Chapter 7
Models for Categorical Time Series

As in Part I, Markov models are very attractive for categorical processes, because of the ease of interpreting the model, making likelihood inferences (see Remark B.2.1.2 in the appendix) and making forecasts. However, without further restrictions concerning the conditional distributions, the number of model parameters becomes quite large. Therefore, Section 7.1 presents approaches for defining parsimoniously parametrized Markov models. One of these approaches is linked to a family of discrete ARMA models, which exhibit an ARMA-like serial dependence structure and allow also for non-Markovian forms of dependence; see Section 7.2. Note that the count data version of this model was discussed in Section 5.3. Two other approaches from Chapter 5, namely hidden-Markov models and regression models, can also be adapted to the categorical case, as described in Sections 7.3 and 7.4, respectively.

7.1 Parsimoniously Parametrized Markov Models

Perhaps the most obvious approach to model a categorical process c07-math-001 with state space c07-math-002 is to use a (homogeneous) pth-order Markov model; see (B.1) for the definition:


The idea of having a limited memory is often plausible in practice, and the Markov assumption is also advantageous, say for parameter estimation (see Remark B.2.1.2) or for forecasting. Concerning the latter application, it is important to note that a pth-order Markov process can always be transformed into a first-order one (for c07-math-003, we speak of a Markov chain; see Appendix B.2) by considering the vector-valued process c07-math-004 with c07-math-005. And for a Markov chain with transition matrix c07-math-006, in turn, c07-math-007-step-ahead transition probabilities are obtained as the entries of the matrix c07-math-008. So, to summarize, c07-math-009-step-ahead conditional distributions of the form c07-math-010 are calculated with relatively little effort for a pth-order Markov process.

Then, point forecasts are computed as a mode of this conditional distribution, or, for an ordinal process, as the median. In the ordinal case, it is obvious how to define a prediction region on level c07-math-011: for a two-sided region, the limits are defined based on the c07-math-012- and the c07-math-013-quantile of the conditional distribution, while one uses the c07-math-014- or c07-math-015-quantile, respectively, in case of a one-sided region (“best/worst-case scenario”). If c07-math-016 is very small, however, it may be that one ends up with a trivial region (say, the full range c07-math-017). The same problem may occur in the nominal case, but here, in addition, a reasonable definition of a prediction region is more difficult because of the lack of a natural ordering. Commonly, one defines a prediction set for c07-math-018 to consist of the most frequent states in c07-math-019 (most frequent with respect to the c07-math-020-step-ahead conditional distribution) such that the required level c07-math-021 is ensured.

The computation of the serial dependence measures (6.3), (6.4) for a Markov chain with transition matrix c07-math-040 and stationary marginal distribution c07-math-041, as in Example 7.1.1, is done by first computing the matrices c07-math-042 of bivariate joint probabilities via c07-math-043.

While a full Markov model might be a feasible approach if p is very small, higher orders p will cause a practical problem: a general pth-order Markov process (that is, where the conditional probabilities are not further restricted by parametric assumptions) has a huge number of model parameters, c07-math-044, which increases exponentially in p. This problem becomes visible in Figure 7.3, where the possible paths in the past for increasing p are illustrated. Each path c07-math-045 (out of c07-math-046 such paths) requires c07-math-047 parameters to be specified to obtain the conditional distribution c07-math-048, thus leading to altogether c07-math-049 parameters. For the EEG sleep state data from Example 6.1.1, for instance, we have c07-math-050 states such that a first-order Markov model would already require 30 parameters to be estimated (from only c07-math-051 observations available).

