Chapter 4
INGARCH Models for Count Time Series

The models discussed in Chapter 3 used types of thinning operations to transfer the ARMA model to the count data case. Another popular approach for modeling such stationary processes of counts are the INGARCH models, the definition of which is related to linear regression models (also see Section 5.1). Despite their controversial name, these models are particularly attractive for overdispersed counts with an ARMA-like autocorrelation structure. Results concerning the basic model with a conditional Poisson distribution are presented, but generalizations with, for example, a binomial or negative binomial conditional distribution are also considered.

4.1 Poisson Autoregression

Due to the multiplication problem discussed in Section 2.1 , the ARMA models of Definition B.3.5 are not applicable to the count data case. The models presented in Chapters 2 and 3 circumvented this problem by replacing the multiplications with a type of thinning operation, that ensures that these modified model recursions always produce integer values. The INGARCH models to be presented in this chapter use another solution to the multiplication problem: a linear regression of the conditional means c04-math-001. To construct an AR(1)-like model, for instance, the AR(1) recursion c04-math-002 is transferred to the level of conditional means as c04-math-003. Then the count at time c04-math-004 is generated by using, say, a conditional Poisson distribution – that is, c04-math-005 – thus guaranteeing that the outcomes are always integer values. This approach is not only related to linear regression; it also shares analogies with the definition of an ARCH(1) model (Definition B.4.1.1 ), where the autoregression is defined at the level of conditional variances: c04-math-006. Such ARCH models are extended beyond pure autoregression by also including past conditional variances in the model recursion; see the GARCH equation (B.20). For example, the GARCH(c04-math-007) model is determined by c04-math-008. Picking up this idea, an INGARCH(c04-math-009) model is defined by also including a feedback term, now with respect to the previous conditional mean: c04-math-010.

The full INGARCH model was introduced by Rydberg & Shephard (2000), Heinen (2003) and Ferland et al. (2006). The name indicates that, as mentioned before, this model can be understood as an integer-valued counterpart to the conventional GARCH model, but also see the discussion in Remark 4.1.2 below. Conditioned on the past observations, the INGARCH model assumes an ARMA-like recursion for the conditional mean. Depending on the choice of the conditional distribution family, different INGARCH models are obtained. The basic INGARCH model, which is discussed in this section, assumes a conditional Poisson distribution.

If c04-math-023, the model of Definition 4.1.1 is referred to as the INARCH(p) model.

Although having the equidispersed Poisson distribution as a conditional distribution, the INGARCH model is well suited for overdispersed counts, since it satisfies


provided that these moments exist. In fact, Ferland et al. (2006) showed that for c04-math-024, the INGARCH process exists and is strictly stationary, with finite first- and second-order moments. In this case, the mean equals

and variance and autocovariances are determined by a set of Yule–Walker-like equations (Weiß, 2009c):

where c04-math-027 and c04-math-028. Note the analogy to equations (B.18) for the conventional ARMA model (Appendix B.3 ), and note the difference to the ARCH case (Appendix B.4.1 ), where the non-squared observations are uncorrelated.

Further results concerning likelihood estimation, especially on the asymptotic properties of the resulting ML estimators, are provided by Ferland et al. (2006), Fokianos et al. (2009) and Cui & Wu (2016).

Illustartion of Ericsson stocks: (a) transactions counts, (b) sample autocorrelation, (c) marginal frequencies.

Figure 4.1 Ericsson stocks: (a) transactions counts, (b) sample autocorrelation, (c) marginal frequencies. See Example 4.1.5.

Illustartion of PIT histograms based on (a) fitted Poisson INGARCH(1, 1) and (b) GP-INGARCH(1,1) model.

Figure 4.2 PIT histograms based on (a) fitted Poisson INGARCH(1, 1) and (b) GP-INGARCH(1, 1) model. See Examples 4.1.5 and 4.2.4.

