Building a single OFBiz Component

Each OFBiz Component may be built independently from any other Component. If you only want to add, modify, or delete Java code within a single Component, there is no need to build the entire distribution. You may simply rebuild the Component in which the code is located. You don't even need to stop the currently running instance until after the build is complete and you are ready to test your new build.

Getting ready

Ensure the following prerequisites:

  1. Navigate to the Component you wish to rebuild.
  2. Open a command-line window.

How to do it...

Build an OFBiz Component by following these steps:

  1. From the command line, invoke the following ANT command (on a Unix system):
  2. Return to the OFBiz install directory and restart OFBiz.

How it works...

Each OFBiz Component has a build.xml customized to rebuild that Component in its root directory location. By navigating to the top-level directory for any Component and invoking the ant command at that location, you automatically tell ant to use the build.xml file located there as its configuration setting.


If you want to do this in Windows, you will need to specify the path to the ant batch file.

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