To make Markov models more useful in practice, the number of parameters has to be reduced. One suggestion in this direction is due to Bühlmann & Wyner (1999): the variable-length Markov model (VLMM). Here, the “embedding Markov model” possibly has a rather large order p, but then several branches of the tree in Figure 7.3 are “cut” by assuming identical conditional distributions; that is, by assuming shortened tuples c07-math-052 with c07-math-053 such that

7.1 equation

for all c07-math-055 and all c07-math-056. Hence, if the last c07-math-057 observations have been equal to c07-math-058, the remaining past is negligible. So the order c07-math-059 of the embedding Markov model determines the maximal length of the required memory, but depending on the observed past, a shorter memory may also suffice, which explains the name “variable-length” Markov model. While this kind of parameter reduction is reasonable at a first glance, the number of possible VLMMs is very large, so the model choice is non-trivial. Algorithms for constructing VLMMs have been proposed by Ron et al. (1996).

Another proposal to reduce the number of parameters of the full Markov model aims at introducing parametric relations between the conditional probabilities: the pth-order mixture transition distribution (MTD(p)) model of Raftery (1985). The idea is to start with a (full) Markov chain with transition matrix c07-math-060 (Appendix B.2), and to define the pth-order conditional probabilities as a mixture of these transition probabilities:

7.2 equation

Here, c07-math-062 is required. A common further restriction is to assume all c07-math-063, but it would even be possible to allow some c07-math-064 to be negative (Raftery, 1985).

While the general pth-order Markov model has c07-math-065 parameters, this number is now reduced to c07-math-066; that is, we have the number of parameters for a Markov chain (the ones from c07-math-067) plus only one additional parameter for each increment of p. Since the conditional probabilities are just some kind of weighted mean of transition probabilities from c07-math-068, Raftery (1985) showed that the stationary marginal distribution c07-math-069 for positive c07-math-070 is simply obtained as the solution of

see also (B.4). Furthermore, Raftery (1985) showed that the bivariate probabilities c07-math-072 satisfy a set of Yule–Walker-type equations. Denoting c07-math-073 for c07-math-074, and c07-math-075, then

For c07-math-077, for instance, we immediately obtain that c07-math-078, and the remaining c07-math-079s are computed via (7.4). In this way, (7.4) can be used to compute serial dependence measures such as Cramer's c07-math-080 from (6.3) or Cohen's c07-math-081 from (6.4), although simple closed-form results will usually not be available due to the general form of c07-math-082. Note that because of (7.3), Equation 7.4 can also be rewritten in a centered version as


Approaches for parameter estimation are discussed by Raftery & Tavaré (1994). For a survey of results for MTD models, see Berchtold & Raftery (2001).

Illustration of Tree structure of Markov model: past observations influencing current outcome.

Figure 7.3 Tree structure of Markov model: past observations influencing current outcome.

A further reduction in the number of parameters is obtained by assuming parametric relations for c07-math-091. Jacobs & Lewis (1978c) and Pegram (1980) suggest defining c07-math-092 with c07-math-093 such that

Jacobs & Lewis (1978c) require c07-math-095 and refer to these models as the discrete autoregressive models of order p (DAR(p)), while Pegram (1980) even allows some c07-math-096 to be negative (see above). This model has only c07-math-097 parameters. We shall provide a more detailed discussion of it in Section 7.2 when considering the extension to a full discrete ARMA model. Also, the discussion of another type of parsimoniously parametrized Markov model, namely the autoregressive logit model, is postponed until later; see Example 7.4.4.

With increasing p, not only the number of parameters of a binary Markov model increases rapidly (c07-math-109); in general, we also do not have an AR(p)-like autocorrelation structure anymore. An exception is the binary version of the MTD(p) model. If c07-math-110 is assumed to be parametrized as in (7.6) – that is, c07-math-111 – then it immediately follows that (7.5) holds. This implies an AR(p)-like autocorrelation structure; see Section 7.2 below.

A closely related approach to the binary MTD(p) and DAR(p) models is the binary AR(p) model of Kanter (1975), which was extended to a full binary ARMA(p, q) model by McKenzie (1981) and Weiß (2009d). The model recursion looks somewhat artificial, as it uses addition modulo 2. On the other hand, this definition also allows for negative autocorrelations; see the cited references for further details.

