Chapter 8. Handling Typical Build Requirements

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Including and excluding additional resources
  • Including and excluding source files and folders
  • Configuring Maven to search for plugins
  • Working in offline mode
  • Controlling the verbosity of the Maven output
  • Using the Maven Help plugin
  • Using the Maven SCM plugin
  • Generating changelogs for a site


In previous chapters, we have seen how to set up Apache Maven to build software projects. We have also seen how to configure it to analyze code quality and code coverage. We have seen how to generate and publish project documentation.

As we use Apache Maven, we will encounter requirements that are not generic, but at the same time, not rare. In many projects, there would be a need to include additional source or resource folders. We will see how Maven allows us to do this. We would also want to get more verbose output from Maven to help troubleshoot when things go wrong. We will also see to what extent we can get the Maven build working without the Internet. We will also see how Maven works with software configuration management (SCM) systems and allows SCM changes to be part of project documentation.

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