It should be mentioned that the slow decay of the SACF of the transactions counts from Example 4.1.5 is not necessarily caused by a long memory, but might also be explained by, for example, change points in the process (Kirch & Kamgaing, 2016, Generally, it is well known that transactions data often exhibit an intraday pattern because of higher trading activity at the beginning and at the end of a trading day; see, for example, Wood et al. (1985). But here, for illustration, we continue with the INGARCH(1, 1) modeling.

An important subfamily of the INGARCH models from Definition 4.1.1 is the class of purely autoregressive (Poisson) INARCH(p) models, where c04-math-071 and

4.3 equation

Such INARCH models were discussed by Rydberg & Shephard (2000) and Weiß (2009c) in some detail. The INARCH(p) model constitutes a pth-order Markov model, thus being a competitor to the DL-INAR(p) model (3.5). The Poisson INARCH(p) model can also be understood as a particular GINAR(p) model, see the discussion in Section 3.2 . It has simple Poisson transition probabilities,

4.4 equation

which is attractive for CML estimation according to (B.6). It also has a linear conditional mean and variance, both given by c04-math-074 (also see (3.8) for the DL-INAR(p) model). In particular, equations (4.2) simplify to

4.5 equation

that is, we have the typical AR(p) autocorrelation structure (see (B.13)). As a consequence, the model order p can be identified by inspecting the (S)PACF.

Comparing with the discussion in Section 3.1 , it becomes obvious that the INGARCH approach is easier to use when handling a higher-order ARMA-like autocorrelation structure than the INARMA approach; see also Remark 4.1.3. On the other hand, closed-form expressions for the stationary marginal distribution or for c04-math-076-step ahead forecasting distributions are difficult to find, even in the simplest case of an INARCH(1) model.

While the 1-step-ahead conditional properties of the INARCH(1) model are very simple, there is no closed-form formula for the stationary marginal distribution, or for the c04-math-087-step-ahead conditional properties with c04-math-088. To obtain these, at least numerically, the MC approximation of Remarks and 2.6.3 has to be adopted.

Illustartion of Strikes: (a) counts, (b) sample autocorrelation, (c) marginal frequencies.

Figure 4.5 Strikes: (a) counts, (b) sample autocorrelation, (c) marginal frequencies; see Example 4.1.8.

4.2 Further Types of INGARCH Models

The standard INGARCH model with its conditional Poisson distribution exhibits unconditional overdispersion, but the degree of overdispersion is determined by the actual autocorrelation structure (say, c04-math-125 for the Poisson INARCH(1) model from Example 4.1.6). As a consequence, this model was not able to describe the strong volatility of the transactions counts in Example 4.1.5. To overcome this limitation, Xu et al. (2012) proposed the family of dispersed INARCH models (DINARCH), which again assume a linear relationship for the conditional mean (see (4.3)), but include an additional (constant) scaling factor c04-math-126 for the conditional variance:

So the characteristic feature is a time-invariant conditional dispersion index, being equal to c04-math-128. Obviously, the Poisson INARCH model is an instance of the DINARCH model with c04-math-129.

For the case c04-math-130 (see Example 4.1.6), the unconditional mean and variance are given by

that is, c04-math-132 allows control of the (unconditional) degree of dispersion independently of c04-math-133 (Xu et al., 2012).

A brief overview of the different INGARCH models is provided in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Specific INGARCH models, where the conditional mean c04-math-152 satisfies c04-math-153

Model Conditional distribution Conditional dispersion index
Poi. INGARCH c04-math-154 1
NBXu-INGARCH c04-math-155 with c04-math-156 c04-math-157
NBZhu-INGARCH c04-math-158 with c04-math-159 c04-math-160
GP-INGARCH c04-math-161 with c04-math-162 c04-math-163
ZIP-INGARCH c04-math-164 with c04-math-165 c04-math-166

Both types of NB-INGARCH model (as well as the GP-INGARCH model to be discussed in the next example) are instances of the CP-INGARCH model (see Example A.1.2 about the compound Poisson distribution) introduced by Gonçalves et al. (2015). It is given by