7.2 Discrete ARMA Models

Based on preliminary works (Jacobs & Lewis, 1978a–1978c) on discrete counterparts to the ARMA(1, q) and AR(p) model, respectively, Jacobs & Lewis (1983) introduced two types of discrete counterparts to the full ARMA(p, q) model. In particular the second of these models, referred to as the NDARMA model by Jacobs & Lewis (1983), is quite attractive, since its definition and serial dependence structure are very close to those of a conventional ARMA model; see also our discussion of the count data version of this model in Section 5.3. Let us pick up Definition 5.3.1 and adapt it to the categorical case (Weiß & Göb, 2008).

Note that the NDARMA(p, q) model has only c07-math-130 parameters. Although its recursion is written down in an “ARMA” style, c07-math-131 does nothing but choose the state of either c07-math-132 or … or c07-math-133. So c07-math-134 is generated as a random choice from c07-math-135 (a random mixture). But as we shall see in (7.9), the ARMA-like notation is indeed adequate and reasonable for NDARMA processes.

With the same argument as in Section 5.3, it follows that c07-math-136 and c07-math-137 have the same stationary marginal distribution; that is, c07-math-138 for all c07-math-139. It is useful to know that an NDARMA model can always be represented by a c07-math-140-dimensional finite Markov chain with a primitive transition matrix (Jacobs & Lewis, 1983; Weiß, 2013b). Using this Markov representation, Weiß (2013b) showed that an NDARMA process is c07-math-141-mixing with exponentially decreasing weights (see Definition B.1.5) such that the central limit theorem (CLT) in Billingsley (1999, p. 200) is applicable. Conditional distributions of an NDARMA process are determined by

which reduces to an expression like the one in (7.5) for the DAR(p) case (c07-math-143). Only in the latter case, we have Markov dependence (of order p), while an NDARMA(p, q) process c07-math-144 with c07-math-145 is not Markovian, although it can be represented as a c07-math-146-dimensional Markov chain.

Let us now investigate the serial dependence structure of an NDARMA(p, q) process c07-math-147 using the concepts described in Section 6.3. Only positive dependence is possible (implying that NDARMA processes tend to show long runs of their states); that is, c07-math-148, and it even holds that c07-math-149 (Weiß & Göb, 2008). These properties can be utilized to identify if an NDARMA model might be appropriate for a set of time series data (by looking at the sample versions c07-math-150). For example, the serial dependence measures for the wood pewee time series shown in Figure 6.4 clearly deviate from NDARMA behavior, with negative dependencies and strong deviation between c07-math-151 and c07-math-152.

Since both measures lead to identical results anyway, let us focus on c07-math-153 in the following. c07-math-154 itself is obtained from a set of Yule–Walker-type equations (Weiß & Göb, 2008):

where the c07-math-156 satisfy


which implies c07-math-157 for c07-math-158, and c07-math-159. Note the analogy to (5.22) for the autocorrelation function in the count data case. The relation between c07-math-160 and the bivariate distributions with lag c07-math-161 is given by

see Weiß & Göb (2008). The equations (7.9) can now be applied in an analogous way to the use of the original Yule–Walker equations for an ARMA process; see Appendix B.3. For a DMA(q) model (c07-math-163), we have c07-math-164. Hence, c07-math-165 such that c07-math-166 vanishes after lag c07-math-167; see (B.11) for the corresponding MA(q) result. So the model order q can be estimated using c07-math-168 or c07-math-169, as described in Appendix B.3.

For a DAR(p) model (c07-math-170), in turn, we have c07-math-171, which corresponds exactly to the AR(p) result (B.13). Hence, defining the partial Cohen's c07-math-172 (or partial Cramer's c07-math-173) with exactly the same relation as in Theorem B.3.4 (just replacing c07-math-174 by c07-math-175 or c07-math-176), we obtain a tool for identifying the autoregressive order p: c07-math-177 for lags c07-math-178. These results also apply to the binary MTD(p) model; see Section 7.1, which was shown to have an DAR(p) dependence structure, and where c07-math-179 according to Example 6.3.1.

