Chapter 2. IDE Integration with Maven

In this chapter, we will see how to set up and use Maven with three popular Java Integrated Development Environments (IDE). We will cover the following recipes:

  • Creating a new Maven project in Eclipse
  • Importing an existing Maven project in Eclipse
  • Creating a new Maven project in NetBeans
  • Importing an existing Maven project in NetBeans
  • Creating a new Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA
  • Importing an existing Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA


IDE improves developer productivity by performing the following functions:

  • Creating boilerplate code
  • Carrying out code completion
  • Identifying syntax issues
  • Performing tasks such as compilation, unit testing, and deploying to web/app servers

While Maven is primarily intended to be a command-line tool, IDEs help developers enjoy as well as exploit Maven features in better ways. The integration of Maven with IDE helps us to automatically download dependencies and quickly search for dependencies through the UI, among other benefits.

The IDE integration of Maven has improved over the years and most Maven features can be set through IDE now.

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