Creating a new administrative user

To change the default administrative user's login from "admin" to another value, follow this recipe.

Getting ready

Ensure these steps are performed:

  1. Navigate to the OFBiz install directory.
  2. If OFBiz is already running, shut it down.
  3. Open a command line window.

How to do it...

To create a new administrative user, perform these steps:

  1. Type in the following ant command where NewUserLoginName is the value for the user login identifier:
    ant load-admin-user-login -DuserLoginId=NewUserLoginName


    The NewUserLoginName as shown must be less than or equal to 255 ASCII characters in length, and not contain any back or space characters.

  2. Restart OFBiz.
  3. Log in to OFBiz as the administrative user using the new login name as entered in step 1 and using a password of "ofbiz".
  4. When prompted to change the administrative user's password, enter the new password or "ofbiz" to maintain the existing value.

How it works...

Similar to the process for changing the admin user's password as described in the previous recipe, this ant command rebuilds OFBiz and loads the database with a single entity containing the admin user's new login name as passed from the ant invocation and a password of "ofbiz". It also sets a flag indicating that the next time this user logs in using this new login name, they must change the password. When next the administrative user logs in, they will be prompted to change the password. At that time, the password may be reset to a new value or the "ofbiz" value can be re-entered.

There's more...

The administrative user's login and password may be changed in this way any number of times.

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