Now let us look at the sample measures of dispersion from Section 6.2 and the sample measures of serial dependence from Section 6.3. There, we presented the asymptotic properties of these measures if applied to i.i.d. categorical processes. Now let us analyze what changes if these measures are applied to an underlying NDARMA process.

The asymptotic results for the Gini index (6.1) and the entropy (6.2) are easily adapted. As shown by Weiß (2013b), they are still asymptotically normally distributed, and the i.i.d. variance just has to be inflated by the factor

While c07-math-201 in the i.i.d. case, it is given by c07-math-202 for a DAR(1) model, as an example. So altogether, we have

At least for the sample Gini index, an exact bias correction is possible. As shown by Weiß (2013b),

The latter formula provides a simple way to obtain an approximate bias correction, and it is exact in the i.i.d. case.

For the sample serial dependence measures from Section 6.3, asymptotic normality can also be established, and explicit expressions for the asymptotic variances can be derived. But these expressions are much more complex than in the i.i.d. case, so we refer the reader to Weiß (2013b) for further details.

Let us now look at applications of discrete ARMA models. An application of count time series to video traffic count data was sketched in Example 5.3.2. For categorical time series, Chang et al. (1984) and Delleur et al. (1989) used discrete ARMA models for modeling daily precipitation. While Chang et al. (1984) used a three-state model (that is, c07-math-205) representing either dry days, days with medium or with strong precipitation, Delleur et al. (1989) used a two-state model (that is, c07-math-206) to just distinguish between wet and dry days. If the rainfall quantity also has to be considered, Delleur et al. (1989) propose using a state-dependent exponential distribution, analogous to the corresponding approach with HMMs (Sections 5.2 and 7.3). Another field of application of discrete ARMA models is DNA sequence data; see, for example, Dehnert et al. (2003). Returning to this application, let us consider the DNA sequence corresponding to the bovine leukemia virus.

7.3 Hidden-Markov Models

Another important type of model for categorical processes with a non-Markovian serial dependence structure is the hidden-Markov model (HMM), which we are already familiar with from the count data case; see Section 5.2 as well as the book by Zucchini & MacDonald (2009) and the survey article by Ephraim & Merhav (2002). HMMs refer to a bivariate process c07-math-267, in which the hidden states c07-math-268 (latent states) constitute a homogeneous Markov chain (Appendix B.2) with range c07-math-269 and c07-math-270, and where the observable random variables c07-math-271 (now also categorical with state space c07-math-272) are generated conditionally independently, given the state process; see Figure 5.7 for an illustration of the data-generating mechanism.

As mentioned in Section 5.2, we may interpret a HMM as a “probabilistic function of a Markov chain” (Baum & Petrie (1966); see also Remark 7.3.3). While we shall again concentrate on HMMs for stationary processes, these models can also be used for non-stationary processes by, for example, including covariate information (Remark 5.2.6). HMMs for categorical processes have been applied in many contexts: in biological sequence analysis (Churchill, 1989; Krogh et al., 1994) and especially in fields related to natural languages:

  • speech recognition (Rabiner, 1989): transforming spoken into written text
  • text recognition (Makhoul et al., 1994; Natarajan et al., 2001): handwriting recognition or optical character recognition
  • part-of-speech tagging (Cutting et al., 1992; Thede & Harper, 1999): where each word in a text is assigned its correct part of speech.

