Reloading OFBiz seed and demo data

You may rebuild OFBiz and reload all configured databases with distribution data from the original seed and demo data files included in the download at any time. If you have not changed the original data loading configuration, the procedure discussed here will return your OFBiz database to its initial state.


The state of the official OFBiz download site is in a constant state of flux. As of this writing, Release 9.04 downloads acquired from the stable release download link require a build as described here before they will work correctly. This could change at anytime. Be aware of this requirement and act accordingly

Note: "seed" data is considered essential to successful OFBiz operations. "Demo" data is provided by the various applications to demonstrate the workings of application features and functions.

Getting ready

Before following this recipe, ensure these steps are performed:

  1. Navigate to the OFBiz install directory.
  2. If OFBiz is running, shut it down.
  3. Open a command line or console window.

How to do it...

To return the OFBiz database to its initial state by reloading all "seed" and "demo" data, run the provided ANT tool as follows:

  1. From the command line, execute the following command:
    ant run-install
  2. Restart OFBiz.

How it works...

Running the provided ANT script with a target of run-install starts up OFBiz and instructs it to reload the database with all available data. OFBiz will search the current instance's installation environment looking for configured data files to load, and then load those files' data into the database. Upon completion of this process, OFBiz shuts down and returns control to the command-line prompt.

There's more...

Running ANT run-install without first removing existing data will write data as record updates to the database. Many times you will want to first purge the database of existing data, and then run the ANT script with the run-install target to return the database to its initial, out-of-the-box state. To first remove all the data from the configured database(s), run the following from the OFBiz install directory:

ant clean-data

If you want to remove all log files, compiled class files, as well as data from the database, you can run the following ANT command from the install directory:

ant clean-all
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