4.9 equation

where c04-math-168 denotes the pgf of the compounding distribution (assumed to be normalized to c04-math-169 for uniqueness), which is generally allowed to depend on time c04-math-170 through past observations. If c04-math-171 is constant in time, then the above condition c04-math-172 still guarantees the existence of a strictly stationary and ergodic solution for the CP-INGARCH model, having finite first- and second-order moments (Gonçalves et al., 2015). Further restricting to the case c04-math-173, the resulting CP-INARCH model becomes an instance of the DINARCH model, where c04-math-174.

Note that Zhu (2012a) also allows c04-math-182 to become negative (conditional underdispersion), but this case has to be considered with caution in view of the problems discussed below (Example A.1.6 ).

The INGARCH approach also allows generation of zero inflation.

Finally, let us have a look at the case of counts having the finite range c04-math-198 with some fixed upper limit c04-math-199 (see also the discussion in Section 3.3). None of the above models can be used in such a situation, since the respective conditional distribution has an unbounded range.

As for the other INARCH(1) models, there are no closed-form expressions available for the stationary marginal distribution or the c04-math-214-step-ahead conditional distributions with c04-math-215. But due to the finite range, and in complete analogy to the case of the beta-binomial AR(1) model (see the discussion in Section 3.3), these can be exactly computed numerically by utilizing the Markov property; see Appendix B.2.1 for details.

4.3 Multivariate INGARCH Models

While a lot of thinning-based models for multivariate counts have been proposed in the literature – see Section 3.4 for some of these models – little work has been done concerning multivariate extensions of the INGARCH model. A bivariate Poisson INGARCH(1,1) model is presented in Chapter 4 of Liu (2012); also see the works by Heinen & Rengifo (2003) and Andreassen (2013). Analogous to Definition 4.1.1, the bivariate counts c04-math-232, conditioned on c04-math-233, are assumed to be bivariately Poisson distributed (Example A.3.1 ) according to c04-math-234, where the conditional mean c04-math-235, with c04-math-236 for c04-math-237, satisfies

where c04-math-239, and where c04-math-240 are non-negative matrices. Liu (2012) shows that a unique stationary solution for c04-math-241 given by (4.14) exists if the largest absolute eigenvalue of c04-math-242 is smaller than 1, and if c04-math-243 for some c04-math-244. Here, the c04-math-245 denotes the induced norm corresponding to the conventional vector c04-math-246-norm. To guarantee ergodicity, c04-math-247 for some c04-math-248 is also required. The stationary mean of c04-math-249 equals c04-math-250, and formulae for variance and autocovariance are provided by Heinen & Rengifo (2003). The latter work mainly concentrates on an extension of the Poisson distribution, the so-called double Poisson distribution, and it deals with the general multivariate case. In addition, to allow for more flexible cross-correlation, a copula-based approach is presented; see also Andreassen (2013). A type of multivariate INARCH(1) model (expandable by trend and seasonal component) was proposed by Held et al. (2005).

An INARCH model for bivariate counts with range c04-math-251 was proposed by Scotto et al. (2014). Analogous to (4.10), their bivariate binomial INARCH(1) model (c04-math-252-INARCH(1)-INARCH) assumes the bivariate counts c04-math-253, conditioned on c04-math-254, to be c04-math-255-distributed (Example A.3.5 ) as

where c04-math-257 for c04-math-258, and where


Scotto et al. (2014) showed that the c04-math-259-INARCH(1) process constitutes a stationary, ergodic and c04-math-260-mixing Markov chain with the transition probabilities being determined by (4.15), where the components c04-math-261 for c04-math-262 are just univariate binomial INARCH(1) processes with parameters c04-math-263. The cross-covariance function has the form (Scotto et al., 2014):

4.16 equation

and may take also negative values, depending on the sign of c04-math-265.

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