Chapter 5. Dependency Management

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Choosing the scope of dependency
  • Getting a report of dependencies
  • Getting into dependency and avoiding dependency hell
  • Downloading dependencies into a folder
  • Understanding SNAPSHOT dependencies
  • Handling dependency download errors
  • Detecting unused/undeclared dependencies
  • Manually installing dependencies that are not available in a repository
  • Dependency management using Eclipse
  • Dependency management using NetBeans
  • Dependency management using IntelliJ IDEA


One of the powerful features of Maven is managing the dependencies required by the project. It is rare for a project to be developed without using other dependencies. The typical issues in using dependencies relate to the number and choice of dependencies, their versions, and the transitive dependencies (a project dependency, in turn, being dependent on other dependencies).

Maven has a way of managing the dependencies, as well as providing users with enough flexibility to handle complexities, as they arise.

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