As described in Section 5.2, an HMM for c07-math-273 is defined based on three assumptions:

  • the observation equation (5.8): equation
  • the state equation (5.9): equation
  • the Markov assumption with state transition probabilities (5.11): equation

As before, we denote the hidden states' transition matrix by c07-math-274. The initial distribution c07-math-275 of c07-math-276 is assumed to be determined by the stationarity assumption; that is, c07-math-277, where c07-math-278 satisfies the invariance equation c07-math-279 (see (B.4)). In contrast to Section 5.2, the time-homogeneous state-dependent distributions c07-math-280 – that is, c07-math-281 for all c07-math-282 – are categorical distributions, each having c07-math-283 parameters. So altogether, we have c07-math-284 parameters for the hidden states, plus c07-math-285 parameters related to the observations.

Most of the stochastic properties discussed in Section 5.2 directly carry over to the categorical case (certainly except those referring to moments, since the latter do not exist for categorical random variables). For instance, defining again the diagonal matrices c07-math-286 for c07-math-287, the marginal pmf and the bivariate probabilities are given by (5.13); that is, by

Furthermore, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is still possible, as described in Remark 5.2.3, the forecast distributions (5.19) and (5.20) remain valid, and both decoding schemes from Remark 5.2.4 are also applicable in the categorical case.

As the main difference, the serial dependence structure of the HMM's observations can no longer be described in terms of the ACF, and measures such as Cramer's c07-math-289 (6.3) or Cohen's c07-math-290 (6.4) have to be computed using (7.15). Measures of categorical dispersion (Section 6.2), such as the Gini index (6.1) or entropy (6.2), are also available in this way.

Picking up Remark 7.2.3, it is obvious by model construction that any binarization c07-math-315 of the HMM's observation process c07-math-316, with c07-math-317 for a c07-math-318, follows an HMM again, now with state-dependent probabilities c07-math-319 and c07-math-320. For such a binary HMM, in turn, moments and hence the ACF will be well-defined, where the relationship between ACF and c07-math-321 has already been investigated; see Example 6.3.2.

7.4 Regression Models

In Section 5.1, we introduced regression models for time series of counts, the main advantage of which is their ability to easily incorporate covariate information, the latter being represented by the (possibly deterministic) vector-valued covariate process c07-math-349. In our discussion, we focussed on generalized linear models (GLMs), where the observations’ conditional mean is linked to a linear expression of the “available information”. The available information is not necessarily limited to the covariate information, but it may also include past observations of the process, as in the case of the conditional regression models according to Definition 5.1.1. If, however, only the current covariate is required for “explaining” the current observation, then we referred to such a situation as a marginal regression model (5.5) (Fahrmeir & Tutz, 2001). In the sequel, we shall see that the regression approach can also be adapted to the case of the observations process c07-math-350 being categorical. A much more detailed discussion of such categorical regression models together with several real-data examples is provided in Chapters 2 and 3 of the book by Kedem & Fokianos (2002).

Before turning to the general categorical case, let us first look at the special situation, where c07-math-351 is a binary process with the state space being coded as c07-math-352 (see Example 6.3.2); that is, where the c07-math-353 are Bernoulli random variables (Example A.2.1). The parameter of the Bernoulli distribution is its “success probability”, which is also equal to its mean. Hence, it lends itself to proceed in the same way as in Section 5.1; that is, to define a GLM with respect to this mean parameter. So Definition 5.1.1 now reads as follows.

The definition (5.5) of a marginal regression model is adapted accordingly. Note that c07-math-368 is expressed equivalently as c07-math-369; this allows for a simplified notation of the (partial) likelihood function (Remark 5.1.5), since c07-math-370 now equals c07-math-371. A detailed discussion of likelihood estimation for binary regression models is provided by Slud & Kedem (1994).

While in the count data case, we had to ensure that c07-math-372 always produces a positive value, here, we even have to ensure that the value of c07-math-373 is in the interval c07-math-374. If one wants to avoid severe restrictions concerning the parameter range for c07-math-375, it is recommended to use response functions c07-math-376 with range c07-math-377; for example, a (strictly monotonic increasing) cdf. The most common choice is the cdf of the standard logistic distribution, leading to a logit model.

