain, then we proceed by analogy to Section 8.3.2 and consider the bivariate process c08-math-550 (Weiß, 2009e). c08-math-551 constitutes a bivariate Markov chain with range c08-math-552 and with transition probabilities

8.21 equation

where c08-math-554 denotes the indicator function. So ARLs can be computed again by adapting the MC approach; see Weiß (2009e) for details. Here, the set c08-math-555 of “no-alarm states” is derived as

8.22 equation

and the resulting matrices c08-math-557 are again sparse matrices.

A possible disadvantage of the rounded EWMA approach (8.20) became clear from the second design in Example for small values of c08-math-581, which are generally recommended if small mean shifts are to be detected, one may observe some kind of “oversmoothing”; that is, c08-math-582 becomes piecewise constant in time c08-math-583 and rather insensitive to process changes. Therefore, Weiß (2011c) proposed a modification of (8.20), where a refined rounding operation is used: for c08-math-584, the operation c08-math-585-round maps c08-math-586 onto the nearest fraction with denominator c08-math-587. For c08-math-588, we obtain the standard rounding operation, while 2-round rounds onto values in c08-math-589, for example. The resulting c08-math-590-EWMA chart follows the recursion

8.23 equation

with c08-math-592. If c08-math-593 is a Markov chain, then c08-math-594 again is a discrete Markov chain, now with range c08-math-595, where c08-math-596 is the set of all non-negative rationals with denominator c08-math-597. So again, it is possible to adapt the MC approach of Brook & Evans (1972) for ARL computation; see Weiß (2011c) for details.

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