Possible alternatives to the logit approach are the probit model (based on the cdf of the standard normal distribution), the log–log model (cdf of standard maximum extreme value distribution), or the complementary log–log model (cdf of standard minimum extreme value distribution); see Section 2.2 in Kedem & Fokianos (2002) for further details.

To extend the methods described before to the general categorical case – that is, where c07-math-385 has the state space c07-math-386 – it is helpful to look at the binarization c07-math-387 of c07-math-388, defined by c07-math-389 if c07-math-390, with c07-math-391 being the unit vectors (see Example A.3.3). If c07-math-392 is distributed according to c07-math-393 (unit simplex, see Remark A.3.4), then c07-math-394 is multinomially distributed according to c07-math-395, and its c07-math-396th component c07-math-397 follows the Bernoulli distribution c07-math-398. The basic idea in the sequel is to apply the above binary approaches (especially the logit approach) to these components c07-math-399.

Because of the sum constraint c07-math-400, it is reasonable to concentrate on the reduced vectors c07-math-401 (then c07-math-402), the distribution of which is denoted by c07-math-403 according to Example A.3.3. To further simplify the notation, we define the open c07-math-404-part unit simplex


then c07-math-405 satisfies c07-math-406, and we just write c07-math-407.

Following Fahrmeir & Kaufmann (1987), Kedem & Fokianos (2002) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003), we now extend Definition 7.4.1 to a conditional categorical regression model.

Analogous to the binary case, the probabilities c07-math-423 are expressed in a simple way, namely as c07-math-424 (the component c07-math-425 of c07-math-426 expresses c07-math-427). These probabilities are required for (partial) likelihood computation. Likelihood estimation for categorical regression models is discussed by Fahrmeir & Kaufmann (1987) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003) as well as in the book by Kedem & Fokianos (2002).

To illustrate Definition 7.4.3, let us consider a particular instance of a categorical GLM: the categorical logit model as discussed by Kedem & Fokianos (2002) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003).

A particular example of the categorical logit model described in Example 7.4.4 is a c07-math-452th-order autoregressive model (analogous to (7.16); see also Kedem & Fokianos (2002) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003)), where c07-math-453 is composed of c07-math-454; that is, of dimension c07-math-455. Hence, the total number of model parameters is given by c07-math-456, with the components’ parameter vectors c07-math-457 being of dimension c07-math-458. So the c07-math-459th-order autoregressive logit model can be understood as a parsimoniously parametrized c07-math-460th-order Markov model; see also Section 7.1. Partitioning the components of c07-math-461 as c07-math-462 with the c07-math-463 consisting of c07-math-464 parameters, we can rewrite the autoregressive logit model’s recursion as

A non-Markovian categorical regression model with an additional feedback component, analogous to equation (7.17), was developed by Moysiadis & Fokianos (2014).

We conclude this section by pointing out that the regression approach can also be used for ordinal time series; see Kedem & Fokianos (2002) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003). To simplify the presentation, we first discuss a marginal regression model, but the model is easily extended to a conditional regression model.

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Figure 7.6 (a) Standard logistic distribution with threshold values; see Example 7.4.6. Ordinal logit AR(1) model from Example 7.4.8: (b) Cohen's c07-math-531, (c) simulated sample path.

The ordinal regression approach of Example 7.4.6 is easily modified to obtain an autoregressive model. As for model (7.19), we skip one component of the binarization c07-math-534 of c07-math-535. But in view of the thresholds (7.20), this time, it is advantageous to define c07-math-536 following c07-math-537 (Example A.3.3). Combining approaches (7.19) and (7.22), we define an ordinal autoregressive logit model as (Fokianos & Kedem, 2003):

Note that the c07-math-539-dimensional parameter vectors c07-math-540 do not depend on c07-math-541 (certainly, this would also be possible), so that the model has only c07-math-542 parameters.

For further information on ordinal regression models, consult Kedem & Fokianos (2002) and Fokianos & Kedem (2003).

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